His heavy panting echoed throughout the familiar, empty forest path. There was blood oozing from a mop of teal blue locks but he knew the trail he was leaving will be washed by rain anyways. Each running step he takes would give the muddy puddle a splash and the dirty water would enter his wounded heels but the discomfort of pain and the heavy pouring water was the least of his problems.

His bundle of joy carefully wrapped around his arms in a bloody pink blanket was his top priority.

There was a thunder clash and he could feel him move around his arms. "Hush little one," he says in a sweet and assuring voice as his pace decreases. He knows too well that he was near and it was going to be an eternal goodbye. "It'll be okay. You'll be okay. I promise."

When he reaches the semi-European mansion by its back gate, tears he had been holding finally shed. It was already June and he was sure, he has to be sure that that person will be there to take care of his treasure for the rest of the lifetime.

There were a lot of promise that person couldn't fulfill and this, though he never wanted it to happen, can make up for all the mistakes and lies.

With shaky and wounded arms; he lays the baby by the roofed entrance and whispers more assuring promises. He leaves without turning back no matter how loud the baby began to cry or how painful his body is. Instead; he leaves with a sorrowful yet contented smile.

After all, he heard the familiar footsteps running towards what he leaves that make them will remember what was left of him.