Hi guys, this is my first story which will be more than a few hundred words. I am going to carry this on until its done, maybe even write a sequel when I finish. As always I don't own Merlin, yet.

"Rise and shine !" Merlin said in the most annoying tone he could muster whilst yanking open the curtains.

"Merlin!" Arthur groaned. He pulled a pillow over his head to block out the sunlight now streaming in.

"Come on Arthur you have princely duties to do, woman to woo, wow that rhymed, get out of bed." He made his way over to Arthur's bed and yanked the covers off the bed, exposing Arthur to the crisp winter air. He yelped, snatched his covers back and wrapped up again. "Don't make me pull you out of bed, you have to be at the training grounds in an hour, I'll fill the bath for you." Merlin grabbed pitchers from the table and started filling the tub.

"Make sure it's hot!" Arthur shouted from behind the screens. Merlin knew the water wouldn't be hot after sitting around in the cold air.

He sighed. "Onhæte þá wæter." He whispered. The water started to steam and bubble gently immediately.


Once Arthur was dressed they both went down to the training grounds. Gwaine, Percival, Leon and Elyan were already waiting when they arrived. "Alright pair up! Percival with Elyan, Leon with me, and Gwaine , you get Merlin." Arthur ordered.

Merlin sighed. Well at least he will be drunk, makes things easier. He thought smugly.

"We will start with maces." Arthur smiled thinking of Merlin's previous fails with maces.

Curse that arrogant prat. Merlin swore silently. He grabbed a mace from the rack and swung it around experimentally. "Alright Gwaine, I hope your not too drunk." Merlin smiled. Gwaine returned the smile.

"Don't get your hopes up mate." Merlin's smile dropped and he fell into a defensive stance. Merlin wasn't as bad as everyone thought, no, that was just a cover. He had a secret that only one man knew about, and it wasn't anything close to magic. Whilst Merlin was caught in his daydream, Gwaine saw this as a opportunity to strike but didn't expect Merlin to skilfully deflect it, almost hitting Gwaine in the process. "Woah, easy mate." Gwaine chuckled. They took it in turns holding a shield for each other. Merlin went first to hit the shield, but held back significantly. Gwaine was afterwards, but he didn't hold anything back. After a while Merlin gave up, letting himself fall back onto the floor for a breather. Gwaine put the equipment back and came towards Merlin with his hand outstretched towards him. Merlin gratefully accepted the offer and let himself be tugged up. The rest of the knights were packing up as well so they both jogged over to give a hand.

"Ah, Merlin gather the hunting gear." Arthur asked looking up from doing up his cape.

"Where we going?" Arthur sighed abandoning his cape and turning towards Merlin.

"I don't know Merlin, maybe fishing. Yes we will do fishing with the hunting gear I asked you to gather." Arthur replied sarcastically.

"Where Arthur. I meant where when I said where are we- you know forget it." Merlin said exasperated. He walked back to the castle leaving the knights and prince with all the equipment to bring in.


''Ah-ha," Arthur exclaimed. "Another one!" He went over to pick up yet another rabbit and chucked it me. Me, already with my hands full with other rabbits. I tied it up with the rest. We had 6 rabbits, and one pheasant. I noticed it was starting to get dark.

"Arthur shouldn't we be head b-" My sentence was cut short when a bolt bedded itself in the tree beside my horse. My horse recoiled and sent me flying off the horse's back and onto the floor with a thump. The others now fully aware of the bandits approaching dismounted their horses and drew their swords. Arthur spared me a glance.

"You ok?"

"Fine." I replied as I clambered onto my feet. I edged behind the tree a little in case I needed to use magic.

