Don't ask me why I did it, I just did. If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it.
Guts… that was his name, and that was all he could remember. His eye shot open and he saw a blue cloudless sky. The air smelled of pollen and other summer related scents. The land felt soft beneath him, and he found it hard to lift himself up off of the ground. Guts couldn't remember anything prior to waking up here, all which came to mind was a loud noise, akin to a heartbeat. He raised his arm from the ground and saw that his hand was missing, in its place was a metal prosthetic. Guts looked to his other arm, and saw that his hand was holding the hilt of a massive blade. It was broad enough to be a shield, and he felt safer with it at his side. He raised his head and looked down to the rest of his body. He was covered in sleek, black armor, and blood was leaking out from between the plates.
Was it his own blood? It was certainly hard to move. What was the extent of his injuries? Where was he? So many questions that he just didn't know the answer to. Gut's head fell back to the ground, and he passed out again. The second time he regained consciousness, he heard voices surrounding him. He did not open his eyes, he chose to listen in.
"Chrom, we have to help him, look at the guy, he's in bad shape." He heard a voice say.
"I agree, we can't just leave him here like this." He heard another say.
"Well, if you guys are done talking, I'm gonna work my magic." He heard a woman say.
"Would you look at that sword he's holding? It's enormous." He heard a man say.
Work their magic? What did they mean? He suddenly felt an energy wash over him. It was… familiar, and soothing. He felt wounds closing all over his body, and he could feel broken bones knitting themselves back together. Guts opened his lone eye, and saw four figures standing over him. One was a short blonde haired woman with a yellow dress and pigtails. She held a staff in her hand, and she wore some kind of frilly hat.
One was a man with dark blue hair. He wore a white cape and wore a metal pauldron on his right shoulder. The left arm was bare, and Guts could see what seemed to be a tattoo on his shoulder. The tattoo had a teardrop shape in the center, and wing like protrusions spreading out in either direction. He carried some sort of air of command about him.
The third was a tall man with brown hair and blue plated armor. He held his hands behind his back, and radiated a feeling of authority similar to that of the dark blue haired man, though it was much less pronounced.
The fourth… had long white hair. Guts didn't know why, but he really hated that hair. He wore a black cloak with purple eyeball shapes running along the sleeves. He saw that there was a sword at his belt, and he was holding a book in hand.
Guts pinched the bridge of his nose, attempting to quell the rising headache.
"And he's alive. Hello there friend, are you okay?" The dark blue haired man asked him.
"I think so. Who are you, and where am I?" Guts asked him.
The blue haired man offered him his hand, and Guts took it, leaving the massive sword laying on the ground. When he was on his feet, Guts realized that he towered over everyone there, including the blue armored man.
"I'm Chrom, this is my sister Lissa." Chrom said, pointing to the short blonde woman.
"The white haired guy is Robin, and this is Frederick the wary." Lissa said, pointing to the blue armored man.
Robin offered a hand to Guts.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Robin said.
Guts hesitated, but then shook his hand. That hair… it just infuriated him.
"So, what is your name?" Chrom asked him.
Guts turned to him.
"It's Guts." He said.
Chrom chuckled.
"That's an odd name, anyway to answer your previous question, you're in the Halidom of Ylisse." Chrom said.
Halidom of Ylisse?
"Never heard of it." Guts said.
Frederick sighed.
"First Robin, then you. How can you not have heard of the Halidom?" Frederick asked him.
Guts narrowed his eyes at Frederick.
"Probably because I don't know anything else besides my name." Guts said.
Lissa laughed for a minute straight before she recollected herself.
"This is gold! It hasn't even been three days and we've found two amnesiacs laying in a random open field!" Lissa yelled.
Guts looked to Chrom, and was about to ask him about Ylisse, but he had a solemn look on his face. Chrom was staring at the horizon, and Guts did the same. There were men running towards them, all brandishing fur clothing and wielding axes.
"Come on boys!" The man at the front of the group yelled. "Kill em' all!"
"We've got brigands! Steel yourselves!" Chrom yelled.
Guts leaned down and grabbed the hilt of his sword.
"You don't honestly think that you can lift that steel beam do you?" Frederick asked him.
