A/n: This story came out of nowhere while I'm playing The Sims. And no it's not 2, 3 or 4 but the classic one. I enjoyed playing it when I was a child and I kinda missed it, so I installed it in my laptop yesterday and played it. The graphics and the features sucks, especially the Sims itself – if you guys played the latest Sims 4 and played the unpatched version and patched version of Sims 1 in 2015, you will understand my horrible experience –. Anyways, this doesn't have a plot at all and I don't know where this story is heading in the future, so good luck with me.

PS. I'm too sleepy to proofread this, so if you guys find grammar mistakes or wrong spellings, kindly point it out and I'll edit them right away! Thank you!

PPS. Last, please tell me who owns the cover above, so that I could properly thank or mention her/him here for I have use her wonderful creation! :D

Disclaimer: If I own the One Piece, then I shouldn't be here writing a LawLu fanfic just because I find this pairing an awesome slash adorably cute couple.

Warning: Alternative Universe. Law x Luffy. Obviously a yaoi story and I'm going to take a risk of making lemonades in the future in this story.

Summary: If you combine a one impulsive proposing Trafalgar and an empty-stomach Monkey, what do you think will happen next? Follow Law and Luffy in a series of fluffy goodness with future dash of lemony taste as Trafalgar propose to Monkey and their life together after the proposal.


The mixture of violet, pink and orange dusted the sky that late afternoon. The sun is setting on the horizon and the sea breeze is getting cooler, dancing its way on the land as the night approach.

Trafalgar Law and Monkey D. Luffy are walking quietly, side by side in the cold pavement of Foodvalten – the village where they are at the moment that makes Luffy even more, hungrier than he is by just thinking of the bizarre name of the village – where Ace, Luffy's oldest brother resides for his work.

The two lovers are walking in silence after they'd visited Ace: Law's hands are inside his hoodie's pocket while his eyebrows are irritably twitching. Beside Law is Luffy, who is swaying his arms and keeps on throwing worry-glances to his unusually grumpy boyfriend. Law is always grumpy but today, there's another reason for Law's grumpiness and Luffy knows that it's his fault that they're walking in an unnerving silence.

If Luffy didn't insisted to Law to meet Ace, then this day wouldn't happen in the first place. Law will not have a stupid fight with Ace that will make Luffy abandon his lunch – which he didn't tasted or had the first bite – just to stop them from killing each other. Law and Luffy should be making out hungrily or eat foods happily that Law will cook in Law's apartment in Dressrosa.

If only Luffy is not persistent as hell then Law wouldn't be on his knees in front of him… Wait! What?!

"What are you doing?" Luffy asked in confusion as he stared at Law's gray eyes.

Law understands it too well that Ace is not okay with his relationship with Luffy. Heck! Law can feel to his bones that Ace loathes him. He understands it because a certain "flamingo uncle" didn't approve of Luffy as his lover too. That's why he's on his knees on the cold cemented road of Foodvalten, in front of his boyfriend.

He didn't know the reason at first and acted on a whim, but as Law stared at those confuse brown orbs of his lover, he realized that it's to make Luffy officially his and also to make both Doffy and Ace mad for fun.

"Luffy-ya, will you marry me?" Law said as he held Luffy's hand and kissed the knuckles.

Luffy raised a brow and just stared at Law, who's – not so – patiently waiting for his answer.

"Luffy-ya?" Law called his boyfriend out after Luffy's face is turning red, a sign of Luffy for thinking too much that made shitty paranoid thoughts flood in Law's mind like: "Am I too fast?"; "Is he not ready yet to take our relationship to the next and probably the biggest step?"; "Did he have doubts?" and many more of these kind of negative thoughts.

Law seriously didn't like it when Luffy is thinking…

"Do you expect me to answer that with an empty stomach?" Luffy finally answer while caressing his stomach. "I didn't eat my lunch you know…"

Upon hearing Luffy's unreasonable answer, Law chuckled as he stood up and hugged the teen, placing Luffy's head on his tattooed-clothed chest.

"You'll be the death of me." Law whispered as he planted a soft kiss on his boyfriend's forehead while Luffy wrapped his arms around Law's waist, grinning widely.


"Now that you finished eating your food and already full that your stomach looks like it's going to explode soon…" Law started as he placed down his fork on the plate of his grilled fish.

Luffy looked at Law's gray eyes in anticipation.

"Will you marry?" Law said it again for the second time and held Luffy's hand.

Luffy grinned and intertwined his and Law's hand, "Of course!"