A/N: Just a warning, there is a lemon in this chapter, enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the storyline.
Meanwhile, at Lucy's house, she and Natsu were currently in Lucy's room watching movies on Netflix. Natsu had gotten up to go to the bathroom and Lucy was lying in bed waiting for him to return.
Suddenly, Lucy heard a notification go off on Natsu's phone. Curiosity getting the better of her, she reached over and grabbed it. She immediately saw that he had gotten a snapchat from a girl named Cindy. Remembering his phone password, she quickly unlocked it and opened the message.
Lucy was not pleased with what she saw. There was a long chain of saved messages, and they were mainly nude pictures of this so called Cindy. The most recent message being a simple 'Hey'.
"Whatcha lookin at?" Natsu said, startling her out of her growing angry thoughts.
Lucy took a deep breath and calmly turned to her boyfriend, flashing him the phone.
"What is this." She said in an extremely dry tone trying to keep her voice even.
Natsu's eyes widened as soon as he saw the phone.
"Shit, Luce I can explain that." He sat on the bed taking the phone at the same time but still holding it where she could still see. "A long time ago before we were together she used to just.. send me pictures all the time, you know, as a snap streak? "
Natsu waited for her to confirm or deny knowledge on the subject. Eventually seeing that she wasn't going to, he decided to continue the explanation.
"but that was way before us. I forgot I even saved the pictures, it's been so long since she sent me anything. I haven't talked to her since I swear, I don't know why she sent me this."
Lucy was silent for a long trying to process all that he had just said. He had lied to her before so she couldn't help but be cautious.
"Have you ever… done anything with her before?"
"Y-yeah, like twice a long time ago…"
There was another long silence. Lucy didn't know what to say. Dating the boy who was formally known as the school player... or male slut to be frank… she knew he had a past. She just didn't consider having to deal with that fact.
"I want you to block her." Lucy broke the silence.
"Yeah, of course, anything you want." Natsu said sincerely while blocking the girl's contact.
There was another long silence and the atmosphere had grown tense. Natsu shifted uncomfortably on the bed. He could tell she had a lot on her mind she wasn't saying.
"Hey" He said while pulling her into his lap in an embrace. Lucy didn't fight him but stayed silent.
"Girls like that are nothing but the past. She's nothing st all compared to you in any way. Down to everything that makes you, you, I'm happy I found you, I really am." Natsu Kissed her on the forehead, trying to provide her with some reassurance.
Lucy remained silent; clearly feeling uneasy about all he was saying. It had finally hit her that if they were to do anything together, he would be her first everything, while she would just be one of his many.
"What are you thinking about. Talk to me babe."
Lucy sighed quietly. "It's nothing."
Natsu frowned. That clearly wasn't true at all. "Come on Luce… You're keeping something from me."
He wrapped his arms around her, rocking them back and forth playfully.
"Psh, you're one to talk." Lucy clapped back, changing the atmosphere of the room back tense. Destroying Natsu's attempt to lighten the mood.
Natsu was slightly hurt by her words, but knew where they came from, and chose not to react to them. He read in one of Lucy's magazines that you shouldn't take lash outs like that to heart when you've hurt someone.
"Luce…" He turned her so she was now facing him and looked her in the eyes seriously. "talk to me. I care about what's eating you up."
Lucy sighed "I don't want to say. It's kind of embarrassing."
Natsu leaned in and pecked her lightly on the lips. Trying to make her feel comfortable.
"You don't have to be embarrassed with me Luce. What is it."
Lucy sighed; why does he have to be so charming?
"it's just… well if we were ever to do anything, you would be my first… Well everything. While I'm just…"
Lucy paused but Natsu already knew where she was going with this. He had been here before with many girls. He would usually just tell them whatever they wanted hear but with Lucy things were different. He wanted to make sure she really felt okay.
"Lucy I promise you you're nothing like those other girls-"
"How many girls have you been with?" Lucy cut him off getting directly to the point.
Natsu sighed sitting up too to meet his girlfriend's gaze "11…"
"Geeze Natsu"
"That's not that bad!"
"I would be number 12!" Lucy laid back dramatically in frustration.
Natsu couldn't help but smile a little, she was so cute to him.
