{Chapter Ten}
~One Year Later~
A year is a long time. It's enough time for the entire world to continue as if nothing has happened, moving forward without question. But for certain people, one year is plenty of time for everything to change.
After a whirlwind romance and some advice from Nana Imogen, Isabelle and Simon were traveling abroad. They would send postcards and pictures from India and Europe occasionally, but they spent more time off the grid. Simon called constantly to complain about Isabelle's horrific cooking skills. Izzy called to yell at Jace weekly for encouraging Simon to eat out all the time. A picture of them was nailed to the wall above Jace's desk. The metal spiral bars of the Eiffel Tower stood behind their grinning faces.
Clary was happy for them, they had a very sweet puppy love kind of relationship. At first Clary had wondered if they would last but after months of nothing but affection, Clary was convinced that they would last for many years to come.
Imogen had continued her trek against time and reason for a few more months but after her broken hip Jace had said enough, and she was now living happily in Jace's old penthouse.
Clary had loved that penthouse. It was the place she first met her Isabelle and Alec, her siblings-in-law now, and most importantly, it was where she met and lived with her husband. It was strange to look back on their time together and realize how far they had come in that, seemingly, short year and a half. When they were newlyweds the penthouse had been perfect, but when Clary dropped out of her medical courses and enrolled as an art major, she needed more space. When their family started to grow, it was time to move out and find a bigger home.
Magnus and Alec had adopted a four year old boy from one of their many vacations. His name was Raphael, with dark curly hair and chocolate colored eyes. He was the image of happiness and love. Clary used to be able to keep up with the small boy, often babysitting him. Now she could barely see her toes underneath her protruding belly, let alone chase after an almost five year old for hours with his endless energy.
Clary sat on the couch, bundled up in a blanket with a cup of steaming tea in between her fingers. It wasn't necessarily cold outside, but the comfort of being coddled had set in. Her eyes watered as she watched the show on their television screen. It was a superhero show she often caught on cable when Jace wasn't home, a green hooded vigilante going around showing people the business end of an arrow.
A violent churning of her stomach had Clary clutching her stomach with a groan. The tea spilt over the couch cushion next to her, soaking through the fabric and staining the white material. Clary cursed and whipped the blanket away from herself. She frantically dialed her husband's phone number and waited for an answer.
"Hey, baby, what's going on-?" Clary could hear the smile in his face.
She grit her teeth when a sharp pain radiated through her body. "I'm about to push a human out of my body so get home and take me to the hospital." Another wave of pain flashed from her stomach. "Now!"
Jace replied with a jumble of incoherent words before hanging up on her. Clary dug her nails into the armrests, she tried to focus on her breathing but the scream pierced the air as she struggled to stand. She knew she should call someone else not just her husband but the phone had slipped from her hand and was now somewhere underneath the couch. Clary didn't think she would be able get back up if she tried to pick it up.
She could feel the tears rolling down her flushed cheeks, Clary had read about labor, well she'd read every parenting book she could get her hands on, but nothing could prepare her for how much a contraction hurt. After a few seconds the bout of pain faded and she could finally take a deep, calming breath. There was a loud crash from outside their front door and for a moment Clary wondered if her luck was bad enough for their townhouse to get robbed while she was trying to have a baby.
The jingle of keys and the string of cursing relaxed her, Jace's hands always shook when he was in a hurry or nervous. Something told her he was both right now. No matter how many dry runs and practices' they'd had for this moment, it was a mess.
Jace broke in through the door, sweat dripping down his forehead and heaves of air as he knelt down next to her. "Hey, pretty girl. You ready to have our baby?"
"We are never having unprotected sex again," She grit out through her teeth. Clary's hand was holding onto his in a deathgrip, her knuckles turning white from the pressure.
Jace felt the snap in his finger bones and a distant part of his brain realized his wife probably just broke a finger. He tugged her up from the couch.
When they reached the hospital Jace pushed her inside with a wheelchair, a grumbling Clary trying to explain she didn't want a wheelchair, she wanted medically approved drugs. They had discussed natural birth for all of two minutes before Clary made the simple Rachel Green point of 'no uterus, no opinion'. So epidural was the final verdict.
