Hey guys thank you so much for the reviews/follows/favorites! It really means alot. This chapter is about Percy all loopy at camp, then I am thinking about one last chapter about Percy's reaction to all of this! Tell me what you think :-)
Also check out my other stories!
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"Annie, my mouth hurts," Percy whined from beside me. He had his hand on his cheeks.
How did I get myself into this? I thought. Loopy Percy is a type of Percy I don't want to know. Annabeth was pulling into camp along with Percy, Hazel and I. Beside me, Percy was mumbling incoherent sentences to his fish. I wish that sounded more normal, but no; A son of a sea god with fish he "rescued", all hopped up on loopy gas sounds pretty normal.
Percy is slapping his cheeks annoyingly when we finally pull up to the Big House. I quickly leave a confused Percy behind in the car, and all I hear from the inside is, "it's alright, we're home now buddies". I shake my head. This is going to be the best day ever.
Percy hops out of the car in his light blue shirt with cargo pants and his bandages around his head along with the gauze in his mouth. Campers start to notice and start snickering. Percy notices somehow through his suptor, and glares at all of them. They stop laughing. Even in his current state, he was still intimidating. He whispers to his shirt, "it's okay, don't listen to them." By 3 o'clock, the whole camp knows about Percy being all high on laughing gas.
I found it funny that the sea matched Percy's personality for the day. It didn't hit me until right then that whatever mood he was in, the sea outside his cabin would react the same way. The waves were all over the place, crashing loudly then softly. Waves broke early or late, and the winds changed constantly. The tides and swells were ever-changing. It was like they didn't know how to act normal.
I stick around with Annabeth and Percy, so I could get some footage of some funny moments while Hazel went to see Frank. The first thing Percy did was run to the lake and jump in to free his stupid fish. He floated in the water, while still being dry, and was saying goodbye to his friends in the lake while tearing up. The whole situation looked like a son/daughter leaving for college, and the parents crying to see them go.
"And remember, Dory, don't let Nemo get into trouble," Percy said to one fish. He was acting out the whole parent thing perfectly, he even had the finger pointing down and everything. Annabeth was laughing pretty hard, and I couldn't help but laugh too. Percy said his final goodbyes and came out of the lake.
"They grew up so fast," Percy said onto the lake with some false seriousness. Maybe he tried to sound psychological, but the bandages around his head kinda ruined the picture. He turned around and faced Annabeth. He looked down at her leg and gasped.
"Annabeth!" He said as he picked her up bridal style. She looked scared. I would be scared too, who knows what this madman will do.
"Your leg is broken!" He pointed to a scar on her leg that has been there since the war, and she tired to keep from laughing. The situation was drawing a crowd. Percy looked worried, actually. I have no idea why he thinks her leg is broken, but it shows how much he cares for her. Or maybe he's high on magical drugs.
Percy ran over to the ledge to the lake and set her down on the edge while he jumped in. He was completely dry, again, and concentrating to try to heal her with his magic healing water powers that are so not cool. Not even a bit.
Annabeth filled with mock grace and said, "Oh my Gods! It feels better!" Percy smiled a smile that would probably be painful for him in his state.
"It's what we learn here at Camp, Annie," he says as he pulls himself out of the lake. Annabeth rolls her eyes at him, wondering why he thought they taught him that.
The camp members say in unison, "Awwwwww!" Annabeth's cheeks flush.
Percy tears his gaze off of Annabeth and stares at me. It was weird. He just stared. I didn't know what to do, and I was about to say something when he interrupted.
"I bet they don't teach those things at camp stupider," he said as he picks his fingernails. Camp Stupider? Really? Where does he come up with this? I rolled my eyes. I was not getting into a fight with Percy Jackson while he was high. And in front of nearly the whole camp. I looked around to see Piper laughing so hard she was crying. When she laughs, her eyebrows crinkle up and he eyes glisten, and I think it's about the cutest thing in the world.
