Hey everyone,
Sorry! SORRY! SORRY! I know I shouldn't continue putting up new stories when I'm still dealing with so many old ones – Keyblade's Light, Venquine's Mates, A New Era – that are yet to have been finished, but this is actually an English updated version of a Dutch story that I once wrote before signing up to Fanfiction . net.
Hope you enjoy,
PS. Inspiration comes from Leonette, check out their stories.
Destiny's Saying
5th of June 1998
Harry's POV
There is ruin no matter where you look. The hallways and rooms. The classrooms and offices. The dungeons, towers and turrets. Even the common rooms and dorms of all four Houses had to suffer for the sake of the gigantic fight that took place here, in the one place where no one ever believed fights of this proportion to be happening.
Still the fight took place five days ago now and because almost everyone, both the students as well as the teachers and fellow fighters, believed that I should not help along as I should be resting, but because most of them were still looking at me with more hero adoration than I can handle, am I now seated here.
Here, in the Transfigurations Courtyard, where I am covered with several hiding spells, including a few wards and spells to hide my scent, and where I am trying to come to terms. To come to terms with all the losses me and everyone else had to suffer, not just in the Final Fight, but during the entire duration of the war.
The faces of everyone I lost – Cedric, Sirius, Hedwig, Dumbledore, Snape, Moody, Fred, Lupin, Colin – flash before my mind's eye as I just lean against the tree in the middle of the Courtyard, which is burned, but not entirely destroyed and while these images flash through my mind, do I keep my eyes turned skyward.
Yet my sad musings don't last as long as I had planned as the male voice of my best friend – who lost his brother in the last fight and has been with his family ever since – sounds from one of the entrances and when I look down, do I see him and several others I have grown to consider close over the years coming to approach me.
Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger had been the only ones I had constantly disclosed my location to – which I changed daily out of a newly inbred paranoia – so to see them accompanied by George, Neville, Luna, Ginny and even Draco Malfoy makes me instantly know one thing; a new adventure is probably about to begin already.
The sight of the male blonde makes me raise an eyebrow at the rest of my friends, but because of his behavior during the Final Fight and because he tried to keep my identity a secret while at the mansion, do I keep my unreceptive behavior to just the raised eyebrow while dropping the defensive spells concealing me.
The others move over and Ron says: "Check these out, mate." Before showing me two scrolls, both made of parchment and what looks to be Maple wood and on which the strange name Merden is carven into one side of the Maple wood scroll holder, while my own name seems to be written on the parchment itself.
Instantly my interest is caught as I never met anyone named Merden and I ask: "Where did you get those?" And Ron answers: "Some stranger gave them to us. He said he's from a region where it's illegal to move over to or interfere with countries like ours if there's danger or any kind of threat that can transfer to their region."
And while part of me can perfectly understand this method of self-defense and another part of me feels betrayed as if these people should have abandoned that law to help me, do I say: "His name is Merden." Making my friends look at me shocked and Ron ask: "How do you know that? Did you meet with him?"
But I shake my head and say: "It's carved into the wood, see?" Ron turns the scroll his way and his eyes widen before Hermione shakes her head and says: "They're for you to read, Harry. That guy, Merden, he told us he was forbidden from meeting you until you read them. He called them the Truth and Destiny scrolls."
This worries me and while the others go sit around me and Ron hands me the scrolls, do I ask: "Did he say anything else about them?" Ron nods and says: "He said to read Destiny's scroll first. Oh, and to just keep reading when you open the Truth scroll. We already checked for spells, but there's only a Truth spell on the Truth Scroll."
The words really put me on edge and while trying not to show this to my friends, do I open the scrolls that has the word destiny carved on the other side of the maple wood, my eyes roaming over the text and my bad feeling increasing with every word I read, the others growing anxious as they see this before I say:
"This text documents everything that ever happened to me. The last fight, our meeting at the Manor, the time camping, the Astronomy Tower, the Ministerial Battle, the Tournament. Everything, it goes all the way back to the day of my birth." And while the others share concerned looks over this, do I hand Ron the scroll back.
I then open the other scroll, but my concerns turn into confusion instantly as the entire scroll is blanc. I shake my head and while remembering what this Merden person supposedly said, do I unroll the scroll as far as I can, going even beyond the length of the other scroll before I finally find a bit of text and read out loud:
And so, on the Christmas of 1977, did Prince Jaurion, alongside his Nienna Princess Lindilwen, his mother Amyna and his father Hendros, decide to return to Airador, where he alongside his newfound son and his son's friends would learn how to change Destiny and bring a pre-timed end to the Dark Lord Voldemort.
