A/N: I've been getting a lot of demand for a new chapter so here it is! I'm sorry for not updating sooner! I have college to worry about AND I have two youtube channels to tend to AND a wattpad account! My internet life is pretty crazy! Anyways, enjoy!

Max's POV

"Max! Earth to Max!" Chloe shouted, waving her hand in front of my face. I was still in shock after the Jefferson incidence. Chloe and I were sitting inside my dorm and the Vortex party was in 15 minutes.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Just lost in thought." I replied as I stood up from my bed. I took my camera out of my bag and examined it.

"You better take some hella cool photos of me at the party, Max!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Trust me, I will." Chloe adjusted her hat as she said,

"Alright. Lets go!"

"We'll be fifteen minutes early." I stated. She shrugged,

"Who cares? I wanna be the first one there, get a look at the finished venue!"

"Chloe... Should we really be going? It's just a stupid Vortex party. They're all the same. People get drunk and people do stupid things. That's it." Chloe glared at me,

"Are you being serious? We're going. I hate the Vortex club but who can pass up on free drugs and drinks?" She said. I sighed before picking my bag up and I put my camera inside of it. I then put the bag on and headed for the door. I opened the door and opposite me was Victoria who was just leaving her room with Courtney and Taylor. Chloe followed me out of my room, she closed the door behind her.

"Oh look. If it isn't Max Caulfield and her drug addicted friend." Victoria said as she folded her arms.

"Hey hey! Chase, eyes on me." Chloe said to Vic. Victoria lost her gaze on me as she looked at Chloe. Chloe flipped her off as she said, "Shut up."

Taylor groaned before saying, "You better not ruin this party, Max."

"How did you even get on the VIP list?" Victoria questioned. I folded my arms. Silent.

"I put her on there." Courtney said.

"What?!" Victoria asked as she looked at Courtney.

"I'm in charge of who goes on the list, Victoria." Courtney stated. Victoria sighed as she walked off towards the exit. Taylor and Courtney followed her.

"Screw those guys, Max. I hope THEY don't ruin the party," Chloe said as she walked to the exit. I followed her,

"Why are you so dead set on going to this party? We could go somewhere else! Like the lighthouse or the diner or something." I said as I pulled my phone out. The time was 7:49pm, the party started at 8pm. Chloe groaned before turning around to face me,

"Like I said before. Free drinks. Free drugs. And I haven't been to big party in a while." She started, "We'll stay for half an hour so I can stock up on drinks and then we'll head to the diner. It doesn't close until 10pm tonight anyways."

"Fine!" I accepted.

We exited the dorms and outside stood a number of different people waited for the doors to the party to be opened. I surveyed the crowd and saw Jefferson talking to Madsen. Jefferson took a quick glance at me with a smirk before he continued his conversation with Madsen. That sent a shiver down my spine.

"Hey, Mad Max. You feeling okay? You don't look too hot." Chloe said.

"Yeah. I'm fine, just these stupid powers are messing with me." I replied. Chloe nodded with response. A few minutes later, the doors were open and people were flooding inside.

"You can wait out here if you want. I'll go get some bottles then meet you back out here," Chloe suggested. I nodded,

"Sure. But hurry up please." I said.

"Damn. I was really looking forward to a hella cool picture of me being taken!" Chloe smirked.

"I'll take one of you when you come back out." I told her.

"Awesome." She replied before following the rest of the crowd inside. I leaned against the wall. I then heard footsteps coming from around the corner. Oh please don't be-

"Max!" Jefferson.

"Oh erm- hey Mr. Jefferson." I stuttered.

"Why aren't you inside?" He asked.

"I don't really feel like going to the Vortex party. Chloe's coming back out in a minute, she just wanted to check the place out." I said.

"Well that's too bad! I'm gonna be announcing the winner to the everyday Heroes contest later at around 11pm." He said.

"Erm... well I'll er- be there at 11 to see who wins I guess." I replied. Then he just looked at me. With some unexplainable look in his eyes. He took one step forwards which instantly made me put my right hand up, causing time to rewind 20 seconds backwards. I stopped rewinding and I heard Jefferson shout from around the corner,

"Max Caulfield! I told you not to do that again!" He quickly came from around the corner towards me.

"Wh-What?" I asked.

"You. Know. What." He said with a sinister tone. I gulped,

"How could you possibly know about my powers."

"It's very complex, Max." He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder and then removed it as more footsteps approached. "I guess I can explain it to you another time... You're friend is coming." Chloe then came out of the doors with a bag slung over her shoulder. Probably filled with endless amounts of drinks and drugs.

"Hellllo Mark." Chloe said with a smirk.

"Miss Price." Jefferson said simply.

"I miss anything good?" Chloe asked.

"I was just telling Max about the Everyday Heroes contest." He said. I was at a loss for words.

"Err- Y-yeah. He wanted us to come back later at 11 to see who the winner is." I stuttered.

"Sounds good to me." She said. She then grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the parking lot, "Come on! Let's get outta here!"

"See you two later." Jefferson said. I sighed as we reached Chloe's truck. I got into the passenger side as she climbed into the driver's seat. She threw the bag onto the back seat.

"Are you okay, Max?" She asked with concern. I shook my head slightly,

"I'll tell you about it when we get to the diner." I said. Chloe started the truck up and drove away from the school.

Chloe parked her car next to the Two Whales diner. We headed towards the door and entered, there were only two people in there, considering the time. Chloe and I took our seats at our usual booth as Joyce came over to us.

"Max? Chloe? I thought you two were going to some party?" She asked.

"Yeah. It was lame, decided to come here instead and just talk and drink coffee." Chloe said. Joyce sighed before saying,

"You two want some food?" She asked.

"Yes please, Joyce." I said with a smile. She returned the smile as she walked away towards the kitchen. Chloe then looked me in the eyes and said,

"What's up, Max? Does it have something to do with Mark?" She asked. I sighed before saying,

"He... knows about my powers Chloe." I said.

"Wh- Really? How?" She asked, shocked.

"I don't know!" I started, "he knows WHEN I use it aswell! It's really confusing." I said as I leaned back and rubbed my forehead.

"Have you asked him about how he knows?" I shook my head,

"No. He was about to tell me before you came out of the party." I stated. Chloe sighed, she was about to say something else but then Joyce came over with a plate of food and placed it in front of Chloe. She gave me a cup of coffee and the same for Chloe. Joyce then looked at me and said,

"Now, Max. Question of the day..." She paused, "Bacon Omelette... or Belgian waffle?"