A/N: Sorry about the late chapter. I've been searching for a house, so I haven't had time to write due to my busy schedule. Hopefully it was well worth the wait for most of you.

Chapter Eleven: Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Harry froze as soon as he saw Draco Malfoy standing at his door, propped against the side of it as if he had been casually waiting for Harry's return for some time now.

"I can come with you," Dakin offered as Harry's hand hesitated on the handle of his door.

"No," he said while breathing deeply. "I have to do this alone. Go on. Thanks for last night."

"Ring me when you are done," Dakin urged as his hands tightened on the steering wheel. "If he does anything to you, I want to know about it."

Harry glanced at his friend gently. "Thanks, but he won't." Resolving his momentary hesitation, Harry got out of the car and headed towards Draco. Their eyes met as Dakin drove away, and Harry's heart stopped.

Draco looked much paler than he had before. His body, though not any less muscular, looked a bit thinner. The other wizard looked as though he hadn't slept in the entire month they were separated.

Harry breathed in deeply again. "Come on in then." He unlocked the door and led Draco inside. The other wizard followed until they were both quietly and nervously inside the house. Harry started for the kitchen, "I'll make some tea…"

"Harry," the other wizard whispered as Harry was suddenly drawn backwards into an embrace. Draco pressed his face into Harry's dark locks and breathed him in. This action caused Harry's body to stiffen.

"Draco," he gasped when the other wizard turned him around at a speed that made his vision shift and sway dizzily. "Why haven't you rang me or wrote until now? I…was worried."

"Harry," the other wizard who made Harry's heart and pulse race at dizzying speeds regarded him with a gentle expression. "I love you," Draco announced, causing Harry's face to fall into confusion and then into recognition.


"I love you," the other wizard stated firmly. "I needed the month to sort through the Malfoy estate. With my mother gone, I was sole benefactor to the grounds and fortune, but I refuse to live without you. A month…it was far too long."

Harry could barely believe his ears. He questioned Draco with his gaze.

"I will not deny that in the beginning, I was figuring that perhaps our relationship was best left separated; but as the weeks drew on, it became clear that I would not be able to live on happily if you were not by my side," Draco explained with eyes that glimmered at Harry with a month's worth of emotion. "I love you. I have come to ask—no, rather—to implore you to be with me. To live with me from this day forward."

Harry felt his face become hot, and his eyes stinging with tears. "You love me?"

"Yes," Draco said finitely.

"And you want to stay with me, here?"

Draco smiled for the first time in nearly two months, nodding. "Yes. I will no longer keep occupation with the Ministry. I will continue in the potion's field, but it will be done from here, should you agree."

Harry gasped, finally understanding what Draco was insinuating.

"Will you have me, Harry?"

Harry knew that could be no other answer. "Yes," he nodded as he whispered the answer chiming like a clock in his heart. "Yes," he said a bit more firmly. He was pulled forward into a kiss that melted away all his sadness of the past month. "I love you too," he said the words that had been in his heart for some time now. They shuddered out of him like a great wind.

Draco lifted him, wrapping Harry up against himself, and continued to taste his mouth as if a man left thirsty for far too long. They were moving, groaning, undulating, and grasping at each other in a flurry of movement. Harry was stripped nearly bare before thrown onto the bed. His mouth felt lonely but only for a moment as Draco immediately rid himself of his clothes.

Harry skimmed his hands over the pale flesh before him, determining if this was truly a dream that Draco was here. He traveled every dip and protrusion of flesh with the pads of his fingers, deriving short pants and groans from his lover as he did.

His wrists were captured and then pinned above his head, held there by one of Draco's hands as his body was pressed almost impossibly into the mattress. A mouth claimed his in another hot, forceful kiss that had him swaying even though he was lying down.

"Harry," Draco breathed against his lips before nibbling down the line of his chin to the column of his neck. His collarbone was licked and nibbled, small sparks of pleasure bursting beneath the touch before Malfoy's mouth found a sensitive nipple. Sucking it into his mouth, he teased it expertly with his wet, hot tongue and teeth, causing a steady stream of curses and moans to spill from Harry's mouth.

"Merlin, you are beautiful," the blonde wizard panted, licking a line from one nipple to the other and then slowly down the small dip towards his navel.

