"Yo, Becaw! Number two!" I hear Jessie call out. Smiling at his stupid nickname, I quickly get to work. It was a hot day in Georgia, and being stuck in this food truck was hard work, but since the radio station was closed for the summer, Jessie had this brilliant idea to rent a food truck. I said no at first, but we started to rake in some serious cash, especially with my awesome cooking skills I got from my mom. I used to always help her with dinner, even though it was normally always just us, since dad was always "working".
"Comin' right up!" I yell back, easily finishing the order quickly, because the faster I work, the better the food, and more importantly, I realized that the faster the customer gets their food, the more generous they are with their tips! I hand Jessie the food, and we continue like this until it's time to pack everything up for the day.
I hit the back of the truck after I close the door, signaling that Fat Amy (who worked with us, she got free food, so yeah), to take off. She drives away, and I'm left with Jessie, who has this adorable grin on his face as he holds up a new movie.
"Hell no," I quickly say, absolutely sick of movie nights. Besides, I promised Chloe and the girls I'd hang with them after I got off of work.
"Oh, c'mon Becaw! Please!" Jessie pouts, and I think of giving in, but then my thoughts drift to how sad Chlo would be.
"Sorry, Jessie, I'm taken for the night, I promised the Bellas I would hang out with them tonight, it's been too long." I quickly argue, his frown suddenly turning into a scowl.
"You're hanging with Chloe, too, aren't you?" He suddenly growls out. I raise an eyebrow at him, this had never been a problem before, and besides, I always hung out with Chloe, she was a Bella, too, after all.
"Well, yeah, she's in the Bellas, Jess," I murmur, starting to walk to my car. Suddenly he harshly grabs my wrist, which he's never done before.
"What if I said I didn't want you to hang with her anymore, huh?" He growls out. He's in my face now, and I can smell beer on his breath, along with something else I can't really place, which makes my stomach churn.
"I'd tell you to suck it," I narrow my eyes, wondering why he was acting like this. What I really want to know is when he started drinking... I guess it was when I was cooking; I don't really pay attention to the outside world when I'm at the stove, kind of like with my music.
He tightens his grip on my wrist, and I know there's totally gonna be a bruise there, and I hiss in pain. "Jessie, let go of my wrist, you're hurting me," I try to yank my poor wrist from his grasp, but he holds fast, pushing me against my car.
"Shut the fuck up, maybe you deserve to be hurt," he growls out. My eyes widen in fear. What the fuck is wrong with him?!
"Jessie, what the fuck, dude?! What's wrong with you?!" I bring my other hand up, punching him in the jaw. Okay, maybe that was a bad idea, but I'll be damned if some guy, even if he is my boyfriend, talk to me like that. Maybe I should've just slapped him, but fuck that, a slap doesn't do shit anymore, always go for the punch.
His eyes narrow again and he promptly slaps me, my head whipping to the side. I take a breath to steady myself, a spitting out blood, and I even thought about spitting in his face. He was seriously starting to freak me out, he never got like this, what the hell did he take?!
"Fuck you, you're gonna listen to me and do as I say. I don't think you've been a very good girlfriend lately, and you're gonna fix that, right fucking now." He pushes himself against me, and I feel the bulge in his pants and I gulp in fear, about to bring my knee up to rectify his fucking problem.
"So help me god if you kick me I'll slam that pretty little head of yours against that fucking door," he grabs my other wrist in a bruising grip and I whimper in fear, biting my lip.
Against my better judgement, I bring my knee up, getting him right in the groin, and he doubles back, bending over in pain. "You fucking bitch!" He breathes out, and I try to unlock my door quickly, since the remote was broken on my key. I had just gotten my door open when I feel a sharp pain. Jessie had grabbed my hair, and suddenly my head was being thrust forward, and before I knew it, my face collides with my door and the world goes black.