Disclaimer: Kim Possible is property of Disney. Other things referenced in this story may belong to Disney, Twentieth Century Fox, Marvel, or DC Comics. This story is not for profit.


Kim Possible 10th Annual Fannie Awards

Chapter 9 (Final)

Everyone in the audience had gotten a drink after watching Patton Oswalt go on for many minutes about Star Wars fan fiction of his own design.

CajunBear and Sentinel had not had a real opportunity to enjoy their jambalaya… an intermission of nine minutes only allowed so much. Now they were grumbling a little. Mocking someone else for their hunger lost its appeal when you yourself didn't get to eat.

Meanwhile, whitem had gotten a slice of cold pizza courtesy Slipgate, and was comparatively content.

A somewhat satisfied whitem walked to the nearest microphone as Slipgate hung back to scan the auditorium from a higher viewpoint and then check all his security monitors on his wrist. CajunBear and Sentinel took the opportunity to eat some of the bread and have a drink with the Sake Sisters.

Another Fannies ceremony was about to draw to a close.

whitem started since it appeared no one else was going to join him. "Welcome back everyone. Thanks for your patience with a very long Fannies ceremony this year. Well, we're in the homestretch here. We're about to give the last four awards of the night and then bid you adieu until 2016, when the Back to the Future movie series will be about the past but at least the 3-D will still feel fake… wait…"

whitem was expecting his opening comments to be his co-hosts' cue to come to the stage, but CajunBear and Sentinel were wolfing down complimentary bread that the hosts had arranged provided for the ceremony guests from a bakery down the street and had security screened. Slipgate at least was… near the stage, but above it.

whitem shrugged and made his way to the table to pick up one of the golden award statuettes. Slipgate did finally land next to him, and when whitem turned he saw that Slipgate had been the one with the envelope for the next award, who gave a questioning head tilt and allowed his co-host to retrieve said statue.

Slipgate turned to the audience and began.

"Our next award, ladies and gentlemen, is for the CPNeb Kimmunity Award. Last year, whitem had introduced this award, and he would probably do a better job of doing so. If I may be brief though, CPNeb was a writer here in the Kim Possible fanfiction community that was near and dear to many people here. He encouraged them, he collaborated with them, he wrote some things off the beaten path… even if some of them are now more common ever since… This award was meant to recognize someone who had a big impact on the Kimmunity.

I say that fully knowing that possibly several of the people in our audience now (or reading this at home, if I can skirt that fourth wall again) may not have known CPNeb. I'll be honest. I didn't know him. But the person who wins this award… the voters are saying that this person has made a huge contribution to the Kimmunity. Let's see who it is."

With that, Slipgate handed the envelope to whitem and once again flew up, up and away.

whitem ripped open the envelope. "The CPNeb Kimmunity Award goes to… CajunBear73!"

CajunBear had been nursing a drink after finally quelling some hunger pangs. After almost performing a spit-take, he looked up in surprise and rose. With raised glasses from the two Sake Sisters and a pat on the back from Sentinel he walked slowly to the podium.

Taking the award, he cradled it, smiling fondly for a few seconds, before turning to the audience.

"Many may not know of CPNeb, or Ben, but he was a bright shining star on the Kim Possible Site, who left us way before his time. He came out of nowhere and in a very short time he had a depth of tales for KP that was more than fun to read; in fact you could almost feel that you were a part of the tale." He stopped for the low laughter from the audience.

"And at times you were a part of the tale," looking to some in the audience who knew of this very well.

"It was he, whitem, CaptainKodak1 and Pharaoh Rutin Tutin who invited me to do more than reviewing on the site when I was asked to contribute to Ben's collaborative writing group: KP-TZ2. A writing newbie, I was glad to be amongst these legends; we all bandied about the tales that were posted, and I got a couple in when I wasn't running some Beta for them also."

A couple of writers in the audience and onstage chuckled at the last, CB also beta'd for several present.

"From there I moved into occasional writing and more steady work as a Beta for a few on the site. And I must say, I'm having a ball either way.

But Ben was a big-hearted man who loved all he did and was looking forward to what he could be involved in next. He encouraged all who came to him and helped them as best he could. In anything he wrote for the site, or in reviews, or in correspondence to those who contacted him, he was a gentle soul and he was taken from us all, especially his family back in Texas, way too soon."

CajunBear paused a moment to gather himself, and then continued.

"Thank you all, and…" looking up, the Rufus pointed heavenward, "thanks for bringing me in."

Clearing his eyes for a moment, CB73 turned and walked away.


Sentinel decided to take a turn at hosting.

As he was rising from his chair, SapphicVixen caught his attention. She'd walked over and whispered in his ear quickly. Sentinel looked at her, considering, and then finally nodded.

He came up to the podium, and she waited at the foot of the stairs to the stage as he addressed the audience.

"Hi folks. She wasn't feeling up to it at first, but SapphicVixen would like to give her acceptance speech now while she still has an opportunity. To remind you all, she was kidnapped by Chester Yapsby in that fracas earlier and wasn't able to give her speech for winning Best Romance Story with Sparkling Fire and Smokey Sighs. Go ahead, SapphicVixen."

