Hey guys, I decided to start this series over as I felt like wasn't as into the old way I was writing and wanted to start it over, I wanted to start it when Kitsune was older rather than younger. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this. Don't forget to favorite, follow and review!


A figure walked alone in the distance as the sun came up, walking along the nice beach of who cares.

This character could've been thought of as a beach bum and to the villagers, that's what he was thought of. Nobody bothered him, because nobody knew where he was from. He was a mystery. Of course the villagers made the rumors about where and what happened to him, but he didn't speak much.

He has a small little beachside cabin that he made for himself when he first arrived in this peaceful village. He knew the reason that the village feared him was because they saw the ninja tools that he came with when he first arrived. They saw how he used jutsu to catch his meals.

The village was grateful for him though, as he would sneak around and give to those in need in the village, whatever necessity they needed at the time. He was a kind sole that wandered the beaches.

He was probably about sixteen or seventeen years of age, although his appearance made him look like he could've been in his early twenty's. He had hair that most women would find attractive in a man, and a light beard that went along with it, so he looked attractive you could say.

He had a dark tan from all the time he spent at the beach, with greenish blue eyes that were full of mystery, and stories. Everyone likes a good story every now and then.

This is the story of Kitsune Uchiha.

Of course it's great to start a story off with everything that goes on at the beginning of a child's life when you talk about them, but that takes so long and is a drag.

Now Kitsune is different from many of the Uchiha and is the younger brother of Shisui Uchiha. He, along with Sasuke and Itachi are the only Uchiha clan members left, that he knows of.

He could care less about what happened with Sasuke. It's selfish to do what he did and desert the village, but he did it, because sometimes you need to be selfish.

Kitsune was a very intelligent shinobi and would've been known as a genius, if he had stayed. He left the village as soon as he heard of his brother's suicide. He loved his brother more than anything and that took a real emotional toll on him.

He made the choice of abandoning the village with all the ninjutsu tools in his house, sealed inside of one scroll, so he would have something to gain knowledge of.

He was like Itachi in the ways of excelling at the academy, if he had probably stayed another month, he would've graduated with only a year in the academy.

He doesn't remember much of the academy, but he's beginning to feel homesick and see what's going on in his old home, because it's been awhile since he's gotten any news of what's going on over there and the tale to unravel should be fun.

He stopped paying attention to what was going on when he was ten, because he was tired of all of the political banter that was going on, but now he's curious after seven years of ignorance, because after all ignorance is bliss.

He began to pack up all his stuff into the same scroll he came with and left instructions for the villagers, because although he knew they were afraid of him, they would go through his house once they saw him leave.

He decided he'd leave at about noon and it would be about a one to two day journey depending on how fast he decided to travel.

He looked behind him one last time at his beachside cabin and laughed at all the times he's had at this place.

It truly was a city of paradise and he would remember fondly on it and who knows maybe come back and visit sometime, because after all it is where he grew up.

He began his walk through the village in flip flops, swim trunks and an open white button down shirt.

"Gonna miss this place." He thought with a grin as he continued his walk through the village.


It didn't take him long to get to konoha and it didn't seem to change much.

It was probably more protected now would be his bet as he noticed the anbu watching his each and every move.

He was easily at jonin level and most likely higher, but who needed to know that? He didn't come back to get in the fray right away.

Who knows maybe he can find a girl he'd be interested in, after all konoha is known to have the fairest girls in all the lands.

As he approached the village gates, of course he was stopped and he saw this coming for a while now.

An anbu squad surrounded him on all sides and he had no plans of fighting.

"Somebody has a large amount of chakra." Said one

"Sorry didn't mean to flaunt it off. Been away for a while and not used to trying to hide my chakra signature from anyone in particular." Said Kitsune nonchalantly.

"Name." Said one in a mask that reminded kitsune of a pigeon.

"My name is Kitsune Uchiha, I guess you could say I've been on an extended vacation." Said Kitsune

"Well I guess we'll have to…" The anbu was cut off as a messenger bird landed on his shoulder with a note attached to it that was quickly read.

