Author's note: In a household with more than one woman there's bound to be trouble. An axiom that Stannis had seen proved countless times. But his wife doesn't really count as a woman and Melisandre isn't his mistress, just a pretty priest of some stupid fire - religion, whom Selyse likes even more than he does. So his household is relatively safe… safe, wistful and depressing. Which, alas, is more than can be said for the realm ruled by his constantly drunk brother Robert.

But when a young woman, who is the epitome of blood, beauty and bravery literally falls from the sky right into Stannis's arms and opens up old wounds of lives lost and friends betrayed… that's when it starts to get interesting, dangerous, scintillating, even heartbreaking… and a bit like being in a pit of vipers…

AU, where Stannis doesn't sacrifice people, Dany rises to power, gets into a bloody civil war and escapes from Meereen on Drogon's back while Robert Baratheon is still king and Ned Stark his Hand. But instead of flying east to the Dothraki sea, the wounded dragon flies west to heal himself in the fires of mount Dragonmont on Dragonstone island and get himself, his mother and many others into big trouble in the process.

On Dragonstone Dany discovers many things including stories about her eldest brother Rhaegar and realizes that king Robert's hatred of Stannis for letting the little Targaryens slip through his fingers wasn't really all that stupid at all…

The warm sunrays sparkled beautifully on the dark and playfully stormy treacherous waters around Dragonstone Island, the first outpost of Blackwater bay. Racing winds swished through the rocks that covered the slopes of mount Dragonmont, blowing away the pale grey steam that rose above the ancient volcano and sweeping down into the enormous Dragonstone harbor that covered the most part of the southern shore of the island. Their cold, salty air was a welcome contrast to the burning hot rays of the sun that blessed the islanders with the warmth of a long, hot summer. There wasn't a cloud in sight on the brilliantly blue sky and the only thing that spoiled the perfect line of contrast between shades of blue were numerous sales on the horizon. Sales of every shape and form, bringing ships from all over the world in and out of both the civilian and military part of the main harbor.

Ser Davos Seaworth smiled and inhaled deeply as he felt the breath of the winds, the warmth of the sun and the spray of the sea on his face. It was a perfect day to sail and he felt a tender envy for the numerous ships that were leaving the safety of the docks, setting out to unknown destinations in and out of the Narrow sea. He had spent a long time at sea and even after seventeen years of a very good life on land he still missed the ever-changing and yet always constant endless horizon.
But as much as he would've liked to brave the vast and treacherous waters of the oceans of the world, he would never leave this rocky little island for anything. Being here on Dragonstone and serving its lord was the joy and purpose of Davos's life, and now his older sons' lives as well. And this huge, sound, perfectly organized and constantly busy harbor was just one on the many things lord Stannis Baratheon, Master of Ships and by extension his most loyal friend and advisor could be proud of.

Davos jumped off his horse, threw the reigns to one of his seven guards and commanded them to wait, while he takes a stroll around the harbor and its market. He loved walking around the intricate maze of stalls and small shops, filled to the brim with shouting, laughter and songs, smells of fruit, spices, fish and many other things Davos's senses didn't even care to register.

"Ser Davos!"- called a voice form his right – "What an honor to see you again! Would the honored knight care for some Dornish wine, just in from Sunspear? Or perhaps something even better… some Tyrochi pear brandy?"

"Do not listen to him, good ser" – cried another familiar voice form his left – "It's vinegar he sells, not wine! Would you care to taste some freshly smoked meat or chicken from the Reach? Melts in the mouth."

"Meat form the Reach?!" – came yet another cry – "Why you traitor of Dragonstone! It is fish we eat here! Freshly fried and caught only this morning…"

Davos smiled as he passed the merchants without even stopping to look. The market of Dragonstone harbor was one of the worst in the world when it came to traders' persistence and talent for bargaining, so stopping to even look at something almost inevitably led to buying it as well as a whole lot of other things you didn't need. Even Davos with his vast experience of even larger and more dangerous markets of Lys or Volantis didn't feel too safe here…
The only person that was exempt from the dreary process of bargaining was Stannis, to whom the merchants never dared to speak unless spoken to. But he was a rare guest of the busy and colorful market and usually visited the blacksmiths or bookstalls only.

