It's been six months. Six very long months for Kurt, at least to his way of thinking when it comes to his relationship with Blaine. For the first few months, things were wonderful. With scheduled make-out sessions frequent, and not nearly long enough, to landing his first job in New York. Kurt had landed a job as an intern at the theater where Blaine had starred in the Warblers (which ran for 12 weeks and to which Blaine had received critical acclaim). In fact, Blaine has already wrapped up yet another stint on Broadway, this time performing in Hedwig and the Angry Inch. The man is a machine. For Kurt however, his passion has shifted. While he still has a desire to perform on Broadway, his interests have moved somewhat behind the curtain. After his internship ended, he was asked to submit a draft for a new musical, one he could choose to star in or help select the cast. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. Kurt accepted the challenge, which leads him to where he's at today.


Somewhat broken.


Not sure what to do next.

But he didn't get to this fork in the road just because of his writer's block. No, Blaine is definitely a contributing factor. Not too long after the failed date slash impromptu Rachel Berry performance at Blaine's, things started to shift for them. Blaine started keeping things at Kurt's place….clothes, hair gel, toothbrush…you know, just in case it was late and he didn't want to walk home. Nothing happened of course. Blaine slept on the couch. But nothing happened.

Is that the problem? Kurt wonders to himself. Why have we been together for six months and nothing's happened?

Kurt is still a virgin but his urges are becoming more frequent…and painful if he's being honest. But he still isn't sure how to approach this with Blaine, who has completely backed off the full-on seduction he initially tried. Kurt's even tried to be the seducer in the relationship, but Blaine just pats him on the head and tells him how cute he is, then walks away.

Cute? Is he just not attracted to me the same way?

Kurt realizes that he's going to have to talk to Blaine sooner rather than later. If he's not interested anymore, he needs to know so he can move on. Kurt isn't one to waste time on unwanted feelings or emotions. He also doesn't want the risk of heartbreak. Kurt walks over to the phone to call Blaine and tell him just that, but before he gets there, the phone rings back at him…..

.delivering the news that he's needed back in Ohio…immediately.

The cancer was back. The doctors said it might come back some day. Looks like that some day is here. Kurt's dad had been in remission for 5 years. Five long, glorious, healthy years.

As soon as Kurt had hung up the phone, he picked it up again and dialed Blaine, just as he originally planned to do, but the words that came out of his mouth were quite different than what he had initially intended. Blaine arrived 10 minutes later and helped Kurt pack. Another 30 minutes and they were out the door on the way to the airport.

….3 hours later…..

Flight 3887 traveling to Lima, Ohio will begin boarding as soon as the remaining passengers have de-boarded. Please gather your personal items and prepare to board.

"Do you have everything you need?" Blaine asked.

Kurt just nodded his head, still in a bit of shock.

"Please call me as soon as you can. I know you'll be busy as soon as you get there, so I won't ask you to call me when you land. Just remember I'm thinking about you. " Blaine paused. Kurt could tell he was about to deliver some bad news. "Look Kurt, if the worst thing happens to your dad, and for whatever reason you decide not to come back, I just want you to know that…..well….you know how hard long-distance relationships can be – we both saw the Notebook."

Kurt turned to look at Blaine. It's moments like this that make you realize time is short. When you have things to say, you should say them.

"Do you wanna know how I picture the end of my life? Just like in the Notebook. I'm sitting in a nursing home talking endlessly about my college sweetheart, my first love, going on and on about every detail as if they matter. Only in my version, he's there with me telling me to shut up so he can finish watching the American cinematheque salute to ." Kurt tells him with a smile on his face.

"So, we're gonna be alright?" Blaine asks hesitantly.

"Yes, we're gonna be alright. I'm never saying goodbye to you."

A few minutes later, Kurt heads to board the plane, but not without turning to Blaine.

"I'll call you. I promise."

But he didn't call.

Not when he got to Lima. Not the next day. Not even a week later.

Kurt isn't even sure why. He distinctly remembers spilling his heart at Blaine's feet before boarding the plane. But did he mean them? Or did he just say them in the heat of the moment because his emotions were running on overload?

The more he starts to think about what he said, the more he second-guesses himself. He's in such a state of confusion, he's afraid to call Blaine out of fear of what Blaine might say.

Kurt has a lot of determination. After all, he still has a name to make for himself in New York. But he is also determined to figure out things with Blaine. Yes, Blaine is as handsome as ever with the cutest smirk and a charming way about him. And maybe this trip back home will give them time for things to cool off, really see where they stand with each other. It's not like Kurt hasn't already set that in motion by not calling Blaine. Was he afraid? Even after all this time? Kurt is sure that Blaine knows things that could make him beg. But Kurt doesn't want to beg. He doesn't even want to yearn, lust, dream or even long for Blaine. He wants certainty. A solid, dependable, comfortable kind of love. Rachel told him once that his determination should stay more powerful than his hormones, but when he's away from Blaine, he's not so sure.

Kurt is waging a war with himself…to push Blaine away for fear of heartache, or accept love with risk.

I'm so depressed I've even worn the same outfit twice this week, Kurt thinks to himself.

For Blaine, there were a lot of unexpected nuances with Kurt. Of course, everyone has them. He actually enjoys getting to know them. Like how he caught Kurt slipping bronzer into his hand moisturizer. Or how Kurt snaps his fingers at the waiters at the restaurant wanting his desert a little bit quicker. It makes Blaine wonder what else Kurt is hiding. Was he a passionate man behind his tough exterior? Was he quiet in bed, or a screamer? Blaine realizes he's open to either.

But he feels like things are off. He's not heard from Kurt since he went back home, not that he expects a call right away, but after a week he starts to worry.

