
This isn't an update, and as you can tell, I've lost inspiration for this story currently.

I don't know why exactly, maybe it's just I've lost a lot of viewers because of my "break" or maybe it's because I don't have much encouragement as if I'm writing good enough for you guys.

So I'm making a poll.

It will have two options such as:

-Continue the story.

-Unpublish and rewrite it.

By the time any of you are reading this it'll already be up, so please give me some guidance because I'm running out of ideas on how to keep you guys interested and not hate me for my sporadic update schedule.

So if you have time, please drop by and vote, and I'll close it in a month or so. Maybe on Halloween so everybody has a chance to vote.

I hope I haven't lost you guys completely.

See you later, My Poptarts~