I know Rade or Robbie/Jade isn't a popular pairing, but I secretly love them together. I also love Liz and Matt, so maybe that's why. This is a new fanfic. It's about Rade, (sorry it's not Jori... There is already way too much Jori fanfic out there anyway. It seems like that's the only couple people ship nowadays. Bade isn't even that popular anymore haha)
This takes place as Bade breaks up in the Worst Couple
Robbie had been driving home from Tori's house when he spotted Jade on the side of the road.
He had never witnessed Beck and Jade's fights as personally as he had that night. He had never actually felt the physical tension between the two. He had only ever attributed the couples' fights to Jade's aggressiveness. But there was more to it. Robbie could practically feel the disappointment on the other side of the door when Beck never answered. He could detect the slight waver in Jade's voice as she got closer to ten. And he felt horrible that he wasn't brave enough to go after and make sure she was okay.
Robbie normally wouldn't have been able to spot her in the dark due to her black wardrobe, especially if she had been sitting inside her car.
But he noticed her sitting on the hood of her car because of her green highlights. The road was practically empty, being the middle of the night. Sometimes he liked to drive around to clear his mind.
Robbie managed to pull the car over on the side of the road. Jade had noticed him and hadn't said a word. They rarely talked to each other completely alone, which made a Robbie a little anxious. The weird thing was, Robbie had met Jade before he was friends with anyone else. Cat had brought him to Jade. Andre was friends with Robbie, and Beck was friends with Andre, so they all just came together.
"Hey," Robbie said as he approached her. He left Rex in the car because he knew Rex would just make her angry.
Jade nodded her head at him in acknowledgement.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"I wanted to check on you," Robbie said, which made her half smile. He was the only one that had cared enough to try to talk to her.
"I saw you sitting here," Robbie explains.
"Yeah, I didn't want to drive, so I stopped," she lied.
Her eyes had been flooded with tears, which made it hard to see. That was why she pulled over. She loved driving at night.
"So who won the game?" Jade asked in a rather calm tone.
"Well, Beck was distracted so uh, we stopped playing and watched a movie," Robbie told her, which was the truth.
"Oh," she sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "What movie?"
"It was an awful chick flick that Tori picked out," Robbie told her, which made Jade laugh.
"You know, I really hate Vega," Jade said.
"You hate everything," Robbie said. Jade was surprised with his sharp tongue.
"Yeah, but it's different. I hate Vega because she has no redeeming qualities. Whenever anyone's around her, she's either bitching about Trina or her family, or she's trying to fix things that don't need to be fixed," Jade told him.
"Beck and Andre think she's sweet. She's kind of dismissive of me. I mean, all of you are dismissive of me, but you all at least talk to me. Even if it's through insults," Robbie said.
"I show my affection through insults. It just so happens that I show my hatred though insults too," Jade looked at him.
They sat in silence for a couple minutes.
"Have you ever been in love, Robbie?" Jade turned to him. Her sharp eyes were pierced with thoughts he wanted to understand, but he couldn't.
"No, I haven't," he gulped.
"It fucking sucks," she said as she laid back against the dashboard.
"You think that you can depend on the person you're in love with. You put your trust into someone. You tell them all your secrets, everything you don't want anyone else to know. And once you aren't together anymore, they'll always have that over you. They'll always know things about you that nobody else knows," Jade told him. She didn't know why she was speaking to the nerd. Without Rex, Robbie wasn't that annoying. He was independent, like her. He was used to being alone.
"Sounds horrible," Robbie murmured.
Jade laughed a little sardonically. "You're not wrong," she huffed.
"What did Jay-z call his girlfriend before they got married?" Robbie asked. Maybe a bad home would cheer her up.
"What?" Jade asked.
Jade snorted. She smiled, but hid her smile behind her smirk.
After a moment of silence, Jade spoke up.
"Why do you carry Rex around?" She asked. She wasn't trying to insult him. She wanted to understand him.
"He's my friend," Robbie claimed.
"No he's not," Jade protested, sitting up and turning to face the boy. She didn't sound angry.
"Yes he is. He's there for me when no one else is," Robbie fought back. Jade was surprised that Robbie wasn't peeing or running away. This is probably the longest conversation they have had, aside from the time they did a play together.
"He's not there for you, Robbie. That thing is constantly berating you. You are constantly hurting yourself, the more time you spend with your hand shoved up the stupid puppet, Robbie," Jade told him. She had felt this way for a while.
"Why do you even care?" Robbie asked. He was used to being by himself. He didn't know why she was telling him this.
"I know what it's like to be alone," Jade told him, not making eye contact. She had never felt as alone as she had in these past couple hours. Sitting in her car, crying about Beck, she didn't know what to do. She couldn't go to any of her friends about it because they had all made it clear they would rather stay with Beck. She couldn't tell either of her parents because they would just laugh and tell her that it was her fault for being such a bitch.
"It sucks, doesn't it? Feeling like you have nobody to go to," Robbie asked.
"Yeah. It does," Jade agreed.
"Maybe we could go to each other when we're feeling alone?" Robbie asked hopefully. His whole life, he had been embarrassing himself. It was worth it to embarrass himself on the slight chance that she might agree.
"Yeah," Jade half smiled. There was something about Robbie. He had this hidden fierceness in him, something that Jade liked. Plus, Robbie wasn't horrible. Especially when he wasn't carrying around that atrocious puppet.
Robbie's stomach growled, filling up the awkward silence. He had skipped dinner. He was going to get some food on the way home from Tori's house, but he had gotten side tracked.
"Let's go get some food. I'm starving," Jade told him. She hopped off the good of her car.
"Are you coming or what?" She rose an eyebrow at him. She wanted him to ride in her car. Robbie was surprised that she had talked to him for as long as she had, no less wanted to go get some food with him.
"I like driving at night. Come with me. I'll drop you off back here to get your car," Jade said. He slid into her car.
"Wait... Do you have your guitar?" Jade wondered.
"It's in my car," he replied.
"Go get it," Jade ordered. He scurried and fetched his guitar from the backseat of his car. He put it in the backseat of Jade's.
"You feel like going on a picnic, Shapiro?" Jade smirked. Her look was scaring him, so he was afraid to say no.