AN: Hello and welcome to Demonic Forces, the rewrite of my previous fanfiction "Demonic Instincts". I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who read and showed support to Demonic Instincts. I checked my email yesterday and I'm STILL getting emails from saying people are favortiing, commenting, and or following Demonic Insticnsts. I decided that I wanted to continue the story :D However, after reading it all the way through, i realised how many FREAKING PLOT HOLES I HAVE. I also realized that I had a lot of redundant story arcs that didn't do anything for the story. So, the best solution I could come up with, was re-writing the story. I hope that is acceptable to everyone. A heads up though, this isn't going to be the same exact story as Demonic Instincts. Most of the major plot points will be the same, but the minors stuff, and especially the start, will be way different. I'm sorry if you were expecting a continuation, but I hope this will suffice.

PS: This can obviously be read without prior knowledge of "Demonic Instincts", but you probably want to at least know the characters of Blue Exorcist xD

Disclaimer: As always, I don't own Blue Exorcist or any of it's characters

Chapter 1 - The Awakening

*An alleyway, somewhere*


Rin was startled, to say the least. "What the…?" he murmured to himself as he stared at his now flaming blue hands. Having pushed him to the breaking point with the heating iron, Astaroth, who was currently possessing Shiratori, revealed in his findings. This was amazing! Astaroth, only seeking a way into Assiah through this corrupted young boy, was also able to find the long lost prince. His luck just kept on coming! Astaroth quickly realised that now was not the time to celebrate his luck. He had to take the prince back to Gehenna. Immediately, Astaroth got down on one knee, and extended his arm to Rin. By accessing Shiratori's memories he already knew a few things about Rin. He knew that it was unlikely for Rin to take his hand, but he had to try.

"Young prince, I am Astaroth, Lord of Rot." Astaroth said aloud. "I have come to take you home." Rin, still confused as to what was going on, stammered out,

"H-Home…?" Rin briefly started up Astaroth, but quickly returned his gaze to his blazing aura. It infatuated him.

"Young Prince, please. We haven't much time." Astaroth all but growled. He was growing impatient. Standing up, Astaroth forcefully grabbed Rin's wrist, yanking him to his feet.

"Hey, w-wait! Let go of me!" Rin yelled, as he was being dragged. Astaroth, however, didn't stop. Rin did his best to struggle against Astaroth, but his grip was like iron. Astaroth started leading Rin deeper into the alleyway, which apparently connected to more alleyways. It seemed to Rin like there was a maze hidden in between the building that made it up.

"You can't possibly expect me to do that." Astaroth scoffed. "Demons from all over the world have been searching for you for your entire life! It'd be foolish to let you out of my sight, now that I've found you." Everything Astaroth had said rattled Rin. However, what caught shook him the most was the word,

"D-Demons?" Rin sputtered. Astaroth tilted his head back to stare at Rin. He could hear the surprise in his voice, and now could see it on his face. This, in turn, surprised Astaroth.

"You don't even know who you are… do you?" Astaroth asked.

"I-I'm R-Rin." Rin stammered out. Dammit! Why did he keep doing that? Rin's never stammered in front of someone before. At least, nobody except, maybe, an employer. Why couldn't he shake this incredible sense of fear and dread? And why couldn't he stop fucking stammering!

"I didn't ask for you name." Astaroth said in a harsh tone. Rin was about to respond, but he didn't know how. "I guess you don't know, then." Astaroth continued. "Pity. I'll have to waste time explaining. For now though, we have to go into hiding. The exorcists will be upon us soon."

'What is going on!?' Rin thought to himself. 'This can't be happening! I'm being freaking abducted by Shiratori, who has somehow grown a tail and devil horns and is now calling himself Astaroth, while I'm burning in blue flames. Ha...ha...I'm dreaming…. I must be.'

"Well, if you know nothing, you're probably trying to rationalise this somehow. I can't explain right now, but I want to reassure you, this isn't a dream." Astaroth spoke up.

