Title: Plan C
Chapter 31 – A Brand New Plan (Epliogue)

A/N: A Special THANK YOU to you all who have reviewed this story along the way (And to newperson-no account so I can't thank you privately) and kept it going this long. I have loved writing it. I love this couple. And that won't change. Your support means more future stories :) So enjoy this last bit and thanks so much!

Erin gives Preeti one more hug and then watches her friend take her leave and then heads into the doctor's office; her mind and heart now surprisingly settled. She had worried about not having someone to ask the tough pregnancy questions of and knows that Shawna and Nick aren't planning a family for a while but now…now it all seems back on track.

She enters the doctor's office with a small sniffle, making the female OBGYN look up in concern. "I'm fine," she insists with a small smile. "Just uh…reconnecting." In a small way she's thankful for running into Preeti, as it helps keep her mind off the fact that Kelly's taking Aurora for her therapy session and the possibility that something might be wrong with their baby.

Erin slowly undresses as instructed and then lies down on the examination table, the doctor returning a few moments later and starting to give her the examination.

"Is everything…okay?"

"Heart rate is a bit fast but…when you came in, what just happened?"

"Do you remember the school shooting? She uh…I was with her daughter when she died. It was…tough but I think we're good now."

"That's great, because I really need you to just relax," the older woman instructs in a kind tone.

Erin hears the rapid thumping and frowns, looking up with a small hint of panic.

"Do you practice relaxation or meditation?" The doctor asks kindly.

She shakes her head no…the truth and then feels her anxiety starting to grow.

"Good time to start. Okay, so let's see how…"


"Where are we going daddy?"

"We're going to see a friend baby girl," Kelly answers in truth as they near the entrance to the medical building to go up.


"Well…remember the nightmare you had about the boy shouting at you and then shooting?"


"She just…wants to talk to you about it a bit."


"She's a friend and just wants to help. But it'll be okay. She's a terrific Lady and you'll like her," Kelly lightly stammers, not sure how to reassure his daughter that this should help but might be kinda scary at the same time. As soon as they enter the office, Kelly's inner agitation starts to soar and much like his own session wants to immediately bolt. But he knows that if Shay where there she'd insist he keep to this course for the sake of their precious daughter's future well-being.


Once again he finds his hesitation has him trapped and he turns to see a friendly face approaching.

"Maggie," he greets the older woman with a friendly hug. "And this is…"

"Aurora," she bends down with a smile, handing the little girl a Lady bug. "She looks just like her mother."

"Thank God," he whispers with a truthful smile as she stands back up. "So what uh…"

"Why don't you both come with me," she entreats. She had told Kelly that for the session to be most effective, he would have to leave. The plan was to have him sit near the back of the room and then quietly slip out once the actual session had started. He marvels at the inside of the room with the brightly colored plastic table, decorated with toys for both genders of all ages under the age of seven – her specialty.

Aurora at first hesitates, but after some encouragement from her father heads over to the table, sits down and then starts to play with the nearest box of dolls.

"Hey like this," Kelly comments in amusement as he picks up the John Deere tractor and puts a Barbie on it.

"Girls like trucks daddy."

"So I hear," he snickers as Maggie offers him a dry glance.

"Who's your favorite doll Aurora?"

"Sleeping beauty!" She declares proudly, holding up the Disney Princess Aurora doll with a wide grin.

"Of course. And who would be second?"

She slightly hesitates at first but reaches for the Princess Jasmine doll and looks up with a more morose glance; Kelly's heart sinking. However, as much as he wants to wrap his arms around his daughter, shielding her away from the incoming emotional onslaught, he knows he can't – this is why they're here. This is gonna be harder on me…than her.

"Why do you look so sad Aurora?" Maggie asks softly as Aurora at first shrugs. "Is she not really your second? Why not tell me about Aurora and Jasmine."

Aurora looks up with a frown and Kelly's heart rate starts to soar. A small question from his daughter, "why?" makes him smile but as soon as Maggie starts to press his daughter a bit more, his agitation gains momentum. How would they fare during all this?


After her meeting with Preeti, Erin gets into her car and heads for a rather familiar destination.

"What's going on?" Voight asks Erin in a concerned tone.

"I just ran into Preeti and…and we're good now. We talked and yeah…it was the one thing I wanted to clear up before we moved because Aurora won't be in the same school and I didn't want her to think it was because of us…wanting to avoid them."

"And she was good with it?" Voight prompts as Erin nods. "You just came to tell me that right?"

"Why? You have a call for me to take?" She retorts with a slight smirk.

"No. Jay and Antonio are still looking for Johnson but they have a good handle on it."

"But he's still in the wind."

"It's nothing for you to worry about," he assures her with a warm smile.

"And before you even say it, I know you're gonna come up with creative ways to keep me out of harms way…as I get bigger."

"Wanna keep Platt company at the front?"

"No way in hell," she retorts so fast it makes him chuckle.

"You know if I'm doing that it's not because I don't think you capable even when pregnant. I just don't want to put you into something and then be responsible for something happening to the baby."

"Benny warned you?" She counters; Voight's face morphing into a smile.

"This is all me…for you. How are you?"

"Got a clean bill of health. Baby is fine. I'm fine."

"And that was it?"

"Yes…and I need to learn to relax more."

"Of course."


"Hey…" she greets Kelly with a hug as she enters their quiet apartment about an hour later.

"Hey," he greets with a wondering expression as Aurora pulls away from playing with Matt in the living room and rushes into Erin's waiting arms.

