sorry for not updating in awhile, but I suddenly started getting less motivation at the moment to write. :C
even there was lack of Motivation for the A/N
Song: Starstruck
Artist 3OH!3
Pulling over to the exit, the convertible drove down the slant road to a flat surface fenced up. Mainly because it stopped to an edge where it only met the air, ad down below was the brown sugar, sandy beach. Although, there had been a sign that warned about the tides at certain times. To the left side of the leveled opencast, was a large restaurant with a strip of concrete edge for outdoor tables. With the time being lunch, there had already been packed cars in the limited parking lot. Luckily, for Drew's party, they managed to find one that someone was about to get out of the parking lot.
"What's with the tampons? You actually have a wife or something," Gary sniggered, seeing the plastic sticks poking out from the driver's pocket. The kelly haired teenager just mumbled something before stalking off with everyone else. "Sheesh, maybe you do have some kind of PMS going on."
Inside, the place was already full of wealthy vacationers and traveling families, or locals. The tables and walls were themed to be weathered drift wood, but the window facing out towards the beach's direction was an absolute wall.
Walking through the double doors, they patiently awaited the front host who would lead them to their table. After a short period of time, the were already walking to their table. Obviously, the table was of filled more than halfway, leaving four empty seats.
"Why are we in a group table?" Gary snorted, trying to bring up a small conversation.
"Well, I'd thought because we're eating out I'd like to invite my group of workers over. But it's because one of our friends declined on going here. He says he's too busy for us." Soul sighed, shrugging it off. However, she seemed to go unfazed and started leaning on Dawn. Gary simply made a face, but Green decided to step o his foot under the table. Even Drew caught him and started bringing up a conversation.
"Well, you guys don't seem to be from the South cities around here." He mentioned slowly, but his mouth went silent suddenly. Perhaps by the fact that a waitress was walking up towards them. The teenager made a clicking noise, while everyone seemed to have "backed off."
"Welcome to the Conch Cafe— And hello constant guest." The waitress was the same age as everyone at the table, but had a more mature appeal by her appearance. He light brown hair was short a separated into two at the front. She wore a red workers' bandanna that left her bangs untuck as her shirt did. The brunette's eyes were deep in a blue colour and seemed to be slightly knitted in an irritated expression.
"Is it that time of month again, June?" He smirked, but the joke had gone way too far and she purposely dropped her pen.
"Why yes, it must be the month where you have a daily visit here." The girl tried to avoid cringing in her voice. Within all of this, Green seemed bemused at their wordplay, but stayed out of it. On the other hand, Gary was much pleased by the interactions.
"Oh wow, Drew." He began saying in mock innocence. They were both surprised to her the older Oak and turned to look at him. "I never realized you were taken. Especially by a maid that looks as if she deserves to work for you."
It didn't take longer before both faces turned red. The waitress silent because his face was new, but Drew was about to already knock him out. Although, an alternative rose and Gary simply grabbed a layer of napkins to stuff into his brother's mouth.
"I deeply apologize for him. Our parents said were both mistakes anyways." He had a grip on Gary, who was struggling to say something. "Obviously, he was the bigger mistake."
"Oh dear, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize—" At this, Dawn also seemed to be in a shock of state from his words. Soul and Drew remained unfazed, but their eyes were perking at the two of them.
"It's fine," Green's eyes squinted at her name tag for a second. "May."
"Um... I'm sorry for rushing in like that! I'll make the drinks free for you guys today." May apologetically said, but her eyes suddenly went to glare daggers at the kelly haired teenager. However, she seemed to force herself to focus on her job and smiled back at everyone else. "Hi! My name's May and I'll be serving as your waitress today! Are you guys ready to order?"
"Not exactly right now. I'm still waiting for the boys to get here." Soul said, ad May nodded in acknowledgement.
"Okay, but I think they gave us a call on their orders, so I'm guessing you told them you were going here beforehand?" Soul gave a slight tilt of her head, but nodded. "Great! I already know what each of them wants. But I'm leaving because I can't stand staring at all the good food you guys are going to eat."May turned the dark haired bluenette. "And what'll you have Dawn?"
"It's going to get cold soon, so I'll enjoy an avocado toast with strawberry basil soup. For my drink, I'll have the peach and melon smoothie." May took her time to write the order down and went to everyone else.
"Grilled cheese with rhubarb, and a cherry salad. Also, I'm going to take some raspberry lemonade float." Soul said.
"Cucumber blueberry water and an olive panzanella, of course." Drew answered. With that, all eyes turned to the two Oak brothers.
"Why am I surrounded by vegans—" Green clamped Gary's mouth shut before the sentence went on.
"Could we look at the menu first?" He said, while May immediately ran to go get one. When she got back, she apologized again for the inconvenience, but Green just waved it off as if t didn't matter. It take him long to find something on the menu. "We'll both take the miso leek soup and matcha."
"Alrighty then, I'll being going far away from here to go get your guys food." Her eyes narrowed at the kelly haired teenager when she said that. "Anyways, thank you for ordering here!"
While she was walking away, Gary freed himself form his younger brother's grip and sat right up. But only to call out on May, "Also, Drew here is on his period!" The brunette from afar couldn't help it, and gave a loud snort from the comment. At this point, both the younger Oak and Drew were just about ready to drag and throw him out of the restaurant.