Harry was having trouble comprehending much more than the onset of pleasure now curling through his body, burning very every patch of skin that Draco's mouth, tongue, and teeth touched. His legs quaked as Draco slid between them, slipping a hand between his open legs to begin preparing Harry for their coupling.

Harry trembled both with insurmountable pleasure and anticipation. He had spent an entire month worrying that this would never happen again. The very fact that it was made his heart and chest fill with warmth—near explosion.

Draco pressed into him, thrusting his throbbing prick with one swift motion fully into Harry. Crying out in surprise, Harry's hands immediately clutched at Malfoy's strained shoulders. Their movements became crazed as Draco thrust with abandon into Harry. Harry found his own body responding by jerking down hard onto the length buried inside of him. He arched away from the pleasure, painting his body against Draco's, and continued to thrust downwards in an effort to pleasure himself through the deep penetration.

It was long minutes of groaning, thrusting, and fucking that all led to a simultaneous conclusion. Draco stiffened against Harry while Harry's head shot back angling towards the bed, coming in hot spurts between their pressed bodies.

Harry's eyes fluttered open, recognizing first that he was in his bedroom; and then, that he was cradled on top of Draco, securely within the wizard's arms. His body throbbed as he attempted to move. It felt like Draco had still been lodged up his backside, causing him to hiss in displeasure.

Draco's eyes shot open before he was glancing down at him. "Are you alright?"

Harry nodded, grunting a bit more as he attempted once more to pull away. "Just…you know."

"Oh," Draco said with understanding before gently helping Harry up and then retrieving a potion from his luggage. "Here," the other wizard offered.

Harry swallowed the bitter contents and sighed instantly when they immediately took effect. "Thanks."

Draco watched him for long moments before leaning forward and capturing his lips in another kiss. "You are much skinnier than when I last saw you," the Slytherin commented, eyes trailing over Harry's naked form and causing a stir in his nether regions.

Harry felt the heat immediately creeping into his cheeks. "I wonder whose fault that is…"

Draco pulled Harry towards him roughly, pressing another kiss to his lips—this one much more insistent than the last. Fingers traveled over his torso, lazily drawing patterns at first before purposefully tweaking his nipple.

Harry pulled away with a gasp. "Bloody hell!" he cried out, rubbing his injured nipple.

"Smart mouth you have there, Potter."

"Oh, shut it," Harry grumbled before falling back onto the bed. "I'm still angry with you. You were a right bastard."

"I was," the other wizard agreed before taking Harry back into his arms. "I thought I was prepared for my mother to pass on. It had been a possibility should I have not found the book before it was revealed that it would serve no purpose in the end."

Draco breathed in deeply, pressing a small kiss to Harry's tangled locks. "I thought, perhaps, it was best if I let you return home while I sorted out both the estate and my feelings. I even considered possibly letting you go since I was not prepared to leave the wizarding world much like you would need me to. However, as time went on, I was unable to think of little else but you, Harry."

Harry's face flushed deeper still. "That is quite…the predicament."

"Yes," Draco mused with a soft chuckle. "Here I was, mother gone, estate in need of desperate attention, and all I could possibly think of was you and how you must be doing. Would you be thriving? Would you be as desperate for me as I was for you? Soon, I was unable to keep away. I had to come for you. There are still things in which I must do in London, but for now, my place is here."

"So you really plan to stay with me in the muggle world?"

"In a way," Draco stated as his arms tightened. "Although, I am not so willing to disregard my magic as you are. It is my hope that in the future, there is a joining of the two. I wish to bond myself to you in both worlds, Harry."

Harry's head jerked up. "Bond?"

"Yes," Draco said, slightly perplexed by Harry's surprise. "Is that not what two wizards in love do, Harry?"

"I mean, yeah, but I thought…later," Harry stated, half-whispering the end word. "I just thought…it hadn't been long since we started this relationship, you wouldn't want to rush it."

"Harry," Draco stated as if he was speaking with a child. "You do realize that we have known each other for many, many years. The status of our relationship hardly changes that truth. There is nothing rushed about my wanting to bond with you. While it may seem like a simple formality, it is my intention to lay claim to you as soon as possible."

"Lay claim…" Harry repeated with a raised brow.

