A/N- Hi! Um, so I know that the last chapter ended weirdly... For some reason FF cut it off, so just read this chapter like you're still on the last chapter, I guess... Thanks to Yuyui Hime for pointing it out!

She threw her cup in the trash and took one last bite of cake before leaving. She could hear Natsu's motorcycle as it drove away, and she waved, a slight blush creeping up on her cheeks.

Her phone buzzed, indicating a new text. She sighed and turned it on, seeing Levy's profile picture(Her and Lucy on the Ferris Wheel) next to the words, "Sooo how'd it go, Lu? Did you kiss kiss fall in love yet?"

Lucy choked on the cake that was still in her mouth. She swallowed quickly before replying.

"Shut it, Levy! We are not in love!" She typed as she opened her car door. She sat down and waited for a reply.

"Ooh, you so are!" Levy replied. Lucy growled, but her face was bright red.

"Shut it. Gtg ttyl." She typed, powering off her phone before she could see Levy's reply.

'Calm down, Lucy, don't let her into your head. You're not in love! He just... Wanted to see you in the least romantic way possible!' She told herself silently as she turned on her car.

The drive home was spent bickering with herself. She ended up with a bright red face and a very confused mind.

She sighed and stretched before she got out of her car. "OK, Lucy, it's all over now. Just go in there and go to sleep." She commanded herself as she stood up and slammed the car door shut. She pulled her keys out of her purse and walked to the door.

She swung the door open, and her eyes were met with the hallway lights blazing. She blinked in confusion. "Didn't I turn those off?" She asked herself quietly, already digging in her purse for her pepper spray.

She cautiously turned the corner into the living room. The TV was on, and on her couch sat...

"Natsu?" Lucy shrieked, dropping her pepper spray. Natsu looked up and waved, smiling.

"Hey, Luce! Your window was open, so I decided to come in." He said conversationally, as if sneaking into someone's home was normal.

Happy, who was in Natsu's lap, mewed softly. Natsu blinked and looked down. "Oh yeah! Happy wanted to see you!" He held up the blue cat, and Lucy glared.

"That's why you broke into my house?" She cried, but she took Happy nonetheless. Happy purred contentedly.

"Technically you left the window open, so it's your fault." He pointed out, pausing the TV. Lucy growled.

"No it's not! You didn't have to climb into the window!" She shrieked. Natsu crossed his arms.

"But Happy wanted to see you." He pouted. Lucy sighed.

"OK... You know what? Fine. Stay for all I care!" She yelled. "But I'm keeping Happy!" She ran out of the room with the cat still sleeping in her arms. She could hear the TV turn off and the sound of Natsu standing up. Lucy looked at Happy.

"You're lucky you're so cute, cat, or I'd kick you both outta my house." He said to him. Happy just purred some more.

Lucy turned into the kitchen and sat down, and Natsu followed a few minutes later.

"Hey, a kitchen!" He grinned. "Are you gonna cook us dinner?" He looked at Lucy with a pleading look in his onyx eyes. Lucy sighed.

"No way!" She glared. "You snuck into my house! I'm not giving you food for it!" She yelled... At an empty space. She turned around, and saw Natsu, rifling through her fridge. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You know what? Fine. But you're cooking." She turned away from him. Natsu chuckled nervously.

"Um..." He mumbled. "I can't cook."

"What?" Lucy looked at Natsu, who was suddenly very quiet.

"I can't. I dunno how." He looked at her. "You've gotta cook instead, cause if you don't I might burn your house down."

Lucy took a deep breath and counted to ten. "Fine! What do you want me to cook, Master? Hamburgers? Fish?"

Happy looked and a meowed excitedly. Lucy looked at him. "Fish?" She said again. Happy meowed again. Natsu chuckled.

"He loves fish." He said. Lucy nodded.

"Alright then. Fish it is!" Lucy said, internally promising to kick them out as soon as dinner was done.

That promise was broken, though, when Natsu fell asleep with Happy on his stomach after they finished eating.

Lucy smiled. "When they're not being crazy, they're actually pretty cute." She said softly, leaning over them. Natsu mumbled something. "Huh?"

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" He mumbled, his hand forming a fist and then shooting up, just missing Lucy's head. Lucy growled.

"I spoke too soon." She turned and walked away. As she climbed into bed, she realized how crazy she had become. She was letting an almost complete stranger sleep in her house! Her father wouldn't like that very much.

She smiled. Good. Her last thought before sleep overtook her was, 'Sleep well, Natsu.'