"Ah, my dear ser Davos, what a pleasure" – came a rather quiet, silky voice of the textiles merchant – "How fortunate it is for your lady wife that you decided to grace us with your presence today"

"And why is that?" – Davos said, finally yielding to the storm of offers all around him.

"Because a shipment of lace and silks scarves from Lys arrived only two days ago. And they are all so beautiful, I swear to the Lord of Light I nearly went blind just looking at them"

"You and your Lord of Light" – Davos spat contemptuously – "A lot of rubbish the whole thing"

"If you please, dear ser, I'm sure there is no need to insult the Red God anymore than the Seven" – the merchant replied politely – "Many people here, including the lady Selyse herself would thank you for it. And lord Stannis, may the Lord grant him long life, in his wisdom, allows anyone to practice their religion freely"

"Be that as it may" – Davos sighed resignedly. He was a tolerant man by any standards, but the more he saw of the foreign religion brought in by Essos merchants, the more the disliked it and its adepts – "What's all the fuss about those silks then?"

"Yards and yards of absolute perfection, ser Davos" – the merchant smiled unctuously, laying out numerous fabrics of all imaginable colors – "And the scarves… my goodness! Any lysane noblewoman would wear them with pride"

"This one seems rather pretty" – Davos replied, choosing a violet scarf, richly embroided with silver thread – "I'll take it"

"Your taste is exquisite, my lord" – the man bowed - "And I'm sure the good knight with his vast knowledge of the world will agree that twenty golden dragons is a fair price for such beauty"

Davos chuckled at that. Everyone in the seven kingdoms and even beyond knew his story of smuggler turned landed knight and dear friend to the greatest general of Westeross. He was proud of his life and didn't hesitate to confirm any fact of it when necessary, but the impudent merchants seemed to have developed the tale into a form of veiled flattery all in the hopes to get their prices up. Well, if they insisted of having a taste of his "vast knowledge of the world", so be it…

"My dear man, I would have paid you the whole sum had I not the most sincere and genuine concern for your health" – Davos replied affably – "I know you will not sleep at night if I pay more than ten golden dragons"

"Oh dear, oh dear! The great knight is set on bankrupting me and seeing my poor wife and children begging in the streets" – the merchant wailed, taking up the well-known and well – loved game of bargaining – "But seventeen golden dragons might still save the day"



"Thirteen and not one gold piece more" – Davos said finally, deciding not to press any harder as the price came down to fairly reasonable and he was getting tired of the man.

"Done!" – the merchant said, clapping his hands together as was custom.

And to think that only seventeen years ago this place was just a deserted beach at the foot of Dragonstone fortress with nothing, but a few fishing boats to show for it, Davos thought proudly as he put the folded fabric into his breast pocket and started his journey back.
Look at it now! A center of trade, where not just sailors prefer to get their supplies… knights, merchants and smallfolk of the Stormlands, Crownlands and the Eyrie… everyone can be seen here! A useless piece of rock turned great city by sheer genius and hard work.

