A/N: So, this is only my second Arrow fic. If you guys like it, I'll make it multi-chapter, or I could just leave it as a one-shot. Let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I don't own Arrow or any of its characters. If I did, there would be an overload of Olicity because, well, Olicity.

Felicity sighed as she heard the doorbell ring, not bothering to rinse the toothpaste out of her mouth or put down the toothbrush as she walked into the foyer. Pulling open the door she said "Mrs. Ferdinand, I haven't seen your ca-" She cut herself off when she saw the person standing outside.

Ray grinned charmingly. "I haven't seen him either. Or is the cat a girl? Was I being misogynist just then? Or is it misogynistic? I can never remember."

Felicity frowned pulling the toothbrush from her mouth. "What are you doing here?"

"I had an idea this morning. I wanted to run it past you, see what you thought."

"And what was that?"

"Have you heard of a process of cogeneration?"

Felicity groaned. "I haven't even looked at a cup of coffee."

For the next few minutes, Felicity sipped at a cup of coffee and looked over the calculations with Ray, pointing out different faults and ways to fix them. Then there was another knock at the door. Ray looked to Felicity. "I'm guessing you still haven't found Mrs. Ferdinand's cat."

Felicity pulled open the door and her eyes went wide at who she saw there. She was quickly pulled into a hug by her mother. "Mom?"

"Yes! Didn't you get my text? Damien said he sent it."

Felicity looked at the phone shoved in her face and then to the four year old standing next to the older blonde. "Damien, baby, you have hit send to actually send the message."

Damien grinned, taking the phone and hitting send. "No big deal, Mommy. See, I'll just send it now."

Felicity couldn't help the smile that overtook her face and she lifted the boy onto her hip. "Well, I guess that makes it all better, then."

Damien nodded happily. Felicity turned to Ray. "Ray, this is my mom and my son, Damien."

Ray's eyebrows shot up towards his hairline. "Son?"

Damien stared at Ray for a second. "Are you my mommy's boss?"

Ray nodded. "Yeah."

Donna entered the house, dragging hers and Damien's bags. "Oh, I didn't know you had company."

Ray smiled and offered his hand. "Hi, I'm Ray Palmer."

Donna grinned, tugging self-consciously at the hem of her sundress to bring it closer to her knees, offering her other hand. "I'm Donna Smoak."

"Nice to meet you." Ray looked to Felicity. "I'll let you guys catch up. Let me know later if you find anything more on those cogeneration numbers. Oh, and feel free to take the day. Spend time with your family."

Felicity smiled. "Thanks."

Ray nodded and let himself out. Donna turned her gaze from the now closed door to Felicity. "Sorry, I thought the text sent. I didn't know you'd have company." Her eyes were bright with a look Felicity knew well. "So... Was that your boyfriend?"

Felicity groaned. "No, Mom! Ray is not my boyfriend! He's my boss."

Donna smiled and shrugged. "Didn't stop me. Your forget who your father is."

Felicity rolled her eyes. "Trust me, I remember. I have many fond memories of those days when you and dad were both working so you took me with you. It's how I learned to count cards.

Donna laughed. "I always wondered what you did on those days."

"Yup. Dad thought it was the funniest. A couple times when I was bored, the dealers would let me watch. Dad once let me sit in and play, just to see what I could do. I made almost five hundred that round."

Donna gave a sad smile. "I miss him sometimes."

Felicity returned the smile. "Me, too, Mom, but he made his choice." She sighed, the put on a happy smile. "Now, I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving."

Damien suddenly tuned into the conversation. "Pancakes?"

Felicity grinned. "Yeah, baby, pancakes."

Later that day, after Felicity and Donna had taken Damien to the park, they all sat in the living room, watching Robin Hood while they ate Big Belly Burger. While they were eating, Felicity's phone went off. She grabbed it as Dig's picture flashed across the screen and left the room. "Hello?"

"Felicity? I got your text. Why can't you come in?"

"Just some unexpected visitors. Why?"