But if he's being honest, things have been off for awhile. It's completely his fault. He knows it. Over time, Kurt has opened up to him more and more about his previous encounters with bullies, discrimination, hate, and everything else that goes along with it. The more Kurt has spilled to Blaine, the more uncomfortable Blaine became. The one thing he did not want to do was make Kurt feel uncomfortable. But now he feels like all it's done is pushed him away.

Blaine also knows that Kurt is feeling more….urges. Their scheduled make-out sessions have become more aggressive, but just when things get to the edge of no return, Blaine's mind immediately goes to Kurt's past experiences with bullies and he loses it. He's so embarrassed that he just acts like the session's over, which he knows leaves Kurt more frustrated than anything.

And God, did he really tell Kurt once that's why there was masturbation? I'm such an asshole, Blaine tells himself. He was about to tell Kurt the truth when Kurt called him with the news about his dad.

Blaine had learned the pleasure of solitude. After all, his parents were rarely around. How with a good book or piano, he is never truly alone. Music is his constant companion. Better than people, his piano never argues back or demands anything from him. It is also very memorable and well-known to him.

A week after Kurt's departure, Blaine arrives back home from his latest audition. He knows he didn't get it. His heart just isn't in it these days. He knows he's secretly holding out hope that Kurt is going to recommend him to play a role in his own musical. The second he walks into his place, the lonliness catches up with him. He misses Kurt. Badly. He hurries to his room and sits in front of his piano. Words tumble around and somewhat form an acceptable melody. Blaine his roommates are still sleeping, so he plays as quietly as possible, humming softly, pausing seldom to write down notes or lyrics. The song is summoning for him. He knows it. He just needs to get lost in finding the right combination of notes and words. Of phrases. Of meanings. The perfect song just might be what it takes to get Kurt to put it in his show.

.meanwhile, back in Lima….

Kurt's dad is sleeping on the couch (or so Kurt thinks).

"You can't stare it away, Kurt." Burt says.

Kurt sighs and takes a deep breath.

"I should have known you wouldn't be resting. You're probably sitting there thinking what all there is to do at the shop aren't you?

"Kurt, life is short or it's long. But it is what it is. There's nothing you, or I , can do to change that."

Kurt just stares at his dad.

"Feeling awkward?" Burt asks.


"Want to move on to another topic?"

"More than you know."

"Alright, let's talk about this New York guy. Blaine."


"No Kurt. It's time. What are you doing, Kurt? I know you. You are running away and you know it. This is about your mom, isn't it?" Burt asks.

"Relationships are tricky. You could have gotten hurt."

"I did get hurt."

"Was it worth it?" Kurt asks hesitantly, but Burt didn't even have to consider his answer. He knew it.


"I'll never understand that. Why would you deliberately take that kind of risk?" Kurt demanded.

"For the reward."

"To live with one person the rest of your life, a mortgage, a commitment, having to run your every moment by that person to see if they approve, the potential for heartbreak? Stop me please. I can go on." Kurt says sarcastically…heavy on the sarcasm.

Burt just laughs. He knows what Kurt's trying to do.

"You Kurt. You were my reward, and that was worth every tear I shed and every heartbreak I faced. And if I had to do it all over again, I would do it in a second. Love isn't about things being right or wrong. Someone once said that a lifetime isn't forever, so take the first chance, don't wait for the second. Sometimes there aren't second chances. If it's a mistake, then so what. That's life. If you don't take a chance, things will always stay the same. You have to take chances sometimes. If you know ahead of time that there are going to be problems or issues, or even heartbreak, chances are you would bail before you even began. But then you would also miss out on that incredible feeling of being loved, even if it's just for a second. That one second can last you a lifetime. So ask yourself, how do you feel when you're with Blaine?"

Kurt doesn't even have to think about it. "I feel comfortable. He makes me feel safe. Like nothing bad will ever happen to me."

"Does he feel the same way?"

"I think so. At least he says he does."

"Alright, now ask yourself this. Can you imagine your life with Blaine not in it? If you wake up tomorrow knowing you would never see or hear from him again, how would you feel?"

But Kurt doesn't answer. There is no need. He knows exactly how he felt the second his dad finished the sentence.

….he's going home….to Blaine.

Twenty-four hours later, Kurt stands outside his apartment. He knows he has to face the reality of everything, but he's just not sure if he's ready to face it right this very second.

Kurt finally gives himself a good kick in the ass. It's now or never. After making his way into the apartment and half-heartedly throwing his bag on the couch, he realizes he's not eaten since the day before, and his stomach is making sure to remind him.

There is an overhead light on in the kitchen, and that's when he notices him standing by the table. The lights seemed to cast some kind of glow about him. Kurt knows all the tricks lighting can play and tells himself not to be impressed. Which he isn't. It's just that he can't see to catch his breath.

Everything goes still. He focuses on his breathing then carefully lets his attention drift to the rest of his body. There is the previously mentioned tension in his chest, plus a distinctive tremble in his stomach and something almost like tingling in his thighs. If he hadn't felt totally fine a second before, he would swear he was getting the flu. But if it's not the flu, what is it?

"What are you doing here?" Kurt asks in a whisper.

"Rachel told me you were coming home." Blaine knows he can't wait any longer. The moment is right. "I came here for me, because I can't stand to be apart from the person I love. You are the love of my life, Kurt."

He's not even sure how it happened, or they got to where they were, but the next thing Kurt knows is that the lightest touch of Blaine's lips rocks him to his toes. He goes hot then cold. His chest gets tight and somewhere deep inside, a dark lonely place he rarely acknowledges, warms up by about least 10 degrees.

Kurt pulls back and locks eyes with Blaine, and opens his heart for the first time in a very long time. Risks be damned. "I love you, too."