Hello there people!
A/N: I'm working on this since about maybe 4 or 5 days so it was made very fast. So there will probably be some mistake, I'm sorry.
The characters can be OOC, so if you do not like this kind of fanfiction, you are free to leave.
Rating K+
Thanks for reading.
My dear little bird
Chapter 1
Sam Winchester had always liked the sound of thunder. He would watch the lightnings and put his head on his pillow as he would listen to the rumbling of the thunder. It calmed him and helped him sleep for some reason. Sure, now that he was in the bunker it was kind of hard to watch it since there wasn't any windows but he could still heard it.
On Dean's part, it was a little bit different. He didn't mind the thunder if he knew that his brother was safe inside. He remember one time, when he and his father were hunting. A storm had started and they were stuck outside, chasing a werewolf. Dean had finished under a tree with John holding his shoulders. He had been badly hurt and he remember John telling him to man up. But this was an old story, John was long gone and Sammy was safe.
Dean walked to the kitchen to grab himself a beer and sat at the table in the main room. It was late but the hunter wasn't tired and opposite to his little brother, Dean couldn't sleep with the sound of thunder. A pretty loud rumbling made him look at the door before he heard a flutter of wings behind him. He turned and smiled at Castiel but soon noticed something wrong.
"Hello Dean." The angel said with his gravely voice. "Lightnings are beautiful down here, you know."
Dean nodded and pointed the thing Castiel was holding in his arms. "What's that?" He asked.
"This is the reason I came here, I need your help Dean." Castiel said as he carefully pulled a little bit of the cover to let a baby's head show.
Dean gasped and stood up. He looked at the small child in Castiel's arms. Why was Castiel holding a baby?
"Where did you get that?" Dean asked as he looked at the child.
"This is my brother, it's Gabriel." Castiel simply said and Dean back up.
"Gabriel?" He asked. "And why is he a baby?"
"I do not know, Dean." Castiel said. "That's why I am here."
"So… can we change him back or something? And I thought he was dead in the first place." Dean explained.
"I think that maybe God brought him back like this, but I do not know why."
"Maybe for him to stop causing troubles…" Dean proposed.
"Maybe." Castiel answered.
"So what do we do with him? Does he know that he is a baby?"
"Well, if he still has his mind and all, he can't control it." Castiel explained. "He is acting just like a baby."
Dean sighed and sat back at the table. Well this was just fantastic, wasn't it? A baby archangel turned trickster to take care of… This guy will never let them be, huh? At least the kid was sleeping. His little golden head was laying on Castiel's chest and one tiny hand was grabbing Castiel's coat. Dean liked him better this way, when he couldn't do anything to them.
"Can he use his powers?" Dean suddenly asked.
"No, he is around three months old and angels only start getting their power around the age of two years old. But it can depend for an archangel, I think it's one year old for them. And then the wings appear around four years old." Castiel explained.
Dean nodded slowly. The kid could sleep in a bed yet he had to sleep in a crib but where would he find a crib. Did the men of letter's had one? Did they had baby's stuff? Maybe… they had everything here. Dean stood up again and as he explained what he was searching to the angel, he looked around the bunker. It had turned two in the morning when he actually found one. An old crib but it would have to do for now. He carry it to a bedroom and put it next to a bed. They put the cover inside and Castiel put Gabriel inside the crib. The baby turned and continued to sleep. Castiel looked at him with a protective look and Dean yawned.
"Cas, you can stay here if you want. I'll go get some rest."
The next morning when Dean woke up, the first thing he did was waking up Sam. He explained what had happened and after they got dressed they walked to the guest room. Dean opened the door and saw Gabriel laying on Castiel's chest with his arms around Castiel's neck as Cas was sleeping.
The child turned and looked at Sam and Dean. He smiled and started to pull on Castiel's hair to wake him up. He laughed and hugged Castiel tight.
"How did he ended up there?" Dean asked.
"He was crying so I took him in my arms and when he fell asleep I guessed I should do the same." Castiel's explained.
"He look cute like this." Sam suddenly said as he pointed Gabriel.
"Do you want to hold him?" Castiel asked and Sam nodded.
Dean frowned as his brother walked next to the bed and took the tiny archangel. Gabriel throw his arms around Sam's neck and let his head fell on his shoulder. Sam smiled as he hugged the baby in is arms.
"You know that it's still Gabriel, right Sam?" Dean asked as he looked at the child in his brother's arms.
"Yeah, but look at him. And he can't do anything against us." Sam explained.
Dean frowned again and looked at Castiel. "So what does a baby archangel needs?
"Angels are pretty much like humans before they get their powers. They need to eat, sleep and all the things humans needs. But the big thing is that they need to be close to someone. Usually it's an older brother but since Lucifer and Michael are in hell and Raphael is dead… It will be difficult." Castiel said.
"Can't you just be that person?" Dean asked.
"No I can't. Even if he is like this, Gabriel is basically way older than me." Castiel explained.
"So… what will happen if we don't get anyone?" Dean asked.
"I don't know, it never happened before." Cas said.
"Can it be a human?" Sam asked as he let Gabriel play with his hair.
"Still, I don't know. It never happened." Castiel said a bit louder. "But usually it's the angel who chose so we will see."
"So he could chose you, right?" Dean said.
"He would be glue to me if he had chosen me." Castiel said. He looked at Sam and saw Gabriel who was smiling as he played with Sam's hair and face. "But maybe… Sam can you put Gabriel down a second?"
Sam nodded and put Gabriel on the bed. The baby sat up and looked at Sam. He crawled to him again and started crying. Sam looked at Castiel who was smiling. Sam couldn't resist and took Gabriel in his arms again. Sam put his hand under the angel's head in support and let him snuggled on his chest.
"That's what I thought." Castiel said with a smile.
"What?" Dean and Sam asked.
"Gabriel has chosen you, Sam." Castiel explained.