SapphicVixen wandered onto the stage, spraying a mysteriously acquired can of Raid© as she went. When she reached the podium, she quickly sprayed it down before she adjusted the mic to her level.

"Ahem! I'm… sure this is highly unusual… this is obviously a highly organized and orderly event."

If this was a joke, she didn't show it or pause for laughter. Instead, her eyes darted around and she sprayed the air where she glanced while she continued to talk.

"But I'm feeling much better now. I thought…" – someone nearest the podium, in the audience, moved and she sprayed in their direction – "I'd just like to say that I'm very thankful for the encouragement you've all given me, and thought you deserved that, at least. I also promise I'll finish soon, okay? Right after my house gets fumigated."

She sprayed a sustained blast of the insect repellant until the can sputtered out, then threw it over her shoulder and pulled another out of an entirely-too-small pocket and began to spray more.

"I'd also like to take this opportunity to show my support to bring anti-bug legislation into being, banning bugs from all places where there may be carbon life fo…"

She was dragged away from the podium by security and escorted back to her table. She sprayed everything in her path as she went, including the security guards.

"Here's to a round of applause for SapphicVixen!" CajunBear called from his chair at his table, quite happy he was nowhere near that insect nerve agent. Once again, his military CBW training coming through in the regular world.

The whole audience cheered, even as some nearest her held their noses at the smell of the Raid©.


After the stage was cleared of the fumes, Sentinel was then ready to take on the next winner. He even had the envelope.

"Our next award is for the Kimmunity Achievement Award. This is kind of like a Lifetime Achievement Award… maybe this person hasn't done something this year, but they've definitely done something. Our winner for the Kimmunity Achievement Award is…"

He ripped open the envelope.


A roar of applause erupted from the audience for the long-time writer/author, while the hosts all smiled.

G-Go rose from a table and walked briskly to the stage and up the steps. He accepted the Fannie Award from Sentinel with a nod of thanks and walked to the nearest podium to speak.

"I would like to thank the Committee and the voters for this award; my first ever Fannie. Getting this on the tenth anniversary of when I began writing my KP stories is a poignant reminder of two things; 1) A lot has happened in my life since I first started writing those words. I've made a lot of great friends and developed some very close-knit relationships. And 2) I really need to update my latest fic.

I think the only thing I have left to say is what I've already said: thank you. Thank you Fannie Committee for keeping this Kimmunity together long after the fandom and the tale-telling would have died down in other forums. Thank you for the enthusiasm of keeping this fandom alive and thriving. And to everyone: thank you so much for reading my stories."

G-Go absorbed the fierce applause for a few moments and then inclined his head and proceeded back to his chair.


Each host had been ticking down the awards in their heads and realized only two were left. And of those two, they would be presenting only one of them. Without words, all four hosts converged on the stage, lining up at their podiums.

CajunBear broke the slightly somber feel in the room. "Our next award is for the Best Story Overall."

"I'm not sure even someone like me needs to say too much by way of explanation for this award." Slipgate added.

"You mean you won't lead the winner's speech with an essay?" Sentinel gibed.

whitem rolled his eyes. "No. He'll probably end with that."

Slipgate shot them a quick displeased look.

whitem opened the envelope and announced, "The winner of Best Story Overall is Lhyaran for Home is Where the Heart Is!"

Lhyaran dashed to the stage, excitedly. In his excitement he accidentally barreled into a too-slow-to-dodge Slipgate. It wasn't a major collision and neither was hurt, so Slipgate waved him off. Both were okay.

Lhyaran took up a podium CajunBear vacated for him. Sentinel handed him the award and he beamed out at the audience before beginning his speech.

"Squee! Another award, and this one for Best Story Overall for Home is Where the Heart Is!

Thank you all sooo much, I never would have thought this possible when I started this journey oh so long ago. It's an honor and a privilege to join those illustrious works that have gone before me.

Home is where the Heart Is started out as an urge to read a certain type of story, yet it was one I couldn't find. The need built up so much that I finally took the plunge and started to write, and the rest is history. One aspect of this wonderful process, which I hadn't counted on, was how fond I grew of my characters, especially my Original Ones. I can almost picture them and can't wait to unleash them on the world again. I feel there's still so much to write and I hope to keep you all entertained when I start the next installment.

Till then, read well and prosper."

The audience clapped hard for Lhyaran as he returned to his seat.


"Our last award is not going to be presented by… any of us," whitem announced to the audience.

There were some startled sounds from the audience, but those that responded in this manner quickly realized what was going on. It was what always happened every year since the awards started. In fact, it was a tradition.

Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable would present the Best Writer award.

The two rose from their table to huge applause. They'd been silently watching a long time, but that was certainly about to change.

Kim hugged her parents and kissed the top of their heads, and Ron did the same. Then both strode up the steps of the stage to the continuing applause.

As the four co-hosts stepped back almost into the shadows, Kim and Ron made some hand gesture to a stage hand who nodded. Suddenly, three of the four podiums slowly dropped from sight by a silent mechanical means, leaving one that moved over to the center of the stage. All this seemed so flawless, that no one even thought of the mechanical apparatus needed to perform such a seemingly simple task. Kim and Ron explicitly wanted to share a podium together.

