I do not own the Powerpuff girls or any of the characters related to the cartoon. They all belong to Craig McCracken.

A little info to get familiar with the story

Setting: Old west the middle to late 1800's

Mostly from buttercup's pov

Buttercup Woods/alias: Alex Robson/ for short : Lex Robson : ex-wanted thief now is a bounty-hunter/huntress. She dresses as a man to conceal her identity and calls herself Lex Robson a name she invented. Buttercup has jade green eyes, ebonyblack hair and tan skin due to all the sun exposure she has had. When she was a thief her hair reached her waist and she kept it braided. Now as a bounty-hunter her black hair is kept short and hidden under her wears a jade green shirt,black pants, dark brown boots, a dark green bandana to cover her face and a black gambler hat. She's always carrying her gun wherever she goes, and rides her horse Biscuit.

Okay so now on with the story

Chapter 1:Second Chances

The wind was blowing making a low howling sound that spread through the lonely streets of the small western town named Townsville. A few tumbleweeds rolled by as if empathizing the deserted atmosphere of the place, not a single soul could be seen. It was dusk and the orange reddish hue adorned the horizon. A coach hurried towards the center of town leaving a trail of dust behind it. The coach passed by Townsville's jailhouse, and continued the main road towards it's destination

Townsville jailhouse was nothing out the ordinary, it was like many other small town jailhouses:a small and simple building made brick. The letters that said Jailhouse had lost their original color, and now sported a brownish color due to rust .The door was made of oak and had a rustic sturdy look. The walls were white, but some of the paint had peeled off giving view to the red brick structure. There were some wanted posters on the walls with different faces and rewards for catching any of those outlaws dead or alive. Inside there was a wood desk with a few papers spread in a mess, an ink bottle, and a pen. On a chair sat a bald, old looking man with a top hat slumbering away mumbling in his sleep while cradling a jar of pickles. Facing the desk was the only jail cell in the place, and inside hidden in the shadows was a single prisoner gazing outside through the small window .The prisoner was taking a look at the last traces of light, and inhaling the unique aroma of the desert, which consisted of dirt and wild flowers, one last time.

That prisoner was one of the most wanted bandits in all the old west, known for assaulting banks and trains single highhandedly, or with the help of some fellow "friends" There were also charges for stealing some cattle from a wealthy man, stealing a horse, creating some disturbances with other bandits, alluding the law, tricking some fools, gambling and so on, but what got this bandit a ticket to the noose was killing a sheriff from a town not so far away. The outstanding thing about this outlaw is not only luck at alluding the law, and great combat and thievery skills, but also the bandit was is in fact a young eighteen year old lady. Her name Buttercup.

Nobody would believe that one of the most wanted criminals the famous "Lex Robson" was in fact a woman, but it was. However, fierce determination that made the outlaw famous seemed to have vanished since the young lady just sat in her cell looking outside with a forlorn face. It didn't mean she hadn't tried to escape. She in fact had tried to pick the lock, to trick the old man but unfortunately that didn't go well since the sheriff walked in just in time, she tried to remove the bars from the window but it didn't work either, and in a last desperate attempt she rammed her body against the jail bars resulting in injuring her right shoulder,and gaining bewildered looks from the sheriff and the old man playing chess.

Buttercup was now looking outside at nothing since it was already dark . Clutching the silver locket on her chest she started to recall what had happened the day before, feeling angry, frustrated, betrayed but mostly sad. How could someone she had trusted as a friend betray her? and leave her to her luck and with the law on her tail?.She had confided in that so called "friend"and was betrayed .She didn't want to admit it, but some feelings had blossomed deep in her heart for that traitor. Buttercup wasn't the kind to develop or show feelings so easily. The years had made her heart to harden. Moreover, the dangerous kind of life she had didn't give chance for much socializing or friends, and forget about romancing. Now that she thought about it how could she have been so stupid? She shouldn't have gotten so close to someone considering her status, but that traitor had found a way to gain her friendship and trust.

She could see the satisfied faces of her enemies laughing at her state and fate. Here she was now, in a jail cell in the middle of nowhere feeling defeated, and about to be hanged the next day;when she could be outside planning her next robbery or simply ridding on her horse free .Talking about horse she had totally forgotten about her horse. Biscuit was her faithful sandy brown horse that accompanied her in her journeys. Biscuit was fast and strong which was of great advantage for her "job".However, what was most special about that horse was his loyalty. Buttercup had saved Biscuit from his savage owner who was about to kill the poor animal just because it didn't want the man to ride it. Ever since then Biscuit and Buttercup developed a strong bond. Biscuit also seemed to have the power to see through people's true intentions and be right about it ,so the horse didn't trust many people other than Buttercup. Yeah, Biscuit had warned her about that traitor's intentions by being mean to the guy, but she didn't heed the warnings and gave her trust to the man anyways. Now she regretted not paying attention to Biscuit's behavior whenever that traitor was nearby.

