This will short crack shots where I will put my insanity to the test. Don't be surprised if these makes no sense and will have weird situation. Make suggestions to my book of Crack shots
1. Erza is a pervert and loves Natsu (Like obsessed) so just a warning so do most of the women in fairy tail so Natsu x harem. inspiration from A win is a win, giraffes bears periods oh my and a little from Awakening
It was a normal day in Magnolia, Fairy Tail was in a brawl Erza was eating cake day dreaming about a pick haired dragon slayer as were most females in the guild. Then it all started. Gajeel, Natsu, and Wendy said that most people should stay away from them as mating season was starting and they didn't want to do anything sexual with any one because of it. Oh but the females of Fairy Tail were already planning on a way to get Natsu to 'mate' with them. The news was broadcast throughout the guilds that no one should go near the three first generation dragon slayers. Now all of the guilds knew that Natsu was up for grabs by the first person to find him. If that wasn't enough Wendy had a plan to age herself to be able to mate with Natsu.
Crime Sorcièr Guild Hall:
Wendy had showed up and she was determined to get Ultear to age her. So she fought Meredy who unfortunately got her into Dragon Force as she said that she herself had wanted to be married to Dragneel.
Natsu's secret hidey hole:
It was under fire women from al around had found it and were trying to break in. Oh god he should have never said anything and just said he was searching for Igneel so this wouldn't happen. Finals they got in all they could be said after this was a lot of girls were not able to walk after it. Now cue fight between Wendy and Erza (Wendy is 18 as Ultear aged her)
"Wendy you should not be trying to hit on Natsu you are still just 12 no matter how much you age your body"
"Your just saying that because you want Natsu for yourself"
"No a dignified lady such as my self would never do something as that"
"Then why did I find this in your room"
*pulls out book labeled big sister x little brother lessons*
"What is that book"
"It is porn about a little brother getting taught how to pleasure a lady by his big sister and all of the big sisters say Erza and little brothers are labeled Natsu"
And that is all for the first crack shot I will do I did this for fun so enjoy insanity have fun reading this series of unrelated crack shots