Guts lifted the sword from the ground and threw it over his shoulder. He flashed a smirk Frederick's way. Holding this blade felt familiar to him, and with it, he felt invincible.
"By the gods! What strength!" Lissa yelled.
"Listen! We all need to get into pairs, now Lissa, I need you to go stand over there with your brother, Frederick and I will take on the first two of them, then Chrom, you follow up. Guts…" Robin started.
Guts charged towards the bandits with his sword raised. There were only ten of them in all, and something in him told him that he faced even greater challenges.
"Come back here you fool!" Frederick yelled.
The first man he reached swung his axe at him, and Guts swung the sword through the brigands attack, slicing clean through the weapon, and the man. His top half flew off to the left while his legs fell to the ground.
"Naga's tits!" One man yelled, backing away.
The man who had yelled earlier about killing them all backhanded him.
"Coward! He's just one man! Now charge!" He yelled.
Three of them charged Guts at the same time, and raised their weapons over their heads.
"Guts look out!" He heard Lissa yell.
Guts slashed at their arms and disconnected them from the elbow up, sending the weapons and the decapitated limbs sailing off. The men screamed out in horror for a moment before Guts finished all three of them off with a single swing.
"S-sir! We're in over our heads here, let's get gone!" A man said, turning to their boss.
"You're all weak! Either die to him, or die to me!" He yelled.
Guts charged up and stabbed the leader through the stomach. He coughed up blood on the large blade, then Guts swung the body off of the blade and towards two of the other men, knocking them to the ground. He didn't waste any more time, and sliced his way through the rest. Disconnecting body parts and spraying blood everywhere.
The entire area where the brigands were was covered in blood, severed limbs and other viscera were everywhere. The once bright green grass was now covered in a shade of red. Guts hadn't even broken a sweat. He looked back to the others, and all of their eyes were widened in disbelief. He walked back towards them, sheathing his sword at his back.
"I can't believe this… You took care of them in mere moments! It was barely even a fight!" Robin yelled.
"I've never seen anyone get rid of so many in so little time." Frederick said.
"Holy crap!" Lissa yelled.
Chrom just grinned at him. He had some kind of sparkle in his eyes. Guts didn't know why, but that look felt strangely familiar.
"Guts, you say that you remember nothing of your past correct?" Chrom asked.
Guts nodded.
"If that's the case, then you don't have anywhere to go right?" Chrom asked.
"No." Guts said, furrowing his brow.
"Milord, don't tell me that you're actually going to-" Frederick started.
"Would you like to join the Shepard's Guts? A warrior such as yourself would prove invaluable in battle." Chrom said.
Guts put a hand on his chin.
"Why do Shepard's need warriors? That doesn't make a lot of sense. How many sheep do you have to protect?" Guts asked.
Lissa giggled, and Chrom chuckled.
"We're not actually Shepard's silly! We're a group that keeps the peace in Ylisse." Lissa said.
"I'm not opposed to the idea of you joining Guts. I'd feel a lot safer with you around, that's for sure." Robin said, smiling.
Guts sighed.
"I'm just not sure. I woke up and I have no idea who I am or what's going on… It's a little much." Guts said.
"That sure didn't stop me from joining." Robin said.
"Come on Guts, at least stay with the Shepard's until your memory resurfaces." Chrom said.
Guts let out a sigh of defeat.
"You're right, what else am I going to do? Go back to napping in this field?" Guts said.
Chrom almost jumped with joy.
"Great! Welcome to the Shepard's Guts. We're currently on our way to Ylisstol, the capital of Ylisse. It's not that far, we'll be there in a day or two." Chrom said.
"I suppose I don't have a say in this." Frederick sighed.
"Nope! Now go collect pebbles." Lissa said.
"I beg your pardon?" Frederick asked her.
"Don't you do that?" Lissa asked him.
"No…" Frederick said.
"Really?" Robin asked him.
Frederick pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Really." Frederick said.
"Enough." Chrom chuckled. "Come, we've a long way to go."
"Yes we do. Is anyone hungry? I could have sworn that I saw a bear earlier…" Frederick said.
