.I do not own the Powerpuff girls or any of the characters related to the cartoon. They all belong to Craig the places mentioned here are purely fictional.

Okay..well I'm back and I know that it was a long time without publishing a new chapter.I can't believe I didn't publish since 2016.I'm so sorry dear readers, but I've been a little busy working,and I also had a writers block(It's horrible).Again I apologize for taking so long to writers block helped me write other stories though.I have a lot of ideas for stories of the PPGS right now, but I think it's better if I finish this story first. I'm sure you very much prefer to read, so I'll stop rambling, and let you read the chapter,Enjoy!

Chapter 18:Hidden map

Meanwhile in Townsville

John Utonium, the Mayor, and Mitch were gathered at a table at Townsville's Saloon discussing Buttercup's last was about 3'o clock in the afternoon, and there weren't many people around since Princess wouldn't open until seven.

"When did the letter arrive?",Mitch asked

"This morning, and it says here she wrote it February 6th",Utonium responded

"So she sent it yesterday",Mitch said

"Yes, the messenger from Silvertown said it arrived by train yesterday late in the evening coming from Megaville,and that it was required to be delivered immediately",John added

"Megaville?,That's far away what could Buttercup be doing over there",the Mayor wondered.

"Well it says here that's where Bubbles was taken, and as soon as she rescues her they'll be letting us know"John added

"Wow that's far way almost a week of travel!",Mitch said surprised.

"I know but B.C says she isn't alone because some friends are helping",John smiled

"I hope they find my granddaughter, and rescue her",The Mayor said

"I'm sure they will. You know B.C she never gives up"Mitch said in assurance

"That's true, but even if she has people helping her I'm still worried. She mentioned that it's not only the gangreen gang, but there are others involved in the kidnapping"John said concerned

"Really? Who?",Mitch asked curious

"The gun for hire Mojo, and HIM Williams"John said

"WHAT?",Mitch said spitting his whiskey.

"Seriously! Mojo? as in the Rabid Monkey?"Mitch asked.

"Unfortunately, yes but I'm not sure who HIM Williams is",John said thinking.

"I know that last name is familiar, but I can't seem to remember where I have read it or heard it",the Mayor said.

"He's just one of the wealthiest man on this side of the country"Princess said while wiping the mess Mitch made.

"Oh Princess! I didn't notice you were there. How long have you been listening?",Mitch asked

"Long enough...That man you mentioned is filthy rich, and possesses some of the trains that travel through the Central Railway",Princess said

"Oh yeah I think I remember, now. He was one of the men who invested on the railway, right?"John said and Princess nodded.

"Yes, my dad said he met him during one of the first train travels, and said the guy was rather elegant",Princess said.

"What would a fancy-schmancy man want to do with this kidnapping?", Mitch asked confused

"The legendary gold mine remember?",John said

"Oh yeah the one that doesn't even exist",Mitch said taking a gulp of whiskey.

"I'm not sure anymore. I'm staring to believe the mine does exist, and that it would be easier if we left this town. If there are that many dangerous men trying to find it then I guess will have to do what they say"The Mayor sighed

"Don't say that Mayor we still have some time, I'm sure Buttercup will be here with Bubbles soon in fact I bet my hat they're already on their way here",Mitch assured.

"I hope so",the Mayor sighed

"Not that I don't believe in B.C, but it has been almost two weeks since she left. Shouldn't we be sending a message to the capital about what is happening? I'm sure they can help us or send a troop to guard our town",Princess reasoned.

"That's what I've been thinking, but the Mayor says he doesn't want to, because he doesn't want to risk harming Bubbles",John sighed

"Besides sending a letter all the way to Citysville will take some days",John said

"Not really if it's sent by Pony express to Silvertown, and then by train to Citisville"Princess reasoned

"Princess is right why didn't I thought of that before"John said happy.

"I wish the telegraph worked"Mitch huffed.

"I told you all we should have hired someone to fix the line, but no-one ever listens!"Princess reprimanded as she left towards the back of the room to take away the trash.

"Well, that's already in the past", the Mayor said setting down his cup. "John please send a letter to Citysville requesting their help ASAP" The Mayor said determined. "Like Princess said a lot of time has passed,and we need all the help we can get", The Mayor said looking at John

"On it Mayor"John said taking his hat and walking towards the door. He stopped when he saw Fuzzy Lumpkins at the entrance with another man he'd never seen before.

"Sorry, Mr. Lumpkins, but the saloon is not yet open. Please come back in a few hours"Mitch said apologetic.

"Mr. Mitchelson thank you so much for letting us know, but we aren't here to buy anything",Lumpkins said making John, the Mayor and Mitch look at each other puzzled.