Percy starts laughing hysterically like when he did during the fish incident and came over and punched me in the shoulder. "Man, I was kidding, but I'm funny. You need to write this stuff down," Percy said while laying a hand on my shoulder. Man, he is so touchey-feely, I thought. Poor Annabeth, she has to get the heart of it. He constantly keeps playing with her hair like some little kid.
Percy was about to talk again when he stopped at ran over to someone in the crowd. It was Nico DiAngelo! Percy hugged Nico, which was weird, and Nico just stood there straight as a stick. He looked uncomfortable as all campers stared at the two.
"Soooo, Percy," Nico said while staring at the bandages around Percy's face, "What is going on.." He looked around for some explanation. He stared at me and I just laughed. I know I shouldn't have, but the whole situation was funny.
"He got his wisdom teeth out," I said to Nico. He just nodded. He turned back to Percy and said, "he hasn't gotten much wiser," in a dry voice. I scoffed, since when did Nico have a sense of humor? I thought to myself. It was a terrible joke, but the whole camp laughed at Nico's attempt. Percy started laughing hysterically again, but I don't think he understood the joke.
Percy stopped suddenly and said directly at Nico, "remember when you played Mythomagic, Death Breath? And that time when Annie and I saved you and Bianca's life? Oh, Bianaca-" He was cut off by Annabeth telling him to stop and "go jump in the lake or something".
My head was buzzing. Mythomagic, Bianca? Nico's face became paler, (if that was even possible) and he looked sad. Some of the campers around me looked sad, while others looked confused. Everyone was waiting for Nico's reaction. He had a faint smile and was following Percy with his dark eyes.
Percy was heading back with an angry Annabeth to his cabin, and I followed, still trying to get the whole thing on tape. Before I left, I said to Nico, "he didn't mean it, he is high on loopy gas, everything kinda comes out." Nico nodded and smiled. "I'm sure he didn't." And with that high note I left to go to Percy's cabin.
I'm sure Percy and Annabeth will sort this problem out with Nico after Percy is all normal, I didn't need to be apart of it. But I did still feel bad for Nico. Especially since Nico has a crush on Percy and Percy is still too dumb to figure it out.
I was walking into the house when I heard Percy say, "My doctor wrote me a prescription for dailysex but my girlfriend says it says dyslexia,"
My initial reaction was, what is going on in there? I was gone one minute. By second reaction was laughter. It was the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life. I could hear Annabeth inside roaring with laughter and Percy snickering at his joke. I opened the door while still laughing and saw Percy dancing around without a shirt on. I don't know how that happened and I don't want to know, honestly.
I remembered the song he was dancing to. It was an old song from Guardians of the Galaxy. When Percy, Nico, Frank, Leo and I first saw the movie, I remember him moving to the beat in his seat, But I thought it was because of his ADHD.
"IIIIIIIIII'm hooked on a feeling," he danced towards Annabeth and took his hand out so she could dance with him. Percy was drunk dancing, nearly falling over his own feet in addition to Annabeth's.
Annabeth was laughing and singing along with him, dancing the same way he was. This was the first time I saw them let loose; at least when I saw them.
"Come on Superman, show us your moves," Percy said to me. I shook my head and thought hell no. Although, I did have to admit, it was a catchy song. I caught myself starting to sing and stopped. I sat on the edge of the unmade bed and watched the couple.
Percy and Annabeth sang every word in unison, dancing and laughing and never looking away from each other. It made me think, what other things do they do together like this? They actually seem like real teenagers without a care in the world.
The song stopped and they both fell on the bed, laughing. I sat on the edge, still looking creepy while staring at them.
Annabeth had her head on his shoulder with her arm draped over his other shoulder. Percy had his arm around her waist and was messing with her hair. Even on laughing gas, Percy still made Annabeth crazy for him.
"I'm tired Jason," Percy turned towards me. What was I supposed to do about it? Magically make him sleep? I was about to respond when his head fell on my shoulder and he fell asleep. Great. It would just be my luck if Piper were to walk in...
I took his head off my shoulder and layed him down on his pillow. I felt like I was tucking in my child. As I leave the room, I look back to see Annabeth curled up next to Percy, staring at the ceiling. She waved goodbye and I waved and headed back to the Big House.