Hello and happy Friday! Thank you to those of you who still continue to read this story and support me. I know this story doesn't get updated a lot but I really appreciate all the feedback!

Ross's Juliet: Thank you! I agree with you on both and here it is!

Guest: Yep! Here you go!

phia514: Aw, thank you so much and I'm happy to hear that! I think I put them dating after Ally being in town for over eight months (though I'm never good at keeping my timeline on track). Maybe…and I'm sorry for the hold up. So, thank you for all the kind words.


Both lines were silent for a few minutes as the information sank in. One was pissed that Ally Dawson was making her way around town, professionally speaking. And the other was feeling conflicted once again. He couldn't believe the young brunette was already at this stage with this town, but he was also slightly impressed. She never once gloated about the job. Hell, he didn't even hear about it around town. And she never asked for help. And that, that falls pretty high in his book. She was earning her respect in this town. He'd give her that.

"Um, Jim?" the voice gruffly calls out.

"Yeah, Kirk?" Jimmy replies, rubbing his forehead as he feels a headache coming.

"What do you want me to do about this?" Kirk questions, his voice still on the edge of anger.

"Nothing," Jimmy mumbles, having an inner battle with himself.

"Nothing?" Kirk repeats, not believing what he just heard.

"Yes, nothing. I don't want to cause any problems when there doesn't need to be any. Let me ask around town to get more information on this case. Thanks for the call," Jimmy concludes as he hangs up.

He leans back in his chair and rubs his temples, still trying to process everything. He needs to know everything about this case and he knows exactly where to start.


She knew taking on a major company like Bass Investments would be a huge risk. She knew what she was getting herself into. She just didn't expect this big of an outcome. Somehow, word started to spread around town that she was incredible at her job and soon, her phone was ringing off the hook. Call after call, people were calling to schedule an appointment with her or for her opinion on certain issues. She was honored people started to appreciate her and her work because even being in the town for close to a year, she still felt like an outsider sometimes. But at the same time, she was getting overwhelmed and flustered. This type of attention wasn't something she's used to, but will quickly need to if her business kept getting clients.

"Yes, yes. I'll see what I can do. No, sorry. I'm booked until next week." Pause. "Yes, I'll call you back if there's a cancellation. Okay, thank you," Ally finishes as she hangs up the phone.

"Another one?" Trish questions with a raised eyebrow and amused smile.

"Yep," Ally nods as she's writing something down on a file.

"Is this all from the Bass case?" Trish wonders, leaning back in her chair and placing her feet on her desk.

"Honestly, I don't know. I mean, probably because let's face it, we've never gotten this much attention after a normal case. And you and I both know that this city talks," Ally points out bluntly.

"Yeah, that's true," Trish agrees. "But one the bright side, at least we're getting more business."

"Yes, you're right. We should be grateful. Do you want to come over here and take this pile and start calling people back?" Ally probes, signaling to the growing stack of papers on her desk.

"I guess," Trish sighs and gives in as work for her takes some added effort sometimes.

Ally laughs at her best friend and is about to say something witty when the phone rings again and breaks the moment.


It's a few days later when Austin is being summoned to Jimmy's office. The scene is all too familiar, but for the first time in a long time, he's not concerned or nervous. He's done his work and even got a few more clients. In everyone's eyes, he's still rolling, stronger than ever and still on top.

Knocking on the door a few times, Jimmy's muffled voice could be heard as he calmly enters.

"Morning Jimmy," Austin greets with a smile.

"Good morning, Austin. How's work? Life? And great work getting Emily Pongo. She's a tough woman to please," Jimmy starts the conversation with a chuckle.

"Works going well, finishing up a few cases. Life's great. And yes, Mrs. Pongo is very hard to please, but when winning and money are involved, that woman is all ears. She's going to help us even more," Austin responds with a satisfied grin.

"Yes, she will. The woman is like our very own Betty White. Though she does have very high expectations, she knows what she wants and everybody loves her. And speaking of everyone, it seems your girlfriend, Ms. Dawson is becoming very popular," Jimmy casually throws out into the conversation.

"Really? That's great. She's an amazing woman and lawyer," Austin beams happily.

"I'm sure she is, considering all the attention she's getting now. I'm just not sure how great this really is", Jimmy voices, trying to get Austin to understand the message behind the words.