After a fair bit of walking, they decided to set up camp for the night. They were in a dark forest, Guts could hear crickets chirping and frogs croaking in the distance. Frederick had went off a couple of hours ago in search of an animal to bring back. Guts didn't think he was serious about killing a bear until he came back on his horse with tons of bear meat. Guts had made a campfire, and Frederick began cooking the bear over it.
Once it was done, the group all sat around the campfire. Robin tore into that bear steak like a savage beast, as if he hadn't eaten in days. Guts took a bite of his steak, it didn't taste the best, but it was better than nothing.
"Seriously? A bear Frederick? Couldn't you spear a normal animal? Like a deer or something?" Lissa complained.
"I couldn't find anything else besides the bear." Frederick responded.
"But it tastes like old boots!" Lissa yelled.
"At least it tastes like something." Guts said, his mouth half full.
"Food is food Lissa, we'll have plenty to eat once we reach Ylisstol." Chrom said, taking a bite of his steak.
"You all know nothing of good food!" Lissa pouted.
Guts looked over to Frederick, and noticed that he didn't have a plate. He did kill the bear didn't he? There was still plenty of meat to go around.
"Frederick, why don't you have any food?" Guts asked him.
Lissa narrowed her eyes at the knight.
"Yeah, why don't you have any food?" Lissa asked him.
"I… Had a very large lunch. I'm not hungry." Frederick said.
"Humph, liar." Lissa said, taking a reluctant bite of her food.
Chrom looked to Guts.
"So do you remember anything from your past yet? Any other names?" Chrom asked him.
Guts pinched the bridge of his nose.
"No, nothing. All that happens when I try is a headache." Guts said, taking another bite.
Robin looked up from his meal for a moment.
"Huh, it's kind of like that with me. It's weird though, I knew Chromes name when I woke up, it just came out of my mouth as soon as I saw him." Robin said.
"Very odd indeed." Frederick said, narrowing his eyes at Robin.
After they were done with their bear dinner, the group decided to turn in for the night. No one had any bed rolls, so they had to sleep in the dirt. Guts didn't mind, he felt as if he hadn't slept in days. He was asleep in what felt like mere moments.
Then he had a horrible nightmare.
He was in a place that was covered with the blood of his friends. Guts didn't know how they were his friends exactly, but he just knew. Guts looked up and saw a bat like humanoid creature descending from the sky.
"You will now be named Femto."
Gut's eye shot open, and he sat up from the ground. His breathing was heavy, and he was baring his teeth in anger. That dream… was so horrible, so much blood... he put a hand on his chest in an attempt to relax himself. After he calmed himself, he looked to his traveling companions, and saw that only Frederick and Robin were present. They both held their hands behind their head and were snoring away. Where did Chrom and Lissa go?
Guts stood up from the ground, and looked around into the darkness of the forest. He could not see them, nor could he hear their voices. How far away were they? Were they in danger? Suddenly, he felt the ground begin to shake violently beneath his feet. He hefted his blade from the ground, and sheathed it on his back.
Guts saw as Robin and Frederick were lifted up off of the ground from the force of the earthquake. After they hit the ground, they shot up to their feet looking dazed and confused. Frederick looked around the campsite, and looked flustered and slightly panicked.
"Where is milord and milady!?" Frederick yelled. "And where is my horse!?"
"I have no idea, I just woke up and they were gone!" Guts yelled.
"We have to get out of here!" Robin yelled.
He watched as a large chunk of earth rose from the ground, spurting lava from beneath it. It flew everywhere and singed his left arm. With no words, they all ran into the forest and away from the catastrophe. They dodged falling tree's and lava spurts for what felt like a mile, then they found themselves in a clearing where Chrom and Lissa were fighting off these strange men.
They wore metal masks with jagged teeth, and their eyes glowed a violent shade of red.
"You guys! Thank the gods you showed up!" Chrom yelled, blocking the strike of one of the beasts.
Chrom pushed himself away from it, and followed up with a slash across its throat, causing it to turn into black smoke.
"What in the world?" Robin said, running up to Chrom.
Frederick let out a loud whistle, then a few moments later, his armored horse showed up. How good is that beasts hearing? The knight hopped onto its back, and hefted his lance at the nearest opponent, driving his weapon deep in its midsection. That too, dissolved into black smoke. Two of them were charging his position, but in a single slice with his blade, he separated them both from their torsos.
