Hello again! I apologise for last chapter, kind of...

It was late midday the next day. Merlin lay sprawled out across his bed starting to stir from his slumber. His eyes slowly blinked open revealing bleary eyes beneath.

"Uhh..." He moaned pushing himself up and squinting against the harsh rays of light the open curtains let in. "I don't even remember drinking that much," He nursed his head mistaking the dreariness and sensitivity to the light as signs of a hang over. "I can't remember the last bit of the night, I remember the girl, then nothing... I will never drink again. I wonder how father is, he drunk a lot more than I did."

Merlin used his magic to ease the sharp pain resonating through his skull and stumbled out of bed to change. "I expect Arthur would be just as bad," He mumbled as he brushed his hair before turning to the mirror to check it. It was then when Merlin saw the blackening bruise above his right eye and the dried blood on his face. "I really shouldn't drink..." He muttered again and tentatively touched the lump which caused a hiss to escape from his lips. "Better get this checked by Gaius first," With that, he made his way down the route he knew well, not without the worried glances and comments of servants and knights.

"Gaius?" He called out with a knock.

"Merlin?" Came the happy reply and Gaius appeared in the doorway of his old room.

"Hello," Merlin smiled back and came over to him.

"It's nice to see you, although I don't suppose it is giving the nature of my job, are you alright?" Gaius automatically took on a stiffer stance as he evaluated his ex-ward.

Merlin brushed his fringe to the side to show the wound.

"And I don't suppose you have a hangover along with this, do you?" He sighed while collecting his things.

"Of course not..."

Gaius hummed in a sarcastic agree and sat Merlin down.

"Has father or Arthur been down to get anything for their heads?"

"No, they are probably still asleep," He answered while he gently cleaned the wound.

"I will check on them after," Merlin watched as Gaius sterilised a needle over a candle before threading it and knotting the end. He gritted his teeth and waited until he felt the sharp prick of pain through his skin as the needle pierced through.

"Stay still," Gaius muttered softly as he stitched the wound closed with expert hands. "There," He announced putting down the needle and swapping it for the poultice which he dabbed on the skin.

"Thank you."

"Be more careful next time," He lectured sternly.

"I will," Merlin nodded getting up. "I'll pop down to see you properly after waking those two up."

"Of course, if you're going take some of that potion on the side, it'll help their heads," Gaius pointed to the small bottle on the table.

"I shall do," Merlin chuckled picking up the bottle. "See you later."

"Take care."

Merlin made his way back the way he came and went to his father's room first and knocked. Nothing. He knocked again and waited. Still nothing.

"Father?" No answer. He looked to the guard. "Is he still asleep?"

"I do not know sire, he hasn't left his room." He bowed in reply.

"Alright," He eased the door open and poked his head in. The room was dark, the thick curtains blocking out all of the light. "Typical, still asleep," He made his way over to the curtains and threw them open to let in the natural light. "Rise and shine! You know, father, it's past midday and I suggest you have a bath, it smells like something died in here," Merlin rambled on, stacking some dishes and putting his washing in the basket. "I have a gift from Gaius which should help the hangover and I'll go fetch you some lunch while I get mine," He spun towards his father and the phial slipped out of his hand as it fell limp and smashed against the floor leaving clear liquid run over the smooth tiles. "F-father?" he choked out and slowly crept over to the limp body hunched over itself against the queen size bed. He spotted the blood that had pooled beneath him and he speeded up to a run. When he reached his father his knees gave out and he crashed down beside him. "No...father," tears started to flow freely down his cheeks as he clutched his father's body and held it closely. "Father..."


"From what I can see it seems he died in the early morning from blood loss. The wound was from a small dagger and it had penetrated just below the rib cage," Gaius explained solemnly.

Arthur simply nodded and looked over at his brother. He was sat by the fire with his bangs hanging over his eyes. He hadn't spoken since he carried their father's body down to Gaius. He went over and sat with him and stroked his hair comfortingly. "We'll find who did this, I promise."

He nodded.

"They'll be brought to justice," Arthur assured, for himself just as much as it was for Merlin. When Merlin stayed quiet he wrapped his arms around him and held him close.

Gaius covered the body with a white sheet and came over to the two boys he thought of as sons and sat with them.

Merlin's sobs filled the air and Arthur's arms around him tightened slightly as he tried to stop himself from crying too.

"Don't hold them back," Gaius rubbed Arthur's shoulder.

He nodded in reply and let his tears escape as he cried into Merlin's shoulder.


