Overlord is owned Warner bros. Interactive. I just own the fanfic.
We start our story with a story book on a table as it magically opens up to show a picture of a king, a queen, and a castle. Then an old Goblin(Gnal) in a cloak walked up to the table.
Gnal:So you want to hear a story. Well alright you always seem to like this one. (Clears throat) Once upon a time there lived a king, his loving queen, and a kingdom of happy humans. I know disgusting. One day when the queen was with child the king went to see the town's oracle to learn of the child's future. The Oracle said "The child will become a great and powerful ruler." But her apprentice who had evil in her heart told the king that the only way his child to be that ruler is to overthrow him. Now here comes the good part. When he got to the castle the queen gave birth to a baby boy. Out of fear the king had the queen executed and the child be thrown in the river to drown. With that done the king began to rule his kingdom with an iron fist. Knowing that the future that was predicted would never come. What's that? You're worried about the child. Well what the king didn't know was instead of drowning in the river the child was washed away into our domain. Sensing evil and vengeance in his heart we took the child in and raised him as our own.
Gnal then closes the book.
Gnal:Yes you were that child and soon you will have your revenge. But not yet, first there's some evil to do.
Out of the shadows comes out a small child in winter clothing covering his face only to reveal glowing yellow eyes.
Gnal walked up to the child.
Gnal:Now before we start doing evil, we should start learning the basics. An adventure always start with a simple step.
The child walked down the cavern.
Gnal:Good, Now a leader is nothing without followers. Lets go look for some minions.
The child and Gnal walk through the cavern to see five brown goblins(Brown minions)eating the carcass of a dead rabbit.
Gnal:As you can see food is a little scarce right now. But soon we will scavenge food no more. Call forth your minions.
The child held out his right hand and the five brown minions came running to him.
Brown minion:Master!
Brown minion:Coming master.
Gnal:Excellent, You now have control over the brown minions. These minions can charge into battle and collect gold and life orbs for your pleasure.
The child, Gnal, and the minions went out of the cavern and into a lush forest covered in snow. While they were walking they come across a field with ten white rabbits.
Gnal:Ick disgusting rodents. Command your minions to kill every last one of them. Before I up chuck.
The minions start to attack all the rabbits. Killing every last rabbit. Then bright yellow orbs appear on top of the carcasses.
Gnal:Those are life orbs. You can use them to get more minions.
The minions grab the orbs and gave them to the child. After that they walked across the meadow to a road that leads to a log cabin.
Gnal:You don't always have to use your minions to attack your enemies. You can use your dark powers to do your bidding. For example set fire to that there cabin with your fire spell.
The child unleashed a giant fireball at the cabin burning it to the ground. Out of the ashes grew a stomp with a magic symbol on it that glows.
Gnal:This is a magic stump. It lets you travel back to the castle when ever you wish. I'll test it out first since I had enough of this fresh air to last a life time.
Gnal stepped on the stump and teleported out of the forest. Then a man in winter clothing holding a spear appeared.
Man(angry):Hey what did you do to my house?!
The man charged at the child but the minions jumped onto the man attacking him and killing him. The child and the minions continued to walk down the road while more brown minions come out of hiding and join the child's army.
Gnal:Hello?(blow)(blow)Is this thing on?Ah there we go now then there should be a small fishing village up ahead. How about spreading some carnage with your new army?
The child and his army headed to village Gnal mentioned. Then the minions started to attack the village. Burning down houses, gathering treasure, eating the town's folks food, drinking their beer, attacking the men holding spears, and chasing the women. During the carnage a young woman ran up to the child.
Woman(scared):Come on we have to get out of here!
Gnal:Oh this is a perfect time to use your mind control spell. Just focus real hard and you'll have creatures under your control.
The child focused real hard and then lightning struck from his hands zapping the woman's head. Causing the woman to lose control of her thoughts as the child is now controling her.
Woman:Yes master.
Gnal:Good work now she will do whatever you command her to do.
Then a small black temple appeared in the middle of town. The child and the hypnotized woman stepped onto the temple. Then a man came up behind them.
Man:Hey where do you think your going with my daughter?!
The child launched at the man burning him alive. The child and the hypnotized woman magically teleported out of the village.