OPL 19:

Thud thud shhhing crack shing thud thud thud thud. Roronoa Zoro marched through the jungle with heavy footsteps. Each time his foot hit the ground he winced, but kept moving anyway. He slashed his sword out of his sheath, across a tree trunk, and back into his white sheath before continuing to walk. It was morning, again, and for the third day in a row, he still had not found the camp. He heard a quiet moaning on his back and his eyes widened a little, making him stop walking.

The green haired, muscular swordsman placed the woman on his back down as carefully as he could. His eyes lingered on her bulging stomach, and his face covered in sweat. He gulped, The doctor said her baby could come any day now. Shit, he tried to stay calm and just stared down at the woman's face as her eyes fluttered open. She was a mess. Her long blonde hair was all over the place, as she had been carried through a humid jungle for days in a trance-like state. Zoro had been able to give her food and water occasionally, but she would not stay awake for long, and kept shouting nonsense at him.

Claire Littleton opened up her eyes. She felt like she was leaning up against a tree, which was because that was what she was doing. When her eyes opened, they immediately focused on the figure in front of her. She looked up his legs, and before she even reached his black, torn shorts, her eyes darted to his lower left leg which was coated in brown. She followed the trails of brown up, and realized it looked more like dark red, and she found out why when she reached his shorts. There was a hole in his black shorts, a very small, circular hole.

The man saw where she was looking and grimaced. Damn that bullet hurt taking out. Claire gasped and he thought grimly, That one hurt more. She was staring at his green t-shirt now, where the entire right side of it was covered in dried blood. "Yo Claire," he stated, looking down at the woman's face that looked more alert than the drugged-out person he had been carrying. "Are you-"

"Wh-Who are you?" she asked. She looked up at his face with a terrified expression. His short green hair was messy, he had three earrings on his left ear, and three claw marks down the right side of his face. They looked fresh too. His expression blanked at the question and he blinked a few times at her. Her eyes dropped down to the sword and two pieces of bamboo at his side and she scooted back farther into the tree. Her eyes darted all around to the tropical rainforest around her and she shouted, "Where am I? Who are you?!"

First all she wants to do is get back to Ethan, now she's lost her mind. He lifted up his left hand and rubbed his temple, feeling a migraine coming on. "Can you walk?" he asked. He looked at her pregnant form and thought he might have to keep carrying her, but walking on a leg with a bullet wound while carrying an extra hundred-plus pounds was difficult, even for him.

Claire was shaking. She had no idea where she was, or who this terrifying man was, but he did not even try to explain it to her. Zoro pointed ahead of him and stated, "I'll get you back to the doctor, but we have to keep moving." He heard a clicking sound coming a hundred meters from his left and he leaned back hard. BANG. A bullet crashed into the tree above Claire's head and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Zoro was already running. He heard rustling in the bushes close to where the clicking came from and a crazed smirk came to his face. His hair shadowed over the top half of his face and he slid his Wado Ichimonji out of the sheath just a little, allowing the sunlight breaking through the canopy to glint off the little bit of exposed steel.

I'm gonna get cut! The figure stumbling backwards while trying to re-aim his rifle thought in panic. A second later, he was cut. The man lifted off the ground, his rifle coming out of his hands, blood splattering out of the gash running up his entire torso. His rifle fired as it came out of his hand, but the bullet flew out into the woods and crashed into another tree.

The swordsman slashed his sword out to the side, getting some of the blood off of it. He started putting it away, but he heard a scream behind him and spun back around. "Crap," he exclaimed, and sprinted back the way he came, only to see Claire way back behind him, against the tree he put her against. He thought he was running back towards it, but now he actually turned and ran that way. There were two men in front of her, grabbing her by the arms and trying to put a bag over her head while injecting her with something.

Bang Bang. Bang. The two men looked behind them to see Zoro charging. They had comrades firing at him, but Zoro was too fast. The swordsman had a sword in his mouth, and his two bamboo sticks drawn as well in either hand. He crossed his sticks in front of him and growled out through the hilt in between his teeth. "Oni-Giri!" He flew past them and to the side of the tree. Claire stopped screaming as the green haired man vanished, and then to her astonishment, the two men about to stick her with a needle were lifted off the ground with blood splattering from them.

Zoro was panting heavily and he started to turn back to Claire, when he heard another click much closer to him. BANG! He tried moving, but his right hand screamed out in pain. A bullet flew into the back of his hand and right out the other side, knocking away one of his bamboo sticks, while making him clench so hard down on his Wado's hilt that he thought his teeth might crack. "RRRR," he growled loudly though the pain. There's no time, he looked around and could not see any of the figures firing at him. They surrounded me, as soon as I run one way, others will come and grab Claire, and if they vanish into the woods with her, I won't find her again.