A raised dais was set up in the middle of the throne room, upon it lay the body of the late king of Camelot in his best clothes and his sword clutched loosely on his chest. His body was surrounded by a multitude of candles which flickered in the darkness. It was early evening and Arthur and Merlin stood at the doors quietly as if not to wake him.

"Are you alright Merlin?" Arthur asked softly.

"Yeah, I'm alright," He replied and they both went in together to mourn.

Gaius watched them go and kneel before the dais before he closed the large doors behind them.


When the sky started to lighten Merlin woke from his daze. He looked around the throne room which was a beautiful orange from the sun rise. He looked over to his brother who was still knelt opposite him, his head bowed and eyes closed.

I'm glad he's here too. I couldn't have done this alone.

Carefully, so not to disturb Arthur too much he uncurled his legs from beneath him and rubbed them to get the blood back into them before crawling over to Arthur's side.

"Arthur?" He asked gently brushing his hair back.

Slowly Arthur lifted his head to meet Merlin's gaze. When Merlin smiled slightly he replied with his own. He took a deep breath and looked around, avoiding his father in front of him.

"It's day already," He stated.

"A new day."

Arthur nodded and stood up, helping Merlin up with him and without looking at the late king he made his way towards the door clutching tightly to Merlin's hand as he did. "You must be hungry."

"Starving," Merlin responded.

"Me too... Come on you can make us some breakfast," With that Arthur left his past behind him and moved on.

Merlin watched him go with awe marking his features. You are so strong Arthur, much stronger than me.

"Come on Merlin, you're so slow!"

Merlin smiled and raced up the stairs to catch up.


"I'm taking you back before you embarrass yourself if you haven't already done that," I shook my head and pushed the bedroom door open with my hip before leading the king to the bed. "Get a good nights rest father."

"You too Merlin, I hope you had a nice day I...I love you, Merlin."

Merlin couldn't help but smile and pull him into a hug. He's so nice when he's drunk. Uther rested his head against my left shoulder and rubbed my head. So nice... I felt my smile lose its warmth and it morph to a sneer as I drew a long blade from my sleeve which caught the light. What's going on? I'm not doing this. I watched helplessly as it was plunged deeply into Uther's stomach. Father!

A pained gasp escaped the king's lips and his arms around me loosened only to be shoved away roughly from my possessor.

"I hope you rot in hell." Came the words dripping with venom from my foreign lips.

Uther crumpled to the floor and looked up at me, eyes full of pain and betrayal. No... Father! This isn't me! "M-Merlin..."

They spat at the slowly paling body and made me walk to the door. "Goodbye Uther, may your death be slow and painful," They sneered cooly before leaving and locking the door.

Merlin jolted awake and sat up rigid in bed. Arthur, who had been holding onto Merlin, also woke and looked up at him sleepily. They had fallen asleep together after they had eaten breakfast and as they slept they must have clutched onto each other for comfort.

"Merlin?" Arthur slurred as he sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a dream," But it felt so real...


Merlin pushed away the dark thoughts and turned to Arthur with a forced smile.

"Let's get you ready for your coronation."


The sun shone beautifully over Camelot marking a new day, a new era. The throne room was bustling with people all waiting for their prince to walk through the large double doors. An air of excitement and anticipation filled the room as everyone talked quietly in hushed tones. Suddenly the trumpets began to play and the conversations died out. The two doors opened# and their prince, dressed in his best chain mail with his red cape draped proudly over his shoulders entered and walked down the aisle. The guards stood to attention and everyone bowed in respect. When he reached the end he knelt down before Geoffrey.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of Camelot according to their respective laws and customs?" Geoffrey questioned.

"I solemnly swear so to do."

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will."

"Then by the sacred laws vested in me, I crown you Arthur, King of Camelot!" Geoffrey placed the crown on the young boys head who smiled in turn before standing to face everyone.

"Long live the king!" Everyone chanted together.

"Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!"

Arthur's eyes went straight to Merlin who was beaming with pride.

Somethings never change.

The end.

Oh my god. The end. I'd like to thank you all for supporting my story all the way through, it meant a lot to me and also whenever I got the email that I had received a new review I'd get so excited to read it! I hope you all enjoyed and if I made you cry at least once then mission accomplished. I never planned on doing a sequel to this story as I planned to move away from Merlin and start another story but of course, if I do get enough requests I will think about it. Thank you all so much again and I hope to see you in later stories. Love you all- ForIHaveTakenOverTheWorld. xx