"Private Property"

- Part 1 of 3 -


This story is rated M/MA
(Explicit for language, sexual content, and reference to mild drug use)
So please only read if you're of an appropriate age!

I do not own Divergent, it's characters, or any of the brands mentioned
in this story. This is just my silly fanfiction.


I can't breath. I need air, now.

As soon as I stepped into my apartment and shut the door behind me, I broke out into a heavy sob. I hadn't even kicked off my high heels or pulled the purse off my shoulder before I crumbled into a heap on the floor blubbering until I soaked the carpet beneath me with my tears.

I cried, and cried, and cried some more. Who knows how long I lay there like that, but I do know that now, I feel like I'm hyperventilating right now.

I push up off the floor and steady myself, I try and fail to gather an adequate breath. The tears have stopped falling, but I gasp for air as if there is no oxygen in the space around me. And my instinct is to just bolt, to get outside as fast as possible.

I look down and realize I'm still holding my keys. But it seems that I'm squeezing them so tightly, they're leaving indents in the palm of my hand.

I continue to try and catch my breath as I clumsily lock my front door and then quickly make my way down the hall. But then I see my talkative and constant complainer of a neighbor Jeanine heading up the stairs.

So I don't even think before I bolt in the other direction. I do not feel like dealing with her right now.

I don't even know where I'm going, as I'm now running up the stairs. I was looking for fresh air, not to explore the upper levels of my apartment building. But I'm almost to the top now, so I may as well see if there is roof access. I never thought of that before today.

By the time I reach the top floor, I see the elevator doors on my right, and the double-doors to the penthouse apartment to my left. And further down on my right, is another door that says "Roof".

I rush over and say a silent prayer that the door is unlocked.

There is a small sign on it that says "NO TENANT ACCESS - PRIVATE PROPERTY". But I don't really care right now. So out of curiosity, I give the door knob a pull. It sticks a little, but it's unlocked and opens with a gentle tug.

On the other side, is a small set of concrete stairs that appear to lead to the open air roof where I look up and see nothing but sky. I anxiously trudge my way up those last few steps and when I hit the top, I finally seem to be able to catch my breath. I inhale the cool evening air and try to take deep calming breaths.

Once I get myself under control for the most part, I take in the sight before me.

The roof top is like a terrace, but has a wooden deck like surface and various patio furniture. There are also some potted plants and bbq off to one side. It's peaceful up here, and the view is breathtaking.

But it's a bittersweet moment. Because as beautiful and impressive this place is, it doesn't change the fact that I just spent the afternoon burying my parents.

I guess for a funeral, it was nice. A lot of people showed up, even some who I hadn't seen since I was a kid. As much as I appreciated their presence and was happy they were their for my parents, I couldn't get myself to speak to anyone all that much. I kept quiet for the most part, despite how much my Aunt and Uncle tried to encourage me to be more social and welcoming to the guests. I think the only person that really understood my feelings, was my brother Caleb.

I got through it though, and only shed a few lonely tears throughout. I felt numb. Thankfully, I didn't completely break down in front of everyone like I thought I would. At least I saved that until I got home.

I walk around a bit and continue to admire the view and inhale the fresh air. My head is throbbing and I feel exhausted.

I wonder if I'll ever feel better than I do right now. If my heart will ever feel less broken.

As I approach one of the lounge chairs, I decide it looks very comfortable and I wish to curl up on it.

I still don't know if I should really even be up here, the sign did say "private property" after all. But nobody else is here, and it looks too enticing to ignore. So I set aside the purse I had still been clutching and lay back onto the lounge chair.

Just like I had inside my apartment when I got home, I lose track of time. I vaguely notice the sun fully go down beyond the horizon, and my watery eyes adjusting to the night sky, which is illuminated by the city lights.

I feel the cold settle in, even though it's the beginning of summer. I shiver a bit despite my coat being wrapped around me tightly. But I relish in the bite in the crisp air, I embrace the goosebumps that run over my body. It reminds me that this is real. That I'm alive.