"Hello, Mrs Herondale. How are you feeling?" During normal circumstances she found Sebastian Verlac to be a patient and charming doctor, but not anyone without the epidural was the enemy, including Verlac and the alien trying to rip out of her John Hurt style.
"I'm pushing a big headed Herondale out of my body, without drugs, how do you think I feel?" Clary bit out, glaring at her male doctor. "Contractions are three minutes apart but they're a lot more painful than they should be."
A nurse took Jace's spot behind her, steering her into the elevator as another contraction hit her. The pain was blinding, waves of white hot pulsing through her. She held Jace's hand roughly, her head becoming dizzy.
"Clary?" She heard her name distantly, her head lulling to the side in an attempt to see who was calling for her. The voice didn't sound like her husband but it was familiar. Clary's eyes squeezed shut, the opening doors of the elevator roused her slightly but her heavy eyelids wouldn't open fully.
The allure of sleep appealed to her, the pain was far away like the voices. Flickering lights bled into her squinted vision and she could feel the prick of the needle in the crook of her arm. Then there was nothing, blankness and a deafening silence.
Clary thought she could hear the irregular beeps of machinery and the comforting pressure of someone's hand in hers. It all felt so far away, she could sense what was happening but there was no real feeling around her body. It was empty, cold. Alone.
Jace remembered screaming, trying to hold onto his wife's hand as the gurnee was pulled into the operating room. Clary had lost consciousness when they got off the elevator, her arms and legs going limp. Doctor Verlac had slammed his palm on a bright blue button in the hallway. His wife was surrounded by nurses and doctors in a few short seconds, her body was placed on the bed and they were running down the tiled floor.
They hadn't let him go into the O.R. with her. Jace was furious, this was his wife, the mother of his child. His child, an unborn love that Jace wanted to know. He sat in the waiting room with his head dropped into his shaking hands, his body feeling numb. There was a heavy weight on his chest, like his heart was breaking. Jace's head felt light and he didn't want to open his eyes, dizziness dampening his senses.
He felt the back of the uncomfortable hospital bench dig into his back as Jace rocked slowly in sinking thought. There was a ringing in his ears and he could hear the constant ticking of the clock hovering over his head.
"Jace?" He heard the voice hollowed, like he was underwater. He felt the pressure of a hand on his lax shoulders. The voice grew more insisting when he didn't answer. "Jace? Where's Clary? Why aren't you with her?"
"I don't- they wouldn't let me go with her." He heard himself respond. "Her heart stopped and they took her into the operating room. No one will tell me anything."
Jace hadn't felt his mouth moving or the fear running through him. Alec knelt lowly between his legs and Magnus'. He hadn't noticed when their family made it to the waiting room, he didn't know when they had sat around him or began to talk. All he heard was white noise.
"Izzy is going to go talk to a nurse and Simon is going to call her parents. You just need to take a breath." Alec tried to reason with him. His voice wavering.
Jace's eyes watered and he ran his hands over his face. "I can't lose her, she's my whole world, and our baby. Our baby. I can't breathe-" His voice cracking with emotion as the tears ran down his clammy cheeks. "Alec, I can't- not without them."
"They're both going to be okay, she's strong and if that baby is anything like you, he's going to take care of his mother." Jace nodded mutely. He needed to trust that the doctors would take care of his family until he could.
Isabelle quickly walked down the hallway, her heels clicking down the tiles towards their seats in the waiting room. "I talked with the front desk, she said Clary is out of critical condition and she's doing really well."
"Did they say what was wrong with her?" Jace perked up slightly.
Iz shook her head remorsefully. "That's all I know, I'm sorry Jace."
He could see guilt written all over her face and he knew why. Ever since Clary got closer to her due date they had all agreed to have someone with her. They all wanted to make sure she wasn't alone when she went into labor. Today was supposed to be Isabelle's day but she had wanted to get Simon's birthday present and Clary had insisted she go.
"It wasn't your fault. Clary was okay until we got here, even if you were with her, this still would have happened." He patted his best friend's arm. There was no point in anger and guilt. Nothing would change Clary's condition now and making each other feel bad thinking about what-if's wouldn't make anything better.