When Davos finally reached the main pier on the military part of the harbor, he saw a familiar silhouette of the "Fury", flagship of the Royal fleet on the horizon, flying the stag banner. The Master of Ships was finally returning home after spending a month in King's Landing. Stannis was always sailing back and forth between his main base and the Red Keep, where he was obliged to attend the Small council meetings and he rarely came back happy.
The Master of Ships was almost universally respected and feared by lords and smallfolk of Westeros alike, loved faithfully by his own men, who would walk through the fires of the Seven Hells for him and on friendly terms with the Hands of the king, both old and new. But his family in Kind's Landing and on Dragonstone was a source unending vexation and grief. King Robert, who spent his days drinking, hunting and whoring, despised and feared his brilliant younger brother. Lord Renly, youngest of the Baratheon brothers, who was recently appointed Master of Laws didn't really care for anything except fashion and amusements. And Stannis's wife, the Lady Selyse was an arrogant, bossy and fretful woman, whose ugly temper was matched only by the ugliness of her face. After almost ten years of marriage, she still hadn't fulfilled the duty of any married woman to provide her lord husband with a son and annoyed Stannis constantly with her flair for drama he had little patience for. The only family member the lord of Dargonstone really loved was his only daughter Shireen, a smart and curious, but sickly child, disfigured for life by Greyscale.

A genuinely happy smile graced Davos's face as he saw his lord and dearest friend come down the gangway of the safely docked "Fury" and head towards the small party of Davos's men who were waiting with horses to greet him.

"Good day, my lord?" – Davos asked as Stannis stalked past the bowing knights and sailors hardly acknowledging their presence.

"And what's good about it?!" – the lord of Dragonstone snapped irritably as he jumped into the saddle and sent the horse into a trot.

"King's Landing still not at all pleasant?" – Davos asked with a compassionate smile as he rode close to his lord and master.

"You can say that again, Davos!" – Stannis growled angrily – "We'll talk later!"

"As you wish, my lord" – Davos replied worriedly. He was used to Stannis's quick temper and rather grumpy disposition, but he hadn't seen his friend that angry in a very long time.

The crowds of venders and byers at the market cheered the lord of Dragonstone as his party rode past them, but he took no notice and sent his horse into a gallop as soon as the party reached the rocky serpentine road that led to the fortress.

Castle Dragonstone was the source of fearful legends, spread all over and way beyond the island. Its enormous dark shadow in the shape of a dragon overhung the harbor and neighboring villages like a fierce beast from ancient times, guarding its den. Its high, steep walls made of smooth black stone stood proudly between the craggy slopes of the smoking mount Dragonmont and the treacherous waters of Blackwater bay. For centuries the ancient valyiran citadel and ancestral home to the Targaryens was believed to be unbreachable, until its present lord proved otherwise, sacking the castle in a single awesome attack from the sea. Thus destroying the last Targaryen loyalists and vanishing what remained of the dragons from Westeros.

As soon as he entered the gates of Stone Drum, lord Stannis headed straight to the top of the keep, followed closely by Davos. He stared broodily at his feet as he stalked the dark narrow corridors of the castle ignoring the servants and soldiers who greeted him deferentially. When at long last they reached the Chamber of the Painted Table, Stannis stopped abruptly before the door, threw his cloak to one of the guards and practically slammed the door in Davos's face with a single line

"Not to be disturbed!"

"Yes, my lord" – Davos answered and sighed heavily as he closed the doors.

"What's wrong, ser Davos?" – one of the guards whispered quietly.

"Damned if I know, Tanner" – Davos replied worriedly – "But you'd better make sure he isn't disturbed by anyone, or else…"

Stannis lost all track of time as he paced up and down the Chamber halls for hours, seething with rage and worry. Countless times he sat down and stared at the enormous map of Westeros which was the Pained Table only to spring up again angrily. Finally feeling tired out by pointless exercise, he unbuckled his sword, left it on the table and went out onto a large triangle stone plate that was separated from the chamber by three arches. It served as an unpaled and rather dangerous balcony, but the view it provided to anyone who was brave enough to face the open realm of winds that lay between sea and sky was completely breathtaking. Overlooking the forever busy harbor, the neighboring villages and wild beaches for miles around, it seemed to bring the endless horizon closer.