However,regretting the past and lamenting her decisions wouldn't help. What was done was done Buttercup thought as she wiped a single tear from her jade green eyes. Giving up and waiting for her death was not an option. She was a famous outlaw after all, and she wasn't going down easily. She was going to get out of this jail, look for Biscuit, and settle some things with the traitor. Buttercup took a deep breath to calm, and got up with a renewed determination on her mind. She was instantly startled by a loud bear like growl, but dismissed it once she noticed it was snoring coming from the old man with the top hat.

Buttercup honestly didn't understand why the sheriff had left the jailhouse to that man. The old guy was obviously unreliable.

Was the sheriff dumb enough to think she wouldn't try to escape? or did he think she wasn't dangerous enough? she was one of the most wanted bandits, come on... Buttercup thought bitterly. This kind of upset her, but maybe leaving the old man wasn't such a bad idea. She might succeed in tricking the old man into opening her cell this time Buttercup thought as she smirked mischievously to herself. She was about to shout at the man about seeing some scary ghost lurking around when the oak door opened with force. Such noise startled the poor old man who spilled ink on the papers. At the door stood a tall looking shadow carrying some papers. Buttercup couldn't see who it was since it was dark, and there wasn't any sort of light since the sudden gust of wind had blown off the candle.

"Mr Mayor sleeping while on duty ,and with a dangerous criminal close by? I can't believe it",scolded a deep voice .Buttercup instantly recognized that voice as the sheriff's.

"John is that you?",the old man asked as he straightened up, lit up an oil lamp, and directed it towards the sheriff's face.

"Well of course it's me, and I did what you requested mayor...here are the papers", the sheriff said as he handed a stack of papers to the mayor. The mayor started to read the papers carefully.

"Did the scoundrel try to do anything during my absence?",the sheriff asked looking at Buttercup's direction with suspicion. Buttercup glared back at the sheriff.

"Oh, no not at all the young lady behaved very well, and was as quiet as a mouse", the mayor said dismissively not paying attention at the glares the other two gave each other since he was too busy reading the papers.

"Mr. Mayor may I ask something?", the sheriff said getting away from Buttercup's cell, and walking towards the mayor.

"Yes, what is it?",the mayor asked as he put down the papers his full attention on the man infront

Have you gone nuts? the sheriff yelled banging his hands on the desk and looking at the mayor like he belonged to the mad house. The mayor and Buttercup were stunned, but then the old man replied

"Why, John I think my mental health is perfectly okay" the mayor said smiling. Yeah right Buttercup thought giggling. John realizing his rude behavior calmed down and asked more politely.

"I mean... Are you sure this is okay?", John said pointing at the papers.

"What if she betrays us and runs away? she is a criminal after all I wouldn't be surprised?", John said eyeing the mayor as if looking for some sort of logical explanation for this madness.

"You're right John...", the mayor said and this made the John sigh in relief, but that was soon turned into a frown once he heard the mayor's next words.

"...But I also believe we all deserve second chances, and choosing a new life over death must be convincing enough", the mayor concluded.

"I don't know about that...", John said looking troubled.

"C'mon John lets give it a chance, you agreed on bringing me the papers what else is there to be done?",the mayor said convinced. John stayed silent for a moment but then...

"Okay, but if she tries anything I will shoot without thinking, all right?"John told the mayor .

"All right", the mayor said once he saw he had convinced the stubborn man. Then both men stared at the girl who was looking at them with a puzzled look all over her face.

Buttercup had heard the whole conversation, but she didn't understand how this had to do with her and she certainly didn't like all the attention she was getting. Then she saw the sheriff approaching her with the keys.

"All right stay back I'll open this cell, and don't try anything fishy because I won't hesitate to shoot the likes of you", John warned pointing at his pistol.

Buttercup thought this was her chance for freedom. She could somehow knock the sheriff down,take the old man as hostage, and be over with it, and finally be free. However, she was also curious as to what the two men were talking about. Besides the idea of a bullet through her head wasn't very appealing. She decided to obey the men and listen to what they had to say for now.