They may not be. When that drunk driver hit my parent's car head on, they all died instantly.

But me- I'm alive. I know I am, because I feel the bitter cold air nipping at my nose and tips of my ears. I feel the soreness in my feet from these stupid heels that I wore all day and then up the 5 flights of stairs. I feel the pain in my skull as my headache continues it's attack on my brain. And I feel the mild urge to vomit, but so far, I successfully keep it down.

All these thoughts and feelings keep me in the present. It reminds me that I'm here, sitting up on roof top of my apartment building, with a sad but steady heartbeat.

But the thought that has been crossing my mind this last hour or so, is- what would they expect of me in this situation? How would they want me to handle this? What were they expecting of my future? What would they expect now, had they predicted this happening? How can I make them proud?

I'll never be able to ask them these things. Never again will I get to have my mother's homemade chicken noodle soup, or meet her at the Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings or have her cut my hair. I'll never hear another one of my dad's stupid but endearing jokes, or go sailing with him on the boat he saved up and bought a couple years ago.

They're not here for me to call when I'm upset or when I have exciting news. They're not here for me to ask advice, or to watch me grow up. They won't get to meet my future husband or children.

So when I ask myself what I think they'd say about this situation- I fall short.

I can't seem to come up with any clear conclusions in this state of mind right now. But I do know they'd want me to really live. To be strong, and brave, and continue on with my life. They'd want me to remember them with happiness and remember the good times, rather than dwell on the fact that they're no longer here. But it's too soon. At this point, I don't see much light at the end of the tunnel.


I wake to the sun casting down onto my face, the harsh light beating through my eyelids and forcing me awake. Being that it's so bright, I don't even want to open my eyes yet. But the more I come back to conciousness, I remember that I'm not in my bed. I'm still up on the roof.

But I feel warm and cozy and much more comfortable compared to when I laid out on the lounge chair staring up at the night sky into the deep hours of the night.

Realizing that my head feels quite cushioned as well, I get even more confused. I finally encourage my brain to awaken a bit more and open my eyes as I sit up.

My head still throbs, and if it's possible, I feel like I have an emotional hangover.

But when I come to my senses, I discover the source of my comfort.

I am covered in a huge dark grey down-feather comforter, and I seem to be clutching and resting my head on a pillow.

Its kind of odd snuggling up with someone else's stuff. But they're very cozy, and smell nice, like fabric softener. And best of all, they've obviously kept me warm well into the morning. I know it's got to be at least 7:00 or 8:00am, as the sun is high in the sky and I hear the rush hour traffic on the streets below.

But still...who does this bedding belong to? Who found me and covered me up? I only know a handful of people in this building.

I doubt it would be my neighbor Jeanine, she's just awful and wouldn't be caught doing a kind gesture like that. And I don't think it would be my nextdoor neighbor Johanna, I've been over to her place several times and this doesn't look like her stuff. I also don't think it's Tori and her boyfriend across the hall, because they're out of town (I agreed to feed their cat while they're gone).

There are a few others I'd recognize, but have never spoken to.

Maybe this rooftop space belongs to the tenant of the penthouse? And they came out this morning and found me freezing and felt bad? Who knows.

But being that I have no idea who these cozy things actually belong to, I don't know who to return them to either. So I simply fold them back up and leave them neatly on the lounge chair.

At the last minute, I decide to leave a note. Being that I have no paper with me, I just grab an old receipt out of my bag and dig around for a pen, but only find a sharpie marker.

I simply write "Thank you" on the back of the receipt, and set it on the comforter, with the pillow on top so the note doesn't fly away. At the last minute, I add a smiley face. After I drew it, I roll my eyes at myself, thinking that was stupid. But it's too late now.

When I'm at the door, ready to head back down to my apartment, I smile to myself as I glance back up at the roof one more time. I'm glad there are still kind people out there.