Stannis sat down onto the cold black plate, that was his favorite place in the whole castle and felt himself slowly calm down as he watched the setting sun paint the sky richly in a million shades of dark red to fire orange to light purple. A cold, but pleasing wind was blowing in from the restless sea, cooling down his burning forehead and leaving a sense of emptiness in his soul. Stannis inhaled deeply the fresh salty air and savored every moment of the peaceful solitude he wished would last forever, when the whole world seemed like a dream and his only reality was the endless union of sea and sky and the playing winds in-between.

He was so lost in the pleasure of being alone, he hardly noticed the door of the chamber being opened carefully by his friend, who peeked in and waited for Stannis to either allow him to come in or send him away.

"My lord?" – Davos called gently when he got tired of Stannis's silence.

"Come in, Davos" – Stannis said reluctantly, getting up and walking slowly back into the chamber.

"Forgive me for disturbing you, my lord, but dinner is being served. Do you wish it brought up here?"

"Not hungry" – Stannis replied as he flopped himself into one of the beautifully carved chairs.

"Forgive my concern, my lord, but I haven't seen you like this in a long while" – Davos asked carefully – "What's happened?"

"Robert happened, that's what" – Stannis grumbled bitterly – "He's pulling the realm into bankruptcy and there's nothing even Ned Stark can do to make him see reason"

"Well, that's not news" – Davos shrugged his shoulders – "He's been doing that for the last seventeen years"

"Yes, and now we've finally reached the point when shit gets real" – Stannis snapped – "The crown is over seven million in debt to Tywin Lannister and the Iron Bank and Robert, who suddenly decided to grace the small council with his presence, demanded that a grand tourney be held in two months to celebrate his name day and honor his victory over the Targaryens"

"Why the victory?" – Davos asked perplexed.

"He seems to think that it would be a good way to remind both Westeros and the Targaryen girl that the Seven Kingdoms are well rid of the Dragon."

"Well, he's right there."

"Of course he is, but we just can't afford it" – Stannis nodded reluctantly – "Not in this crisis anyway. So Ned Stark and I strongly advised him to revoke his plan"


"Well, to cut a long story short, the king told the council that if the realm needed drastic measures of economy he suggests to start with stopping all financing of fleets by the crown"

"What?!" – Davos blurted out, refusing to believe his ears.

"Aye, and leave it to the Master of Ships and the respective commanders of the Royal, Lannister and Redwyne fleets to supply all the money" – Stannis chuckled bitterly – "Which wouldn't be a problem, since Tywin Lannister shits gold, the Redwynes are provided for by the Arbor and the Reach and I am doing so bloody well with the trade on my useless little spit of an island. But that's not all he suggested…"

"It is also the king's wish that all shipping and trade taxes be doubled for foreign merchants and increased by a half for westerosi" – Stannis continued, almost enjoying the sight of Davos's eyes growing wider by the second.

"Fuck me!" – Davos huffed, forgetting his manners – "Oh, I beg your pardon, my lord"

"Curse all you want, ser Davos"- Stannis sighed heavily – "That's all I've been doing for the last two days"

"He's trying to do to me what the Mad King did to Tywin Lannister" – Stannis continued musingly – "He raises the taxes, lets the masses groan for a couple of years, then miraculously learns of the people's displeasure, blames me and Ned Stark for allowing it to happen and reduces the taxes again, having collected all the cash and the popularity."

"But how can he risk weakening the Royal fleet with the Targaryen threat rising again in Essos?" – Davos shook his head, still not quite believing this conversation was really happening – "Who knows who the Redwynes will join if the Targaryen invades? Not to mention the ironborns… If that happens… Will the Lannister fleet alone be enough even with you leading it?"

"First of all the Targaryen is in the middle of a bloody civil war in which her victory is doubtful. Even if she does regain control of Slaver's Bay it will be years before she is strong enough to even think of invading Westeros. And second of all, Robert knows I will do anything to keep my fleet well and afloat."