This shocks the living daylights out of me and Hermione asks: "Wait, pre-timed?" And I nod, reading the last few words out loud a second time before Luna says: "Does anyone else feel like they recognize those first two names?" Her tone curious, but not like the airy tone she used during my fifth or sixth year.
Everyone shares a wondering look with each other and I whisper: "They sound like – like James and Lily. Like the names of my parents." Everyone nods and then a male voice says: "You are indeed correct, your Highness." Making all of us turn to one of the corners of the Courtyard, where a man appears from the shadows.
The man has long pointed features like Malfoy, but then a little more regal looking, has a pair of clear brown eyes that seem colored like the wood of the scroll and has a strong pale complexion that actually makes him look both dashing and very healthy. The man wears a fancy suit that is skin-tight with a cape draped over his shoulders.
"That's Merden." Neville says and the man named Merden nods before he turns to me and bows, his act of respect baffling me before he says: "Forgive me for not aiding you in your struggles, Your Highness, but while your father and grandfather chose to remain here during times of peril, was I bound to my region's law."
And while others look shocked at the deeply respectful tone that the man uses as he explains himself, does something about him strike me as odd and while wondering what, do I take another glance at the text I just read, my eyes widening as I suddenly read something I didn't even take into account when first reading the text.
"Prince Jaurion and Princess Lindilwen." Everyone looks at me, Merden rising back from his bowed stance to smile at me and I say: "If these two people are really my parents, but then with changed names, then – then that would mean –." And while the others around me share my shock, does Merden answer:
"That you yourself are of Royal Blood, Prince Hari Jaurion Valivial." And while the others turn to him again, do I reel in shock at the name Valivial as it sounds and feels like conjuring a Patronus; warm, welcoming and exactly right. "But if Harry's really royalty, then – of – of what country? I – I mean, at the World Cup –."
Ron tries to bring out logic, but Merden shakes his head and says: "My people did not visit the World Cup. At that point in time, we were awaiting some kind of word of our royal leaders. We had no idea that our Crown Prince and King had perished for we were ordered by our king not to seek them out, but have them seek us out instead."
"Why?" Hermione asks, her voice sounding scandalized and I answer: "To uphold the law. Royals were not against going to war-filled countries and fighting for freedom there, but others were to keep the peace and keep the borders safe. Only those of royal blood were, after all, able to travel between the borders safely and swiftly."
Merden nods, while the others look at me shocked and Ron asks: "How did you know that, mate?" But I shake my head and shrug, not having a single clue as to how I knew that and then Malfoy says: "It does prove that Merden was telling the truth. If Pott – Valivial here knew this law instinctively, then he really is royal."
And while a shiver actually runs down my spine at hearing Malfoy say that name again, does Merden nod, but then I look at him again, my eyes switching between him and the scroll in my hand a few times before I say: "You're not from here." Making the others look at me weirdly, but I keep my eyes on Merden, who sighs and says:
"Quite correct, your Highness. I – unlike the Mundane – am a Time Elf and as such am I exempt from the law that states that a past and present self or a present and future self are never to meet. I was visited by my future self, the one living in this day and age and he provided me with the scrolls you and your friend now hold."
And while everyone but Hermione got wide eyes when the man introduced himself as a Time Elf, does Ron take another look at the scroll in his hand and yelp and say: "The words! They're fading!" This makes all of us scurry over to sit besides him and to my shock, do I see that my best friend is indeed right.
Little by little are the words – or better said the ink – fading from the scroll, the text at the bottom describing the Final Fight being the lightest, while the text about my birth still seems as stark as before. "Why is this happening?" I then ask and Merden answers: "Because of a saying that is known to the Mundane."
We all look at him and while pain and sorrow are now visible in his eyes, does he say: "Things must always get worse before they get better. We Elves live by Destiny and even we often agree that she can be known as a Cruel Mistress, which is why some of us developed Time Skills, thus allowing my kind to be born."
"So what does this mean?" Neville asks, all of us shocked and fascinated by the man's tale and while Merden now smiles at me, his eyes warm and his smile one of relieved happiness, does he say: "Now, I can fulfill the journey set to me by my future self. I can take you and yours back to my time and help you change the future."
