I'm really sorry for the delay and the mediocre chapter. I;m suffering from a bad case of writers block but it sould be gone by the time the next season airs soon! This is basically a bit of a filler chapter but I feel like it was kind of important. And lets all pretend that here were a few days in between everyone returning from the alternate Enchanted Forest and Emma becoming the dark one.

Thank you for the lovely comments!

I woke up groggily, with blurry vision and a pain residing in my neck. I blinked quickly as a multitude of trees took shape before me. I groaned lightly and began to sit up, only to be pulled back down by a tightening arm snaked possessively around my waist. "Not till I say, love." I heard him mumble into my hair. Holding my breath I hoped he would catch on to my discomfort at being so close to him. Which I'm sure he did, but only responded by moving closer.

Welcome to day one of My Life Officially Sucks.

"What's the matter, Poppins?" He turned me roughly to face him, "I know I'm not usually the one you slept next to during your nights on Neverland. But you can handle change," He touched his forehead with mine and held my gaze intently. "Can't you?"

I felt sadness quickly flood my eyes, but replaced it quickly with anger as I roughly pushed space in between us, though his hand still lingered on my waist. "What happened last night after," I coughed. "After you, you know. You, uh," Huffing in frustration I found it hard to remember what exactly had happened last night, let alone ask him about it.

"Oh that, yes." He smiled and sat up. "That was the first thing I did after you fainted. You are unable to speak about our, ah, little agreement. Shall we call it?" His smile grew, "I can't have you telling anyone of my plan while you're out and about Storybrooke."

"What is Pan's master plan?" I threw sarcasm into 'master,' as every revenge plot I had ever heard of had never turned out the way the avenger had hoped. And I was pretty sure the only thing Pan was a 'master' of was kidnapping children.

"All in good time, Poppy."

I scowled, "well what am I supposed to do until that time arrives?"

"You're going to study. Learn everything there is to know about Henry, how to make him like you, trust you. He likes fairytales; it might be easier for him to like you if you become a little more interesting and eccentric." He smiled at the slight jab. Jeez, what is with all his smiling? An entire town just tried to destroy him! Shouldn't that dampen his mood a little bit?

"Wow, thanks for the advice!" I replied sarcastically. "But how do I study him? Do you have some hidden archive filled with information on all the people's lives you want to ruin or something?"

"Of course not love, not enough paper in the world," I scoffed. "Anyways, I remember you being more of a hand on learner. I figured you'd do best studying our subject up close and personal."

"I'm going to Storybrooke now?" At least that's better than another night on this god forsaken island with the devil.

"No love, we're going; the three of us." He smiled, and walked even closer, grabbing my hand.

"Three?" I raised an eyebrow just as a dark figure suddenly swooped down and gracefully glided into Pan, who blinked away the pain that came with reattaching your shadow. "Oh, your boyfriends coming too? Super."

He gripped my hand tighter and, without warning, zipped us into the air at top speed, pushing the breath out of my lungs. Out of instinct I flung my hands around his neck anxiously. "I fucking hate when you do that!" I hissed into his ear as his irritatingly protective arms tightened around my waist. He only laughed and dived down until we were dangerously close to the surface of the vast Never Sea.

I reluctantly held to him tighter and tried not to think of bloodthirsty mermaids. Thanks to past experiences with the devil I knew that he would be delighted to drop me again. He was fast though, I reminded myself as my stomach did flips and begged for solid ground. I had a much better stomach for disappearing and reappearing, they were so quick and simple. But there were a million misfortunate things that could happen while flying. Two million if you're dependent on Pan to decide if you will fly or die.

Before long I felt the familiar feeling of traveling across to another dimension and my heart beat gradually returned to normal as trees appeared below us. Eventually, he lowered us down into a small clearing with a well. I pushed him away from me as soon as my feet were planted on the moss covered ground. He scoffed but didn't say a word as he leaned casually against a tree.

Cautiously, I walked towards the ancient looking well. It didn't even have a bucket but something about it drew me closer. Slowly, I placed my flat palm against the cool stones, only to have a large wave of magic over whelm me. A small gasp escaped my lips as a flash of darkness chilled my veins. I slid my hand around the circumference but not a single flash of a past story came to me. Someone had blocked the past from seeping through time. Someone was ashamed of what had happened here.

"Something terrible was done here." I looked at Pan, whose eyes seemed to be following my every move.

"Loads of bad things, actually. It's one of the darkest places in Fairytale town," he smirked. "That's why we'll be staying here. The forest in general is avoided." He stared at the well. What was I about forests that made everyone so weird?

"Now, back to business. You are to be with Henry as much as possible. When you aren't able be around the savior, when that's not possible you are to report back to me. Understand?" I opened my mouth to speak but he went on anyway. "You're going to have to get in good with the boy's family. That's all anyone really finds important here." He scoffed as I made a face.

If there was one thing that Peter and I had in common it was a lack of family. And understanding of why it was anything to care about at all.

"His mothers are a big part too. They know everything about him. Real protective and everything. You're going to have to get him to keep secrets from them. Which shouldn't be too hard if you play your cards right... perhaps dress nicer." He smirked and quipped his eyebrow. "He is a boy, after all," he looked me up and down. "The town will be awake soon, be ready."

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