"DAAAADDDDDYYYYY~!" a voice of a little girl rang out.
Dipper squeezed his eyes shut even more as he tried to swat the small hand away from his nose.
"Daaadddyyy!" The voice cried out as he felt the weight on his stomach seemed to jump up and down.
"What..?" He groaned.
"Im hungry!" he heard a pout in the voice. Dipper opened his eyes to see a ten year old girl with brown puffy hair, bright blue eyes, braces, and wearing a giraffe onesie p.j. It was his second youngest, Joanna. Next to her, sitting on the foot of the bed was Joanna's twin brother. Alfred had brown hair that was neatly brushed, little duller blue eyes, braces (but only at the bottom of his teeth), and wearing a brown dog onesie p.j.
Joanna looked alot like his twin sister, Mabel, and honestly, she was. 'Mini Mabes' was Grunkle Stan's nickname for her. While Alfred was alot like Dipper, he was also very different. Alfred was quite, a calm atmosphere always hung around him. He was considered the fighting child, since he had been prone to sickness even before he was born. But the way he was, no one would have originally thought that. Alfred was very attached to books and his sister. He liked to learn, doesn't really get bullied at all. Not everyone liked him though, but they liked his sister. He was always quite no one really minded his company. And sometimes even, he was pleasant to talk to. Alfred is known to be 'book smart', and Joanna 'street smart'. Its what kept them so close together. They needed each other's smart. Much like he and Mabel when they were around there age.
"Get off or I'll never get up." he muttered, wiping the sleep from his eyes. Alfred gave a curtsy nod and Joanna nodded so hard, he swore her head was ganna pop off, and got off him. Dipper extended his arms up as far as he could for a quick stretch before throwing them forward to pull himself up. He got off his bed and to his feet, which were met by a stained rug. Alfred slid off the bed and left the room with Joanna, who skipped happily to the dinning room. Dipper did a few stretches before following him in his worn out t-shirt and striped boxers.
To greet him in the dinning room were not only his twins, but his half daughter holding his baby girl. His half daughter, Rickey, was about 16, her hair blond and her eyes green, following her other father's traits with the eyes. She wore devilish clothes that made Dipper's skin prick. It was not only goth, in that case he didnt mind, but it also revealed a bit to much. But his baby daughter, Angelica, was the exact opposite. As her name stated, she was a perfect angel. Bright brown eyes that shone brighter than the son, and brown thick hair that grounded her to the earth. Even though they were practically Devil and Angel, they were like Joanna and Alfred. They were inseparable. Though, Rickey tried not to show it.
Dipper shuffled to the cabinets and pulled out a bowl and some Crunch cereal. Once he had two bowls done and over with, he set them on the table that was just a few feet away. The two twins scrambled onto their chairs and began eating away. Rickey walked over and handed Angelica to him with a look of discuss, but it didn't seem true in her eyes. Angelica mumbled a response from being handled, but clang to her father's shirt right away. Dipper held her one arm as he got her bottle ready. She was One and 5 months, able to eat moshed food, but Dipper preferred her to keep drinking bottles.
"Im going to Dans tonight." Rickey muttered, not directly talking to her father as she texted on her smart phone to a friend.
"No, your not." was Dipper's reply. Rickey only rolled her eyes and rolled away out of the dinning room.
The rest of the day went by as it usually did on Saturday. He got his kids ready for the day, let them play for an hour or two while Dipper prepared lunch ahead of time. Had his kids bathe after they played, gave them a snack, and took them shopping. Rickey stayed home, as usual, while Dipper took the other three with him. After, they ended up eating out, went home, let them play more. Dipper studied a bit supernatural stuff with Alfred before working on bills. When it came time, they ate their lunch instead of dinner. He let the twin's have computer time before going to bed. Of coarse right before going to bed he had to read his twins a story and sang to Angelica till she fell asleep. After, he fought with his ex over the phone before drinking for about an hour and then going to bed.
Every day was the same, a horrible pain that only itched to get worse. His children made it bearable though. He missed his twin sister, who was over in Chicago at the moment. She would text him at least once a day, and when she called, he would talk his problems away. It would be a while before he would see his sister again though.
But he would live eather way. He had to, for his children.