In the morning when Lucy went down for breakfast, Natsu wasn't there. The couch he had fallen asleep on was empty, and the small blanket she had put over them was folded neatly. A note sat on top, scribbled in pink, messy, childish handwriting that showed that he didn't write very much.

"Thanks for letting us crash here, Luce! You're a great cook! I might have to hire you!" The note said. Underneath the message, his signature was scribbled in pink. "P.S. Why do you only have pink pens?"

Lucy smiled to herself, her cheeks turning pink. She took the note and put it in her purse, and then went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When she went in there, though, a scream tore out of her throat in horror. It was an absolute mess, with burn marks all over the oven and eggs smashed all over the floor. On the table, a plate of burned toast and messy, wet eggs sat, still steaming slightly. Lucy sighed.

"He wasn't lying when he said he couldn't cook." She said softly, sitting down and poking at the eggs apprehensively. They jiggled like he had put Jell-O mix in them. Lucy stifled a gag and tossed the eggs down the drain as she bit into the rock hard toast.

She managed to find a few non-cracked eggs in the mess and made some new scrambled eggs, which she ate quickly before heading off to work.

Her car pulled up in front of the Soccer Weekly building. It was a tall building, with the logo on the front and offices lining the inside.

Lucy stepped inside and nodded to the receptionist, Mirajane, who was also the top model for the swimsuit editions. Even in a business suit, with a pencil sticking out from behind her left ear and barely any makeup on her face, she practically glowed with beauty. Her white hair was kept up in a pony tail which poofed out behind her and trailed down the back of her suit.

"Good morning, Lucy!" Mira said kindly. Lucy couldn't help but smile.

"Morning, Mira!" She said back as she walked past the desk.

"Wait, Lucy! Jason said he wants to see you!" Mira called to Lucy. Lucy turned around and flashed Mirajane a grin.

"Thanks, Mira!" She said as she walked into the elevator. It was relatively empty, save the intern, Wendy Marvell.

Wendy was a small girl at the age of 13. She had long bright blue hair that fell down her face and ended around her waist. Her eyes shined with kindness.

"Hi, Lucy-san!" She smiled at Lucy. Lucy smiled back.

"Good morning, Wendy! I didn't know you came in this early." Wendy shrugged.

"I decided to come in early today, because Jason-san said when I turned fourteen I might get a promotion." She said. Lucy nodded.

"You're almost fourteen, right?" She asked. Wendy nodded, smiling happily.

"Yep! A few more months!" The doors opened with a ding. "This is my floor. See you later, Lucy-san!" She waved as she stepped out of the elevator.

Lucy waited patiently for her floor. When it came, she stepped out and walked quickly to her boss's office.

She knocked on the door softly. "You wanted to see me?" She asked as she stepped inside. Jason grinned.

"Oh, Lucy, it's so cooooooool!" He cried, his glasses almost falling off of his head. "I had no idea you had such a cooool boyfriend!"

Lucy's eyes widened. "Huh?"

"I was walking around your cooool neighborhood when I saw that cooool Natsu walk up to your house!" Jason fan-boyed. Lucy blushed.

"H-He's n-not my b-boyfriend! Don't jump to conclusions!" She cried. "He snuck into my house! It's not my fault he a crazy person!"

"Oh... I guess that was a coool mistake..." He mumbled. Lucy sighed.

"It's fine, sir. Is there anything else you wanted?" She asked. Jason nodded.

"I need you to interview Igneel for a new article we're doing." Lucy blinked.

"I'm an editor, sir, not a reporter." She pointed out. Jason nodded.

"I know that! Our lead reporter is taking a vacation so we need you to do it."

"Is this a promotion?" Lucy asked. Jason nodded.

"Yes! Only temporary, though. Isn't it cooool?" He asked. Lucy grinned.

"Thank you, sir! I won't let you down!" She promised as she walked out of the room. Once inside of her office, she jumped a few times for joy.

Her office was a neat little room in the corner of the building. It had a large window on one side, and three walls covered in pictures and newspaper clippings. A desk sat on one end, with a plushy rolling chair behind it and a computer on top. A beanbag chair sat in the corner, along with a bin of extra phone and laptop chargers so she'd never run out.

She sat down in her chair and flipped on her computer, her face glowing with happiness.

"Lucy," She told herself. "this is the greatest day of your life!"

A/N- Hey... So I'm not gonna do these A/N things every chapter. It sort of clutters the chapter, and I know no one reads them anyway.

Also, it was supposed to end there. I'm...not very good at endings. I hope the chapter turned out OK, though! I tried to keep it as close to canon as possible without losing the AU part of it.

Anyway, thanks for reading!