Again, more black smoke.
"What are these things!?" Lissa yelled, backing away from the battle.
Guts furrowed his brow.
"They're not human." Guts said, charging the next three monsters.
Again, it took merely one slice to end their lives, it seemed that this sword could cut through anything. He heard voices talking from behind him, and turned to see two people conversing. One was a woman with short, reddish hair on a horse, and the other was a bright blue haired man with a bow and quiver. Guts watched as the woman kicked the man in the stomach from her horse, then he turned back to the fight.
He couldn't afford to be distracted. He charged ahead with Chrom and Robin, dispatching the rest of the beasts with ease. After he was sure that all of their opponents had been dealt with, Guts sheathed his sword, and turned to Chrom and the rest of the party. Including the two new additions.
"Come on! Why didn't you leave any for me eh? That pisses me off!" The woman yelled.
"Please Sully, anger does not befit a woman as beautiful as you." The man said in an unrecognizable accent.
"Lay off creep." Sully said.
"Sully, glad you could make it. Who's this?" Chrom asked pointing to the blue haired man.
"I am the archest of archers, I am Virion, a pleasure I'm sure." Virion said, bowing.
Guts looked to the right of Chrom, and saw a man with the same shade of blue hair as Chromes was standing there silent. He wore a mask over his face, and wore black armor that reminded Guts of his own. At his hip was a sword that looked strikingly similar to Chrome's sword, it even had that hole in between the grip and the blade.
Guts looked at the armor again, it really did look almost just like his own. There were a few differences, such as the size, but the shape was a near mirror image. The man's gaze seemed to be drawn to Guts and Chrom for some reason.
Guts walked over to him, and he flinched.
"What is your name? And where did you come from?" Guts asked him.
The man opened his mouth to speak, hesitated, and then said.
"You may call me Marth."
His voice sounded oddly feminine…
"Marth? You mean like the hero king of old?" Chrom asked him, craning his neck towards Marth.
"Listen, what you all see here now is just a prelude to an even greater catastrophe. You have been warned." He said, turning away and walking off into the forest.
"Wait!" Chrom yelled.
His voice fell on deaf ears as Marth continued to march away into the darkness of the woods.
"What an odd man. Are you unhurt milord?" Frederick asked Chrom.
"I'm fine, thanks for asking Frederick." Chrom said.
"Oi Chrom, who are these two?" Sully said, pointing to Robin and Guts.
"These are the newest additions to the Shepard's, Guts and Robin." Chrom said, pointing at them as he said their names.
"Robin is super smart! And Guts is super strong!" Lissa cheered.
"I'm just good at tactics, that's all." Robin said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
Guts merely shrugged his shoulders.
"Huh, I think for a sparring partner I'd rather go with the big guy. White head over there looks too small." Sully said.
"But I'm just as tall as Chrom!" Robin yelled.
"Like I said, too small." Sully responded.
Robin's shoulders slumped in defeat.
"Are you calling me little Sully?" Chrom asked her.
She nodded.
Virion winked at her.
"My dearest Sully, surely you would rather spar with me. That man looks too dangerous to be your sparring partner my flower." Virion said.
Sully narrowed her eyes at him.
"If it means kicking the crap out of you on a daily basis, then whatever." Sully said.
Virion jumped with glee.
"Everyone, we still need to reach Ylisstol. Faster now than ever really, what if this earthquake hit the city?" Frederick reasoned.
Chrom's eyes widened.
"You're right Frederick, come on everyone, let's get a move on!" Chrom yelled.
Guts looked around at the forest. It was devastated, everything was either on fire or destroyed utterly. This, like many other things, felt familiar. A forest on fire… Guts touched one of the scars on his cheek.
"How far is it to Ylisstol?" Guts asked.
"If we really hoof it, we'll be there within a day or so." Lissa said.
"Well then get your hoofing shoes on shorty, cause we're in a hurry." Sully said.
This has been a weird day, that's for sure.
Okay well, there we are, the first chapter done. Please for the love of whatever Deity you worship or don't worship, leave a review. I actually kind of liked writing this little number.