"Allow me to introduce you to Sir Him Williams",Lumpkins said introducing the other man who graciously walked up to meet them.

"What?",The Mayor said surprised

"Hello, Nice to meet you gentlemen"Him said trying to shake their hands, but they were to shocked to respond.

"And there is more", Lumpkins said grinning making them confused.

Immediately after several burly armed men entered the saloon followed by the gangreen gang, and a grinning man that John had seen so many times in the wanted posters. John and Mitch tried to attack them, but were stopped on their tracks when the burly men pointed their guns at them.

"Mr. Lumpkins what is the meaning of this?",The Mayor asked angrily eying his granddaughters captors.

"I know what it rat had been working with them all 's why the kidnapping was so perfect",John spat bitterly at Lumpkins

"Sheriff you're so smart you should be given a medal",Lumpkins laughed along with the others.

"I can't believe it Lumpkins! Your son was going to marry Bubbles. Why did you do this?,the Mayor asked disbelieving

"Oh, Eugene, Eugene there are more important things than some stupid wedding",Lumpkins said laughing.

"Yeah like mythical gold mine! Hate to break it to you, but that mine is just a myth"Mitch said grinning.

"Don't be so sure boy",Him said holding a weird looking key.

Princess pov

Princess was currently at the back of the saloon taking out the thrash totally unaware of what was happening to her friends inside.

"Ugh, Stupid chores! I wish dad would hire someone to do this, but no he says I need to learn to earn my own money,and be a respectable Morebucks blablabla",Princess said bitterly throwing the trash in a bin.

"Then he leaves me alone to tend the saloon while he travels to that stupid Zoo grand opening or whatever. What's so interesting about seeing a bunch of animals trapped in some cages. He should have taken me with him, and now I would be having fun buying dresses instead of being here working like a mule",Princess mumbled a little more wiping some sweat from her forehead.

The sudden noise of some horses neigh and several men's voices caught her attention and made her roll her eyes in annoyance.

"C'mon people we haven't opened yet. Don't people know how to read the board", Princess thought annoyed as she walked towards the front

She was about to go tell them kindly, to get lost!, but some familiar faces caught her attention so she decided to hide.

"What are those weirdos doing here? No ,don't tell me they captured Buttercup trying to rescue Bubbles or worse they killed them?", Princess thought panicked.

Princess discretely went to the back of the Saloon and entered through the backdoor silently and hid behind some barrels. From the snippets she could hear apparently they were here for that mine, and the man with the elegant suit was holding a weird looking key.

"What is that?, the Mayor asked.

"This key opens the place were the map of the mine is hidden",HIM said.

"As you all are familiar several years ago the Mayor's great grandfather Paul Wilson along with other men were looking for a mine"HIM started

"Yeah we know, and its all a myth because they didn't find anything, so then they decided to fund this town",Mitch said annoyed

"That's true, but what you don't know is that there were two men who didn't give up the search,"HIM added

"One of them was my great grandfather Jim Williams",Him revealed making the Mayor gasp.

"I knew I had heard that last name before!",The mayor said."My dad told me that Jim Williams went hysterical, and killed his friend Micah Black because they never found the gold, and then was taken to the Insane Asylum",the Mayor said.

"Your dad just told you what Paul, and the rest of the people thought had happened",HIM said angry making everyone cringe.

"I won't deny that my great grandpa did kill that traitor Micah Black. However, he did find the mine, and even made a map of it's location" Him said grinning.

"Unfortunately, Black stole part of the map, and hid it away somewhere. Jim sent someone to chase him, but the guy never revealed where the other half was not even during the last minutes of his existence. Jim spent lots of money trying to locate the mine again, but never was able to find it. That's when he went crazy, and was sent to the loony bin"HIM explained.

"Wow! so your great grandpa was not only bat-crazy and sent too the looney bin, but was also homicidal? Now I get why you are like this",Mitch said raising an eyebrow at Him.

"Shut it kid"Mojo said punching Mitch

Princess gasped at all of what she was hearing drooping a few things on top of the barrel making enough noise to make everyone look in her direction.

"What was that?",Mojo inquired.

"They were rats... we have a plague of those",Mitch said smiling nervous.

" Short guy go see who's there?", Mojo said and Lil Arturo walked reluctantly towards where Princess was hidden.

She felt her heart pound as the steps approached closer and closer. How she wished she had taken her trusty revolver, or at least have something to defend herself with. Anything, would do even a pan. The man stopped a few feet from her and clicked his pistol. This was it she was dead now she really wished her dad took her to that dumb Zoo, but it was too late. Princess closed her eyes waiting for the shot hoping it wouldn't hurt too much. She heard the shot but never felt a bullet pierce her.

