A/N: Sorry it took so long, hope you enjoy :) Just remember, this is a different story to what was previously published.

"Bro, you're so freaking lucky you didn't get busted," Mason said stumbling along the road. "Okay, who's next?"

"You," another Brodus pointing at the freshman. "What's your name again?"

"John, John Cena," he replied wishing they hadn't noticed him. With one or two drinks in him, John was still sober and nowhere near the state of his teammates.

"Well, John," the senior looked around as he spoke. "Since we've wandered into gay town. This is your challenge my friend. Your dare, should you accept to choose it-"

"Which, if you don't, you won't play on the team," Jinder threatened.

"You task, my dear friend, Joey-"


"Joe, that's what I said, your challenge, is to go into the gay bar over there," he said pointing in the wrong direction. His teammate moved his finger. "Thank you. Get dirty with a gay."

A round of cheers went up as John cringed. Everyone else so far had dares of drink a pint in one go, or stand on the table and strip. He'd do any of those. Why did he get given dance with a gay guy?

The group of lads dragged him over to the club and they paid to enter. John hoped that they'd ID him and refuse entry but instead the club allowed him without checking. When they entered, the lively, upbeat and open atmosphere outshone the other clubs they'd been to that night. He looked away from the stage with poles when he saw male dancers in their underwear gyrating.

"Who takes your fancy then Joey?" his drunk teammate crowed.

"No one," he yelled over the music.

"Just remember, you don't do this, you get no matches this season," the more sober senior reminded him.

"I'll get the drinks in, we might be here a while as I drum up the courage," John said trying to smile.

He left the group and weaved his way through the crowd toward the bar. As he waited for an opening he looked around and took in the scene. The nearby stage captured his gaze along with the guys dancing on each other.

"Hey, good-looking, buy me a drink?" a guy asked who looked younger than John. John guessed he was from Texas, with his chaps and cowboy hat. As though to punctuate his question, he ran his hand up John's arm.

"Um, you know," he said watching the hand in despair. "I'm here with-"

"The good ones are always taken," the young man said turning on his heel and disappearing back into the crowd.

John didn't know a guy could be that small after puberty. He wanted to go after him and tell him to hit the gym and build muscle. No guy should be that scrawny. But hey, he's gay right, didn't that make him a chick or something. He looked around again and saw guys with different builds. Big men, scrawny guys such as the one who'd just come up to him, old guys, young guys. John corrected himself, there wasn't a particular look that went with the stereotype.

"So, if you didn't want that twink, you must want a guy with muscles," a man said from behind, his hand resting on John's hips. Are guys this forward? He never acted that way with women, he figured it must be a confidence thing with gay guys.

The spectacle caused his teammates to erupt into a cheer across the other side of the club. Shit, if he wanted to get a match, he needed to do this to get time on the football field.

"I don't prefer one over the other," John said unwilling to turn around with the guy being so close. The hands slipped away, and he breathed again. Just when he thought it safe, the man moved to stand in front of him and smiled. Okay, not good-looking, he was a country guy trying to make it in the city.

"Let's skip the drink and hit the dance floor," the guy said taking him by the hand and pulling him away from the bar. Another holler arose from his crowd and his face reddened in embarrassment. Dancing with a guy when his teammates watched and laughed. Not cool.

It was strange having another man hold his hand and leading him through the crowd. When they reached the floor John tried to keep space between them but his dance partner wanted to be close. He slipped his hands back onto John's hips and stepped into John, pushing a leg between John's and hinting for John to ride it.
John gulped, the guy raised his arms to rest around the neck of his dance partner. The guy's hands travelled over John's back and chest and John hated to admit that he didn't dislike it. Unsure if he enjoyed it, having strength in the hands touching him felt better than the women he'd danced with at his prom.

As he relaxed enough to get through the dance, a hand grabbed his collar and pull him away choking him, "Come on, lover boy."

One footballer pulled him away, and he ended up in a mass of guys with the realisation of what happened flooding back to him. Embarrassed, the heat radiated off his face as they jeered at him for going through with it. At least he knew his moment was over and his turn to join in the fun began as the other freshman got their initiation.

A/N: Short I know, but it was just an intro