"You can WHAT?" The others shout, yet I had actually expected something like this and say: "That's why you're here and not your future self. My friends and I were to find out how to best destroy Voldemort, before we could go back to your time and use that method to destroy him in exactly the year we have most chance of doing so.
The year my parents actually got together." And while the others are shocked at hearing this, does Merden nod and say: "The understanding mind of royalty. You truly are a child of the Valivial Line, your Highness, and I am most honored to serve you." And while this makes me feel slightly awkward, does Ron ask:
"You said you can take us and ours to your time. What exactly do you mean by us and ours?" And Merden answers: "As a Time Elf I have a special little gift that I can only use if a Destiny and Truth Scroll are handed to me. Such states the Law." The others nod, all of us now intrigued and Merden smiles as he says:
"I can take all of you – alongside anyone else you wish to take with you – back to my time, but while we travel, will I be able to grasp onto seven unfortunate souls and take them with me as I go back. And when we arrive, will the full essence of my traveling skill allow for these seven souls to regain new bodies."
"That sounds great, but what do you mean with unfortunate souls? Do you mean seven people that have harmed us and that we can take with us to stop them from doing so?" George asks and while I have no doubt that he is thinking about Fred's killer, do my eyes then widen as I say realize what Merden really means and say:
"No, he's not talking about people like Fred's killer, George. He's – he's talking about – about people like Fred." And while all of my friends look at me shocked do I feel as if the last bit of weight, the weight of loss and pain, has finally been lifted off my shoulders, making a few stray tears escape my eyes as relief fills me from within.
Merden nods and says: "But while I know that this war has cost you many, many souls, am I sad to say that you can only chose seven of those you lost. My powers can not bring living forms back to anymore souls if I were to take them with me and to force those spirits to wander the globe would be a faith worse than death."
The others all nod and I ask: "Merden, could you give us some discussion time, please?" The man bows again and says: "I will await your answer on the other side of the portrait, your Highness." And while part of me wonders why him calling me such doesn't disturb me, does the man turn around and leave as he said.
I then turn to my friends and George is the first to comment as he says: "Fred has to be brought with us." Ron and Ginny nodding in agreement and I say: "I wasn't not going to take him with me, George, I miss him too." The man smiles at me and I say: "But Sirius has to come back too. He and Lupin are just a must on this list."
Everyone nods and Hermione asks: "What about Tonks?" But while everyone looks at me, do I shrug and say: "She can be on the maybe list. If we can't think of another four people, she'll be picked." And while Ron and Hermione look at each other shocked, does Malfoy timidly speak up and ask: "Can we take Severus too?"
But while Ginny and Neville glare at the idea, do I shake my head and say: "I know you miss him, but he loved my mother and to take his soul and transport that to a time where my father finally snagged my mother would just be adding salt to a burning wound. Snape's been suffering enough, it's time to let him have his peace."
And while Ginny, Neville and Luna are shocked at hearing me speak like this and while Malfoy seems conflicted with my words, does he nod nonetheless before I ask: "Anyone else?" The group again shares looks with each other and Luna asks: "Dumbledore, perhaps?" But again I shake my head and say:
"We'll have Dumbledore when we get there. One eccentric old fool who is still hurting for the loss of his sister is enough in my book." And while Ron and Hermione share a knowing look as I speak of Ariana, do the others laugh at my little joke before Hermione says: "We have who we want. You pick the souls, Harry."
At this I smile at them, thankful that they're willing to just accept my choices like that and I lean back, my eyes again skyward as I think of all the people that have been lost. Their visages flash before my eyes again, my memories reminding me of how they came to their end and while sighing in pain, do I think and say:
"Sirius, Fred and Lupin are a must. Maybe – maybe we can pick someone that isn't – well, human?" The others look confused and I say: "I mean like – like Dobby and – Hedwig." Malfoy looks shocked at hearing me say the name of his old Elf, while the others just look curious and understanding and Hermione asks:
"You think Merden can transport souls like that? I mean, Hedwig definitely had a soul, she wouldn't have been so intelligent and caring if she didn't but – do you think Merden has that kind of power?" I shrug and say: "I guess we better just put them on the maybe list as well." The others nod and then Ron gently asks:
"What about Cedric?" Making all of us look at him and he looks at me straight as he says: "He was the first victim of this war and – and I just thought it'd be a real close-off if we can bring him back. It would be like – you know, poetic justice." The others nod and I say: "Cedric, Sirius, Lupin and Fred. Who else?"