A stranger has comforted me more than they realize.

But the smile fades as I remember why I sought out the fresh air and solitude of the rooftop in the first place.

I lost my parents. And nothing would change that.


I'm doing better these days. I'm getting back to being my old self. But still, a part of me feels like I'll never completely be the same again. Yes, I'm still Tris. But I know I'll always feel a little broken. It's hard to fully heal after losing two people you're so close to. We had always been such a tight-knit family. I never expected to lose them like this. And definitely not so early in my life. It feels premature- I'm only 25 years old. And they were only in their late forties!

I thought about this and more, over the last several weeks. I mourned and cried a lot, especially during those days after the funeral or when things would trigger a certain memory. I try to stay strong, but I still let myself cry occasionally.

However, it was especially difficult when helping Caleb clean out our parents house. Finding old photographs and keepsakes, or even something as simple as cleaning out the clothes from their closets, was a somber experience.

We couldn't get ourselves to sell the house. Even though it would probably turn a good profit, it was where we grew up, and held too many fond memories. So Caleb moved back up there and is living there with his wife Susan and their son. They seem happy there, and I'm glad the house is staying in the family.

I still sneak up the roof top of my apartment building on a regular basis. It's a nice little oasis. A way to get away from everything for a little while.

I have a feeling it's just me and one other person who utilizes this space. But I still don't know the other person. Or if this space belongs to them specifically. But the door to get up here is always unlocked, and I've never had indication that I'm not welcome.

Well, besides that small "Private Property" sign that I encountered that first night, and have proceeded to pretend I don't see each time I come up here. But I've never run into anyone, and it's not like I'm disturbing anyone. A part of me feels bad, like I'm intruding. But what's the harm, right?

I also often find myself thinking about the other person that visits up here. I assume it's the same person that covered me up that night a few months ago after my parents funeral. But when I came back up here a few days after that, the blanket and pillow were gone and I haven't really noticed much change besides that.

Occasionally when I've come up here, I've found a paperback book that they'd left, or an empty beer bottle or two. But one time there was a pair of flip flops left on the ground. Definitely a pair that would belong to a guy.

But we've never run into each other, or left any further notes for one another.

Well, until today.

A couple weeks ago, out of curiosity, I had picked up the book he left on the lounge chair.

At first, it felt like an even further invasion of privacy. But surely he would have re-considered leaving it out here if he actually minded. Plus, it's not like it's a personal journal or anything. It's just a sci-fi/thriller novel.

So out of boredom, I began to read it from the beginning. Then much to my surprise, discovered how good the book actually was, and found myself not wanting to put it down. Obviously, I eventually had to. Especially since I had my friend Christina's graduation party to go to, and she'd have had a fit if I was late. But I didn't want to lose my spot in the book, and I didn't want to dog-ear the page or anything. It wasn't my book after all, and I wanted to respect the condition of it.

But he had used a blank post-it note as a bookmark. So I decided to just rip off a little corner of the post-it note and mark my spot with that. If he notices, hopefully he won't mind.

What would this person think if they found me up here like this? And now I've taken it upon myself to read their book too? A part of me feels so immature...but not enough to stop. I just decided it wasn't that big of a deal. And if he wants me to stop, he'll tell me.

So since then, I've continued reading the book when I come up here, and continue marking my spot with the minuscule yellow piece of paper. I notice his bookmark progresses through the chapters as well. It's interesting to see we read at about the same pace. And I wonder what he thinks of the book? I guess he likes it since he's still reading it. But what's his feel for it overall? Was he as suprised about chapter 36 as I was?

As this continued, I decided it's kind of fun that we're reading the same book like this. Even if I don't ever meet him, it's kind of a fun thing we share. I don't know if he'd feel the same way, but I'd like to think so.

But today...was different.

