Merry Christmas to all the Lecterphiles! I wrote this piece in Tuscany and since I returned, have decided to make a few alteration in order to meet the criteria of the Loving Lecter December Challenge. Stay safe over the holidays and enjoy. Reviews are considered most generous.
Silent Nights-LadyOfTruths
Florence, Italy. December 25thIt had taken her the sum of four weeks to find him. At first, she had lied to herself. Why would she be looking for him? She held no desire to find him, to uncover the remains of something left buried and dormant in the past. Now it was different.
She pressed the cold, gold-plated buzzer, her finger lingering hesitantly for brief seconds. The plate read Dr. N. Lloyd. The blood was squelching and rushing through her veins, she could hear its maddening pressure.
Waiting. Waiting. Static. A woman's voice. Thinking. More waiting.
And then he is before her. The dark steely doors opened to reveal Dr. Hannibal Lecter- sociopath and psychiatrist, in his inviting, homely attire.
He looks to her. At her, in her and through her his gaze moves. Lightning cracks behind a concealing maroon curtain. He is surprised. The teacup in his left hand slips from between his fingers, porcelain shattering against the white marble.
Neither of them look down as the amber liquid runs across the floor to pool around her expensive boots.