And Ginny answers: "Colin. He, like Cedric and – well, like me, shouldn't have even been here. He didn't deserve to die and he should come too. It will make him see you from a different view and – well, he really was a close friend to me while – while you guys were gone." And while we all nod, do I ask: "Any others?"
But the gang shakes their heads and I say: "I'll call Merden back." To which I stand up and move over to the portrait, the knight shown within it actually bowing as well as he says: "I too traveled and made my name in this country. It is an honor to meet one of the royal line, Your Highness." Shocking me before I say:
"Could you tell Merden that we're done discussing the souls and that we have two lists of four people?" The Knight nods, me suddenly noticing how he has pointed ears that belong to those of Elfen blood and while I wonder why I don't have those too if I am really a Royal Elf myself, do I move back to where the gang sits.
Merden joins us a few minutes later and asks: "I was told that the number has been divided?" I nod and say: "We have one list of certain souls and one list of maybe." The man nods and asks: "The definite souls?" To which I answer: "Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Fred Weasley, Cedric Diggory and Colin Creevey."
The man nods and Hermione says: "The maybe list consists of two who – well, they're not human and – well, we're not sure if your powers can transport them as well." This makes the man tilt his head and he says: "You are certain I can transport a werewolf but not others who aren't of human nature. Pray tell why this wonder?"
And while I feel shocked that he knows of Lupin's little secret, do I say: "They're Dobby the House Elf and Hedwig the Owl." The man makes an Aaaah sound and says: "Now I understand. Fear not, your highness, anything that has a breathing soul can be taken by the powers of a time elf returning to his own time era."
And while I feel tears appear in my eyes at the idea to see Hedwig again, do I take another look at the others and when they all nod, do I say: "Then we made our decision. We want Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Colin Creevey, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, Dobby the Elf and Hedwig the Owl to be saved from certain death."
The man bows and asks: "And are there any people in this time era you wish to take along?" To which I instantly turn to Ron and Ginny, along with Neville, Luna, Hermione and Malfoy and while the Weasleys smile, does George say: "It would be nice to have the whole family to come along with us, wouldn't it?"
Everyone nods and I say: "Give us a few minutes to pack our things and explain everything to those we take with us. Can you in the mean time find a way we can explain this to the souls we will take with us for when we arrive?" Merden nods and we all stand up, me turning to Malfoy and asking: "What about your folks, Malfoy?"
But the boy turns a strange combination of sad and angry and says: "My father is a dead man anyway due to his own nature – long story – and my mother is one I never want to see again, even if she did save your hide from the Dark Lord back in the forest. Yes Valivial, I know of that. She told me and father the day after."
I nod and ask: "Any reason you don't like your mother?" But the boy shrugs and says: "I – might tell you later. Are you sure you want me to come, though? I – ehm – haven't been the greatest to you the last few years?" But to this I shrug and say: "You saved us when we were almost caught at your manor and you came here yourself, right?"
The blonde nods and says: "Merden approached me before he gave the scrolls to Weasley. Said it'd be imperative that I be here." And while I wonder why that confession makes the blonde turn a soft shade of red around his neck and cheeks, do I shrug and say: "Go pack up then and tell your dad what's about to happen."
The blonde nods and about half an hour later is the whole Weasley family gathered at the courtyard, Mrs. Weasley already teary-eyed at the prospect of seeing Fred again and Bill gazing at Merden with great intrigue. Neville is there as well and has the cages of all animals around him, while Ginny and Luna are standing near him.
Hermione and Ron are near me with all of the luggage, most of it actually gathered together by Kreacher who whispered to me that I should save Master Regulus and that he feels bad for what he caused Master Sirius, yet I had send Merden a quick look after speaking with the House Elf and the Time Elf had nodded.
This had made me smile and Charlie asks: "So we're going back to 1977, won't meet our past selves some way, but will get the chance to save seven people who died by taking their souls with us as we travel?" We all nod and he asks: "Then how do we make sure we can make true to the words of the Truth Scroll exactly?"
"His Highness will take care of that when we arrive. It is why the Scrolls are about him." Merden answers and while I wonder whether the man expects me to go on another manhunt or something, does Charlie shrug, apparently taking the words for granted as he asks: "So how do we travel back to your time anyway?"