"Why wouldn't it be great? I mean, I know some business may head in her direction, but I thought you liked healthy competition?" Austin presses with raised eyebrows.

"I do. However, it's more than that. She's slowly rising to the top while you're pretty close up there yourself. But what happens when you both get there and are put in the position of going against one another? Are you really ready to face that?" Jimmy questions with a serious expression.

"We've done it before," Austin retorts, his temper slowly coming to the surface.

"You have, but not as a couple. It's going to be different and emotions are going to be high. I'm just preparing you for what's to come. I mean, it's already started, but I can guarantee you it's going to get worse," Jimmy declares with honesty.

"I know and thank you for looking out for me. I appreciate you always having my back, Jimmy. But Ally and I made it clear that work stays at work. We hardly talk about any of our cases. And what do you mean it's already started?" Austin probes, his palms starting to sweat.

"Of course, Austin. You know I'm always here for you. And I'm glad you and Ms. Dawson set boundaries. That's important in any relationship, but I think you may need to call a break on it for one night and ask her about her latest case. Things will become clearer," Jimmy remarks softly.

"Okay," Austin nods, not knowing how to react to the news. "Thanks, Jimmy."

"You're welcome. I wish you luck," Jimmy smiles as Austin gets up and leaves the office.

Austin hums in agreement and heads back to his office, his mind going a mile a minute. Noticing Kira's office door closed, he uses this time to call Ally, wanting to get answers and this conversation over with as soon as possible.

Dialing that for familiar number, he immediately greeted with the busy tone and hangs up. He does a few things, calls a few clients and then tries Ally again, getting the same response. A few thoughts run through his mind. Maybe she's talking to a very chatty client? Or maybe, there's something wrong with her landline? Either way, he's a little concerned and goes to his last resort, her cellphone, hoping her ringer is on, or at least on vibrate. He calls the number and listens to it ring and ring and ring before deciding to leave a message. He figures she's really busy with work and decides to focus on his own.

But, his mind is going back to Jimmy's words and thinking about Ally. Feeling a headache coming on, he pushes his chair back with a little too much force as it hits the wall with a bang and then gathers all his files, shoving them into his briefcase before rushing out of his office.

Being in such a rush, Austin doesn't see Kira coming towards him with folders in her hand as he just storms right past her.

"Austin!" she shouts out, her voice stopping his movements instantly.

"Sorry, Kira. I didn't see you. What's up?" he sighs, his shoulders sagging a little bit.

"Are you okay?" she wonders with concern, looking him in the eyes.

"I'm fine, Kira. What do you need?" Austin grumbles, trying to keep calm and patient.

"No, you're not fine. Something's bothering you, I can see you. But I also know you won't tell me because you have that brooding look. Just be safe wherever you're going. I'll leave these on your desk," she replies in a tender tone and motions to the folders.

"Thanks, Ki. I'll see you tomorrow," Austin murmurs, giving her a quick nod and then swiftly turns back around and heads for the elevators.

Within minutes he's outside and practically running to his car as he swears he's losing his mind. He doesn't remember much of the drive, pulling up in front of Ally's building or even getting out of his car, but as soon as he rushes through the door and hears her angelic voice, he seems to snap out of his daze and comes back to reality.

He catches his breath as he listens to her talk.

"Okay, yes. I'll call you when I have an opening. Thank you for calling." Pause. "Yes, yes. Okay, bye," Ally finally hangs up. "Trish, I'm going to-Austin?"

"Hey, Ally," he responds and finds himself walking closer to her desk. Well that's weird; considering that his subconscious is doing all the work.

"What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you because I am, but I'm only twelve o'clock," Ally points out, glancing at her watch.

"Really? It's only noon?" Austin questions in disbelief.

"It is. Aren't you working today? Or did you have court this morning?" Ally inquires with a raised eyebrow as she watches her boyfriend in bemusement.

"I was working today, but something was on my mind and I needed to talk to you. I tried calling, but your line was always busy," Austin explains, slowly coming back into focus.

"Yeah, we've been getting phone calls all day," Trish speak as Austin looks in the direction of the new voice.

"Hi, Trish," he embarrassedly waves, not noticing she was there. That's how bad his attention span is today.

