One morning, Mario and Spyro are taking walk around the park. They both had a great time.
Mario; Ahh, what a wonderful day to be walking out in the park.
Spyro; you said it.
Mario; hey Spyro, can I ask you something?
Spyro; sure what is it?
Mario; when you grow up, what would you wanna be?
Spyro; well, I don't know.
Mario; what, you mean you haven't decided.
Spyro; well I'm working on it.
Mario; well for me, I am ganna be a bodyguard for my Princess Peach. Soon we'll be like Romeo and Juliet and together we'll get married.
Spyro; now hold on, you can't be the bodyguard and marry Princess Peach at the same time.
Mario; don't worry, I can handle it.
Spyro; well for me, I wanna be a newspaper and mails dragon.
Mario; what?
Spyro; a newspaper and mails dragon. I wanna deliver mails and newspaper, travel all around the world, and since I can fly, it will be a snap.
Mario; but Spyro, being a newspaper and mails dragon is a big responsibility.
Spyro; so.
Mario; you have to go deliver mails even on your birthday.
Spyro; so.
Mario; you even have to go when it snow or rain.
Spyro; unleast they don't force me to go during the hurricane.
Mario; well I guess so.
Spyro; beside, I think being a newspaper mails dragon is better than being a bodyguard.
Mario; what?
Spyro; well it is. Beside, we earn money for doing it.
Mario; but being bodyguard means you get to see the ladies.
Spyro; true, but I don't wanna waste time being in the castle for so long.
Mario; whatever.
Spyro; so um, you wanna go see a movies.
Mario; I guess so.
Spyro; which one would you like to see.
Mario; something that doesn't stink.
Spyro; how about Simpsons?
Mario; that an episode.
Spyro; Titanic.
Mario; too sad.
Spyro; Grand Theft Auto.
Mario; that a video game.
Spyro; Bratz.
Mario; too girly.
Spyro; Frankenstein.
Mario; too much blood.
Spyro; well what is it?
Mario; how about Lion King?
Spyro; that a good one.
Mario; yep, let go.
So Mario and Spyro went to see the movies called Lion King. They had a great time watching it.
The End.