Yet all that Merden does is close his eyes and slap his hands together, keeping them in front of his chest as he does and while he does this, does a sky blue ring extend itself from him, passing us and making the very space around us suddenly become blurry and sped up, as if using the speed up button on a video or something.
Everyone looks around, some of the animals that travel with us such as Crookshanks – Hermione's cat – hissing and mewling inside his basket and while Merden keeps his eyes closed, do I suddenly notice his hands shooting out of the ring and back in with lightning speed, causing for seven small balls of light to enter the ring.
Realizing that these balls must be the souls of those we have lost, do my eyes again tear at the idea of seeing these balls turn into the actual loved ones that perished for our rights to live and just when this thought crosses my mind, does the speeding up of the space around us stop, causing for our feet to land on solid ground.
I look around and my eyes widen as I see a location that isn't Hogwarts, but definitely exceeds the incredible castle with the magnificent beauty that is visible no matter where you look. Beach, pine, oak, spar, maple, holy and several other kinds of trees, all in the same maple brown color are standing around us, huge and wide in size.
The trees are actually as large as some of the giants we saw and fought several days ago, yet their beauty is as magnificent as the Great Hall was during the Yule Ball. The trees all surround a gorgeous field that we seem to have landed in, the glass flush and beautifully green with all kinds of flowers that I have never seen before.
I look at the field around me and then back at the trees, trying to look past them and seeing tips of mountains that seem much higher than the trees, while in the far east, south and north-north-west, I see turrets and towers belonging to three different castles, all three being different in color and slightly in structure.
"Where – where are?" Hermione asks in awe and Merden takes a deep breath, making me notice how the ring that transported us is now surrounding only him before he says: "Welcome to Ariador. Kingdom of the Elves." And with that does the man breath out, making the ring disappear and making the balls float in the air.
He then looks up as his face had been slightly tilted down while travelling and while he calmly walks past each of the balls, does he tap them with his fore and middle finger of his left hand, the balls starting to change and taking the shape of humans – or in the case of two an elf and an owl – as he taps and passes them.
Instantly the eyes of every Weasley is locked onto one of the first balls in the row, while mine keeps switching between all seven of them and keeps returning mostly to the one of the owl in the middle and the first to last one constantly as this one turns into a man with long hair and a pale, slightly healthy, slightly sick complexion.
The others turn into a man with brown graying hair, a young boy with mousy brown hair, an elf with an excited look on his face and a young man of my age with brown hair, while the ball that the Weasleys look at turns into a man of George' age, with George's looks and who has a shocked happy look on his face.
Everyone else also looks shocked as the soul balls of those we lost are returned to a new body and while tears are now streaming down the eyes of Hermione, the Weasleys and myself, does Hedwig caw loudly as she flaps her wings, her soul having been reformed in mid air and she instantly flies over and lands on my shoulder.
I lift a trembling hand to her chest, my fingers softly going through her snow white feather plumage and her beak softly pecking down as if silently saying: "I'm really here." Which makes me hide my teary eyes in her right wing, the owl clapping the wing open and wrapping it around my face while grooming my hair with her beak.
"That's Hedwig." A slightly rough voice then says while speaking with great shock and I look up at a newly revived Remus Lupin, the man's amber brown eyes wide as he looks at my owl and asks: "But – but how?" And Merden answers: "Time magic cast by a Time Elf allows said Time Elf to transport lost souls when returning home."
The man, alongside all the other returned souls, look at him and he says: "I am Merden. I am a Time Elf and I am here on orders of my future self, who told me to present a Destiny and a Truth Scroll to the one you know as Harry Potter, but who to me and my people is known as Hari Jaurion Valivial, son Jaurion and Lindilwen."
The group looks shocked and then the House-Elf gasps: "Master Draco." Making the returned souls turn to the blonde, Fred's eyes turning furious, but I shout: "He saved our lives!" Making Fred look at me and I say: "When Ron, Hermione and I were caught, Draco saved us by hesitating about whether or not he recognized me.
That saved our lives. Everything he has done, from disarming Dumbledore, to his actions in the Room of Requirements saved us. If he hadn't disarmed Dumbledore, I would have never become Master Of the Elder Wand, which allowed me to turn Voldemort's own Killing Curse against him as he believed himself the master of the wand."
