This will be my first and only disclaimer (it's gonna count for the whole story) that I don't own the Chronicles of Narnia, this story is just for fun :)

It is foreign. That is most definitely the word to describe it. Everyone that was once familiar is now foreign. Sometimes, she had to think and remember how to properly use something while one of the guys watched on with sad eyes, not wanting to treat her like a child.

The noises especially were different. No more would she hear the sound of swords clanging together or horses galloping through the fields. Now, it is only harsh beeps and shrill alarms. The sound of the microwave going off or a cell phone ringing startles her. She decides it is unnatural and artificial and that she wants nothing to do with it if she can help it. But, most of the time, she cannot.

She must get in a car or limousine to get to a destination because it is simply too far to walk and she has no horse to ride. Never before has she experienced motion sickness until she came back from Narnia. Metal machines going at racing speeds are simply horrible.

The clothes she wears are harsh and uncomfortable on her skin after wearing the best of Narnian silk and satin. She misses the weight of her sword on her side and her crown on her head.

But the thing that she hates most about this world and all of its foreign things is that it is dying. The air she breathes in is heavy with smog and sometimes she has to stop to catch her breath. Humans have destroyed what this world once was and continue to do so every day. Her powers, though dulled, still work which only makes her all the more certain. No longer can she feel the life force of the Earth in the plants or trees. They are dead and empty, as though they are quietly waiting for their end to come.

She wishes to be free from this world and all the foreign things within it. But no matter how hard she prays to Aslan, his reassuring roar does not answer.

Hello everyone! I know that it has been forever and I'm really sorry. After I finished with Of Love and War, my motivation started to dwindle and I just stopped writing. But I promised all of you I would write a sequel and here it is! I'm posting these small prologues so I'm more likely to get back in the swing of writing and I don't keep blowing this story off. During my long hiatus, I actually got to reading the Chronicles of Narnia series and boy, can I tell you how different the books are from the movies (for those who don't already know), especially Prince Caspian. I've thought about it and I've decided to stick with the movie since that's what the first story follows, but I will try to incorporate some facets of the book in. Hope you all enjoy!