"You have many admirers," Draco responded evenly. "I must do absolutely anything necessary to see to it that they are aware there is no room for them to intervene."

Harry laughed heartily. "I think you are rather mad for thinking so."

"Call it what you will," Draco returned dismissively.

"Also," Harry stated a bit bemused by the overall direction of their conversation. "I think this is the most forthcoming you've been since we started our relationship."

"Is that so?" Draco retorted with a small grin. "That statement deserves punishment…"

"Punish—" Harry started before his mouth was overwhelmed by Draco's in a punishing kiss that stole every bit of breath or fight in him.

"So," Dakin growled, arms crossed tightly against his torso and eyes burning holes into Draco from his spot near the doorway. "What the bloody hell do you have to say for yourself, prissy boy?"

Draco sneered at him but did not respond.

"Really…" Harry groaned. "I explained it all to you," Harry stated clearly towards Dakin. "Draco will be living with me from today onwards. I think it best if you two worked out this rivalry you have between you."

"He broke your heart, sent you away, and now that he's back I have to somehow forgive it all as if it never occurred? Unlikely." Dakin's body tightened with anger. "I still think prissy boy is a bloody prick. You could easily do better."

"Dakin," Harry warned. "I care for you deeply. I had hoped you would understand that I would not forgive Draco lightly if I didn't think he was being sincere."

"Or manipulative…" Dakin interjected with a scowl.

"I may be exceedingly more intelligent than you, troll, but even I could not manipulate Harry should I have attempted to. And trust, if I had it my way, he would no longer speak with trolls," Draco stated coolly.

Harry's hands fisted, fingernails eating into the palms of his hands. "This is bloody pointless."

"Agreed," the other two wizards said simultaneously, leaving an awkward air to hang between them.

Harry's lips twitched. "So you can agree it seems…"

Draco breathed out in frustration. "Harry, I think it best if we leave the troll to the shop and finished what we discussed earlier this morning."

What they had discussed was hardly something Harry wanted to get into now. Draco had attempted to convince Harry to move into a large home farther away from Sligo—more specifically, from Dakin. It had been a long battle between hard kisses, rough touches, and sudden bouts of sex.

"And what did you two discuss?" Dakin cut in with a sharp glare.

"Simply that—"

"Nothing," Harry interjected with a heated glare at Draco. The Slytherin merely shrugged and began to inspect his nails. "It hardly matters. This is the way it will be whether or not you support it, Dakin. I care for you and need your understanding."

Dakin grunted with derision but nodded nonetheless. He gave one last pointed glare at Draco before leaving the store and slamming the door behind him. Harry's body jolted with the loud banging before he looked over towards Draco who seemed increasingly more interested in his nails.

"Well? Must you be a right bastard to him even after you promised me you would try to treat him with respect?!" Harry's hands landed on his hips as he intensified his glare at his nonchalant lover.

"That was under the pretense that you would seriously consider my suggestion," Draco argued, eyes finally glancing up at Harry.

"I can't move," Harry retorted before sinking down into his chair. "That house has been my home for six years."

"I need more space, Harry. If I am to conduct my business, I will need sufficient space to do so. Since you proclaim there is no using of magic to do so on the current home you live, I must implore you to consider another residence," Draco stated simply while regarding Harry with a small grin.

"And I said—"

"That you could not live too far from your shop or that…troll," Draco supplied with a slightly bitter tone. "I know. You have stated as such repeatedly and never truly considered my suggestion. Thus, I deem it unjust to consider your suggestion that I treat that troll with any inkling of respect."

Harry groaned in defeat. Draco was bloody stubborn; although, so was Harry. It always seemed as if he was compromising when it came to Draco. Although, he did agree that if Draco was to continue brewing, his house would not have sufficient room for it.

"Fine," he finally breathed. "Not too far though. We'll look just outside of town," he stated judiciously. "I refuse to move too far from the shop but agree that you will need a larger home to conduct your business especially if we should reintegrate ourselves into the Wizarding World."

Draco's eyes widened momentarily. "You mean…are you considering returning to the Wizarding World?" Draco didn't seem quite convinced.

Harry elaborated. "Not at this moment. There is still some things in which I would like to do before I resurface, but yes, I will eventually."

"Harry," the other wizard looked astonished.

