A/N: Thank you all for the reviews. I'm glad that you are enjoying reading this, as much as I am enjoying writing this.

Just a Reader: Thanks hun, while I do write outside of fanfiction, I don't write professionally. I'm actually in Law Enforcement. :D

ABCSoapLover: Your questions have been answered. Well one of them anyway, the other shall be answered in the upcoming chapters.

That being said on to the next one.


Ororo Munroe was normally a calm and rational person, but the fact that her lover and her best friend were about to tear each other's heads off with her standing naked between them was too much for the weather witch to handle. Lightening flashed across the sky, so close, the air inside of her bedroom crackled. Neither feral seemed fazed by her show of emotion.

"Why is he here?" The shock and anger betrayed Scott's calm demeanor as he stepped into the room. It was one of the last things she needed at that moment. She was doing everything that she could to placate the situation.

"My thoughts exactly one eye," Logan said, his words more growl than anything. She could feel the anger radiating from his body, crawling up her very arm and into her very core. She turned to face him noting that he had extracted his claws in an unspoken threat clear to everyone in the room. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath before slowly exhaling. She had decided to treat the situation like she was pulling off a band-aid.

"Victor is here because I invited him last night," She she said, unmoved by their eyes piercing into her flesh. Glaring. Appalled. For a moment she thought that she was the one with telepathy, given the way she could read their thoughts. "We have been seeing each other for almost a year, not that it is any of your concern."

Logan wasn't sure he had heard her correctly. An arched eyebrow, a tilt of his head, and then he could no longer briddle his tongue.

"You what?!" he moved closer, his face reddening with barely controlled anger. "You're that hard up that you're fuckin' that animal?"

Time seemed to slow to a crawl and speed up in that single moment, sending her brain into information overload. She was pushed aside onto her bed and before she could react, Logan had barreled into Victor. Shock had her frozen in place, watching as the two men fought. Admittedly, the brawl was over before it had began. A punch had Logan staggering back, and her scrambling off of the bed to take her place once again between them.

"Stop it!" thunder boomed, accompanying her command, with enough force that the glass of her balcony doors rattled. By now a crowd had gathered outside her door, both students and teachers alike watching the spectacle. "Get out."

A hand was placed squarely on Victor's chest, and for a moment Logan smirked until she turned to face him.

"Get the fuck out of my room Logan, you too Scott." Both men looked at her, the expression of shock at her vulgarity written upon their faces.

"You need a woman to protect you now Creed?" Logan said, his words were taunting. Victor made to move again, when a sterner voice cut through the air, giving him pause.

"What is the meaning of this?" The absolute last person she wanted to get dragged into this catastrophe sat in her door way. Charles Xavier held up his hand, silencing Scott as he begin to speak. "A word in my office."

His eyes lingered on each in turn, rooting them to the spot. It was then that the weather goddess remembered her state of undress and gave a groan as she snatched her sheet from her bed to cover herself.


Ororo Munroe sat opposite Charles Xavier's desk with Victor standing behind her. He wanted to speak with the couple alone before bringing in Scott and the still angry Wolverine. She watched him as he sat with his fingers steeped before him, obviously thinking over what she had just shared.

"You know I am not one to get involved in your personal life Ororo," he begin and she immediately tensed until she felt Victor's hands on her shoulder. An action that Xavier noted with a peaked eyebrow before continuing. "I must admit that I'm not completely shocked by your choice in a partner, but you must understand that not everyone will be as open or even welcoming to the idea."

She sighed, sending a silent prayer to the goddess to give her patience. "I am aware and I do apologize for the commotion that was caused. We weren't expecting visitors."

"Doubt it would have mattered to the runt," Victor scoffed before moving to take the seat beside his mate. "Look, I ain't here to hurt nobody, if I wanted to I could've done that more than once already." The chair creaked beneath his weight as he shifted, leaning closer towards the professor.

"It ain't a secret there's no love lossed between me and you geeks. I ain't a bleedin' heart and I ain't lookin' to be one. She accepts that and I accept her despite the fact that she is, that's all that matters to me. She's my mate and that ain't changing any time soon. You don't want me here fine, no sweat off my ass, but I'll kill whoever tries to keep us apart."

He leaned back, his part said as he placed a hand on 'Ro's knee, relaxing as her hand covered his. The silence seemed to stretch on for an eternity before Charles spoke again, his words serious and commanding both of their attention.

"I see. Far be it from me to come between two consenting adults. However, while you are here Sabretooth-"

"Victor." Victor interjected, his face void of emotion as well as his thought. He didn't need cueball trying to worm his way through his mind.

"Very well. While you are here Victor, I expect you to be on your best behavior. You are a guest in our home and will act accordingly. While I do not necessarily trust you, and I'm sure you do not trust me, I do trust Ororo's judgment." Victor gave a curt nod of understanding before standing to go. "I will speak with Logan and Scott, they are not to engage in any altercation while you are here."

"Thank you professor," Ororo gave a sigh of relief as she too stood, prepared to leave.. They hadn't ate breakfast yet and her stomach had started to protest the lack of food.

'I do hope you are right in your judgment my dear' came the mental reply as Victor opened the door.


Breakfast was well underway by the time the two of them reached the doors to the dining hall. She could hear the faint chatter as the students chatted with their friends. She was just about to suggest that they go out to eat before he stopped her short of the door with a hand on her shoulder.

"I Didn't mean to put you through all of that," the look he gave her was so serious that it took her a moment to find her voice. With a shake of her head, she stepped closer to him.

"There is no need to apologize Victor, I'm relieved to have it done and over with. They had to know sooner or later," the simple crease between her brows, told him that she wasn't finished with what she had to say. "You called me your mate in the professor's office."

"I did." Came his confirmation, his eyes meeting hers. He knew her next question before she could ask. "You are, just hadn't gotten around to telling you yet. Didn't know just how serious you wanted to be with me."

"And you have your answer now?" she drew closer to him until there was barely an inch separating them.

"I had my answer the moment I woke up in your bed this morning. The runt's interruption just helped cement it," his voice was barely a whisper as he drew her into his arms, his hands resting on her lower back. "You know I ain't the emotional type 'Ro, that shit's for pussies and frails. But I hope you know how we feel about you."

A smile tugged at her full lips before she leaned up to capture his mouth with her own.

"I do," she whispered against his mouth when the kiss broke. "We should get in there, before there's no food left."

"I got another type of breakfast in mind," he didn't give her time to protest as he led them back to her room.