'Shit! It's like he read my mind.'

The two continued in silence, Rin finally giving up on struggling against Astaroth. Even though he tried with everything he had, Rin couldn't get Astaroth to loosen his grip. Rin thought of screaming for help, but after Astaroth almost burned his face with a flaming iron, for pretty much no reason, Rin was afraid of what he might do if he screamed for help.

'I'll just have to hope he loosens his grip and take that chance to run. It'll be my only shot.' Rin decided. Although, he wanted to learn about his new flaming blue appearance and about what Astaroth meant when he said 'Demons', Rin knew he couldn't remain in his current situation. Suddenly, however, Astaroth grounded to a halt, making sure Rin halted as well. They were at a corner, in the maze of alleyways. Astaroth peeked his head out to check out the conjoining alleyway, and was met with a rain of bullets. Quickly, he pulled his head back around the corner to avoid the bullets, cursing as he did so.

"Shit. The exorcists found us."

"The exorcists?" Rin asked. It was really all he could do in a moment like this.

"I'm sorry, young prince, but now is not the time! All you need to know is that they're bad news and they will kill Demons, like us." As he was saying this, Astroth was dragging Rin back down the alley they had come from. Being dragged along by Astaroth barley gave Rin any time to comprehend what he had said.

'Demons…. like… us?' Rin thought to himself. 'And he keeps calling me young prince! What is with that?'

As they back tracked their steps, Astaroth started taking seemingly random turns through the alley ways, until they burst out into the streets. There were crowds bustling all around, easy for them to blend into.

"I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but I'm going to anyway." Astaroth said, turning his body so he could stare Rin dead in the eye. "Don't try and run." The stare alone was enough to send shivers down Rin's back, but the demand was more then enough to scare the living shit out of him. Rin couldn't understand it, but he could tell something about Astaroth was dangerous, ominous, and powerful.

"G-Got it…" Rin replied. Afterwards, Astaroth released Rin's wrist and motioned for Rin to follow him. Rin nodded.

'I can't believe he let go of me,' Rin said internally. 'I might be scared as hell, but there ain't no chance I'm sticking around here for long.'

'He's pathetically weak,' Astaroth noted. 'This can't be his full strength… no… something's repressing his powers… That'll have to wait. I can retrieve it once I get him safely to Gehenna.'

The two walked through the bustling street, sticking close to the buildings. Astaroth didn't think the exorcists would attack, while they were in a big group of people, but he wanted to be able to escape back into the alleyways just in case. Normally, Astaroth wouldn't be afraid of some mere exorcist, but he had to keep the prince safe.

'If those sleazy bastards get ahold of the prince, while he's this vulnerable, they'll probably kill him.'

Without any warning, a man burst through a window of a nearby corner store. He was wearing a very plain set of robes, had a cross necklace on, and a pair of tacky glasses and he held a shotgun in his hands. It was none other than Shiro Fujimoto. Fujimoto landed directly in between Rin and Astaroth, raising his shotgun at Astaroth.

Rin barely had time to shout out a surprised, "Old man!?" before Fujimoto pulled the trigger.

"Rin!" Fujimoto shouted over his shoulder to his adopted son. "Run!" Rin didn't need to be told twice. He turned on his heels and took over down the street, not thinking about where he was going. He just needed to get away from there.

'What the fuck… what the fuck… what the fuck!? What is going on!? The old man? Has a shotgun…? A-And… he burst through the window…. and what?!'

Rin was completely lost. This situation was like something straight out of a freaking anime! All he really knew for certain was that he needed to run. As fast as he could.

Meanwhile, Fujimoto faced off against Astaroth. Needless to say, between him bursting out of the corner store's window and shooting a freaking shotgun, the crowd quickly dispersed, running and screaming as they did so.

"Puny exorcist! You think you can stop me!?" Astaroth bellowed in rage. Not only had the prince escaped but it appeared that he knew this exorcist.