"Show me your hands", John ordered as he opened a small opening where Buttercup's hands fit through. Buttercup did as told and John put some handcuffs on her wrists. He opened the cell and made her sit in front of the mayor rather harshly. This earned the sheriff a glare from Buttercup, but he just shrugged it.

"Ahem.. ",the mayor cleared his throat getting Buttercup's attention

"Well, Hello there my name is Eugene and I'm the Mayor of this town. The gentleman behind is John Utonium our sheriff nice to meet you young lady", the mayor beamed and tried to shake Buttercup's hand. Buttercup looked at the man's hand like it was a spider. What is wrong with this top hat monocle wearing man? Buttercup thought puzzled.

"Oh well I see your hands are a little busy for a little old shaking", the mayor said with a goofy grin which made John roll his eyes.

Okay young ...Buttercup Marie Woods, is that right? the mayor asked and Buttercup nodded

Okay Miss Woods I read what you have done and I must say it's quite a lot and this has earned you a death sentence", the mayor stated.

"Yeah tell me something I don't already know" Buttercup said now feeling impatient.

"Okay Ms. Woods ...",the Mayor started.

"Just call me Buttercup, okay?", Buttercup interjected. She didn't like formalities, and besides Woods wasn't even her real last name...hell she didn't even know who her parents were.

"Yes, Ms Buttercup I have something to propose to you",..the mayor said with a serious voice, and this caught the ravenette's attention.

"In my hands I have the permission of sparing your life, and letting you go possibly redeeming all your crimes...", the mayor stated with a serious voice.

"What?" Buttercup exclaimed flabbergasted .She looked at the sheriff for reassurance. The sheriff looked back at her with a serious expression so this must have been real and not a joke. Now, she understood why the sheriff thought the mayor was a lunatic.

"Like I was saying the authorities from the capital are willing to spare your life and crimes, but you have to do something in return" the mayor concluded.

Well there it goes nothing in this life is for free Buttercup thought.

"You will work for the government as a bounty-hunter from now on and bring dangerous criminals to justice It's either that or a certain death or spending the rest of your life in a jail cell in the capital", the mayor finished as he and John looked at her expectantly.

"But why me? doesn't the government have more "reliable" men at their hands?" Buttercup said.

It didn't make sense to Buttercup why would the government need someone like her. This time however it was John's turn to speak...

"Yes, it is true there are more than enough capable men, but even though I hate to admit you have some skills government agents don't have .You know how these bandits think since you are one of them yourself so it's logical to think you will track them down faster. This last few years more, and more dangerous criminals have appeared, and it will be helpful to have someone like you that can save time and money" John explained matter of fact.

This left Buttercup thinking. The sheriff's answer made sense. The mayor had already made his move and now it was Buttercup's turn. Well, there wasn't a lot to decide. Death was out choice of course, and being in jail in the capital for the rest of her life wasn't appealing either. Accepting this offer seemed like the best choice. Buttercup didn't very much like the idea of following bandits, and capturing them when she was one or she had worked with some of them, cosidering them "friends".However, she also had enemies, and it would be nice to see them behind bars, specially that traitor. Buttercup knew being a bounty hunter wouldn't be easy, but it was better than dying or rotting in a cell. This would also give her the opportunity to look for that traitor, and giving him a piece of her mind.

"Have you decided yet?",John asked in an impatient tone interrupting Buttercup's thoughts.

Buttercup smirked shaking the mayor's hand to seal the deal, and said "Mr Mayor I accept the offer".Buttercup beamed and signed the contract even though it was hard to do so since her hands were still bound.

"Okay, I will get the papers ready for the capital then" the mayor said beaming once Buttercup signed.

"Tomorrow you'll be out of this cell, but I will be accompanying you from now on", John half stated half warned Buttercup who just shrugged.

"Do you need anything Miss",the mayor asked once he was finished picking up the papers.

"Yes, where is my horse", Buttercup asked with a grin.

From that day "Lex Robson" the famous thief started a new life as a bounty hunter.

Okay this is the first chapter of this new story I started. As you have noticed Buttercup is the main character, but that doesn't mean you won't see other characters as well ;).

I hope you like how this will go. This chapter is mostly an intro and to explain how Buttercup an ex-thief ended working for the government as bounty huntress. I'll try to be as accurate as I can about the era this story takes place. Please tell me what you think by giving me a little review.

Okay so I hope you liked it and see you next chapter.