I don't own the Incredible Hulk, this is a fan fiction only.

The people were happy to see their benevolent green king rebuilding the old dam. The thing was responsible for the irrigation needs of thousands of farms which provided much of the vegetables and fruits to the people of Sakaar. Bruce smiled to see they were doing so well and he was happy to hear the sounds of children playing together.

"Bruce it is truly a wonderful planet here and I find it strange that everyone tell us this lush green world was almost barren and people suffered sickness and starvation. How in the world did you find the way to make this place be like this? " Steve Rogers asked this as he looked at the many plants growing all over the place.

Bruce asked him for a small Dagger, which he did provide and he and the others were shocked when they saw him cut himself. He told them to watch before jumping to conclusions. He dropped a few drops of his blood on the ground and a small flower began to grow from his blood.

"My healing factor seems to have been able to affect the land and through eating the crops that grow from it their health also improved. I used this to create a means of spreading the effect through out the wold and effectively brought life back to the planet and helping the people. "

The people hearing him couldn't help but to be amazed at what they heard the Hulk, a major cause of death and destruction, a potential world destroying threat actually was a much loving, caring and compassionate ruler of an entire world. The weirdest part was the people of many species actually loved and were grateful for his rule and called him their green king with pride.

Wonder Woman decided to say something that made the big guy laugh, "You are going to be very busy soon, since you are also going to be the father of two babies. I am guessing parenting will be your biggest challenge yet."

Bruce laughed and told her indeed parenting was never easy but he wouldn't face this challenge alone after all. He has a lovely wife to face this and many more challenges to come. He even said that maybe one day he might even be a grandfather.

The group made it back to the palace and as they entered the guards and people that worked at the Palace bowed to welcome their green king. A big man that looked like was made of stone greeted him with a bug hug. "Thank you for your help brother, I would have done it but I was busy reinforcing the levies the rainy season is coming and I wanted to prevent another flood."

Bruce smiled at him and told him he would always help the people. "Korkus is one of my warbound brothers. He is also this planets chief architect. If Korkus designs a building I dare a tornado, hurricane, volcano or earthquake try to destroy it. Nothing of nature will bring that building down."

This caught the attention of Tony as he had quite a few problems with cracks and walls failing in many of the buildings that he made.

"So how exactly do you make a building able to resist natural disasters? " Tony asked and the big guy smiled. He didn't have many chances to lecture and he loved to be able to educate others.

" I treat the building not as a simple construction but more like a living breathing thing and as such I have to make sure he has everything he needs to live. A strong foundation with support, able to move and breath freely and have a strong immune system to fight off disease and heal injuries. "

He touched a wall and a tiny little robot jumped out and on his open hand." This little guy is the equivalent of red and white blood cells in your bodies. I have dozens of these in my veins. They heal and repair the building as I said treat the building as a living being. " he placed it back on the wall and the robot disappeared. " It's basic rock technology of my people. "

By the time he left he had given Tony many ideas on how to make a building as Tony said heal itself. It would save him millions on his buildings alone. Never mind what it would do for the rest of the cities on Earth.

" Problem solved then husband? I guess you will be hungry how about you and our guests join us for some nourishment? I just finished cooking dinner and they are welcome to join us for dinner. "

Bruce thanked his wife for always looking out for him, and she thanked him for making her the happiest woman in all of Sakaar." I am actually quite curious on what the food looks and tastes like. This should be interesting too bad my own wife stayed back on earth. " this brought many surprised looks as Dr. Strange said that.

" Nobody said the Sorcerer Supreme had to remain single you know. I have a loving wife as well. She is in fact taking care of things as I am here. "

The food was weird looking as Tony called it but as soon as he placed one bite in his mouth he changed his mind entirely. The thing that struck the others was that in large parts the meal was largely vegetarian but by mixing different fruit, nuts, seeds and other food items they actually has a balance diet.