"Forgive me, my lord, I've always had complete faith in you" – Davos said, treading carefully – "But what if you can't? The trade is all very well, but it's not enough… And who knows how it's going to go with all those new taxes…"

"Of course it isn't. If only I had the Stormlands… Well, if I can't solve this problem, then Robert will finally get a good reason for sacking me and exiling me in disgrace… at least until my help is needed again" - Stannis shrugged his shoulders – "He's been dreaming of doing it for a long time. But he won't do it because he knows he needs me. He's known it from the start. From the first day of his rebellion, he's known it. And he hates me for it…"

"So… what are you going to do?" – Davos sighed worriedly, scratching his head in vague hopes that the old method of increasing thought efficiency might actually work.

"Ned Stark has promised to do his best to make Robert see reason before the next council meeting I attend on the next full moon" – Stannis replied musingly – "But if he doesn't… I'll think of something…"

Suddenly they heard raised voices coming from behind the door.

"Oh, damn!" – Stannis cursed under his breath as he recognized the sharp high – pitched screaming of his wife – "What does she want?"

"Lady Selyse and the red priestess are planning a firenight tonight on the beach, your lordship" – Davos replied apprehensively – "And apparently they have a request to make of you"

"What request?" – Stannis groaned, rubbing his temples as he felt the headache that interaction with Selyse usually gave him start a bit earlier than usual.

"They wouldn't say…"

"His lordship gave specific instructions, my lady" – came a muffled guard's voice form behind the door.

"If he can see that blaggard Davos, he can certainly see his own wife!" – shrieked Selyse – "Open the door, man!"

Gathering all his will and patience to help him brave his wife's displeasure, Stannis sighed resignedly and waved to Davos to go open the door.

"Finally!" – Selyse yelled as she stalked through the chamber and stopped right in front of her husband. She was followed closely by lady Melisandre, a beautiful woman in her thirties, who came to Dragonstone almost a year ago to preach the word of the Lord of Light and has been a dear spiritual friend to Stannis's wife ever since.

"What do you want, woman?" – Stannis asked irritably, eyeing Selyse from head to toe – "What's so important that couldn't wait until tomorrow?"

"I wished to welcome you home, my lord" – Selyse answered in an offended tone – "And to invite you to the firenight lady Melisandre and I are holding on the beach tonight for everyone who worships the one true God"

"It's enough that I tolerate your nonsense for the wellbeing of the island and its trade, Selyse" – Stannis said coldly – "It is too much to ask me to join in"

"There will be a big crowd, your lordship" – the beautiful priestess said in a sweet gentle voice – "Merchants and sailors from all over the world, those who visit here for a while and residents alike. Even people who worship other Gods come to see the fire. It would mean so much to them and to us to see you there as well…"

Stannis turned his gaze to the young woman and the prickly ice in his eyes seemed to melt a little. This gorgeous slip of a girl was the main reason he allowed the absurd foreign religion to spread from the beach to the castle. To Stannis, Melisandre of Asshai was like an exquisite work of art that decorated his gloomy and dreary home. To be watched and admired, but never touched or taken seriously. No matter how much she tried to seduce him, he gritted his teeth, restrained his lust and remained a distant observer of both her charms and her religion. All of the priestess's words were completely ridiculous, but her deep, velvety voice was almost musical. He loved to hear it rolling and flowing gently, like a mountain spring when she preached the stupid foreign dogma to all the fools who would listen. Though Stannis strongly suspected, that many of those fools listened to her sermons for the same unholy reasons he did. And a good thing too, since the girl was a cruel and manipulative fanatic and it wouldn't do to allow her to subdue too many men. But her face was a picture of loveliness, her body almost perfectly formed and her cat – like stride a great pleasure to watch. And last, but definitely not least, the woman seemed to possess a truly magical ability to keep Selyse happily off his back, so Stannis let her continue her efforts and kept a sharp eye on both her successes and her splendid womanly curves.

