"What? Where are we going, un?"

Hidan shoved at the back of Deidara's head in frustration. He had already yelled the good news through the blonds apartment like, six times! How loud was the music in his headphones?

He probably had it blasting.

Trying again, Hidan took a very deep breath, already making Deidara cringe in anticipation. "We! Are! Going! To! The! Beach! On! Saturday and Sunday!" He practically screamed each word into his friend's face.

Deidara wiped the droplets of Hidan's spit off his face and blinked harshly. Well that was hell to experience. On the other hand, the news was good though. I mean come on! Who didn't love spending a beautiful, warm, sunny day at the beach?

"You have got to be kidding me."

Hidan and Deidara looked over to the doorway to see Sasori, Deidara's roommate and bestfriend to be standing there. Oh, right. There was someone who hated going to the beach on a sunny, warm, and beautiful day. That someone of course was the dreaded and pissy Sasori.

Of course.

Stomping his feet, Hidan also shook his head like a child. "No! We are so totally going, so get like... Prepare and shit and let's go fuck everything up at the beach!" He yelled, carrying himself out of the apartment, ready to tell the next person from their group of friends the good news.

Why didn't he just text everyone? Who knows.

"We really need to change our lock." Sasori sneered, also taking his leave. "This is the last time I let you pick who gets the spare emergency key."

Removing his headphones from around his neck and pushing his work aside, Deidara followed his roommate down the hall and into the kitchen to carry the conversation on. "I usually hate it when you're right, but I ain't gonna hold back here... Sasori my man, you are right about that." He grumbled as he took a seat at the dining table which was in the kitchen, internally regretting that he once thought Hidan was the perfect candidate for the key holding job.

Sasori let out a satisfied grunt. He knew he was always right. It did feel really good to hear the blond admit it for once though. Man was this brat ever stubborn.

"Do you want any eggs for breakfast?" Sasori sighed, cracking two eggs into a bowl for himself before whisking them.

Deidara threw his hands in the air at this and hopped up. "Sasori! You're the best, un! Yes I would love some eggs." He shouted eggcitedly, as he threw his arms around the other male in a side hug. Reaching with the other arm, he handed the redhead two more eggs for him to crack and add to the beaten egg mixture.

The air in Sasori's head grew thicker as he was hugged. Stupid brat always made him feel like this. It was the worst because he knew very well that he could do leaps and bounds better than the stupid blond. The thing was every time he looked into those blue eyes, all self reasoning went out that window that was located above the kitchen sink.

Personality wise, Deidara was the worst. Irritating as hell. Like a variant of Hidan who instead talked about art rather than Jashin. Terrible taste in theart as well. Like, puke. Physically though, Deidara was delicious.

Chewing his bottom lip, Sasori let his eyes follow his friend as they returned to their perch on the chair. Deidara had a great back. Backside included. He could see each movement under the tight blue tee that he wore.

Yeah, Deidara was definitely eye candy.

Sasori placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front the blond and took his own seat across the two person table. Deidara took a bite which produced copious amounts of unnecessary moans, even though Sasori often considered recording them for his own personal use.

"So, hey man," Deidara started between bites. "you don't sound happy at all about the beach trip tomorrow. Why is that, un?"

Chewing a little more thoroughly at his next bite, Sasori sent Deidara a little glare. "I do not like the beach at all and for your information, I'm not going."

"At all? Not going!? But why!"

Sasori sipped at his coffee slowly, attempting to moisten his mouth for the doozy that was to come. Taking a deep breath he started, "The beach is smelly and dirty. It's far too crowded for any moments peace. The sun burns my skin if I don't apply a think layer of sunscreen all over my body every sixty minutes. Sand gets everywhere. Especially where you really don't want it. There are sharks that would just love to dine on my limbs... And once when I was a child, a seagull left an unwanted present on my head." and finished with a icy glare.

Deidara nodded along as Sasori spoke of his sorrows involving the great and wonderful beach. Sure all those things were fairly valid reasons, especially the last one involving the bird the shark one not so much. He was fairly certain that sharks did not want to bite his limbs off. For Deidara though, it was just... well...

"But what about the bikinis, un?"

Sasori's face dropped as he lowered his fork. "Excuse me?"

"Bikinis!" Deidara repeated, drawing an air bikini over the chest of his delicious body. "The whole point of the beach is looking at the bikinis!"

Scowling, Sasori ate a little faster to quell his injured feelings. "Now you have really got to be kidding me." He growled out. "All that shit you would put up with, just so you could look at a few girls in bikinis?"

"Well... yeah." Deidara stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I mean, it's a bonus if it has ruffles. I can really dig a good bikini with ruffles, un."

What was the answer Sasori was looking for, really? 'Nah my man, I was totally just pulling your leg. I would love to stay hime with you and you alone!' Now he could feel the heat bubbling up from his head to his feet. He hated the fact that Deidara was bisexual. That meant there were even more people he had to fight off with his power tools.

Curse this flirty, attractive mess of a man! Curse this horny brat!

Sasori wanted to try his question again. Surely Deidara wasn't serious. "You really, really just want to look at girls in bikinis?"

"Well..." Deidara started, taking a sip of his coffee. "I guess I'd like to look at anyone in a bikini. I bet you they would look really good on guys too." He sighed with a dreamy off stare. "Bikinis are hot, man."

This caught Sasori off guard. "So you'd stay home if there were... local bikinis?"

Deidara got up with an even louder sigh. Why did Sasori want to talk about his love of bikinis so much? It made him sad there wasn't bikinis around him at this very moment. Like a bad reminder.

Oh well.

Grabbing his plate alongside with Sasori's, Deidara put them in the dishwasher. "I guess, un." He mumbled as he got started on washing the pan Sasori had used to make the eggs. "I mean if you're not going to be there, well that's no fun, man."