"You aren't a number to me Luce. I love you" He grabbed her by the arm puling her back up. "And I haven't done everything…"
Lucy stared at Natsu for a moment, trying to figure out what he could possibly mean. She knew he was no virgin so what else could there possibly be?
"What do you mean?" She finally asked after several moments of silence.
Natsu lightly smirked as he leaned in and kissed Lucy passionately. Lucy responded immediately, never being able to resist a kiss from him. Natsu then flipped them so that he was now on top resting between her legs.
He started trailing kisses down her neck causing her to lightly moan. His hands traveled up her body gripping her waist bringing her closer to him. They've had many heated make out sessions in the past so this was nothing new to Lucy.
Natsu stopped for a moment, letting out a deep breath. "Do you trust me Luce?"
"Well, yeah- "
"I want to try something. I can show you better than I can tell you what I mean..." He smirked suggestively "But, I'll stop whenever you want me to. Just say the word."
"okay…" Lucy said slightly confused.
Natsu leaned back in, claiming her lips once again. He trailed his hand up her leg and began massaging her thighs.
Lucy moaned contently into his mouth, enjoying the way he touched her.
Natsu began lifting her dress trailing kisses down her neck in the process. He stopped lifting her skirt just above her belly button and started to make his way down her body; kissing, licking, and dragging his teeth against her neck causing her to moan. Finally he reached her lower stomach.
Lucy blushed slightly in embarrassment as he started to pull her underwear down.
"W-wait, what are you…"
Natsu slightly smiled, already knowing what she was trying to say. "I know you're not ready to go all the way yet, just trust me ok?"
Lucy simply nodded
With that sign of approval, Natsu began sliding her panties down her leg, admiring how soft her skin felt against him along the way. He the slid his hands up her thighs, kissing and teasing the skin on her inner thigh.
Next thing Lucy knew, Natsu's face was buried between her legs, arms wrapped around her thighs, keeping her secure against him.
Lucy moaned as licked and sucked her sensitive walls. Thrusting into her with his tongue.
Natsu reached up, one hand now massaging her chest and the other applying pressure on her clit; as he continued his ministrations with his tongue.
Lucy's back arched off the bed in pure ecstasy. It took everything in her not to moan too loudly.
"Natsuuuuuu" she moaned, feeling pleasure, she had never felt before.
Lucy felt herself nearing her peak as Natsu inserted 2 fingers inside of her, now pumping in and out as he sucked on her clit.
Lucy's body shook uncontrollably as she neared her peak; grabbing onto Natsu's hair moaning as she reached her orgasm.
She laid still on the bed with her eyes closed breathing heavily in bliss as she felt Natsu fix her skirt and then shift, now lying beside her. She scooted up on the large king-sized bed, wanting to get out of the wet spot that formed beneath her.
"You're the first and only girl I've ever done that with"
Lucy blushed already re-imagining the events that just took place.
"I love you Luce. Even if we never get that far. Anything we do is way more special than anything I've ever done with any of those girls. You will never be another number to me."
Lucy smiled "I love you too Natsu."
They spent the rest of the day cuddling in Lucy's bed and watching tv.
"You and Natsu did what?!" Levy exclaimed at the story her best friend just told her.
It was now lunch time and the girls were sitting at their usual table. The boys were gone for a martial arts team meeting.
"Don't act so innocent Levy." Lucy said smugly while taking a bite of her sandwich. "We all know you and Gajeel have done way more" She shrugged.
Levy blushed deeply and the girls grew quiet.
"What" Lucy said breaking the silence "Too soon?" she looked up innocently from her food.
Levy rolled her eyes deciding to shrug off Lucy's mildly rude words rather than addressing them.
"Anyways, how were the rest of your weekends?" She addressed the rest of the girls
"Well…" Erza spoke up. "I've decided to give Jellal another chance"
Everyone abruptly stopped eating and focused their attention on Erza. After she left school early, the girls didn't know exactly what to expect. They were shocked that someone like Erza would even give another chance considering the situation. But then again, this was Jellal, and everyone knew Erza had an undeniable weak spot for him.
With everyone's attention, Erza began explaining everything that had happened over the weekend, including some of the more emotional parts. The girls were shocked further, seeing a side of Erza they had not yet seen.
Juvia was the first to speak up at the end of Erza's story.
"Well, if Erza is happy Juvia is happy. Just be careful. I don't want to see you hurt like that ever again."