"Austin," Trish smiles widely. "Als, I'll go call on these in the other room so you two can talk," mentioning casually as she picks up the note pad and walks way.

Once they hear the other door close, Austin catches Ally's stare as she's trying to read his demeanor.

"Ally," Austin says softly, making her shake her head and blink a few times to refocus.

"Sorry," she sheepishly smiles. "You said you needed to talk with me? Is everything okay, Aus?"

"Yeah, I think so. Seeing your smiling faced always makes me happy," Austin replies with sincerity.

"Austin," Ally murmurs, her cheeks turning a shade of pink.

"I'm serious. You're my light, Ally. And have your phones really been ringing all day?" Austin wonders with a huge grin.

"Thank you, Aus. You're too sweet. And just so you know, you're my rock in all the chaos," Ally beams as Austin walks over to her and takes her in his arms.

"We're a good match, huh?" Austin smirks, kissing Ally's forehead.

"We are," Ally agrees. "Oh, and to answer your question, yes, our phones has been ringing all day."

"That's fantastic. Did you win a big case?" Austin inquires, the pride on his face shining through.

"Not exactly," Ally states. "We actually settled."

"That's still good. You must have gone up against someone who knows the game," Austin utters without thinking.

"Austin, remember our rule?" Ally presses with a stern look.

"I do. But Ally, you must have gone up against someone powerful if your phone keeps ringing. I'm not asking for details or information. I just want to hear how my girlfriend kicked ass," Austin counters seriously.

Ally bites her lip, debating on what to do as this is a major dilemma. They strictly shut off work conversations while together because they didn't want to be influenced or learn any information the other person might have. They also didn't want to become involved in any of their cases and jeopardize the other's trial. It was a tough position to be in, but they both thought it was a fair and reasonable deal.

"Austin," Ally sighs, finally coming to a decision. "What I tell you cannot leave this office. Understood?"

"Yes," Austin nods truthfully. "I would never go behind your back like that."

"I glad you have the decency not to do that," Aly grumbles sarcastically and with a touch of bitterness.

"Ally, what are you talking about?" Austin examines, feeling a certain uneasiness coming from his girlfriend.

"Nothing. It's nothing for you to worry about," Ally waves off, hating that she brought it up.

"No, I don't believe you. What happened Als?" Austin pushes as he points to her chair behind her and he pulls out the chair across from her. "That's why you left New York, isn't it?" the next questions comes as they both take a seat.

Leaning back in her chair and staring up at the ceiling, Ally exhales a long breath and then whispers, "Yes." Silence fills the room for a few minutes before Ally sits back up and faces Austin with a grim expression. "Back in New York I worked for WLRK; Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz. They are one of the best and biggest law firms in the state and I got hired right after I graduated and passed the BAR. In the beginning, I had small, minimal cases and has happy. At least for the most part. About a year into working with them, I got assigned a major case along with another lawyer who was only a few years older than me. We were professional throughout the whole trial and afterwards. He was nice, a little egotistical, but not hard to get along with. After we won the case, I was paired with him again and we won that case a well. Our bosses were surprised, but pleased with the outcome and assigned us to be permanent partners on all our cases. We won every single case and became the 'Dynamic Duo' in our office. So of course, over the span of about six months, we became closer. We had a really good friendship. Solid and dependable. And in an even shorter amount of time, we started dating. We kept it a secret in the beginning as in-office relationships were forbidden. But after being together for close to four months and almost being caught multiple times, we decided to tell our bosses and accept the consequences. They were pretty angry, but also noticed that out work wasn't being affected by the relationship so we signed an agreement about keeping our private and professional lives separate. We also got assigned different cases so we weren't partners anymore, but dating. He was still as great as ever and I was slowly starting to make a name for myself. By our one year anniversary, I was right behind him in wins and cases and he started to get threatened. A man's ego and pride are a deadly combination and once I was right behind him in popularity, he started to spread rumors about me. Only, I didn't not it was him at the time. I have pretty thick skin so I didn't let it get to me. I mean, you have to be pretty tough in this job. So, I ignored every crude and disgusting whisper behind my back until one day, I had just won another case and thought my boyfriend would be happy for me. Well as you can guess, he wasn't and said that I only got there by sleeping my way to the top. Which isn't necessarily true. In that instant, I knew he was the behind everything and dumped him right on the spot. But that didn't stop the rumors and little by little, things got worse. Eventually things got so bad I had to resign. Luckily Wachtell was understanding and got me another job at another law firm out of the city. In the beginning, things were fine. But I forgot that lawyers talk and soon, word about me got to them and it started again. It was like I was back in high school and slowly drowning. But once again, luck was on my side and my new boss was friends with your major. Which is how I ended up here and why I was so hesitant and standoff-ish in the beginning. I couldn't risk going through that again."