The revived group looks at me stunned and I say: "I know it's a lot to take in and – and that you probably never expected this from me, but – but I'm just so glad to see all of you again." And while Hedwig, seemingly knowing of my actions, flies up and lands herself in a tree, do I rush for the one man I missed the most.
Sirius seems to expect this as he happily opens his arms to me while I run, but then I spot something from the corner of my eye and instantly stop, draw my wand and shout: "EXPELLIARMUS!" Disarming Cedric before he can finish the curse that seems drawn from his lips, his eyes wide as I catch his stolen wand.
Yet, because of what happened earlier this week, do I actually feel the wand accepting me as the new master and I say: "I will allow you your wand back, Cedric, but first I need to do something." And while the boy looks at me stunned, do I pocket both wands and continue my run, Sirius smiling at me in relieved happiness.
Embracing the man I lost almost 2 years ago now, do I allow for the guilt and pain to finally leave my form, my tears feeling like small drops of the emotion as they seep out of me, lighting my heart and making few of those around me smile in relieved happiness. Few, because every Weasley has rushed for their lost brother and son.
This has effectively distracted Fred from Malfoy and while the Blonde himself had been shocked to hear me stand up to him, does he still smile in relief before Dobby returns to him and says: "You and I worked together to save Harry Potter, right Master Draco?" And while the boy nods, does Neville approach Lupin.
The man looks at his ex-student and Neville hands him the small wrapped up blanket he had been taking with him, Andromeda Tonks agreeing to this when she heard who we were planning to take with us and when the man looks down, do his eyes widen when they see that his little boy, Teddy, is wrapped up in the blankets.
Instantly the man takes the little newborn in his arms and tears start to stream down his own eyes as he looks at his slumbering son, Teddy having actually slept through the entire journey, but when he asks: "Where's Tonks?" Does Neville cringe and say: "She – was on our maybe list and – well, Harry – he chose Dobby and Hedwig."
And while the man looks at this shocked, does he seem to sigh in a strange kind of relief that confuses me, but that I don't really pay attention to as the feeling of having Sirius embrace me after all these years and the feeling of letting go of all of my pain takes almost all of my attention, that is until Merden speaks and says:
"Your Highness, with your permission will I call for a ride to Lotelle, which is the most magical garden in all of Ariador and will I ask for an audience with your grandparents, so I may explain my tale to them and have them summon your father and his friends." And while the end of this tale shocks the group, do I ask:
"But what of the time rules? There are two people here who have present forms that are friends with my father. Won't that disturb the timeline?" But Merden shakes his head and says: "When I pulled their souls from their dying forms, did I address them as you yourself have done and that makes them be considered new beings.
To the laws of time they are no longer Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. They are simply Lupin and Snuffel. Of course, Lupin is still allowed to pick a new name for himself, but Snuffle will not have one unless he bonds himself to another. So state the laws of Time." I nod at this and Cedric, who seems to calm, asks:
"And what of the rest of us? I mean, most of us here actually have present forms in this era, don't we? At least everyone who's the twins age and older." Merden nods and says: "I believe Elven names will suit all of you just fine and King Hendros will be able to make those names official in both your home country and Ariador."
At this the lad nods and shrugs and Neville asks: "You're not confused about the whole time travel thing?" But Cedric shrugs and says: "The last thing I remember is ending up in some strange graveyard. To end up in an even stranger place and hear about Potters still being alive – it's the first thing that makes sense, really."
The group nods and I say: "The ride would be appreciated, Merden, and can you send my grandparents here before they summon my parents, or at least one of them?" The man nods and turns around, whistling loudly and to the far west, where the forest seems less dense than elsewhere and where I can see one of the castles.
We all wait for whatever our ride will be and when the carriage that Merden apparently summoned arrives, do my eyes widen as the horses riding the carriage are gorgeous, look healthier than should be possible and have the size of Hagrid, their flanks high enough they could reach his shoulders easily as they ride over.
All of the horses have pure white skin and snow white manes and Hedwig seems to be the first to get over the shock of seeing such magnificent creatures as she flies over and lands on one of the headpieces worn by the horse standing on the front left, some of us looking worried at this, yet the horse seems to accept her there.