"She'll be okay," Isabelle said with conviction. "I know that both of them will be okay."
"Thanks, Iz." He whispered into the small space between them. "I appreciate the reassurance, but I would rather hear it from a doctor."
He didn't mean to snap at her but Jace was tired. He wanted to hold his wife but no one would tell him anything about where she was or how she was. He knew it was wrong and selfish but he didn't think he could survive without her, couldn't hold their child without grief.
Then they waited, they waited for what seemed like an eternity. For any news that could shatter Jace. When a nurse finally came towards them, her blue scrubs sticking her to her damp skin. A collected look on her face.
Jace readily stood on shaking legs, "Is there any news of my wife and my son?"
"They're both okay, she's in 215. Mrs Herondale is still asleep and your son is slightly underweight but healthy, he's resting as well." She read of the clipboard with trained emotions. "You can go see her now but I would recommend-"
Not waiting for her to finish, Jace stormed past her. Unaware of their friends stalking after him through the maze of halls and blank doors. When he finally spotted her door his heart beat a little faster, his feet moving with more determination than before. He didn't notice Alec holding Magnus and Izzy back, nor did he care enough to.
She was there, laying on the plain sheets. Covered in a thick sheen of sweat over her pale skin. Strands of her red hair tied away from her tired face. Clary's chest rose with heavy breaths. Her hands felt clammy and cold in his, but he held on tightly, intertwining their fingers. Her grasp was weak but she was there. Living, breathing, real.
"My pretty girl," He peppered kissed over her artists fingers.
"Hey," Clary's voice cracked from hours under anesthesia. Her eyes were tired but he could hear the panic when she asked, "Is our baby okay?"
"He's okay. I'm sure they'll bring him by soon." She nodded with tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. "We need to give him a name."
"Something befitting of a mighty Herondale?" She joked, a loving smile on her face. He looked at her like she was the most precious thing in the world then. "I love you."
"And I love you." He whispered against her lips. It was a sweet moment of lingering trust and affection. Jace gently stroked his thumb against his wife's cheekbone, enjoying the new warmth as it returned to her face.
A soft cry broke them apart, the door of her room was opened to reveal a nurse with a bundle in her that was very unhappy as it screamed. Hearing the broken shrills of his son's voice, set Jace on edge.
Was he alright? Did he need anything? Why was he crying? Was he hungry?
The instinct to comfort and soothe the boy he hadn't held yet was overwhelming. Watching the nurse move closer to them, Jace knew, if anyone hurt his child he would kill them. It wouldn't matter who, he would do anything to protect the small boy placed in his stiff arms.
His son had a pudgy face, round and red from crying. While he watched his son, Jace could seen the boy calming and looking up. As if recognizing his of blonde hair like his father and forest green eyes like his mother. Jace traced his small button nose and curling fists. He was the most beautiful thing Jace had seen in his life.
"He's-" Jace choked on his words as his son stared up at him. "God, Clary, he's perfect."
Clary reached out for their son and when she felt the weight settle in her arms she couldn't hold back the tears. "Zuko Herondale has a certain ring to it."
"Maybe if our son was the prince of the Fire Nation," Her husband jest as he gathered his family in his arms. Relishing in the warmth and safety they gave him.
"I hate to tell you this but if you ever treat our son like that, I will divorce you."
They fell asleep holding each other. The steady beating of her heart monitor lulling them into a deep slumber. Jace couldn't remember the last time he had been as thankful in his life- actually, he could. He would always be thankful for putting an ad for a roommate online.
The End.
Decide for yourself if they actually named him Zuko or not.
Thank you so much for reading this story. I can't believe I finished the whole thing after fucking around for two years and not getting anything done. This experience has really taught me about hard work- am I going to apply it again anytime soon? Probably fucking not. Do you know how much stress and health instability I've gone through because of NaNoWriMo? No, thank you. Not again, until next fucking November because I have a death wish. This story is honestly one of my only happy-fluffy ones so I hope you loved it because it's pretty rare. You can go read my other stories if you want though!
Special thanks to everyone who continued to support me while this story was at a standstill. For all the people who reviewed and favorited and were so sweet. Thank you to CreativeDesigns, for literally reading everything I write and being awesome in general.