A/N: bonus chapter! I realised I had not written about their first time and having made a big deal of it after their hens/bucks parties I owed it to myself to write this. Smut and Lemons obviously but I am going to be realistic about how this would actually go down.
Chapter 21 The First Time
They stood on opposite sides of the bed staring at one another. An awkward silence filled the air as neither of them knew how to proceed. They had both dreamt of this day, their first time with the one the truly loved. Nerves began to show on her skin and she excused herself to the bathroom.
Get a grip girl! You can do this, you faced Bellatrix Lestrange, you destroyed horcruxs. You can manage sex.
She noticed a small bag in the corner of the room, walking over there was a note on top from Ginny which told her to be brave and have fun. Opening the bag she gasped, be brave indeed, inside was a set of red and gold lingerie. This was not something Hermione would have picked for herself. Slipping out of her wedding dress she boldly redressed in the set. She took in her features in the mirror.
The bra had red lace over a gold satin cup, the bottom of which had two thick red elastic bands that crossed over one another and wrapped around her back. The suspenders mimicked the pattern on the sides, held together by lace panelling and gold buckles. The briefs where the same, red lace over gold satin. Buckling her suspenders to her stockings she slipped her heels back on. Taking a deep breath she re-entered the bedroom to find Fred in his boxers on the edge of the bed, looking nervous as hell.
Hermione wished she had a camera for the moment he saw her was truly priceless. His eyes went wide and he could barely find words, trying to stand he tripped and fell at her feet.
"Mia, you, uhh, you look, umm, wow." His face was as red as his hair as his eyes danced over her body.
"So you like it?" a giggle escaped her lips, she wasn't used to seeing Fred this flustered.
All he could do was nod and take her hand, manoeuvring them back towards the bed, never taking his eyes off her. Falling backward she landed on top of him, feeling him hard against her thigh. He kissed her passionately as moved to a more comfortable position. Fred now on top of her, he began trailing kisses down her neck.
"Merlin, you're a goddess."
He slid his thumbs around the sides of her underwear and slowly pulled them down over her heels. Kissing up her thigh almost painful slow, until he reached between her legs. He looked up at her to check that this was okay and it was, every nerve in her body was on edge, she was tingling and just wanted to feel his touch. He swiped his tongue toward her clit and a sharp gasp left her lips. He repeated the action again, this time pausing to suck on the nub. A finger teasing at her entrance, he careful slipped it in, he knew he would have to gradually work her body up and prepare it so that it would not be as painful for her. He moved his finger leisurely around whilst continuing to suck on her clit, before adding a second finger.
A knot was forming in her stomach, a tightness that needed to be released. All her senses were alight and she just wanted more. Her hands in his hair as she tilted her hips into his face, a soft moan escaping her lips. The knot tightened more than she thought possible. She was ready and she wanted him now. She pulled him up so they were face to face and slid her hand down his boxers to see if he needed assistance. He did not and with that she pushed them down.
Fred positioned himself between her hips. "This is going to hurt my love, and I will be honest, I probably won't last very long."
"Shhh" she said as she pulled him down into her.
She let out a small whimper of pain before telling him to continue. Once her body adjusted it felt amazing. She started moving her hip faster and faster, hoping and praying for the knot to release. Just as she could feel herself start to come undone, her movements became more frantic.
"Hermione love wai…" and with that it was too late.
He started apologising, he was so embarrassed. Hermione smiled taking his face in her hands.
"You have nothing to be sorry for my love. That was wonderful."
They lay there in silence, cuddling one another for what seemed like hours before Hermione spoke.
"So, wanna go again?"
Fred stifled a laugh. "Absolutely."