"That was the first time someone has ever dared try to—" Drew was already grabbing Gary by the collar, but he refused to let his own joke die down. Seeing this as a disturbance, Dawn was trying to get Drew to let go of Gary. Green would've liked to knock out his brother, but they remained in public.
While the small bickering was happening at te table, a group of four teenagers were walking towards them. It was quite difficult not to take notice of their red and black appearances that gave off a harsh aura. However, they seemed friendly once they sat themselves down on the table.
"What happened?" Emo asked Dawn, who had given up on trying to pry off Drew.
"Gary here decided to say that Drew's on his period and May isn't," She explained.
"Drew, I can't believe you just got burned by him. You're the one who burns guys like Gary." The raven haired teenager commented at the invisible loss of Drew's pride.
"Either way it was a pretty good story to hear right now." They were all laughing and Drew turned his anger towards them. But he quickly looked at the smiling Soul and just turned his anger back towards Gary Oak.
"Drew just calm down, it's not like anyone's going to be telling gossip." Guren tried to settle down the situation, but got a look from Drew. This had caught Gen's red eye and he started to growl at the other teenager. Among this reaction, Soul's expression slightly change and glanced at the four boys. Immediately, they had stopped their behavior and went on as if noting ever happened, like she did afterwards.
"Drew, you better not start any fights later." She stated. "So just take a deep breath and remember the rest of your pride. Don't take it out on someone you barely know. Even though you two do look like a married couple." Upon this, the brunette and half of the tabled just giggled at the what she had said.
"Soul, you're always the one who's going to luck out of everything." He sighed, inhaling a deep breath. He finally let Gary loose, who just laid back on his seat.
"No hard feelings, though. Haven't you ever been joked on?" Gary opened one eye at Drew, who blinked at him. "I mean like, Green used to always say embarrassing things about me whenever I try to go out with someone. Right, Green?"
"I guess so, but it was because the girls back in our school were to homestead and controlling." Green admitted. "It was sorta for our own protection."
"See? Damaged pride isn't the worst thing in the world, Drew." Dawn pointed out.
"Says the girl with like, over 102 stories that involved many childhood downfalls." He snorted.
"...That's totally something you'd say after getting burned by someone you've barely known." She sighed, allowing herself to face the glass wall. But she turned towards the Oak brothers. "So how do you like it here so far?"
"Everyone seems to be a vegetarian, the sun shines way more than up north, and everyone seems to accept bisexuality." Gary stated to everyone. "Better than where we lived with all those shy new girls, frozen lakes in the winter, and everything wasn't expensive though. So yeah, we could get used a place like this."
"Your summary seems fairly tolerant. So, we'll take it as a compliment." Drew said.
"Well, most of us actually used to live in the city, but we like to stay up in the northern parts around the mountains." The girl with dark hair replied, continuing. "I kinda want to go back to the city, but the atmosphere there isn't as fun the beaches here."
"What now? All the guys here are male models or something?" Gary scoffed.
"Yeah. There's a male model at the table right now."
"She doesn't mean you." Green whispered and he got an irritated look in exchange. He looked up at the rest of the table. "Sorry, he suffers from narcissism a lot. That's why I'm a jerk to him."
"That explains everything quite well already." Drew looked at the two of them. "So I'll exempt the two of you for just this once." While all of them were talking amongst each other at the table, May got back with stacks of plates and foods. Seeing this, Guren rushed to help her, while Lil' Rob caught the plates when they seemed as if they were about to fall. The brunette quickly thanked them and Soul, while serving out the various dishes.
"Sorry it took so long, I just— Crap." She quickly closed her mouth and tried to scoot away from the table. "If there's anything you need, it's okay to ring up another waiter."
"So it's that time of month isn't it?" Drew smiled to himself, taking a sip of the fruity water. May hesitated for a moment before marching her way to Drew.
"Just know, that you're the one who gave me these." She quickly grabbed for the plastic covered stick he held out. After that, she awkwardly walked away, trying to look as if nothing ever happened. Seeing this happened, the rest of the boys rolled their eyes at him.
"How long are you going to keep this kind of thing up?" Gen just gave him a look, before returning to eat his food. "Because I'm assuming you'll be doing this, until you're married." In reaction, Drew paused while drinking his water and quickly turned to face him.
"Just know that I only let you off the hook for having sass." The auburn haired teenager shook off what he had just said.
"Tch, you should just go ask out the Oak already."
"Maybe I will." Everyone had normally reacted to this, but both Gary and Green had the need to immediately leave the table. However, Soul seemed more happy from this sparking conversation.
In a room of modern furniture and silence, the curtains remained closed. No lights were turned on, But the sunlight somehow went through the curtains. Perhaps because they were far more of a palish taste pick. Obviously, the albescent drapery had been the fault of his older brother.
Although the room remained in a fairly decent tone of grey. But it wasn't dark enough to make the room pitch black. A teenager laid on the couch with a phone in his hand, looking through a few text messages. Ignoring them, a voicemail accidentally went off.
"Hey, get some more vitamin D out here. We were expecting you to go eat out with us. Anyways, you should catch up with us, I think you'd like to meet the two new guys who got here. They say that they've ran away. I kinda need some back up at my house right now. You better be there. Paul, I know you're laying on that fucking couch right now. You're suppose to be hanging out with us."
A heavy sigh of distaste seemed to come from the figure after he heard the voicemail.