After an extra long day at school and dinner out with some friends, I headed home. But there was nothing good on TV and despite it being close to midnight, I still wasn't tired. Usually I only go up to the roof in the early mornings, but a night cap with a little reading to tire me out, sounds nice.

As I go to retrieve the book, I'm surprised to find that it was rubber banded to a second book.

Immediately, I notice the post-it note stuck to it. But this post-it note isn't blank or being used to bookmark his spot.

I don't realize I'm holding my breath until I'm done reading the handwritten message...

I noticed you only have a few chapters left. But since it's the second book of the trilogy, I brought you the first book. Thought you might like to read it too.

I'm looking forward to the third book, but it's not out until late September. Guess we'll just have to wait.

That's all it says. No name, no apartment number, nothing. But still, as I re-read the note, I find myself grinning.

This whole situation is so bizarre, but kind of thrilling at the same time. And honestly, now that it's confirmed that he knows I borrow his stuff, and truly doesn't seem to mind, I feel better. Like a little bit of weight has been lifted of my shoulders. It's a little less secretive, but just as intriguing.

The only things I know about this person, is their taste in reading material, beer and flip flops, and that I assume he's male.

But who knows if he's young or old, or what his personality is like. No idea what he looks like, if he's kind or funny, or if we'd be friends.

Either way, I have a reading buddy. And I like it.


Tris! How did you get this? It's not out until September 30th!

Have you started reading it yet? I'm anxious to get started on it. Thank you.

I came up with a new recipe at the brewery yesterday, I'll bring some for you to try soon.

Good luck at the DMV tomorrow. Hope you have a good weekend.


I smile down at today's note. After I had responded to his initial note, and began reading the other book he brought, it kind of lead to a back and fourth thing betwen us.

We've been communicating like this ever since that day. All via post-it note.

I still don't know which apartment he lives in. I've never asked, and neither has he. And I refuse to go searching for him online to learn more. I promised myself if I was to get to know him, it would be the old fashioned way. No social media searches.

Instead, I've enjoyed learning quite a bit about him just from our notes.

I know some factual things...like that his name is Tobias, and how he's 26 years old, has lived here in the city his whole life, and co-owns a local brewery with his best friend.

I also learn that we have very similar tastes not only in books, but also with music and movies as well. We've even borrowed some from each other occasionally.

As the days continue on, I notice subtle things, little hints of what makes him, him.

I'll catch snippets of his sense of humor, or the way his intelligence shines through in his words, without feeling pretentious.

I also get the vibe that he's a bit reserved, but I still sense kindness. He feels so genuine, yet... I haven't even met the guy.

I've told him a little bit about myself too. He knows my name is Tris, that I'm 25 years old, I'm a 4th grade teacher, and even admitted my original reason for discovering this roof top in the first place.

At some point I asked him if this was his private property up here on the roof, and he said yes. I apologized for coming up here without asking. But he assured me he didn't mind, and if he did, he would have said something by now. I thanked him repeatedly, and even offered to pay him a monthly fee for letting me utilize his space like it's my own private patio. But he declined and told me I better not suggest such a silly thing again. He reminded me that I am welcome anytime, absolutely free of charge.

So yeah, even though we haven't met, I feel like I know him fairly well. And he's made a pretty good impression on me.

I'd like to say we're friends, but I guess it's more like neighbors...or pen pals with post-it notes? That does sound kind of silly when said out loud. But I don't care, I enjoy it. I always look forward to hearing from him, and I like that I can be myself in return.

So much so, that I've actually considered the idea of asking to meet him.

It wouldn't have to be in a romantic way. We haven't really mentioned anything related to that topic, so for all I know he could have a significant other he goes home to every night. I wouldn't want to meddle in that. So I would assume a hypothetical meeting would be on terms of us just being friends.

I just can't help but imagine what he'd be like in person. Would it be as easy to talk to him face to face as it has become to in writing?

What would he even think of me?