'If the prince knows an exorcist, it's possible that this exorcist is responsible for hiding him away. Although… that wouldn't make sense. Exorcists would've killed the prince by now. What is it that I'm missing…?' These thoughts and more ran through Astaroth's head as he prepared to fight of the man before him.

"Hmph…" Fujimoto huffed. "One shot wasn't enough for you. I can't say I'm surprised though. You have a human host. Only powerful demons can do that." Without letting Astaroth get another word in, Fujimoto once again fired his shotgun. Astaroth didn't even stumble.

"Funny. Cute. Idiotic. All words I can use to describe you, but none of them fit just right." Astaroth taunted. However, he decided it was time to get serious. "Now, how do you know the prince?" In response, Fujimoto just shot Astaroth in the chest, for the third time. "Got it."

With a wave of his hand, Astaroth shot out, what could only be described as an 'embodiment of rot'. If you want to compare it to something, think of it as a slightly larger, slow moving gunshot, covered in green-brown sludge. Although small, the bolt of rot would definitely pack a punch if it landed. Fujimoto expertly dodged the attack, but was surprised. He wasn't expecting this level of strength from the demon before him. Of course that was because he didn't know that the demon in front of him was the King of Rot.

If Fujimoto had looked to where he was standing before, he would see that the pavement was cracked and steaming. He didn't have time to worry about that though. He was too busy focusing on the fight in front of him. He waved his hand over his shotgun in a cross formation and mumbled under his breath, "The Lord, His Son, and His Spirit will guide me." In a flash, his gun lit up, glowing in an, obviously, holy aura.

"Ha! You think a couple 'magic words' will stop me?!" Astaroth shouted. "If regular bullets couldn't stop me, what make you thin-" Astaroth was cut off by several shots of Fujimoto's now blessed shotgun. These, packed a punch. Astaroth stumbled back from the new found force of the bullets. Not only that, but the blessing made his skin burn.

'Shit, this guy's not just an old man… I have to end this soon… or at least escape. The prince comes first.'

Astaroth drew in a great breath, cocking his head back to get in as much air as he could. He said, in a breathless voice, "Rotting Fog," before he released the stored air in his lungs. However, what came out was not carbon dioxide. Instead a steam of murky fog leaked from his mouth quickly expanding in size with every second. Coughing up a lung, Astaroth said, "Try to deal with that… Exorcist scum…"

The sight practically terrified Fujimoto. He'd seen this once before, but last time he was prepared. A demon out in the country was leaking it, but at a slower, more containable rate. This was something on a whole new level! What was this demon?

'I have to stop this fog from spreading. If it touches anything or anyone that is alive, it could kill them. And judging by it's potency, it'll kill them fast.'

Fujimoto immediately pulled out holy water grenades and threw them into the fog. It didn't seem to do much to slow it down. Luckily for Fujimoto it had stopped growing, and the demon didn't seem to be in a position to add more to it. Unluckily for Fujimoto, it was roughly the size of a city block! He would need at least four exorcists to contain it. Between him, Maruta, Izumi, Kyoudou, and Nagatomo there are five of them, and Yukio already left for True Cross Academy. He that leaves four of them for the fog and only one to find wherever the hell Rin ran off to.

"Well, you'll have your hands full for awhile. Have fun with that." Astaroth taunted. He waved to Fujimoto as he fled back through the fog, off to find Rin. Fujimoto didn't hear him. He was already on the phone with the monastery. He had told the four of them to start reinforcing the barriers, both physical and spiritual around the monastery. However, this is more pressing.

The phone buzzed twice before Maruta picked up.


"Maruta! Gather everyone. We have a situation. Meet me at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Rose Boulevard."

AN: OMG I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE CHAPTER WAS MESSED UP! XD SORRY SORRY! Anyway, here it is! I hope you enjoyed it! more to come soon!