The battle went on for a few minutes, even though the bandits outnumbered the knights 3:1, the knights still won, with a little help of a fallen branch here and there maybe even a few blades which were suddenly too hot to hold. Many of the bandits saw sense and fled but we decided to let them go. After tethering and feeding the last horse I walked back to camp. I stopped dead in my tracks half way back after feeling the strange sensation of being watched. The knights looked over at me curiously but froze after seeing something behind me. Don't turn around. My mind screamed as I turned back to look. A blinding light shot across the clearing, hitting me square in the forehead, sending me flying back a few yards onto my back

"Merlin!" Arthur shouted. That was the last thing I heard before I slipped into darkness.


Dazed, I lay there with my eyes squeezed shut for a few seconds, which turned out to be quite a while, twenty minutes give or take. "Merlin?" The voice sounded distant and concerned. I slowly realised that voice belonged to Arthur and tried to get up. "No, Merlin stay there, don't get up." He said, pressing a wet cloth to my head.

"Wha-happened?" I slurred. Arthur let out a small chuckle.

"Honestly Merlin, I was hoping you could tell us." Why was it so dark?

"Wh-why is it so dark?" I thought aloud. I felt Arthur tense under the cloth.

"Um, it would help to open your eyes." He replied with a little bit more concern lacing his words. I mentally face palmed. I opened my eyes slowly, blinking a few times to get used the light. I moved my gaze to Arthur and smiled.

"I didn't know you cared." He didn't return the grin but returned a scowl, which made me smile even more.

"Fine. I'll leave you to bleed out next time."

"Nah, Gwaine wouldn't let you do that, would he princess?" I replied smugly. With that he wrung the wet cloth over my face and put it back in the bucket. Placing the cloth back on my head he ruffled my hair and got up to sit by the fire. Suddenly tired I smoothed my hair back down I rolled over and let the oblivion take me.



A quick glance over at the warlock revealed he was asleep. Good, he knew how stubborn he was, he didn't want to spend half the night trying to get him to rest. He left a bowl of stew by the fire incase he woke. He and the knights talked way into the night having a bit of banter, he liked it, it was so, normal. A murmur from Merlin's direction caught his attention. He turned towards him with a 'Go back to sleep' on the tip of his tongue, but instantly dismissed it with what he saw. An old (ish) man, was crouched in front of Merlin.

"Who are you?" Arthur demanded. The man simply looked towards him then back to Merlin. A bulky looking man joined the older man with a large sack, and it immediately struck Arthur what they were doing. "Hey! What do you think you're doing? Get away from him!" Arthur commanded unsheathing his sword. The knights got up drawing their swords as well. The larger man grabbed Merlin by the neck, waking him up in the process.

" I wouldn't come any closer if I were you, Arthur Pendragon." The older man sneered.

"Put him down," Arthur was seething, he wanted nothing more than to wipe those smug looks off their faces. "Put him down. Now." Merlin struggled feebly against the iron grip holding him.

"Art-" He managed to choke out before the man shoved him into the large sack he had with him. The larger man pulled the ropes tight, sealing it, and slung it over his shoulder. Arthur saw his chance and lunged onto the larger man. He tried to wrestle the sack from him but the older man started to chant.

" Sæl ús hræding æt þá cristalla stánscræf." Winded started wrap around the kidnappers and Merlin and in seconds they had dispersed into thin air.

"No!" Arthur bellowed. Something caught the corner of his eye. It was a piece of paper floating down on the gust of wind. Arthur plucked it out the air and unfolded it.

Dear Gordais,

I am in desperate need of your services. To carry out the action myself will arouse suspicion. The details of this are of no concern to you but I can tell you it won't be difficult. There is a boy, Merlin Ambrosius, he is the manservant to Arthur Pendragon, Prince of Camelot, and I wish for him to be in my possession.

You know where to me.

Arthur read the letter over and over, not believing for a second this could be happening. Who would want Merlin? Everyone in Camelot loves him because of his selfless and witty nature. "Sire." Leon asked cautiously. "Your father will begin to worry if we don't return soon. I know you want to go looking for him, but you will make things worse by getting lost in the dark." Arthur didn't want to admit Leon was right.

"Fine," He scowled. "We will return to Camelot, but we will leave at first light, no matter what."