"Stupid rat",Arturo said placing the gun back on his belt."It was only a rat",Arturo said walking back

"Arturo don't waist the bullets on rats"Ace said smacking him on the head.

"What I wasn't going to dirty my boots by squashing it! They're new"Arturo countered proudly.

Princess sighed in relief and thanking the rat had appeared just in time. She would remember to not despise the rodents, so much as she glanced at the now dead animal. Now she was glad they had a plague, and that she didn't place the traps that morning.

"Like I was saying Jim had a journal were he wrote everything when he was at the insane asylum. In that journal I learned all that happened when he found the mine, and even the location of this key and where he hid part of his map",Him said showing them the key.

"For all that you had to kidnap Bubbles, and terrorized town! For half of a map!"John said stern.

"I didn't want any distractions. My plan was to get all the people out of Townsville so I could get the job done"Him said looking at everyone's puzzled faces.

"You still dont get it? Don't you?",Lumpkins said rolling his eyes."The piece of the map is located here in Townsville",Lumpkins said making everyone astonished.

"C'mon you'll have the opportunity to see",Lumpkins said as the men tied John's,Mitch's and the Mayor's hands taking them outside.

After the last of the men left Princess decided to follow being careful not been seen by them. It was weird that there was nobody in town, and that the streets were quiet at this time but she didn't let this bother her.

"Don't worry the people are hiding inside their houses",Ace told the Mayor.

"As soon as they saw us they ran into their homes like little scared rabbits",Mojo said laughing

"I guess they didn't forget the last time we came",Ace said smirking.

It was true the people from Townsville were hidden, but Princess could distinguish their faces poking through the windows discretely in fear and following the men with their eyes.

"Don't worry Mayor nothing will happen to your precious people... yet!"Mojo snickered.

"We are only here for a reason which is getting the map",Him said

The men arrived at the town square were the old rusty statue of Paul Wilson the founder stood.

"The square what are we doing here?",Mitch whispered quizzically at John

"This is the place were the map is hidden", Him said gesturing as he approached the statue.

Him placed the key on a hole on the statue's name plate, pushed, and turned it around. The plaque opened ,and Him took out a metal box.

"I always thought that was only ornamental!",Mitch said in awe

Him took out a parchment and like he had said it was only half of the map, and started to look at it.

"See !This part of the map doesn't show were the mine is"Mojo said disgruntled kicking the box and revealing another parchment carefully hidden took it and started to read it and a grin appeared on his face.

"It might not but this letter says where the rest of the map Jim found the location but was taken to the Asylum before he could retrieve it" Him said grinning as he started to read

If you have come this far,

Then you are ambitious enough.

The half to make this whole

Lays in the owner's ancient home;

In the man's final resting abode,

Where the angel looks down upon.

To open it you'll need a key,

Passed through the Black's family tree.

A heart shaped silver trinket,


The rest of the riddle was blurred out and unreadable so he couldn't make out what the rest then looked at a worn out sketch of a heart locket in thought.

"Um what does that mean?",Big billy said scratching his head.

"It must be a riddle to find the treasure",Snake hissed.

"Where the angel looks down upon? The owner's ancient home? What does that mean?Why didn't your ancestor just write the location of the map instead!"Mojo said annoyed.

"The jewel is the key; It's a family heirloom passed through generations of the Black family" Him said grinning. Don't you see Micah Black was the owner of the other half of the map and jewel",HIM explained.

"Great! How would we find that necklace? It must be lost now"Ace sighed.

"We'll have to think about it, but for now take the prisoners to their cell",Lumpkins said and the gang took John, Mitch and the Mayor to jail.

"The others go guard the town and its surroundings",Mojo ordered.

Princess waited a few moments until the men disappeared to come out her hiding place. She needed to bring help immediately. She needed to gather supplies, and a horse to travel to Silvertown .She was sure that if she climbed the mountain instead of going around it she should be in Silvertown a little before sunset today. From there on she would go to Citisville by train and probably there tomorrow sometime in the afternoon.

Princess went to tell the others what she will do so she sneaked over to the jail making a birdcall.

"Princess is that you?",Mitch said looking from the cell's window

"Shh! Don't talk so loud they'll hear you",John reprimanded

Princess then sneaked in a piece of paper informing them what she will do. The others read it ,and went back to sit down so as to not raise suspicion. She then sneaked back towards the far end of town where nobody really went and took off from there towards Silvertown.

Meanwhile in the mayor's office...

"So now you're telling me that even if we find the map's hidding place we still need the necklace?"Mojo said increduosly.

"Yes, like how I had to get key for this part"Him said laying half of the map on the table.

"And where is that necklace?",Lumpkins asked

"I don't know",Him said and everyone sighed.