"Did I not make myself clear?!" – Stannis snapped – "Do your firenight if you must, but leave me, my men and my people out of it"

"Very well, but tonight is a blessed night of the new moon, when the light of the Lord descends and grants the wishes of all his true followers and we shall need a sacrifice to make the magic even stronger. A human sacrifice." – Selyse said calmly.

"What?!" – Stannis cried and exchanged bewildered glances with Davos, who was staring equally pop – eyed.

"We were thinking of one of the prisoners awaiting death, my lord" - Melisandre said meekly – "Surely there can be no harm in changing the sentence a bit for the good of the people and of your house?"

"Have you gone completely insane, both of you?!" – Stannis bellowed, springing up from his chair – "No! Never! I will not allow you to practice any of those preposterous barbaric rituals either for the pleasure of the masses or for the so – called good of my house!"

"But if you do this, we will have a son, my lord!" – Selyse cried– "The Lord of Light will lift the curse form my womb, I know he will! The curse your brother and my cousin placed on our union, when they defiled our marriage bed…"

"If it was the curse of stupidity from your head, you know, I might be tempted" – Stannis snorted.

He could've easily added "the curse of ugliness from your face", but that would've been hitting below the belt. As much as the woman annoyed and angered him, he could never say something like that to her. He knew only too well what it was like to be mocked and bullied by older people as a child and she had suffered much worse than he had. Men could get away with being ugly, but women were brought up to believe that they had to be beautiful, or they didn't have anything. And Selyse never even had a prayer…

"You would have me stay barren and yourself without an heir rather than sacrifice the life of a worthless criminal?!" – Selyse screamed at the top of her squeaky voice as she clutched his shoulders and stared with desperate bigotry in her eyes.

"I would have the laws of the realm followed and respected" – Stannis replied sternly – "Stop clutching me, woman"

"But my lord, the magic of the Lord of Light works wonders…" – Melisandre tried to interfere as Selyse reluctantly let go of Stannis's jacket.

"Let me settle this once and for all, dear ladies" – Stannis replied icily, fuming with rage – "If you're so desperate for a human sacrifice, feel free to burn yourselves any time you wish. Hell, I'll even come to the ritual"

"What did you say?!" – Selyse gasped in deep shock.

"And if ever again I hear talk of sacrifices from you or from anyone else… there will be trouble! I promise you that!"

"Davos, tell the men to prepare my horse" – Stannis snapped at his friend who was standing quietly by the wall and trying his best not to giggle.

With that Stannis fastened his sword to his belt and stormed out of the chamber.

"Where are you going?!" – Selyse cried as she ran after him.


To most islanders the deserted, grey, rocky slopes of mount Dragonmont were a dangerous area that was off limits to anyone who didn't wish to fall to their death, be cursed by dark magic or be burned by some hidden fire – spitting geyser. But to Stannis they were a place of peace and refuge he would always go to whenever he wanted to truly be alone. The only place in the world where he could drop all defenses and relieve his feelings, think and plan quietly or just walk for his own pleasure. The dark, mysterious rocks and caves of the ancient mountain were as familiar to him as the halls of his own castle. He had explored every single one of them over the years and even showed some of the more beautiful ones to Davos, who was the only person ever allowed to come with him on rare occasions. Most of the caves and tunnels were rich in dragonglass that, sadly, was completely useless for anything other than admiring the beauty of its glow in the light of torches. Or better still, the flickering light of fiery geysers that covered the floors of some of the deeper tunnels…

"Do you wish me to accompany you, my lord?" – Davos asked catching up with Stannis.

"No, ser Davos. I need to think. You'd better stay here and keep an eye on the fire – games. I'll be back in the morning."

"Yes, my lord!"

The large twinkling stars that covered the transparent black moonless sky danced before Daenerys's eyes with every flap of Drogon's wings. She had no idea where Drogon was taking her as she had long lost any sense of time or direction. They had been flying for several days and no matter how hard Dany tried to make him turn back, Drogon ignored her and kept flying to somewhere unknown. Drogon had stopped to rest several times along the way, but Dany could feel the wounded dragon getting weaker and his body becoming colder as he continued to bleed fire. He had even begun to lose his balance from time to time and rock high up in the air almost falling to the black watery abyss of the sea below.