"—Or there will be hell to pay." Levy interjected balling up her fist.
"How do you guys do it." Lucy said thoughtfully, taking another bite of her food.
"What?" The girls answered simultaneously
"How do you deal with… knowing… your boyfriend has been intimate with so many girls. Girls that are still just casually around?"
"I personally blocked every girl in Gajeel's phone" Levy said casually.
"What about his mother" Lucy said dryly.
"Well, not his mother of course. I'm not crazy" Levy waved off
Lucy rolled her eyes, deciding not to even get into all the things wrong with that with her.
"What about you Juvia, you haven't said anything in a while."
Lucy didn't expect what came next. Instead of responding, Juvia burst into tears.
"Juvia and Gray-sama got into a fight"
She buried her face in her hands. The girls immediately moved to comfort their distraught friend. Erza being the one to pull her to her bosom in an oddly comforting hug.
"Gray-sama got mad because Juvia was asking questions about a girl. And then when Juvia asked to look in his phone, He got so defensive Juvia just apologized. Gray-sama has never yelled at me like that before. Is Juvia insecure?"
Erza sighed sadly at her friend's distress. "You aren't insecure Juvia. I would have an issue with his reaction as well..."
"Me too actually" Lucy interjected "Men only get that defensive when there's something to hide." She huffed thoughtfully crossing her arms.
Even as she recalled the situation with Natsu earlier, he hadn't gotten defensive with her at all. He actually handled the situation very well.
"I agree with Lucy a thousand percent. I'm just glad Gajeel doesn't care about me looking. He's been very open since the… incident"
"Does he still text old flings?"
"I wouldn't know. More than likely not." Levy shrugged "I don't go through his phone. It's nice to know that I can whenever I want and because of that I don't feel the need." She casually started eating her salad again.
Lucy scoffed "Not ever? I go through Natsu's phone all the time."
Levy shook her head, chewing her salad.
"I trust him"
Lucy looked at levy slightly concerned.
"As long as you're being careful. You were the one hurt most by the… incident" She reminded her.
Levy shrugged "I have to let it go sometime or Gajeel and I will never move forward. Just trusting him is honestly the best thing I can do for our relationship. If that was the wrong choice, worst case scenario we break up, I'm momentarily heartbroken, and then I meet someone else and move on."
The girls couldn't help but nod, agreeance to her statement. But life isn't always that simple when it comes down to it.
"I Can't fight that logic…. But still, I don't know.." Juvia sighed
"Look." Lucy said simply as the bell began to ring symbolizing the end of lunch "Just check when he's not looking. It'll ease your mind. Worst case scenario, you find nothing. I always do."
With that, the girls began packing up their things and throwing their garbage in the trash. There was no more time for further discuss the topic. That alone, left Juvia with a lot on her mind.
School soon ended and Juvia couldn't shake the paranoia plaguing her. She was silent the entire ride home from school. So lost in thought she forgot about the man in the car with her, who was the very cause of her mental distress. She completely forgot they had agreed earlier in the day to hang out at her house after school.
When they got Juvia's house she led them straight to the kitchen; knowing he'd be hungry from skipping lunch and the long day of school. She decided to forget about the conversation she had with the girls earlier and focus on having a good time.
"What do you want to eat Gray-sama?" Juvia asked opening the refrigerator.
"It doesn't matter. Anything you make is always good." He shrugged casually pulling off his hoodie and throwing it on the counter. "I'm gonna go down stairs and pick the movie" He said referring to the mini home theater in her basement. "Any preference?"
"Anything is fine" She said, still deep in thought, pulling ingredients out of the fridge.
Gray thought nothing of her dry response, figuring it was just because she was focused on her task. He agreed and headed down the stairs.
Juvia was silently mixing ingredients when she heard a buzz come from Gray's sweatshirt. Knowing it had to be his cellphone, she went over to investigate.
She soon discovered she was indeed right and was now faced with a decision. To look or not to look. Lucy's words from earlier then replayed in her head and with that she made her decision. She pulled the phone out of the pocket, setting the sweatshirt back on the counter.
She went to unlock it and was pleased to see it didn't have a passcode. She immediately went to text messages, not wanting to waste much time.
The message he received was from a girl named Alyssa. It was a simple hi with a smiley face emoji.