"Never mind then, we are to take you to madam hokage." Said the anbu as they began to transport him to the hokage without a word.

Kitsune abolished but one thought that roamed his mind was "Madam?"

"I wonder what happened to the old man. Did he die of old age, or gallantly in battle? I guess I should ask the new hokage, although I'm sure she has plenty of questions ready for me." Kitsune thought

He noticed the odd states he was getting from the villagers and native shinobi as it appeared that none knew who he was.

They were soon upon the hokage's tower and it didn't take them long to reach her office in which they knocked and entered.

He noticed he wasn't alone in this interview and there was a boy with spiky pineapple like hair in the room along with the hokage, anbu and what appeared to be her advisor of sorts.

"Why are you in konoha? You're obviously not a street vender like most people who travel here are or a tourist of any sorts. I can tell the eyes of a shinobi. Who exactly are you?"

"You could see my eyes when I was all the way down there?" Kitsune asked

This made the pineapple haired boy chuckle and the hokage seemed to be more irritated. This made Kitsune smirk.

"Watch it smart ass. Answer." The hokage said with a narrow of her eyes.

"To come back home, it's been about ten years." said Kitsune

This made the pineapple haired boy curious just by his facial expression alone. Kitsune was sure the boy was interested in his story, but was even more curious, because who knows maybe they knew each other at some point.

"Now I have a question for you Lady Hokage, when did you become Hokage and Lord third moved on. I stopped listening to the ninja news so to speak about six to seven years ago." Kitsune asked in all seriousness.

"Before I answer that, what is your name?"

"Kitsune, Kitsune Uchiha."

The hokage didn't seem surprised, but everyone else in the room seemed to be.

"So you're the one Uchiha that was supposed to leave Itachi in the dust and graduate at the age of seven, interesting. We'll have to put your skills to the test and enlist you, if you pass the tests. As for the history and what's going on, I'll assign Shikamaru to that after all it is about lunch." She looked at Shikamaru "Shikamaru treat Kit over here to some lunch."

Kitsune was irritated by the nickname, but he'd let it slide for now. He deserved some sort of tease for leaving and probably would be punished for leaving.

"Troublesome" Shikamaru said then began his way out "Come on Kitsune."

"Coming mother." Kitsune said sarcastically, as they walked out Kitsune asked, "So, where are we going?"

"We are going to the barbecue house, it's a local favorite, and who doesn't love good barbecue."

"Fair enough." Kitsune said

They boys walked in a relative silence to the barbecue house and took a seat across from one another in a booth.

"Alright, so I guess we'll start off with intros as it takes a while for the meat to cook. My names Shikamaru Nara. I am seventeen years old and am currently ranked as a jounin and am heir to my clan. I like watching clouds, playing shougi, and protecting those I care about. There's really not a lot more to me." Shikamaru said.

"Besides being insanely smart right?" Kitsune asked with a grin, to which Shikamaru matched his grin.

"My name is Kitsune Uchiha. I guess I'm second in charge of my clan as Itachi left and Sasuke is in the-. What happened to Sasuke he die?"

"No, but we can talk about that situation a little further on after your intro."

"Fair enough. I like the beach, surfing and reading. You can call me a beach bum if you like, but I don't care. Now what happened to Sasuke?"

"Sasuke deserted the village about four years ago in search for power to kill his brother."

"And Itachi killed the clan, thus leading on to why Sasuke wanted to run for power in order to kill his brother." said Kitsune making the story shorter instead of longer.

"Pretty much sums it up. His current whereabouts are relatively unknown, as for this village. As for you, I'm not really sure what to ask you, besides ninja skills and I'm sure you'll be tested later, so I'll leave that to the proctors. Ah, what are your goals?"

"Goals? Get back in this village, bring peace or at least help bring peace, get married and have some kids. Yourself?"

"Pretty much the same thing just I'm already in the village." Shikamaru said with a light chuckle and Kitsune laughed along with him.

The food was about ready when one of Shikamaru's friends came along.