"Oh, Ally," Austin breathes out, getting up from his chair, walking around the desk and bringing her into his arms. "I promise to never intentionally hurt you. I love you too much to do that."

"You love me?" Ally stutters out, hearing the words for the first time from Austin.

"I love you," Austin repeats, a shy smile on his lips and pick cheeks.

"I, I love you too," Ally beams, looking up at Austin with a new found happiness and feeling a sense of relief.

"Ally, I love you so much," Austin says again, his smiling reaching from ear to ear.

The two share a kiss that's filled with love. So much love and that this feeling makes them feel like they're floating on air.

"I know it's still a little early in the relationship to be at this point, but I've never felt surer in my life. I won't let you down, Als," Austin promises, kissing Ally again as his hands hold her neck and cheek.

"I know. I feel the same way, Austin. And I know you won't. Which is why what I tell you next will never leave this office," Ally states firmly.

"Of course," Austin nods quickly, feeling anxious and nervous with what Ally's about to tell him.

"My case was against Bass Investments. I got them to settle and fork up a lot of money to my clients. That's why my phone's' been ringing all day. People are interested and want my help," Ally expresses with a gleeful smile.

"Wow, that's incredible," Austin responds, stunned and amazed. "And, did you say Bass Investments?"

"I did. Do you know them?" Ally questions, knitting her eyebrows together.

"I do. They're clients of ours," Austin answers simply.

"Oh, are you mad?" Ally wonders, nervously biting her lower lip.

"Mad? No. You did a remarkable job getting Bass to settle. They're tough, hardheaded and super competitive. I'm so proud of you," Austin smiles, hugging Ally and kissing her forehead.

"Thanks, Austin," Ally murmurs into his chest as a quietness takes over the office.


The next day, Austin returns back to work with a bone to pick with his boss. He couldn't believe Jimmy stooped that low and played that card. He though they were past this. Well, apparently not. Damn him.

Austin roughly knocks on the door and without waiting for an answer, lets himself in and startles Jimmy who's busily reading over a case.

"Austin?" he questions in surprise.

"What the hell Jimmy? What game are you playing?" Austin demands, his eyes narrowing as he glares at his boss with fire in his eyes.

"You better watch yourself, son. Don't come in here like the big bad wolf. We're all adults and are going to act civilly. Now, what's the problem, Austin?" Jimmy calmly inquires.

"You knew about the Bass case, didn't you?" Austin states straight out.

"I did," Jimmy nods in agreement.

"So, why did I have to find out about it? Did you want me to be a rat and get information? Did you want me to feel threatened by my girlfriend?" Austin begins to list off in his rant, his voice changing from low to high with every question.

"Don't you dare think of me as a snake. We have integrity at this firm. Also, I don't want or need information. I wanted you to see that she's catching up to you. That pretty soon the two of you will be going head to head in courtrooms and sometimes, it won't be pretty. I guarantee it. I'm opening your eyes to future possibilities because you're too blinded by love. I have nothing against Ms. Dawson, honest. If anything, I'm impressed by her. But you need to be prepared for what can come. You need to be real with yourself and comprehend that what brought the two of you together can also be what tears you apart," Jimmy lays out the truth, his eyes never leaving Austin's.

Austin just stares back and takes a second to absorb the comments. He understands Jimmy's point of view, but he also knows himself and Ally. They're stronger than people think and know. This won't damage them. It'll only push them and create a stronger bond.

"Thanks, Jimmy. I appreciate you looking at the biggest picture. But Ally and I are secure in this relationship and our jobs. We'll be fine," Austin finally shares with a smile.

"Okay," Jimmy settles, not fighting Austin anymore on this subject. "I wish you luck."

"Thank you," Austin replies, not knowing what he just got himself into.

And there you go folks. Please let me know what you think!

Thanks and until next time,

Missy xx