Well, at least her 'son' didn't leave his 'mother' in the middle of nowhere, Dany thought fearfully.

They had been flying over the sea for hours and Dany was afraid that the dying dragon wouldn't make it to wherever he planned to go, so they would fall and be forever lost among the waves.
It would be pretty ironic for her to drown just after finally managing to mount her dragon and surviving an attack of the 'Sons of the Harpy' in the Great Arena of Meereen, Dany thought as Drogon flinched once again. Many of her people would find such an outcome welcome. Even the ones she had freed from the yoke of slavery and believed to be her friends and her children.
Would she be able to make it back to Slaver's Bay where a bloody civil war she had started was raging and claiming the lives of her friends and enemies every single day? What would happen to her supporters and her dragons if she didn't? What right did she have to call herself queen if she was nowhere to be found when her people needed her?

As Dany stared into the darkness ahead, she suddenly noticed a black patch on the abundantly starred sky. Dany's heart did a backflip as she recognized the dark contours of a mountain and felt Drogon go down slowly. After days of exhausting flight, her mighty dragon had made it safely to their journey's end. At least she hoped it was the end…
As they flew nearer, Dany began to discern that the mountain was actually the center of what looked like a large rocky island. She could even make out some of the long, black tape of the coastline cut several times by dim, flickering lights of a few villages.
It was a great comfort to know they wouldn't be alone on this pile of rock, Dany thought feeling a bit of relief. At least she would be able to get some food and shelter, while Drogon is doing whatever he was planning to do.

Suddenly Drogon changed his course and headed around the mountain to the other side.
Had he been here before? – Dany wondered. It certainly seemed like he knew where he was going… But dragons often find their goals on instinct, so it may have been the first time.
She smiled curiously as they flew over a city that covered the lower part of the mountain slopes. It had a huge harbor with lots of ships and continued into a brightly lit up beach, full of people holding torches and standing around a large fire. Dany immediately recognized them as worshipers of R'holler or Lord of Light, whose cult was very popular in the Free Cities.

Where could they be, Dany wondered as she watched the huge flames flicker against the darkness. At the beginning of their long and exhausting flight it seemed to her like Drogon was heading west, so the Island could be Lys or Tyroshi…

There's no doubt the islanders knew that dragons were back in the world and that their mother was battling slavery in Meereen. Would the slavers rather help or kill the fearsome beast and its rider when they saw them? Much to Dany's discomfort the later seemed far more likely… Would poor Drogon have enough strength to defend them?
But perhaps, if Drogon stayed hidden somewhere inside the mountain they wouldn't even notice him, Dany thought hopefully. There's no moon, so the night is dark enough to conceal the silhouette of a dragon high up in the air. Especially, since most of the people of the ground are completely engrossed with their fire – rituals… She would leave Drogon to rest, go down to the city and find a way to send word to Meereen. There were many descendants of Old Valyria in the Free Cities, so she wouldn't be recognized too easily…

Suddenly Dany's blood froze with fear as she realized that Drogon's wings could no longer hold up his weight and that they would crash – land into the rock.

Dany clung to Drogon's back with all her might as his warn out body smashed onto a small clearing on the mountain side, but she wasn't nearly strong enough to hold on. Her heart stopped as she felt herself being thrown over Drogon's head, his sharp horns cutting into her belly and ripping open her right thigh. She managed only to put out her hands in a desperate attempt to break the fall as she hit the rock, but her body was too light and the speed to high. She rolled forward and slid right over the edge of the clearing. Next thing Dany knew, the world began to spin madly before her eyes, dark grey rocks mixed with dark blue sky, blood mixed with dirt and pain mixed with fear…