A/N: Sorry to leave you guys on such a cliffhanger for so long. Over the past two weeks, I have attended an interstate cosplay convention which had me out of action for 5 days, I am also studying a science degree with five subjects. I also broke up with my boyfriend of four years (but we got back together beginning of the week) and I am also trying to manage my weightloss. I am very sorry for not updating my story but as you can probably tell, I am extremely stressed lol. Hopefully this is worth the wait.
My instant reflex was to hold out my hand to reverse time, and for the first time in months, it worked. I blacked out, and all I could see was the doe I used to envision. After my eyes focused, I realised I was having the same vision at the lighthouse. Fuck. This again? I slowly walked up to the lighthouse, rewinding when I needed to.
I woke up and Nathan was walking away as Mr. Jefferson and other students were filing into the classroom. I looked down at my stomach and I was fine. Well, physically, I was. I quickly opened my phone and all my texts were the same. I had my power back again, but what did it mean?
"Morning, everyone," Mr Jefferson said and started the class. I was so dazed. I had no idea how it happened, but after what felt like thirty seconds, the bell rang. "See you next week everyone," my teacher said as my peers started to gather their things and head towards the door. I followed suit and turned the corner to see Warren leaning against my locker. I walked over to him, still dazed. His soft face quickly turned to concern, "Hey, Max. Are you okay? You don't look so hot." I looked up at him. "As in, sick, like," he hesitated and blushed, "Are you alright? Do you need to lie down?" He asked, worried, and put his hand on my shoulder lightly.
I looked up from my feet and looked into his eyes. "Do you want to take a walk with me?"
"Yes," he said without hesitation, and his eyes lit up immediately. "We could drive somewhere nice to go for a walk. I have a car, remember? I still haven't had the chance to show you how she runs yet." He stopped, "I mean, if you want to..." he looked down.
"That sounds great, Warren. Can we go now?"
He looked up at me with a huge grin on his face. "Yeah, of course! Whatever you want." He grabbed my bag for me and we walked to his car. His car was in the parking lot, and when we reached it he opened my door for me. He is honestly too good to me. I hopped in and Warren practically ran to his side of the car, opened the back door, put our bags in the back, grabbed a water bottle from his bag and handed it to me. "Thanks," I said and smiled at him as he turned on the ignition.
"Where would you like to go, Doctor Caulfield?" he asked and beamed at me. After I told him I didn't mind, he simply replied softly with, "I know a nice place," he said and pulled out of the school parking lot. He turned on the radio and the reporter had issued a thunderstorm warning hitting within the hour. I sighed. "Warren, we don't have to go anywhere. I don't think you should drive in a storm"
"Don't worry, Max. I got this. I didn't get my drivers license for nothing, ya know," he said reassuringly.
"Okay," I said quietly. I didn't want to argue with him; that was the last thing I needed and wanted right now.
We talked about our favourite sci-fi movies and Doctor Who. I asked him about the scientific methods behind the DeLorean time machine from one of our favourite movie sagas, Back to the Future. He beamed brightly at me as he explained it to the best of his ability. "Of course, it is science fiction, but still very interesting how they thought of it!" His eyes lit up because he knew that he had impressed me, and there was no denying that he definitely had. His knowledge on this stuff was absolutely insane; how did he have room for all this shit in his cute little head?
We finally came to a stop after driving for about forty minutes. We were parked on a cliff on a lookout; Arcadia Bay lookout. It looked really beautiful from so high up. I didn't want to walk too far with the storm warning, so we both got out and sat on the bonnet of Warren's car. I looked at him and took a deep breath. He was already looking at me, and he looked away, bashful. "Warren," I said slowly, and he looked back up at me. "I have something very important to tell you. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, now, but it seemed that we kept getting interrupted whenever I try to tell you. Now, this is between you and me, not social media. And you also have to promise to not think that I'm a fucking loony."
He looked up at me, a little concerned, "Max, don't insult me, go on."
I took a deep breath, ready to tell him everything that I wanted to for such a long time now. "I can manipulate time."