"Are you sure your crazy ancestor didn't write it somewhere on his journal?",Ace asked

"He only mentioned that when they found Black's body he didn't have the necklace on",HIM said.

"I only have this drawing of what it looked like",HIM said showing the worn out sketch again."Wait a minute! I have seen this before!",HIM said searching through his pockets until finally taking out a picture of a young lady wearing a green gown, and a heart shaped silver necklace on her neck."Oh wow I can't believe I had always seen the jewel, but never realized it"Him grinned.

"Who is that?",Mojo asked curious.

"My ex-fiance from Citiesville, unfortunately she died years ago"HIM said with a wicked grin

"Let me see...hmm she looks familiar", Lumpkins said looking at the picture.

"She was a looker"Ace murmured.

"That necklace looks a lot like the one we stole from Lex Robson some time ago",Grubber spat getting everyone attention.

"Yeah, but the weirdo stole it back from us saying it was too precious for him",Snake hissed

"It wasn't that valuable though; It was nothing more than a trinket",Arturo said rolling his eyes.

"What did you say ugly?",Him asked taking Grubber by the collar

"Hey, now that I think about it",Ace said looking at the necklace more does resemble Lex's necklace quite a lot",Ace said examining the picture. It even has that heart shaped green jewel at the center",Ace added.

"Are you sure about this?",Lumpkins said raising a brow.

Yes, I've held it in my hands before"Ace said.

"You know what this means?", HIM asked

"That Lex has a weird attachment to that necklace",Billy offered.

"No, idiot that we need to find Lex Robson, and steal his necklace since its the one we're looking for",Mojo said annoyed. And to do that we need to go to Megaville and take it off his filthy neck",Mojo snarled.I wouldn't mind cutting his head off while at it"Mojo added grinning.

"Yes, exactly so Mojo, and I will head towards Silvertown this instant,and take the train to Megaville while Lumpkins and you stay here"Him said.

"What? We stay here?",Ace complained.

"Yes, you need to guard the town so that no-one escapes until we're back"HIM said

"All right I get it, but once you have that necklace ,and map you come for us to look for that mine All right?"Ace said.

"Sure",Mojo said

"If that's how it is then I'll excuse myself and head home",Lumpkins said getting up."It's been a tiring day. Wish you gents a nice trip",Lumpkins gestured before disappearing behind the door.

"Mojo start to gather everything we're leaving now"HIM said

"I just suggest climbing the mountain instead of taking the road around it to get to Silvertown as soon as possible" Mojo explained

"We don't need that we already have what we need,and we know where Lex is so it doesn't matter if we take a little longer to get there",Him said

"I was just saying it would sure save us some time"Mojo shrugged

"I'm the one in charge do as I say!"HIM said angry,and Mojo begrudgingly obeyed dissapearing behind the then proceeded to place some papers, and the piece of the map in a briefcase,while the ganggreen gang just stared a him.

"Take care of the town until we're back,and don't let anyone escape...I mean it "Him said tossing Ace the Townhall key.

"When have we failed you?"Ace asked grinning knowing fully well he referred to the blond girl's escape.

"Do whatever you like",HIM said walking away with his briefcase in hand, taking his hat and disappearing behind the door. Everyone looked at the door then back at Ace who just shrugged as a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"You've heard the man we better not disappoint him", Ace said as he plopped down the Mayor's chair, placed his feet on the desk and a put on a spare top hat on his head.

"I'm going to the saloon",Arturo said walking away, but before doing so he took a pipe that belonged to Utonium from the desk."Nice"Arturo said looking at the pipe before disappearing behind the door.

"Wait for me Art",Big Billy said dropping the jar of pickles he had been holding, and running after his comrade also disappearing behind the door.

"Snake clean that mess up"Ace ordered fiddling with family portrait of the Mayor and Bubbles.

"Why me?",Snake hissed

"Cause I'm the leader, and you're the only one around",Ace stated simply as he looked through the Mayor's drawers. Snake looked around and certainly he was the only one left. Apparently Grubber had disappeared conveniently so like always.

"Oh pretty",Ace said taking a golden compass and placing it inside his pocket discreetly.

"Well what are you waiting for? That mess ain't gonna clean itself up!",Ace yelled clapping his hands.

Snake hissed and mumbled bitterly before disappearing behind the door to look for cleaning supplies and clean the mess Billy made.

To be continued...

Okay so this was the chapter what did you think?.

I've read some reviews,and I'm glad that people give helpful advice which will help me write better,and that you like the story.

Writing is not so easy,and it takes time to get all of your ideas together(believe me)cause sometimes you just have too many ideas XD.

Sorry for the grammar mistakes.

Sometimes you think you've checked everything, but then one of those pesky mistakes sneaks through '-.-

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter and continue to like the story.

See ya next chapter ;).