Sasori blushed at that remark. The blond wouldn't have fun without him there? Maybe Deidara... Maybe he wasn't such an ass all the time after all!

"But I have to think about the more important stuff first. People don't just show up in bikinis!" He groaned in misery as if Sasori was the bad guy for not tagging along on this totally fun trip. "You have to go out and FIND them."

The more important stuff? Like the bikinis!? Alright. That's it.

Standing up abruptly, Sasori was fuming now. "Again with the bikinis!" He hissed as he stomped over; handing his now empty coffee cup to his friend. Turning on his heel, he left Deidara standing there with one brow raised high. "I'm going out for today!" He yelled, grabbing his wallet and keys off the small table near the door.

In a stupor, Deidara slowly finished washing the dishes. Each moment that ticked by made less sense than the other that passed. What was with that guy today? "It's as if he got sand in his pants without even going to the beach, un." He mused. Shrugging it off, he rinsed the bubbles off the pan and put it aside in the drying rack. "Oh well, I guess I'll see him a little later. Maybe then we can talk about how he's being completely unreasonable yet again."


Draining the boiling water from the noodles, Deidara then added the bottled sauce and blanched vegetables all into the stir-fry. Sasori sure seemed angry this morning, he hadn't seen the little guy all day! He felt as if he did something wrong for some reason, and nothing said I'm sorry better than a tasty dinner.

Oh, and this gesture was grand because Deidara did not like cooking. Well, he could only hope the redhead would return. He would hate to have cooked a real meal for no reason.

Suddenly there was a clack at the door making Deidara rush to it in excitement. The door had been locked so that could only mean that Sasori was finally returning or Hidan drove across town to yell at him again for some apparent reason.

Which as you can tell sounded very unlikely. Like hell Kakuzu would let Hidan waste gasoline like that. Although out of his friends, Hidan and Sasori sure did like to yell at him for no reason.

With a bright smile, Deidara greeted the red haired man that quietly entered their home. "Sasori!" He cheered. "Welcome home! I was worried about you. Man, you really should have returned my calls, un."

Sasori glanced up from taking off his shoes but didn't say anything. Honestly, Deidara was the last person he wanted to see at the moment. "Hello, Deidara." He Grumbled, moving the small purple bag in his hand from one to the other.

"I just finished making dinner, come get it while it nice and hot." Deidara mentioned; if that scrumptious aroma wasn't enough of a hunt there was food in the house. What didn't go unnoticed was that purple bag. "Oh? Did you do a little stress shopping?" He asked as he looked over his shoulder, pointing at what was in Sasori's right hand.

Gasping quietly, Sasori looked down at the bag and held it close. "Oh... This?" He murmured nervously. "Yeah... It's... a new varnish for my puppets. It was definitely..." He groaned. "A little more expensive than I would have thought it would be.."

Trotting down the hall with Sasori on his tail, Deidara nodded along. "Oh? Well I hope it proves to be worth it."

Because as an artist, Deidara could totally agree with something not turning out as planned. There had been far too many times where his sculptures did not explode like they should have.

Sasori just hobbled along quietly. "Yeah... Me too." He cringed a little as each step sent him a minor wave of pain. Which again did not go unnoticed by the blond.

"Hey man, are you alright? You're walking awful funny."

Okay, he liked it when Deidara paid attention to him, but all these questions? This was going too far! Or at least, more or less, Sasori just didn't want to answer any of them. "I'm fine." He hissed. "While I was, uh, out I pulled a muscle in my foot."

Deidara frowned hearing his friend injured himself. "Oh? Well if you're hurt how about this!" He yelled, scooping Sasori into his arms making his yelp in displeasure. "And a kiss better!" He the cheered, pressing his lips in a rough kiss to Sasori's temple.


This wasn't fun at all when actually it was so wonderful. Sasori was in heaven. Deidara was holding him! And he kisses him! He was like a bride, a princess, a - hold on a minute Sasori! You can't think like this!

"What the hell? Unhand me!"

That's better.

Deidara laughed as he lugged Sasori along. They were about the same height, short, but Sasori had a much smaller build than Deidara did; making carrying the other male fairly easy. "Not until we get to the dinner table, un."

As the two ate in relative silence, Sasori squirmed in his seat. He was in a lot of pain.

"Hey man, you okay over there?" Deidara asked from his side of the table. "You look like you gotta boner you're trying to burst with your thighs, un."

Sadly, after that remark Deidara was greeted with a slimy piece of red pepper tossed into his face. "Not that kind of language at the dinner table!" Sasori hissed, ready to fling another pepper slice.

Picking the pepper off his face, Deidara popped it in his mouth and smirked in triumph. If there was one thing that was always a joy, it was teasing the teeny redhead.

What would life be without him?

"Thank you for the food." Sasori still grumbled as he excused himself from the table and retreated down the hallway to his room.

Finishing the last bite of his own food, Deidara sighed. He still didn't know what was wrong with his roommate. Could it be... He was just the same pissy guy he's always been? No, this was different. Sasori wasn't producing a shaming aura aimed directly at him like he would have expected considering their odd argument from earlier in the day. Yeah, that couldn't be it. Perhaps he was mad that he was still going to the beach without him?

"Y'know..." Deidara spoke to himself quietly as he did the dishes. "That could be it. But if he thinks I'm going to stay home from flirting with cute girls in bikinis just because he's crankier than usual, he's going to have to try a lot harder to get me to stay, un. A LOT harder."

it didn't occur to me that I could have posted part one yesterday. oh well.

also, this wasn't what I wanted my first deisaso to be, but I got stuck on ending my other one and needed a break.