It was a quiet and beautiful morning in Adventure Bay. The sun was starting to rise. The smell of freshly cut grass filled the air. Ryder was asleep and so were the pups. All except for one. Marshall was awake, sitting at a nearby tree where the pups usually played their games. He was staring into the sunrise, and while any other day the Dalmatian would've complimented such a gorgeous sky, a vivid dream that had woken him up played in his head. In it, Marshall and Zuma were at the beach. Both had just came back from the surfing lessons Zuma was giving Marshall. Once landing back on the beach, the two shared a kiss and held each other, both madly in love. The dream had ended with them heading back to the lookout, have a playful competition to see who would reach the lookout first.

Marshall sighed and looked in the direction of Zuma's pup house. He always had a crush on Zuma, since the day they first were introduced to each other. Marshall just loved everything about Zuma. His warm, soft, chocolate colored fur. Zuma was, at least in Marshall's eyes, the fearless type. He was never afraid of trying something new or tackling some tough missions. Yet, he was one of the sweetest pups ever. He would help anyone who needed it. Whether it was something small like a hug to comfort someone, to some mission where his life was put to risk rescuing Mer-pups. His scent caused the Dalmatian to be awe-struck, like the smell of freshly baked cookies. Although, sometimes Zuma would come home smelling like a wet dog (since his missions revolved around water) Marshall didn't mind. He loved the way the pup's honey colored eyes shined brightly, especially during a smile. And who could forget the way the chocolate lab spoke. While others may have found it annoying, or even have a curious moment in their head as to why he talked like that, Marshall had always thought of it to be adorable. Zuma wouldn't be him if it weren't for that. All these key and quality features are what made the Dalmatian have a crush and eventually come to love the pup more than just a one time thing. However, Marshall always fought the feelings, keeping them on the back of his mind. He could never afford anyone finding out, for if anyone made fun of him, his low self-esteem would hit a new rock bottom. Although, lately it had been a different story. He started dreaming of Zuma every night, and was crazy for the chocolate lab pup. It even got to the point where he would daydream about the chocolate lab. It wasn't until someone yelled his name out that he would come back to reality. The pups had wondered if Marshall was alright, but everyone just shrugged it off.

"He's never going to like me." Marshall whispered to himself. "And even if he did, what would the others think?"

The Dalmatian looked up and noticed that the sunrise had come and gone. He was still a bit tired, so he walked back to his pup house. Just as he was about to lie down, his collar lit up.

"Paw Patrol, to the lookout!" Ryder shouted.

"First my feelings for Zuma and now I have to go on a mission still groggy...looks like today is gonna be one tough day." Marshall thought.