I think the only thing that is really holding me back, is my own self-consciousness. What if he's built up these grand expectations of me, only to be disappointed with the real thing? I mean, I guess he did see me that one time months ago when I was asleep, and I didn't exactly look my best. My hair looked like a rats nest and my face was all blotchy and swollen from crying my eyes out. So my current state would have to be some improvement, right?

Either way, it's proven to be fun to form a friendship with someone you've never met. But, it would be fun to finally meet him...

I grab my pen and jot down my reply without trying to overthink it. What have I got to lose? At least if he doesn't want to, I won't be rejected face to face.

Alright Tobias, don't make fun of me...but I signed up for the author's online fan club/mailing list, since I read that members got to purchase the book a few weeks before the general public. And no, I haven't started reading it yet. I wanted to give you the honors of starting it first!

I will be more than happy to be your beer taster! Looking forward to it!

The wait time at DMV wasn't too terrible, but I didn't know they'd have to re-take my photo. So I wasn't prepared, and I got distracted standing up in front of the camera, so the photo looks ridiculous! Oh well.

I was thinking...maybe sometime we could meet up here for coffee or something? Don't feel obligated to say yes, it was just an idea. If you don't want to, just pretend I didn't ask and I'll never mention it again. But if you do, I'm free this weekend.



The next day, I go up to the roof around my usual morning time. Bright and early, just after my shower. I've given myself about a half hour to enjoy myself up here with my orange juice and bagel with cream cheese, before I have to go to work.

I see his note next to a full bottle of beer on a little side table between the lounge chairs. There's no label on the bottle yet, just the name and description written in marker. I smile when I recognize it's his hand writing.

Here's the brew. Let me know what you think. I'm aiming for a good winter stout.

Rooftop coffee sounds nice. How about Saturday morning?
Sorry I wasn't the first to request meeting, I was trying to build up the courage to ask you. But I'm glad you did, I'm looking forward to it.

Have fun at your friends party... it's tomorrow night, right?
I'm hoping mine goes well too- I can't believe I agreed to have his birthday party at my place! What was I thinking?

Anyway, talk to you soon. And hopefully see you Saturday. I'll bring the coffee and something to eat.

I didn't realize I cared so much about his answer, until I notice the giant grin on my face after reading his words.

Maybe I really do hope he's single.

-Friday Night-

"What is this party celebrating again?" I ask Christina as I adjust cream colored silk blouse that I'm wearing with some denim jeans.

"It's for one of Will's friends- it's his birthday."

"Oh." I say, just now realizing this isn't actually her boyfriends party after all. "Wait, why am I going then? I thought this was to celebrate Will's promotion."

"It kind of is, since he did get promoted last week...but it's more so for Zeke's birthday. And before you say anything, Zeke suggested we bring a few friends. And you haven't been out in a while, so we're bringing you."

"I go out." I admonish, pinning half of my hair up so it doesn't fall in my face.

"Just going out with me and Will, or with Susan or Sarah, doesn't count. You have to mingle with more people. More guys." She insists. "And you're wearing those jeans that show off your perfect little ass, so I don't think it'll take much to get anyone to talk to you tonight."

"I don't want random guys flirting with me because my ass looks nice." I say, looking at her in the reflection of the mirror. "What kind of guys are you trying to set me up with?"

"They'll all be part of Will's group. I've already met most of them at the last party, they're all really nice. And many of them are quite attractive, so why not live a little?" She says, applying some lip gloss.

I'm done and ready to go now, already impatient to get this night over with. I'm not very outgoing around strangers, and I hate awkward silence. Plus, I don't want to just be surrounded by a bunch of drunken idiots, or be the third wheel to Will and Christina all night. I'd rather hang out and drink with a smaller crowd that I'm more acquainted with.

"I'm not looking to hook up with any guys Chris. So please get that out of our head."

"Let me guess, are you finally admitting to having high hopes on taking it to the next level with your little pen pal? You still haven't met him, right?"