"Oliver wanted us all to meet at the foundry."

Felicity sighed. "I don't know, Dig. Maybe I can make it. I'll call you back in a few minutes." She allowed the thought of having Donna watch Damien roll through her mind. She had decided that it might have to be when Donna popped her head into the room. "Um, Felicity, I need to head home immediately. Um, my boss called. He said if I'm not in for work tomorrow he'll fire me. I need to get on a plane right now. If you want, I can take Damien with me, but I know you both are enjoying your time together."

Felicity bit her lip. "No, you leave Damien. I've missed him something fierce. We can discuss the details later. Do you want me to get your ticket online for you?"

Donna gave a relieved smile. "If you don't mind."

"It's not a problem."

Just ten minutes later, Donna was gone and Felicity and Damien were looking at each other in shock. It had been at least two years since her son had lived with her full time. She's sent him to live with her mother following their mugging. She'd been on her way home from work with Damien, the two of them walking to their car when the man had come out of nowhere and beat Felicity down before taking her purse and running while Damien screamed. Felicity knew that her job at Queen Consolidated was too important for her to leave and after her request for a transfer to another branch was denied, she decided that sending Damien to live with his grandmother was safer for him. She's promised the two year old that he could come live with her again when it was safe. Even with all the work Oliver was doing, Felicity knew that it still wasn't safe for her son in the city so he continued to live in Vegas with his grandma, just Felicity going to visit them once a month.

Damien suddenly grinned. "So, does this mean that I get to live with you again, Mommy?"

The tension in the room disappeared. "Yeah, baby, it does."


Felicity smiled. "I'm going to make a call really quick and then we'll finish the movie. Okay?"

Damien nodded and Felicity grabbed the phone, dialing Dig. "I don't think I'm going to be able to make it in, Dig."

"Normally you know I'd be okay and Oliver too, but he's on a warpath tonight. When I told him that you didn't know if you could come in, he completely flipped his shit and told me to call for a team meeting. I don't know if he'll let this one go."

Felicity sighed. "Fine, but I'm going to be a few minutes." Hanging up, Felicity reentered the living room. "Hey, Damien, sweetheart, I don't know if we're going to be able to finish the movie right now."

The four year old pouted. "Why?"

"I got called into work. Now, you can come with me, or I can drop you off at one of my friend's house. What to you want?"

"I wanna be with you!" Felicity smiled at her son's enthusiasm.

"Alright. Now, seeing how it's so late, why don't you stay in your jammies and grab a book so you can read while I work."

Damien ran out of the room and came back with two picture books. "Can I bring two and read one to you on the way? Grandma's teaching me to read."

"Of course! I'd love to hear you, baby."

Damien grinned and just a few minutes later, they were both in the car, Damien reading out "The Cat in the Hat" while they drove. When the got to Verdant, Felicity unbuckled Damien and took his hand firmly in hers, not wanting him to run off as he was prone to doing. He tried a few times to get away, seeing something he thought looked cool, but Felicity managed to keep her grip on him.

Seeing how it was already nine at night, Verdant was in full swing and Felicity again had to keep a good grip on Damien to keep him from running into the club. Felicity looked very seriously at him when they were outside the door to the lair. "Now, sweetheart, what you're going to see down here you can't tell anyone else. Not even Grandma. Okay? If you tell anyone, Mommy and her friends might get hurt and you don't want us hurt, right?"

Damien nodded quickly. "I don't want you or ANYONE hurt, Mama. Grandma says it's not nice to hurt people."

"And your grandma is absolutely right. Now, let's go meet my friends."

Felicity typed in her code to the lair and then led Damien down the stairs. Oliver was waiting for her at the bottom, looking like he'd swallowed a lemon. The look on his face when he saw Damien was priceless; the shock and confusion making his eyes wide and his eyebrows raise in an almost comical way. Felicity smiled. "Hey, Oliver. This is my son, Damien. Dame, this is my friend Oliver."

A/N: So, any thoughts? Please leave a review with your opinion or PM me! I'd love some feedback.