0713MM: Hello everyone! I welcome you to my first AU!

Trey: Ooh!

Quattro: Yeah, guess what?

Heather: (magically appears) What?

Quinton: This AU is about the Arclight brothers.

Heather: (squeals) Ooh yes!

Jake: (grins evilly) Chapter start

Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL AU-with the Arclight brothers

Chapter 1: The Attack

A young boy around 15 with pink hair, and lighter pink at the bangs began running back to his families' mansion after completing his assignment given to him by deranged father, Vetrix. He was running as fast as legs would allow. He was also running for a different reason. Because someone mad and deranged was chasing him.

"Trey!" shouted the man that was running not too far behind him. Trey glanced back, then continued to run, even faster than before. Eventually, he came to an intersection. Scared out of his mind, he chose a path quickly, and took the route he chose.

Why is this guy chasing me?! thought Trey. Soon, he reached a dead end. Trey realized he took a wrong turn.

Oh no! he thought frantically. The man who was chasing him finally caught up. He had an evil grin plastered on his face. Trey looked up to the man who'd been chasing him.

"W-Who are you?" Trey asked, scared for his life. The man in question just laughed, An evil laugh at that.

"My name, is Jake." he replied while sneering at the 15 year old pinkette. Trey nodded slowly, not trying upset the man. The man known as Jake lifted his arm up and shot out a Duel Anchor from his right hand, and it wrapped around Trey's left wrist, then it disappeared. Trey was trembling in fear.

Why must this be so violent? thought Trey. Jake then proceeded to activate his duel disk, which had the head of...something. Jake drew five cards from his deck and pointed at Trey.

"Draw your five cards, you weak kid." Jake sneered. Trey trembled with even more fear than before and shakily activated his duel disk. The AR link activates.

Augmented Reality Vision Link established

"Duel!" both boys shouted.

Meanwhile, in the Arclights Mansion...

Quattro, the 17 year old kid, with dark red maroon hair and yellow bangs, began pacing back and forth in the living room. While his older brother, Quinton, who had long silver hair, was reading a book. Eventually Quattro stopped pacing and turned to face his older brother.

"Where's Trey? It's not like him to be late." Quattro said slowly, but loudly to get his older brother's attention, which he succeeded in doing because Quinton stopped reading and turn to face Quattro.

"You're right Quattro." Quinton agreed. "I am also concerned for Trey." Quattro gave a nod in silent agreement, then he proceeded to go to the coat rack near the door and put his coat on. Quattro turned to face Quinton, then said, "I'll be right back. After I find Trey." Quinton nodded, and with that, Quattro opened the door and left, thus the door closed behind him. After Quattro left, Quinton went back to reading his book.

Meanwhile, with Trey...

"Ahhhh!" Trey screamed his life points were depleted to 0 by Jake's monster. The AR faded shortly after the direct attack. Jake's facial expression changed to a maniacal grin as he raised his arm up and shot blackish-blue lightning at Trey. Trey screamed in pain and agony as Jake zapped him. Trey's face began to contort with cuts and bruises, he felt his lungs losing oxygen. Trey began to close his eyes because they were becoming heavier, so he closed them. The thing he heard was Jake's laughter before he blacked out.

And, back to Quattro...

"TREY!" he screamed in agony. "Where are you younger brother?!" Quattro then heard a loud moan. Quattro turned to who moaned. His eyes widened with fear. What he saw on the ground not too far away from him was his 15 year old brother. He was sprawled on the ground, blood seeped out of the big gashes on his face. There was a small hole in Trey's throat. Not enough to kill him, but enough to have him need life support for a while.

"Trey!" Quattro shouted in fear. He kneeled down to look into his younger brother's green eyes. They were swollen. Quattro's eyes filled with tears. Tears of sadness and rage.

Who would hurt Trey? Quattro thought. He's too innocent! Quattro kneeled in closer to his brother so he could ask him a question.

"Trey, who did this to you?" Quattro asked, his voice was a mere whisper, but Trey heard him loud and clear, so he replied.

"It...was...a guy...named...Jake..." Trey murmured before falling back into the unconscious. Quattro pondered that for a moment, then his ruby eyes glowed a brighter color of themselves.

Vengeance will be mine! thought Quattro angrily.

Uh-Oh! Someone's mad!

Quattro: Heck yeah!

Trey: (coughing).

Quinton: Please review before Trey hacks up a storm.