I blush and roll my eyes, but don't answer her question. I should never have told her about Tobias, she's done nothing but tease me. She may be my best friend, but she can be a little much sometimes.

I haven't really even told her all that much, just vaguely that I've been writing back and forth with one of my neighbors. That we share books and stories of our day. I didn't tell her I've learned his name, because I know she'll be googling him within a matter of seconds if I do.

She's even gone as far as saying he's probably some teenage nerd pretending to be this sweet charming hot guy. Or some old creep trying to hit on a young girl.

I tried explaining that we're just friends, and that I'm confident he's being honest about everything. I know she just worries for me, but I feel myself get defensive about him when she talks about all the 'what-ifs'.

Plus, I reminded her that even if it did for some reason happen to turn into something more than friendship (which I emphasized my doubt on), then this is a great way to get to know someone without judging anything on their appearance first.

She had shrugged in agreement when I mentioned that. But I don't think she really agreed all that much.

So that is why I have yet to admit to her that I've planned to meet up with him tomorrow morning. On top of that, I'm beyond giddy about it. I really do think I like this guy. At least what I know of him so far, is to my liking. I guess I'll see how tomorrow goes though.


When Christina insisted I attend this party with her, I had no idea it was here in my very apartment building. Let alone in the nice loft style penthouse.

Apparently the birthday boy asked one of their other friends that lives here to host it, since they have so much space.

At least I'll be getting to know another one of my neighbors, even if they are several flights above my floor.

I have an anxious feeling. Penthouse? My apartment building? Friends birthday? I'm no detective, but the odds are adding up. Is this the party Tobias was referring to?

I've always considered that maybe he lives in the penthouse, since he admitting to being the 'owner' of the private property of the rooftop when I asked. But I never asked specifically where he lived. So there's a possibility he lives elsewhere in the building and just made a deal with management about the private property. Still, I can't help my nerves at the prospect of him possibly being here. And the fact that I have no idea what he looks like, doesn't help my situation.

After trying the doorbell, Christina gives her signature knock on the door. Athough I don't know if anyone will hear either of them over the music.

I'm proven to be correct, as she ends up having to text Will that were here. Within seconds then, he answers the door for us.

"Hello my Princess." he greets Christina. "You look absolutely stunning."

"Thank you, my sweet handsome prince." She replies with a big smile and steps up on her tippy toes to kiss him hello. "I missed you so much." She adds, rubbing her nose with his.

I have to hold back rolling my eyes. And she really thinks she can tease me about guys?

Thankfully after that, they keep their PDA to a minimum, for the most part.

I'm introduced to several people in the immediate area. None of which are introduced as someone named Tobias. But I get chatting with a girl named Shauna, who I find out just recently applied and interviewed to be the nurse at the elementary school where I work. She and I get along great from the get go, so I end up telling her I'll put in a good word for her. I also find out the birthday boy, Zeke, is her boyfriend.

A little while later, Christina introduces me to a guy named Eric. She tries to pretend like she suddenly has the urge to pee and insists Will show her to the bathroom, leaving Eric and I to ourselves.

We end up playing round of pool, and at some point I see Christina and Will off in the corner, whispering and pointing and sending encouraging smiles my way.

Do they really think I'm compatable with this guy? I mean, he's not unattractive. Actually, most girls would consider him hot. But, I already feel like he's kind of rude. The small talk we've had has been more like bickering between us, but with more of a flirty edge on his side. It's actually getting quite annoying by this point, and I'm looking forward to finding someone else to talk to. There's tons of people here by now, it can't be that difficult to escape him.

But since he doesn't seem to think a girl can beat him at a round of pool, I've decided to bear through it and at least finish the game. After all, I do actually have a chance at winning, so why not rub it in his face a little?

Unfortunately, in order to win, I'll have to do a bit of bending over. My short height doesn't help.

I can feel his leer as I aim for my yellow striped ball.

