Disclaimer: I do not own Rise of the Guardians or Tangled. If I did, this would be canon. Rated T for mild language and eventual mild adult themes.

AN: It's relevant to mention that this starts right where RotG ends.

I know the canon timelines are waaaay off, but hey. Creative license and all that.

Chapter 1

The sleigh took off from the ice followed by cheers, and Jack kept waving to Jamie and the others until the sleigh entered the portal.

Bunny leaned back on the seat groaning, and closed his eyes. North, Tooth and Sandy showed no reaction, but to Jack this was still new. He stared in wonder at the kaleidoscopic colors and images of the portal, until they reached the other end of it, and the sled was touching down once more in North's cave/garage.

Bunny hopped off of the sled gratefully and said, "Well, see ya next time," before tapping his foot on the ground. Before he could drop into the tunnel that opened, though, Jack stopped him.

"Wait!" They all turned to him, and he asked, "So, what do we do now?"

"We watch for the lights," Tooth explained. "That's the signal that we're needed. Otherwise, we get back to work."

Bunny snorted at that. "Not that what Frost does could even be called work."

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with loving your job," Jack retorted.

"Whatever, mate," Bunny shot before dropping into the tunnel, which closed behind him.

"Huh, and here I thought that he was starting to like me," Jack mused.

Sandy shrugged, while Tooth put a comforting hand on his shoulder. North, though, was the one to speak up. "Bunny can be that way, even with us. He's still upset about losing Easter. Give him time, he'll calm down."

"So we just go our separate ways then?" Jack reiterated.

"Yup," Tooth nodded.

Jack stuck his hand in his pocket, and came out with the tube containing his teeth. "Could I… hang on to these for a bit?"

"Of course you can, Jack." Tooth gave him a hug before the wind carried him away, the other three Guardians waving to him as he went.

He waved back and then turned around, staring at the tooth box. "I will find where I came from," He said determinedly.


Meanwhile, many miles away, there was a party going on. Everybody in the kingdom was celebrating; almost everybody, at least. The guest of honor was absent, instead resting peacefully in her crib.

One person, however, was not satisfied with joining the revelry unless it meant seeing the new princess.

With all of the guards laughing and drinking with their friends, it was laughably easy for a dark figure to steal its way into the palace through a window and wind up looming over the reason for the party.

The girl was laying in her crib in purple pajamas. Splayed around her was more blonde hair than any newborn had a right to.

The girl woke, cooing happily, as the figure removed its hood to reveal a woman with curled graying hair and wrinkled skin. The woman reached out and caught a lock of blond hair in her fingers as she began to sing.

"Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine…"

The girl's hair began to glow as the song went on, and the woman's skin tightened and her hair darkened to black.

"Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine…"

Even her voice became smoother as she continued singing. She smiled hungrily, pulling a knife from within the depths of her robe. As she cut the lock of hair, however, it turned from golden blonde to brown, and the glowing stopped.

The woman's hair turned back to gray, and her skin began wrinkling again. "No," she gasped, looking at her hands desperately. What could she do?

Suddenly, she heard voices from outside the door.

"Hey, did you hear singing?"

"Yeah, it came from the princess's room."

The woman's face twisted into a snarl as she pulled her hood back up over her head and swept up the baby, disappearing through the window just as the doors burst open behind her.

The only thing left in the crib was a lock of brown hair.