"My love I already took care of your friends get lodging. I however want to hear how everything went down at the dam. I have so many memories of catching sand trout in by that dam when I was a young girl. "

He caught her and kissed her lips as she was close to him." And I want to hear how our children been treating their mother. You have no idea how happy I am to have you in my life. "She placed his hand on her stomach and he felt a pair of strong kicks.

" I hope that answers how our children have been treating me. I swear I would be dead if I was not oldstrong. I think we are going to have more of a handful with our kids than your warbound brother did wish his. "

Thor told them that no matter where the parents where from parenting was always a challenge but the rewards and seeing their children grow into fine young men and women made it all worthwhile.

Tony and the others finally saw that the reason they had come to Sakaar was no longer even a concern. They had expected to find the world threatened by the Hulk and since they unintentionally sent him there they planned to capture him and take him to the world they initially intended.

After meeting so many people who only said praises of the Hulk and referred to him as friend, family, benevolent ruler and even loving husband. Their opinions of the man began to change and after they saw him help repair the dam with his bare hands and doing most of the labor so that the others could rest made them see that the real monster was not him.

The real monster had been the fear of him. As they left Tony left him a solar communicator which he built himself. "Bruce I am happy that you found a home, family and goal in your life. I am sorry for the way I treated you before. Use the communicator should you or your people need help. We will always be ready to help you. So remember my friend we are just a call away. "

The big man smiled as they left and walked back to his throne and sat down. Months later he became a father of two healthy boys. His beloved wife became a mother and after months of hard work she actually said with great pride that she finally lost all that weight she gained when pregnant.

Bruce held her in his arms one night and told her one thing she actually was not expecting. "My love, you have been and are as beautiful as the day I met you. Should we live till all my hair and teeth fall out. I will always think of you as the most beautiful, loving and understanding woman I had the fortune of having in my life."

This brought her to tears and kissed in on his lips. "The weirdest thing in my life, I went from being the blind follower of a madman to the loving wife of the very man the madman feared most and then I became also the mother of our beautiful green skinned children. I couldn't be happier anywhere else on Sakaar than being held in your arms. "

In the tradition of Sakaar and the oldstrong children are not given names, we'll except for Native children that is. The two boys grew up to learn fighting from their mother and science from their father. The eldest son was named Houlkuro and the younger brother Thar Karsas.

Houlkuro was the one that worked close as a child with his father trying to improve life of the people in the old lab. Thar Karsas however did the same but in a different manner. He formed law enforcement military and as the green general he kept the peace of the people.

Houlkuro made many advances from medical techniques and technology to farming. He would later by urging of his brother would become the second Green king of Sakaar. Thar Karsas saw the end of three hundred pirate groups and many of them invaders as the people called them.

Bruce and his beloved wife life became more simple and relaxed as his eldest took his place on the throne. As he settled in his retirement he could not help but to feel happiness and pride as he saw what their two boys had achieved. When the two married we his wife shared the same feeling.

When Bruce met his daughter in laws he learned another reason why he was right in letting his wife choose the punishment the red king received. The red king had kidnapped many women he consider beautiful and use them to build a harem. He would go down to the pit the harem lived and rape one of the seven hostages each night.

The women that his sons married had been the relatives of the women this madman took from their homes. They were rhe daughters of the sisters of the women the red king stole. Bruce only asked them one thing to please make his sons happy as happy as he would expect his sons would make them.

And so came to pass that with time the brothers would have children of their own. Their red skinned wives did as the father in law asked and they were happy to do so. Bruce Banner lived for 150 years and as his wife died so did he. For it was said he often said that his life would be too empty to continue without her by his side.

The grandson of Bruce on Tar Karsas side eventually would live the planet and return to earth to join the Justice League he and Terry became good friends. The only one he always had fights with was the infamous Iron Woman. She just knew which buttons to push to make him mad. His father through the communicator his uncle built based on the one his father gave him talked regularly with his son.

The only warning he gave his son was to be careful because he and that blonde haired Iron Woman sound an awful like how his father and his mother first began. "Fist they fight, then they understand, then comes a love that unites, and eventually children are born from that love. Be careful Bruce Karsas the distance between hate and love can not be measure with the naked eye."