"Hey Love Bug," Erin pulls Aurora into her arms and hugs her tightly, kissing her cheek and then pulling out an ultrasound picture. "Baby…is fine and right on schedule."

"Where is it?"

"It's…right here," Erin replies as she holds the picture up to her belly; Aurora's hand reaching out. "Right here," she whispers softly as she takes Aurora's small hand and places it on her belly.

"Baby?" Aurora looks up and asks as Erin nods.


"What kind?"

"Don't know yet," she answers in truth as Kelly's arms slip around her and hug her tightly. "What would you like? Boy or girl?"

"Girl! So we can play dollies!" Aurora exclaims excitedly as she turns and races back into the living room. "Come on Uncle Matt!" She insists as Matt pulls away from the couple, patting Kelly on the back as Erin puts the ultrasound picture on the fridge.

"Did the doctor say anything else?"

"I need to work on my relaxation," she answers with a huff. "Me relax…I'm the picture of relaxation."

"Right," Kelly scoffs, earning a small swat from his wife as she shakes her head. "Erin…"

"The heart rate was a bit high but um…she said if I learn to relax more, then that should help. So how'd it go?"

"That was it?"

"That and I ran into Preeti and she's pregnant. So how'd it go?" Erin rattles off in haste.

"It was…wait what?" Kelly questions as Matt looks up in wonder. "The same doctor's office?"

"She was…yeah it was odd at first. Obviously didn't expect it but we hugged and cried and just…we said a few words about what happened and then we went for coffee and just tried to work past it."

"And…did it work?"

"Well they invited us for dinner in a few weeks," Erin confesses in truth.

"Really? Wow…that's great. Are you…okay?"

"I'm fine now…better now. I always wondered how I'd approach her again and I'm glad it happened. She didn't blame me and I guess I just needed to hear that. I told her about us moving to a bigger place and I just wanted to get that out of my head before we do move. So it wasn't there nagging me. How was the session for Aurora?"

"I think it was tougher on me," Kelly confesses with a heavy sigh as both of them hear Matt and Aurora laughing in the living room. "Maggie was great and she asked the tough questions but Aurora took it in stride. She laughed and cried and got angry….did the uh…."

"Shay stomp?" Erin interjects lightly as Kelly nods and grins. "Can't really blame her. I think I used that move with Nick."

"Think we both have," Kelly snickers. "Aurora talked about the nightmares and the shooting and…Jasmine," he tells her in an undertone. "After it was over we went to the Park. She was a bit withdrawn at first but then came around. Maggie said she thinks Aurora will be fine and there are no major concerns that we need to worry about. But maybe bring Aurora back in a month to see if there are any lingering issues."

"I'm so glad to hear it."

"I didn't talk to Preeti about work. Was worried she'd ask about current cases and I wasn't about to tell her that we're working on arresting the same man whose son murdered her daughter. That's so messed up," Erin confesses

"Speaking of the Johnson's….did Jay find the father?"

"Not yet. The mom is still in the coma and an aunt is coming to stay with Gracie," Erin tells her husband in truth. "Part of me is interested to know but I'm also afraid to get too invested in the case because it might make my anger surge again and I need to learn to relax more," she ends with a smile. "So…what time is Andrea coming over?"

"5!" Matt calls out from the living room.

"Think I can make something edible in that time?" Erin asks with a strained smile as Matt calls out 'no' from the living room.

"Then come and help us Chef BoyArDee!" Kelly calls back.

"Spageteeeeeooooo's!" Aurora callus out and then starts to laugh; Matt poking her side and causing the room to be filled with infectious laughter. Then Matt picks up Aurora and slings her over his shoulder and carries her into the kitchen.

"Since my fiancé is going to be eating, I think I should help out tonight," Matt volunteers as Erin and Kelly look at each other and then him and nod; the three of them laughing once more. The three of them work at making dinner, Aurora at the table playing with her toys until she's needed to help with the table.

Andrea arrives about half hour later, sitting down at the table and enjoying some good food but even better company. They don't talk about Aurora's session, as outside of her and Kelly no one knew, not even Matt. A few things were mentioned about Erin's doctor's visit but mostly it was about the end of spring coming.; the start of summer in a few weeks and their House-hunting plans.

After dinner the four adults sit around the table, enjoying some coffee and dessert, Aurora on her father's lap reading a small board book while they all talk about the area they are most interested in moving to. Then they retire to the living room where Aurora eventually falls asleep in his father's arms.

"Busy day," Kelly whispers as he enters their bedroom, having just put Aurora down; Matt and Andrea saying their goodnights.

"Too busy…but in a good way," Erin replies as her phone buzzes to life. "And…they have Mr. Johnson in custody," Erin reads Jay's text with a sigh of relief and then puts her phone back down. "Today ends on a good note all around."

Kelly climbs into bed beside his wife and pulls her into his grasp. "I think today was good for Aurora."

"I'm glad to hear that," Erin agrees in truth. "When I think of all that's ahead…a baby on the way, a new House to find, one that will work for us and Matt and Andrea, Aurora going into Grade one and the two of us in high risk jobs with a bigger family."


"Wow," Kelly ponders as Erin nods.



"I think…we need a brand new plan."



THE END! (for now)

A/N: So as promised a little ending/epilogue piece to this part to tie up a few loose ends in this part of the story saga and then pave the way for a brand new one. And a brand new saga means the arrival of baby Severide! Yay! But also a brand new baddie (muwhaha) hey I love my danger/hurt/comfort, some broments, lots of family bonding time, Benny! Voight! And lots more from 51 and 21! So I hope you are all excited about their new adventure. Please do leave me a final review for this story before you go and thanks so much!