As she scrolled on she saw much many more overly friendly and borderline flirty conversation. She wasn't pleased with what she was seeing at all. She abandoned her task of cooking and was now leaning against the counter, her full attention on the cellphone.
She soon exited that message thread and opened several others, finding very similar things. One person stood out, a girl name Ultear who he had the longest message thread with. The messages went back to before they were even dating. The older messages we very racy compared to the casually flirty recent ones. From this Juvia inferred they must have had a thing going on before they got together, and she wasn't happy at all.
"What are you doing?" Juvia was startled out of her thoughts by Gray's voice.
She looked up shocked, but her shock was soon replaced with confusion, hurt, and anger.
"Who are all these girls?" She flashed the phone to him.
"Why do you have my phone? We talked about this." He walked over and grabbed it from her, growing irritated.
"Answer the question Gray."
"They're just friends." He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "Why are you even looking through my phone anyways?" he snapped
"That's beside the point here" She snatched the phone back from him and opened the message thread with Alyssa. "This conversation seems very friendly" she opened the message thread with Ultear next cutting right to the chase. "And what the hell is this all about? You clearly had some kind of thing with her. She's the last person you should be this friendly with in my opinion"
She set the phone down on the counter, doing everything she could not to slam it out of anger and frustration. She was so angry she didn't even realize she wasn't talking in 3rd person anymore.
"They're just friends. Nothing is going on." He said defensively, grabbing his phone off the counter and shoving it in the pocket of his sweat pants.
Juvia sighed in frustration. There was a moment of silence each of them glaring in opposite directions. Not meeting the others gaze.
"this has been going on long enough and you never tell me anything meaningful when I ask you about the constant stream of girls that run up to you when we're out"
She frowned, finally looking him in the eye
"You don't want me to look at your phone and when I finally do I see… this"
She gestured to his pocket.
"I don't need to know the details of what went on between you and them. But What I want to know is why you still talk to them. Why do you feel the need to keep in contact with them when you have me."
Juvia didn't know what to expect as a response, she just knew that if she was honest with him about her feelings, things would be ok. At least, that's what she read in an advice column in a magazine she saw at Lucy's house.
Gray immediately grew defensive.
"We're JUST FRIENDS Juvia. Damn… This is why everyone refers to you as the jealous bitch, you're unbearable you fucking headache" He said loudly and coldly.
There was a pregnant silence. Juvia had no idea how to respond. What she did know is that he had disrespected her too many times for her liking. No matter how strongly she felt for him; there was only one thing left to do.
She quietly took off the promise ring he gave her and put it on the counter. Gray watched her in utter confusion. He honestly didn't think there was anything he could do to get her to take that off, and in this moment, he knew he messed up bad.
"Get out Gray, we're done." Juvia responded emotionlessly before quickly retreating upstairs to her bedroom.
Gray sat there in silence for a moment, unsure what to do next. All he could do was stare at the counter at what was once his "girlfriend's" most prize possession, as she claimed. He regretted those words as soon as he said them. He knew they were wrong, and he knew he was wrong. He just got so frustrated he exploded.
He knew exactly why Juvia was upset. Even though he had never done anything with those girls; he knew she was right to question him on keeping them around. At the end of the day, Gray had abandonment issues he didn't want to deal with. And he only kept those girls around, so he wouldn't be left with no one if Juvia left him. But that didn't matter to him now, he couldn't deny he had a connection with Juvia he had never had with anyone before, and he didn't want to lose her.
He didn't know how, but he had to fix this. Before he knew it he was standing at Juvia's locked bedroom door. All he could hear was her was her crying on the other side, and his heart ached knowing he caused it.
"Juvia.." He sighed through the door "I'm sorry.. I don't know that came over me. Please open the door so we can talk"
He wasn't surprised to be met with silence.
"Look Juvia… Those girls don't mean anything to me. I don't know why I did it…"
He was met with more silence. His heart pounded as every second went by. It was now or never at this point; he knew he had to open up to her.
"Yes I do... I'm just an idiot. And I did it because I'm afraid if I push everyone away and you leave… I'll be left with no one.. I know why it makes you uncomfortable.. And I'm sorry for everything I said. You're not a jealous.. bitch."
He cringed at the memory of him calling her that. He really felt ashamed.
