Drabble one – Red is your colour

She landed back down at the stables and dragged her fur shrug from the saddle bag to cover the stain on her tunic. She gave a heavy sigh and dismounted Stormfly with a hiss.
"I'm sorry girl. That was pretty close today huh? Let's get you into your pen and then I can tend your leg. You were brilliant Stormfly." She led the Nadder into her pen and fetched a bowl of water, a rag and one of the ointments Hiccup had bought with him.
"Can you warm this up girl?" When the water was warmed she began wiping and the red marks on Stormfly's leg before rubbing in the ointment to prevent infection. "You just take it easy girl. You did great today." She chirped. "I'll be fine Stormfly. But don't tell anyone ok? Hiccup would never let me hear the end of it."
It wasn't like she'd been reckless. She and Stormfly had been flying to an island full of Nadders, routine, easy. Conveniently, the island was also home to hot springs that made for better bathing than a bucket. It should have been an easy trip. She hadn't counted on finding Dagur in the vicinity. She returned to her hut, thankful it was armoured but now cursing that it was right next door to Hiccup's, and carefully removed her shoulder pads and tunic to tend to her own injury. She was lucky. Stormfly had managed to keep most the arrows and spears from hitting them, but she'd still got hit. Hissing she pulled her spare tunic on before grabbing the bloody one and heading for the river. She needed to wash the blood out of it before Hiccup saw it.

Hiccup was wandering through the stables. He'd expected Astrid back over an hour ago. She was never late. He could always rely on her to be there when she was meant to. So needless, to say, it concerned him that she wasn't back.
"Hey Stormfly! You're back!" She chirped at him, nuzzling his hand before greeting Toothless happily. "I hope you bought Astrid back too. But you have come and found me if you hadn't" He paused as she circled Toothless playfully. What was wrong with her leg?
"Hey Stormfly, what've you done to your leg girl? Astrid's tried cleaning it I see. How did that happen huh? You seem ok, but I wouldn't put it past Astrid to be injured and not tell me, I'm going to find her. Toothless, you stay with Stormfly."

Stupid bloodstains. Astrid cursed as she scrubbed relentlessly at her tunic. "Come on. Come on! Come on, you've got to come out… Oh for the love of…!" She cursed as her tunic tore in two. "That's just great. JUST GREAT!" She slammed down the scrubbing brush and then hissed at the pain in her side. She really should have sorted it out better. Now she only had this tunic… And great. Now this was stained too. "Stupid useless thing! Eurgh! If Hiccup sees this…"
"If Hiccup sees what?" She turned sharply around flinching slightly as she looked at Hiccup, standing with hands on his hips, green eyes scanning over her. "Astrid, what've you done?!"
"It's just a scratch Hiccup! Nothing serious!"
"Oh that's why you tried to hide it is it? I saw Stormfly's leg. Thought you might have got hurt too."
"Well I'm fine. I just need to clean it a bit better…"
"True, but I'm doubting you'll actually bother."
"Well I…"
"Come on, I've got some stuff Gothi made which will help."
"Hiccup I'm…"
"Astrid, this is not up for negotiation. Now come on." With a groan she followed. She'd act more annoyed than she was. He was trying to take care of her which was sweet, but she didn't like needing help at all. He led her back into his hut and began searching through boxes and satchel bags of bottles looking for things.
"I wanna make sure it's clean before I put this on it." He said turning around with a bottle of orangey liquid. "It'll sting a little but then I'm going to put bandages over it, and that'll stop it from…" He looked at the tattered remains of her tunic in one hand and the newly bloodstained one she was wearing. "Ah…"
"I only had these two." She muttered.
"Alright then. Ok." Before she knew what was happening, he was pulling off his armoured shoulder pads, the leather covering on his torso and pulled off his red tunic. "Put that on in a minute." He instructed throwing it at her. She just stared, mouth agape. She'd caught glimpses of him shirtless before. But that was usually when he was changing tunics and she was passing the door. Now he was just there, with no tunic, and apparently not that bothered. And she was gawking at him. The freckles covered his chest, he was lightly defined, gods bless all that extra training with the dragons for the set of abs faintly visible now. She could see definition in his arms as well. Oh the gods had been good to Hiccup! And her eyes were drawn to the faint line of hair leading from his belly down below his pants, drawing her eyes dangerously lower.
"Can you pull your tunic up a little so I can get to the injury? If that's ok." He requested in that distinctly Hiccup-esque way. She was finding herself with a strange desire just to tug off the tunic and have done with it, though her bindings would cover anything vital from his eyes.
"Ummm sure." She pulled the tunic over her head, again hissing her discomfort as the fabric scraped the sore spot. She noticed the way Hiccup's eyes raked over her body, washing over her curves and making her cheeks tinge pink.
"Ok, I'm just going to give it a clean. And you're going to tell me what happened."
"Stormfly and I went to that island with the hot springs, the ones with all the Nadders? And we weren't expecting to see anyone."
"Who did you see?" He asked, though he already knew the answer. She flinched under the contact of the rag to her wound but relaxed slightly as his fingers brushed the skin above it.
"Dagur." She hissed gritting her teeth. "They attacked, as they do. Stormfly was amazing, she managed to fend off the worst of the weapons. But she took a spear to the leg and I got the arrow to the side."
"He didn't follow you?" She inhaled sharply suddenly. "Sorry."
"It's ok. No, we made sure to circle back over other islands before we came back. He didn't follow us."
"That's good at least, but no one is to go out alone anymore. We go with company. It's too risky." He uncorked the bottle and a rather unpleasant smell wafted out from it. "I'll grab some bandages in a second." He said as he gently dabbed it onto the tear in her pale flesh. He'd been right. It did sting. Quite a bit. But she was made of steel. She bit her lip and clamped her eyes shut to get through the pain. Then quite suddenly, the burning sensation changed, and instead of her side being on fire, her lips were. She opened her eyes in surprise and found Hiccup's mouth gently brushing against her own, but he moved before she could really respond and once more she was left staring at his bare body, this time his freckled back. He was searching around for bandages and when he returned with them, his face was red. She ignored the discomfort of the bandages being wrapped tightly around her and just stared at him. It was like seeing him in a whole new way, and not just topless. Everything seemed that bit different.
"Ok, you can put the tunic on now." Slowly, feeling more exposed suddenly, she pulled his red tunic on over her head, it was a little loose and a little long, but there was something wonderfully comfortable about it. And she could smell him on it, like metal and leather and smoke. Suddenly she took a chance, she acted on impulse and pulled him by the back of his neck to her, kissing him. Much to her relief, he kissed her back, one cautious hand holding onto her around the small of her back, the other on the side of her face. When they broke apart he looked at her bashfully, moving to dig out his spare tunics. These were dark blue and green. He glanced back at her.
"My tunic looks good on you." He mumbled. "I think red is your colour."

The others had joked the first few times they saw her walking around with Hiccup's tunic, they'd wolf whistled or looked completely gobsmacked the first time they saw her in Hiccup's hut in only his tunic. But as time went by, it just became the norm. His old red tunics were adjusted to fit her properly and the sleeves cut off. She wore his tunics to bed half the time, especially when he was away. And she wore them over her swollen belly when she became pregnant. Hiccup's tunics spent as much time hanging off Astrid's shoulders as they did sat on his, but he didn't mind in the slightest.