Kim smiled her famous smile and began. "Two years ago Ron got to do all the talking. Last year I got to do all the talking."

Ron smoothly continued. "This year, we wanted to do this totally together."

Kim said, "Kim Possible premiered in 2002. Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle were working on scripts and on the concept at least as far back as 2001, and by some reports even as early as sometime in 2000."

"These shows take a lot of time and love to bring to life." Ron said, as gravely as he'd said almost anything. "For example, the hosts have been name-dropping Star Trek a lot. Did you know that the original Star Trek pilot was filmed in 1964? For a show that finally started showing in 1966?"

"How do you even know that?" someone in the audience called out.

"Fictional characters get to be older or younger than they actually are," Kim replied with a giggle.

Ron leaned in. "Plus, there is the Internet."

"The real point we're trying to make," Kim said, "is that tons of advance time, work, planning, and love went into Ron and I even before we existed in the first place. But for all that effort and time… Kim Possible the series has been finished since 2007. My voice actress and Ron's voice actor recently reunited to meet fans at a convention in Rhode Island earlier in November 2015, and apparently hadn't seen each other in person for years."

Ron continued. "But even with all that time and love… people have been writing Kim Possible fan fiction since 2002 and are still writing it even now. How about that? Even the creators worked with the characters for 7 years at most. But you all? For some of you, it's been 13 years."

"I mentioned last year that the show started so long ago that it's older than my little brothers, the Tweebs. It still bears repeating… Thank you all who are still here, whether you're recent fans or you've been fans all this time. You've put even more time and love than our creators could. And although there are some whack plots out there, all told…"

Both Kim and Ron then leaned in to the microphone together and spoke in a clear single voice, in perfect harmony. "We love you for it."

"OK, we've had our chance to talk…" Ron said with an easy, sloppy smile.

"Now it's time to announce the Best Writer for this year." Kim finished.

Kim took the award and Ron took the envelope from whitem, and then Ron opened the envelope.


Just after his name was announced, there were a couple of loud "POPs!" coming from near where Levi was sitting. After a few moments of confusion and the attending EMT rushing over, Levi stood up and made his way up to receive the award. The people near him looked down and noticed something odd about his shoes, or lack thereof. He wasn't wearing any socks, for that matter.

Ron and Kim had noticed as well. Ron turned to Kim and whispered away from the microphone, "I just hope he doesn't have any toenail fungus like I did all those years ago." The audience saw the cringe on Kim's face and some wondered just what Ron had said to her.

"Sorry about the ruckus folks." said levi once he reached the podium, "but when I found out that I won the Best Author Award, it kinda blew my socks off. Problem was though that they took my shoes with them."

A loud groan could be heard from the back of the house.

"Sorry about that Mr. Barkin. I'm sure the Emergency Room can remove them without surgery."

Another groan and the attending EMT could be seen shaking her head in answer to that comment.

"Well, without major surgery anyway."

After Mr. B was taken out on a stretcher, face down of course, Levi said, "I was going to start off with a joke concerning a couple of brothers that are dowsers. Ron was telling me about them. For those of you who don't know what a dowser is, it's a person that uses several different means to locate water, or metals or sometimes just things that have been lost. Most people think of a man with a stick that looks like a 'Y' walking around till the stick points down indicating water."

Turning to Ron, he asked, "What were their names again?"

"Do you mean the Phinde brothers?" Ron answered back.

"Yeah. The Phinde brothers. What were their first names?"

"Zeke and Euell."

"That's it… Zeke and Euell Phinde. I thought there was a joke in there someplace but I just can't see it now."

He then looked as if he was going to say something else, but a serious look appeared on his face. Instead he looked at the top of the podium and smiled. "Wow." he said more to himself than to the audience. "I still feel like a newbie here in some ways."

"I probably owe an apology to not only Kim and Ron but to both of their parents too. I've kind of put them all through Hell at one point or another in my stories in the last couple of years. I'm not going to list what I've done to them, but I know that one way or another, when they are faced with adversity, they usually rise to the occasion and become better than they were.

Besides apologizing to them I also want to thank them because without them, we wouldn't be here. Also I need to thank just about everybody in the room tonight. The people that have read the stories, the people that have reviewed the stories and the people that have and are willing to help others when needed or asked. CajunBear73, Zaratan, CaptainKodak1, Temporaryinsanity91 and MattK just to name a few that have helped. I won't even try to name any of the writers that have inspired me… they are so numerous.

We all are a part of something that is still great. We are all a part of the Kimmunity.

Thank you all."


After levi left the stage to a huge round of applause, all four Fannie Committee members stood on the now empty stage, and their voices were being picked up by hidden microphones.

"Ladies and gentlemen," whitem began.

"Thank you for your immense patience with us." Slipgate continued.

"The 10th Annual Fannie Awards…" Sentinel said.

"… are now done." CajunBear finished.

As levi ambled off, there was silence… for a time.

Then Kim and Ron began clapping.

Then the four hosts began clapping.

Then the audience began clapping.

The End