Hey guys! I finally got another chapter up! :D Thanks for sticking with me!
I wish that I could write this story and update it more often, but I have so much on my plate recently. It's insane! So much school work... And now I'm in the process of working on 4 fanfictions right now! I must really be crazy :P Luckily Christmas break is only a week away for me, so hopefully during that time I can update at least a couple more chapters. I'll see!
I apologize for any grammatical errors!
Ciel's POV
When I woke up, I felt cool air rushing by my face. I opened my eyes and saw that I was once again under the cover of darkness, but I was no longer inside of Alois's basement; I appeared to be outside. I tilted my head to the side drowsily and saw that I was being carried by Sebastian.
"Sebastian…" I mumbled quietly. He sharply turned to look at me, his face full of concern. When was the last time Sebastian had ever looked concerned for me?
"My lord, how are you feeling? Are you hurting anywhere?" He spoke so quickly that my tired mind could barely keep up. I wonder what had happened to make him act like this?
Regardless, I managed to shake my head. "No, I'm just...tired." I couldn't feel much of anything, it was as if my whole body was numb. I could see his jaw tighten in anger, but what was he angry about?
Was it because of Alois? Yes, that was probably it. I wanted to tell him more, but I could feel myself slowly drifting into sleep once more.
When I awoke again, this time I was warm. I was submerged in a warm liquid, and it felt extremely good, considering the fact that I had been freezing my ass off the whole time I was in Trancy's basement.
My eyelids fluttered open slowly. My mind still felt hazy. It was like my mind was nothing but clouds, everything felt so unclear. I felt something cold press against my knee. Whatever it was caused my knee to sting, and I hissed in pain.
"My lord?" I heard Sebastian's voice, and he sounded close. "Can you hear me?"
As my vision cleared up more, I could see that he was right beside me, cleaning a scrape on my knee. I wonder when that happened.
I raised an arm to shield my eyes from the bright light. "Can you keep your voice down, Sebastian? My head is throbbing."
He breathed out a heavy sigh. "I'm glad to see that you're finally awake, after a while I thought nothing would wake you."
"How long have I been sleeping?"
"Nearly ever since we left the Trancy estate, although you did stir once while I was carrying you. Do you remember it?"
I shook my head. I couldn't remember anything since I left that horrid place. He continued to clean my wounds, which was a surprisingly large amount. Bruises covered my chest and arms, there were scrapes and cuts running down my legs. And there was a distinct aching feeling in a rather unpleasant place. My whole body felt like a mass of pain that wouldn't go away. It was never ending, no matter how much I wished for it to leave me.
It must have been a result of that last incident. I shuddered and wrapped my arms around myself.
Sebastian noticed this, grabbed a towel, and was back within seconds. "Are you cold, my lord?"
"No, Sebastian...it's nothing." I stood up, my legs a shaky mess. After about ten seconds of standing my legs buckled. I would have fallen in the floor if he hadn't caught me.
I just couldn't stand to think about that dreaded incident or of that hell hole in which he kept me, but it all kept flooding back to my memory like a bad dream. I could still feel his touch lingering on my arms, I could still taste him on my lips… I could still hear the way he made me moan, despite the utter disgust I felt as he violated me.
Sebastian carried me back to my bed and sat me down, taking his time as he dried me off and dressed me.
"My lord, I know it's hard to think about what Alois Trancy did to you, but I need you to tell me everything. I need to know what happened."
"No!" I cried out, shaking my head. I couldn't, I just couldn't say it out loud. Not to anyone, and especially not to him. "I can't say it, I just can't." I hung my head down in shame. I didn't have the guts to admit what I had allowed happen to me.
He grabbed my chin and tilted my head up to stare him directly in the eyes. His eyes seemed to be pleading with mine. I wondered what mine said back.
"You have to tell me, I have to know what happened. I can't help you if you don't tell me."
"You don't understand Sebastian! I allowed something terrible to happen to me again, and I can't bear to face that fact! When I made the contract with you, I thought that I would become stronger, that I wouldn't ever let someone defile me in this way, but I was wrong. I was so wrong." Tears trailed from my eyes and fell onto the floor. A small pool of them had collected on the carpet and were dying it a darker color. I let my head hang down again. I couldn't stand to look at him as I cried. Sebastian must already think I'm pathetic enough.
He wiped my tears away with his thumb. "You made that contract with me because you were strong enough to look your fear in the eye and stand up to it. You were strong enough to keep moving on despite what you had endured. You made the contract with me so that you could restore the Phantomhive name. Tell me my lord, is this how a true Phantomhive would be acting?"
I sniffled a couple of times and once again lifted my eyes to his. He was right. I did make the contract so that I could take back the Phantomhive name, and with it I would restore not only the honor of my family but the honor of myself as well. I had to keep believing in that.
"Alright, Sebastian. I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything."
The last couple of chapters have been pretty short, so I'll try to make them a little bit longer next time.
As always, thanks for reading, and please don't hesitate to drop a comment! I love feedback :)