"Everything you said is right.. and the answer to your question was just something I didn't want to admit… And I'm sorry"
Gray had never felt more vulnerable in his life; but he knew it was the only way to make things right with Juvia. He had read it in a magazine at Lucy's house.
There was nothing but silence. Gray stood there in agony awaiting a response he didn't know was coming or not. His heart was racing, he knew she had no obligation to speak to him or respond in any way. She ended things after his outburst and she had every right. He knew was he didn't want to lose her, but it might already be too late. Just when he was about to give up hope he heard the door creek open, causing him to snap his head up.
The sight he was met with broke his heart. There stood Juvia, face flushed with puffy red eyes. She had obviously been crying hard. More tears welled in her eyes as the seconds passed that she tried to contain, but she was failing miserably.
Gray didn't know what to do, so he did what came natural. He pulled her into a soft embrace that, to his surprise, she didn't fight.
"Juvia…" He sighed "Please stop crying… I'm sorry." He used his thumbs to wipe the remaining tears out of her eyes.
"I love you.. You're the only girl I want to be with" He said softly not removing his hands from her face.
Before he knew it they closed the gap locking lips in a sweet kiss that was slowly growing in passion. Juvia wrapped her arms around his neck and Gray's hands traveled to her waist pulling her closer.
He deepened the kiss grabbing her legs and wrapping them around his waist. Juvia moaned in pleasure as he kissed her neck grinding against her.
He locked lips with her again, carrying her over to the bed and laying her down gently. He gazed down lustily at the beauty before him. In that moment he truly felt lucky. He began kissing down her body, removing the dress she was wearing caressing every curve on the way.
Juvia sighed making his dick twitch in anticipation. Only she could ever make him feel this way.
He wasted no time removing her lacy panties and sliding a finger inside her.
"Fuck" He moaned at how wet she was. He couldn't wait to taste her, and that's exactly what he did.
Juvia moaned in ecstasy as he massaged her clit with his tongue pumping in and out of her folds with 2 fingers. When she was close to her peak gray pulled away taking off his own clothes and then getting back on top of her.
He kissed her deeply as he slid inside her. Sighing in pleasure as he entered.
His pace was slow and tender, grinding deeply into her with every stroke. He then stood and pulled her with him to the edge of the bed. He then grabbed her legs and wrapped them around her neck. Lovingly caressing them before leaning forward letting his hand travel to her breast.
Juvia moaned at the new deeper angle. Before she could process Gray snapped his hips forward causing her to scream out in pleasure. He continued this creating a new faster but still tender pace. Caressing her breast and clit at the same time, Juvia was a moaning thrashing mess near her peak.
Gray was too just at the sight of her. He leaned forward capturing her lips in a kiss, going in deeper and never breaking his pace. That was enough to push Juvia over the edge, breaking the kiss to moan loudly.
Gray came soon after, groaning into her ear and sending chills down her spine. They laid there entwined with each other, panting heavily to catch their breath.
Gray rolled over straightening himself on the bed. He pulled Juvia with him so they were now laying under the covers with her head on his chest.
"I Love you Juvia… And I'm sorry. For everything I put you through with this." He said seriously, breaking the silence between them.
"I love you too..." Juvia said, speaking for the first time since she went up to her room. "And I forgive you"
Gray sighed in relief.
"Does that mean we're not 'done' anymore?"
Juvia sat up, taking some of the blanket with her to cover herself.
"I-I don't know… I need to think about it." She said trying her best to avoid making eye contact. "I do love you… but you really hurt me Gray. And I want to believe you I just… Need some time."
Gray nodded
"I understand. And if its space you need, I understand that too." Gray said reluctantly. It's not what he wanted, but he didn't exactly put himself in the best position to argue.
"Thank you." Juvia said appreciatively, still staring at the bed.
"I'm gonna get going now.." He got out of the bed and began dressing in silence.
When he was fully dressed he glanced over at Juvia to see she still hadn't moved. He walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.
"I'll see you later okay. I love you." He rubbed her back gently.
Juvia smiled sadly and nodded as they pulled away.
"I love you too… see you" She said softly as he closed the door behind him, unsure if he heard her or not.
She laid back on her bed and sighed deeply, now alone with her thoughts. She was feeling confused and depressed to say the least. Where was one of Lucy's magazines when she needed it.
A/N: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to review and tell me what you think
Till next time,
Roxy 3