Harry didn't blame him. He had never truly believed he would ever return, but after the strides that Draco had considered making to be with him, it was only fair that he did the same. Besides, he missed everyone: the Weasleys, Hermione, his school compatriots. And he especially missed the conveniences of magic.

It was time to return. Well, almost time. Harry had determined that he would need to sign over the rights to the shop as a final act towards moving forward with his life. He would give Dakin the shop; but first, he wanted to speak with those that had made it possible for him to hide away the last six years.

"I will be making an unannounced trip to the Burrow," Harry announced with a small smile.

Draco's face dropped. "No."

"And you'll be coming with me," Harry added with a widening smile.

Draco's face paled. "No," he reaffirmed.

Harry pressed a small kiss to the pale Slytherin. "Oh, come off it. They'll be happy to see you."

"I doubt that very seriously," Draco growled. "This is rather cruel and unusual punishment, Harry."

"Well, they are my family," Harry stated with a soft chuckle. "If you intend to be bonded to me, you'll have to come to know them. Maybe even like them."

Draco huffed with contempt. "Hardly. Is it not enough that I bond with you and face the many adoring fans that will surely strike me down where I stand? Is that not enough punishment?"

Harry was laughing now. "Isn't it the same for me?" Draco's eyebrow rose with inquiry. "You are quite popular yourself, aren't you?"

"I cannot disagree that my alarmingly sought after physique and attractive features have a substantial fan base, but I hardly compare to the savior."

Harry rolled his eyes. "You forgot your humble modesty."

Draco smirked with a slight nod. "Mustn't forget that, should we?"

Harry huffed a laugh before standing and turning the closed shop sign. "Guess we should get packed so we can leave. I'll ring Dakin later to tend to the shop for a few days."

"I would much rather waiting a week or so—"

"We will leave tomorrow morning," Harry cut in sharply. "No arguments."

Draco crossed his arms tightly against his chest and sneered at Harry as he started his closing duties.

Harry finished packing his essentials for their small visit. He couldn't help the anticipation that he felt, and even the slight hesitation at not announcing that he was coming—and especially, with Draco.

However, if Draco truly wanted to be bonded in their future, it was vital that his adoptive family give their blessing. It would be quite an interesting undertaking to convince them, but Harry knew that if he expressed just the sheer happiness and love he felt by being with Draco, he was surely to convince them.

Draco had been moping about all evening, mumbling about redheaded nightmares. It was especially apparent that his lover was apprehensive about reconnecting with Ron and Hermione who were now the parents of three small redheaded children. He sneered with disgust when Harry had mentioned there was a chance that he could meet little Ronald Jr, Eloise, and/or Margaret Weasley.

Not surprisingly, Draco disliked children with a passion—even going as far as to call them little monsters that syphoned the happiness and wealth of their parents. Harry decided it best not to mention his love for them. Wizards—well, men in general—were unable to have children without considerable intervention, so the future of having children seemed slim at best for them.

Harry finally fell onto the bed with a deep sigh and lined himself alongside Draco who was reading one of the novels he had suggested earlier that day.

"Must you stare at me like that," Draco stated irritably but set his novel down despite it.

Harry smiled slightly to himself, drawing the hem of Draco's shirt slightly upwards to reveal a sliver of pale, porcelain skin. His fingers traced the small rises and falls of abdominal muscles before sneaking beneath the cover of material to discover the rest of perfectly smooth flesh.

Draco's breathing hitched before a hand clasped over Harry's and stalled his progress. Harry's eyes jerked upwards. "What? Can't I touch you?"

Draco's forehead drew downwards. "After forcing me against my will to join you on your visit to the Weasleys? No." The hand that was over his own tightened before pulling at his arm and removing it.

Harry sat up sighing and running a hand through his hair. "Fine then. I'll go sleep on the sofa," he said in defeat before throwing his legs over the side of the bed. He was about to get up when an arm wound around his waist and pulled him roughly backwards into a hard, unyielding form. Harry's breath whooshed out of him before that arm secured him tightly.

"I did not say you could leave," Draco growled hotly into his ears. "Only that you could not touch."

Harry's body was already responding adversely. His breathing had shallowed, panting slightly to the sudden spark of excitement at the intense power Draco's words exuded. It was as if the dominate tone had subjugated his body almost instantly to the Slytherin.