Then a woman that has Merden's sharp features, but then with soft strawberry blonde hair and with crystalline green eyes, gets off of the driver's seat at the front of the carriage and approaches Merden before her eyes spot me, widen and then – to the shock of those that were revived – does she bow low to me and say:
"Your Highness, it is a great honor to be in your presence. Merden has told me of what his future self told him and I wish for you to forgive me for not standing by you in battle. I am, after all, the lady that has served your line ever since your grandfather chose his Nienna and I feel great regret that I waited for answer while you suffered losses."
And while those that were revived look shocked at the woman's behavior, do I again notice how she, like Merden and the painted knight, has pointed ears, making me turn to Merden and ask: "There is one thing I just don't get. All that you say about me being named Valivial and being royal sounds like the truth, but – well –."
The man nods and I say: "If I really am meant to be the prince of this land, shouldn't I be Elven too? Like with the pointed ears and the complexion?" The man smiles at this and says: "You are Elven, your Highness. But, while law allows for the royals to remain in dangerous lands, do we Elves usually hides ourselves when not in Ariador."
"How?" I ask, the others looking between me and the man and the woman speaks: "Allow me, your Highness." And she approaches me before gently lying a hand just a few inches above the curve of my elbow, where I suddenly feel something actually sticking to my skin and to my shock does she remove a rosary from my arm.
As she moves it, does the greenery become visible and the further it goes down my arm, the more I feel some kind of familiar magic seeping away from me, as if a robe I have been wearing for years is finally pulled from my form and while this happens, do I feel that same familiar magic changing some of my looks.
I feel the length of my hair increasing, the strands growing long and thin as they come to reach just under my shoulder blades and feel a strange tingle of uncomfortable pain take place in my eyes, making me squint and pull off my glasses, which in turn takes away the uncomfortable feeling, making me realize that my sight improved.
I feel myself growing at least another 2 or 3 inches, feel my ears changing shape and feel my skin tingling as my complexion must be turning as healthily pale as that of Merden and the woman beside him. I feel my waist slimming down and my arms growing muscles underneath my skin, my shoulders becoming slightly more leveled.
Shaking my head once all the changes have been made do I look up, the eyes of my friends and those around me wide, yet it's the strange adoring and amazed look that I see Malfoy trying to hide as he looks at me and the way that his face is almost flush with excitement that confuses me and makes me ask: "How do I look?"
But while my tone is still my own, do I notice how there is a hint of music that also comes from my throat, shocking me but making me feel strangely pleasant at the same time and Merden makes an Aaaah sound before he says: "So a new Music Elf has been born into the Royal Line. This is most incredible news."
"How many kinds of elves are there, Merden?" Hermione then asks and the woman answers: "Elves have been divided over eight different kinds, young Miss. The four Elements each have an Elven kind of their own and next to those are there Guardian, Time, Music and Empathy Elves. I am Adeline and I myself am an Earth Elf."
This makes the girl hum in intrigue and while I spare another quick glance at Malfoy, who still seems mesmerized by my new looks do I ask: "Adeline, could you take us to Lotelle while Merden gathers my grandparents and informs them of the transpired events?" The woman bows and says: "It would be my honor, Your Highness."
Making me turn back to my friends and say: "Seriously, how do I look, guys?" To which Snuffel laughs and says: "Royal, Harry. Definitely Royal." And while I feel my eyes tearing up at hearing his laughing voice again and while Cedric sends him a wary glance, does the entire group move themselves into the carriage.
There, Fred seats himself in the middle of his family with Ron and George next to him, does Draco take a window seat with Cedric next to him to avoid sitting next to anyone hostile, do I happily pull Sirius and Lupin to sit on both of my sides and do the others just randomly pick a spot as the carriage starts to ride off.
And that's the end!
The first chapter and already the story is completely different. In my original, I just had the Marauders seated together, had Sirius receive the book out of nowhere and had them read the first chapter before Harry arrived. In all honesty, the original didn't even have chapters, it just went from one HP chapter to the next.
Which is exactly why I decided to redo this story, because the whole Elven thing, Time Travel and saving the future has always been something I liked and the pairings I had in the original were very catchy. Also, the whole Valivial, Jaurion, Lindilwen, Hari and other Elven stuff all belongs to one person.
Leonette. He/she is the original Fan-author who created the stories "Calasier Avamela" and "Calasier Avamela Bellime" two stories that first inspired me to write the original and then this version. There are few adaptations between my version and his/hers, but the concept and credits of the idea go to him/her.
Read his/her stuff,