"Hey, Shikamaru I need you to-." as she stopped and looked at the figure across from Shikamaru and examined him.

"U-um, sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. My names Ino Yamanaka" she said with a stutter as she gave out her hand.

"Kitsune Uchiha, nice to meet you" he said

This made the girl froze in shock, in which Shikamaru quickly brought her up to speed as she decided to sit down next to him and across from Kitsune, during this time Kitsune decided to eat.

"So, what was it you needed Ino?" Shikamaru asked

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." she said

"Isn't that the majority of girls answers, 'it's fine'." Kitsune said with a smirk

"Are you calling me basic?" Ino said with a bit more anger than she meant to let out.

"Who knows, am I?" Kitsune said and all Shikamaru could do was sigh

"You, me training grounds now." Ino said gritting her teeth.

Ino left with a little extra motion in her hips, like she was trying to catch someone's attention, but she didn't leave the same way she came, she left the way Kitsune was facing.

"I want to get to know more of her that's for sure. A body like that and who knows what she's actually like and a kunoichi, this should be fun."

"Your an idiot." Shikamaru said, but was smiling a bit "She's not an easy catch bud if you're gonna go for a girl after re entering the village. She wouldn't have much time anyways, she's a squad leader."

"Sounds like a challenge, and I like challenges." Kitsune said as he and Shikamaru got up, for the meal was complimentary with the Hokage pass that Shikamaru had made for him when he was on official business in the village… cheap skate.

It didn't take long to get to the training grounds where Ino was waiting impatiently for her opponent.

"I'm going to show you a few things about respect Kitsune." she said

"Then please teacher I am ready for my lesson." Kitsune said in a stance that showed he was bored already, but his eyes showed excitement.

Shikamaru merely went and sat by a tree. He didn't know why, but he felt like he could trust this guy and he put his mind at ease. It wasn't hard to notice the anbu watching, and he saw the Hokage along with some others watching as well, so if the fight did get out of hands they could put it to rest quickly.

Shikamaru would typically take a nap, but he was intrigued by Kitsune. He wasn't like anyone he's met before. He was like a more controlled version of Naruto maybe? Nah, that's not it, on with the show.


Ino was reading her opponent trying to see what he would do next. She was a jounin and a good one at that, as she had her own genin squad that was rated at the highest of the class. She wasn't going to take Kitsune easy for one bit.

"Alright, I won't use my eyes. That would be to much of an advantage." said Kitsune

"Cocky super fucking attractive luscious haired prick." thought Ino "Your disadvantage." she said before she launched at him, but he was gone and now she was on the ground?

"Come on, getting you on your back can't be that easy?" Kitsune said with his now signature smirk "Would you like a hand up?" he asked

"I'm not an easy-!" she thought and was now infuriated and blushing like mad as she grabbed his hand and threw him on the ground into a position that she just realized she just set herself up for.

"This is too easy sweetheart." he said

She threw a fist into the ground, but not a usual fist. A chakra laced fist like Tsunade's, after all students follow after their masters and destroyed the place where Kitsune was.

What she didn't realize the pair of arms that spun her around and she was now face to face with her opponent whose breath she could feel on her own. Kitsune kissed her on the forehead.

"It was a good game sweetheart." Kitsune said walking off.

He had just made her look like a genin in front of everyone watching, because she wasn't naive enough to believe it would be just them three. She was about to start the seals of a jutsu before she fell to the ground unconscious.

"Don't worry all she's only unconscious, I wouldn't actually hurt her. I went easy on her." Kitsune said and disappeared before everyone's line of sight.

The anbu were about to be in pursuit, but they knew he was just going to go home to the compound he hadn't had time to go there yet, but they knew they weren't dealing with any average shinobi.

He had been training this whole time while he was gone it was obvious and he had mastered his brothers teleportation technique to a level that his brother hadn't even mastered. He had many tricks up his sleeve and only teased what he could do. This intrigued the council and they would let a Yamanaka search his mind. They would let Inoichi do it and he would make the decision on where they think the boy could prosper.