One arm secured him tightly against Draco while the other trailed over his waist, teasing the rim of his trousers almost absently. Harry's eyes fluttered shut when the hand finally touched him where he was beginning to harden.

"Your body is rather indecent, do you not think, Harry?" Harry groaned as these words were accentuated with Draco's hand palming him roughly through the thin material of his trousers. "What would others think should they witness such indecency, I wonder?"

Harry moaned, head falling backwards. The pleasure washing over him by the steady, sure movements of Draco's hand was enough to make his anger from earlier dissolve into pure, adulterated need. His hips jerked upwards as Draco's hand grasped his fully hard prick. Merlin, it felt good.

Lips tasted the skin that was exposed slightly at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, sucking at it powerfully and sparking hot, electric pleasure to wash through him. The sting was merely background to the hard, powerful strokes of Draco's slightly calloused hand.

Biting his lip, Harry attempted to hold back his moans. A thumb swiped expertly over Harry's wet tip, causing his body to jerk into the action and a shudder to wrack his form.

"What do you want, Harry?" Draco questioned while nibbling the shell of Harry's ear. "What do you want me to do to you?"

Harry's breathing was becoming more labored as his pleasure escalated with each sure stroke of Draco's hand and sultry whisper of his deep, penetrating voice. "I want you," he rasped, hips thrusting when Draco's hand stalled. "Please."

"How do you want me?" Draco inquired hotly, hand working Harry out of his trousers which pooled at his ankles now. His shirt was pulled upwards, exposing a heaving, straining chest that glistened with the beginnings of perspiration. "What do you want me to do to you?"

Harry's mouth was unbelievably dry, head gone hazy, and eyes unfocused. Pleasure had caused his brain to slow as he attempted to comprehend the question. Draco pushed Harry onto his back and hovered over him with a penetrating gaze.

"Answer me, Harry."

"I want you," Harry repeated, brain finally starting to function a bit more. His body trembled with anticipation.

"How," Draco demanded, knee shifting Harry's legs apart as he continued to hover over him.

"Inside me," Harry finally managed breathless.

"Very good," Draco stated with a small, appreciative smirk before pressing those enticing lips against Harry's and deriving short gasps and moans of relief.

Hands spread his legs apart, opening him to Draco as fingers penetrated inside him without hesitation. Pleasure coiled through him, curling his fingers and toes as the familiar heat and movement Draco's touch prepared him. It was only moments before Draco replaced his fingers with his own throbbing need, penetrating Harry quickly and deeply in a singular movement.

Harry cried out at the sudden explosion of pleasure. Draco had immediately pressed into his prostate, causing a wash of heat to flood through Harry.

"Gods!" he cried when Draco hit his prostate again. This time, the pleasure was nearly painful.

The rhythm was crazed right from the start. Their bodies jolted against each other in sharp, punishing movements. His legs had gone numb, carried in the air by Draco's straining biceps. Angular hips slammed into him again and again, causing Harry's cries to become strangled and stuttered.

Anchoring himself against the powerful pleasure, Harry grasped at the sheets beneath with a vice-like hold. Harry's body shuddered and ricochet off of Draco's in hard, unyielding thrusts. As if in slow motion, Harry watched with abated interest, taking in every strain of muscle; every grimace and grunt Draco gave way to; every fixed gaze of those steel-blue eyes that watched him.

When they finally came, it was so hard and powerful that Harry nearly lost consciousness. His body shuddered and clamped as wave after wave of pleasure shot through him, coating his body in his own seed.

Sinking down into the bed, Harry could barely move let alone speak as Draco immediately collapsed on top of him. They breathed against each other, wet and sticky with their lovemaking, and hardly caring. It was long minutes before Draco managed to crawl to the bedside and magic away any physical evidence of their coupling.

Harry, however, was hovering between consciousness and unconsciousness with a lazy smile. Pleasure had made his brain completely uselessly. He could only yawn and smile appreciatively as Draco pulled him into a comfortable embrace and turn out the lights. Forgetting every little sadness or disappointment of their day, Harry succumbed to sleep.


Okay guys. I apologize again for the late chapter. I will be unfortunately busy the next few weeks due to house hunting, so forgive me. I will attempt to update as quickly as possible. Until next chapter!