I make the shot, and line myself up perfectly for my next move.

He makes a sarcastic remark, but I just ignore him and continue to play.

I sink the ball in the corner pocket, and finally go for the eight ball. I take a deep breath, call the shot, then bend and aim.

Just before I go to take it, I feel him lean over me as if to help me line up my shot.

"Sorry, you looked like you could use some help." He smirks, putting his hands on my hips.

"Back away, before I break both of your arms." I tell him without looking up from where I'm taking aim. I'm proud at how my voice remains firm and unwavering. I guess the two beers I've had have helped me be a bit more harsh and intimidating. Without that, it's not like I exactly look tough or anything. In fact, I wouldn't be all that surprised if he laughed out loud a my comment. I look like quite the weakling beside him. But I won't back down or show my weakness. And thankfully, he gets the hint and backs away a bit.

I take the shot and much to my happiness, I actually make it! I smile triumphantly and stand tall as I look at this Eric guy with raised eyebrows.

"I doubt I'm really the first girl to kick your ass, but it was fun all the same." I say, laying the cue down on the table, making it obvious I'm done playing and no longer wish to speak to him.

He snickers and asks to play agin, but I ignore him and decide to go look for Christina. Or at least someone that I somewhat know and can hang out with. I definitely want to get some distance from this Eric guy.

When passing through the kitchen, I decide to grab another drink, but decide to cut myself off after this one.

I grab a beer from the stocked countertop full and pop the cap off, before pouring it into the red solo cup.

However, like the idiot I can be sometimes, I go to turn as I'm taking a sip and bump right into someone. The cup hits their firm chest, spilling it's frothy ale over both of us.

"Whoa, sorry." I say, reaching for the roll of paper towels at the end of the counter. I unwind a handful and hand them to him before grabbing some for myself. "I don't know why I actually attempt to drink and walk at the same time, I'm so clumsy."

"Hey, no worries. Just an accident."

"Still, I've spilled it all over us. And what a waste of really good beer."

As I attempt to pat-dry off my top, I finally look up at him to see how badly I got him, hoping I didn't ruin his shirt. But instead, I get distracted by how truly attractive he is.

Tall, broad shoulders, lean- but muscular, messy brown hair, and a face so handsome I don't know if I'll actually be able to get words out if he actually plans to continue speaking to me.

He's pretty much the most handsome guy I've ever seen before.

He must feel me creepily staring at him, because his eyes lift and meet mine with a small friendly smile. But then his expression turns to one of surprise and...recognition? I definitely don't recognize this guy, I would have remembered him. Wait a minute, this can't be...?

"It's you." He says, so quietly I almost don't hear him.

"Me?" I ask, eyebrows raised in surprise. Is this for real?

He clears his throat then, and looks down at the ground for a second as he takes a breath. He looks back up at me after a moment, an adorable shy smile dawning his face.

As if he couldn't get any cuter.

"Yeah." He says, almost nervously. "I, um...I'm Tobias."

Author's Note:

I'm back! I really didn't think it would take me this long to get this posted. This was intended to be a short story and was going to be posted all at once as part of my 'one-shot/short story' series. But for some reason, the website wouldn't let me save it all at once with so many words! Or at least when I did, it wouldn't let me access the file after. So I had to re-write the whole thing and decided to just save it in three parts. Of which I will now post over 3 days.

Part 2 will be posted tomorrow and Part 3 the day after that.

After Part 3 is posted, I will be posting a picture collage to correlate with this little story. You'll be able to check it out on my Tumblr. My user name is: madisonr1129

Also, I'm having trouble uploading the cover art for this story. But I'll get it up as soon as the site will allow me to. In the meantime, you can find it on my Tumblr as well.

As always, thank you for reading and for all of your support! You've been very patient and wonderful, and I really appreciate it.

Please review to let me know what you think.

Last but not least, thank you so much Ractre1127 for your friendship and beta help!