He sprinted at Claire, keeping his bloody sword in his mouth the whole time. He reached down with his right hand and grabbed Claire by the shirt. The pain was excruciating as he lifted her and put his other stick at his side so he could carry with both arms. He could not focus too much on being careful with her in the moment, but he just started running away as fast as he could while holding her up bridal style. Why am I doing this? He slashed his head to the side and marked a tree he was running past. Why am I risking my life for this woman? He cut another tree, sprinting faster than normal people would be able to follow.

Claire was terrified. The man grabbed her with a hand that had a hole in it pouring out blood, and he had the look of a demon on his face, but she was not struggling to get away from him. Those other people who attacked her were a lot scarier than this man who was carefully holding her up, saving her from those creeps with needles. This is all too crazy. What is going on?! She screamed, but Zoro snapped his head down and glared at her, making her shut up.

He growled through the hilt clenched in his teeth, "You'll lead them right to us." She quieted down, he kept running, but he thought, Not that they won't find us anyway. These people have been tracking me for days. Damn it! He reached another tree he was going to slash with his sword, then skid to a complete stop.

He stared ahead at the tree trunk with a blank expression that was slowly twisting into one of anger. Claire noticed his frustrated appearance and whispered as quietly as she could as to not annoy him. "Wh-What is it?" She turned her head a little and saw a tree in front of her with eight slash marks on it. No, he, this means, Claire looked back up at the man in shock. Zoro growled in a deep, guttural tone, then cut across the tree again, right above the last slash he made.

It's the same tree. The same fucking tree. His heart was beating faster and faster, his legs ached from the nonstop running, and his mind wanted to shut down as he had gotten zero sleep for three days now. THE SAME, FUCKING, TREE! He slashed again where he just made a cut, and again, and then cut through the tree completely with the next one. While Claire screamed again, he cursed under his breath for making the mistake of leading them right towards him. The tree will make a loud noise, so… He watched as the tree started tilting, and a large grin came to his face coked with blood, with dark bags under his eyes. He hopped up as the tree turned a little diagonal, then ran up almost a straight slope as it became a little gentler, before leaping off the top of the trunk completely and soaring over the trees.

"Hey, shut up," Zoro snapped at the woman screaming in his arms. He was still rising in his arc and he looked out far to his right. "See those plumes of smoke?" he asked, shaking Claire around so she would look too. The blond woman opened her eyes. She thought they were going to die now that they were dropping from this high up, but still, the man holding her scared her enough for her to focus on what he was saying and follow his gaze. The terrified woman saw some smoke plumes and nodded her head a little. Zoro saw the motion while they started their downwards arc, and he continued, "You're going to have to lead us there. I," he paused as the canopy was coming closer, then finished in a serious, badass tone, "Can't find my way back."

Three Nights Earlier.

"Give. Claire. Back."

The two men standing in front of Zoro stared at the pirate in horror. They were at the dark entrance of the Staff with torches in their hands, preparing to head out into the forest. The nineteen year old had a single katana drawn, and stepped forward into the open doorway where he had just ripped both giant steel doors off the hinges. They were stumbling backwards, and one of them tripped, falling down the stairs as Zoro stepped down a step.

The other man who was on the staircase had a weapon with him. He dropped his torch and reached for the holster at his side, but he was too slow. While he was reaching down, he noticed the figure was now on the step below him, still walking down casually like he did not just appear there. Then, the cut on his chest opened up and he slumped down on the stairs, gasping in pain while his pistol fell out of his holster.

The groaning Other at the bottom of the stairs looked up to see the green haired man walking down the stairs towards him. There was some blood splatter on Zoro's face, and his sword was dripping with the red liquid. The Other was horrified, scared out of his wits, but he managed to hold on to one small shred of sense. That little bit of sanity made him scream, "INTRUDER!"

Zoro reached the bottom of the stairs and looked down at the man. The chubby figure was wearing clean clothes that looked like they were recently washed. His face was cleanly shaven. Unlike most of the people at the beach who looked rugged after a few weeks on the island, he looked like he was at home. Which he might be, Zoro admitted as he stared at the guy below him. They live here, they have secret hideouts, or maybe this is their only one. Who are these people? Zoro heard voices to his left and he looked over to see a brighter light coming from that direction.

"What's going on?" a gruff voice called out and more footsteps sounded closer to Zoro. Zoro glanced down at the chubby man at his feet, then kicked him in the side of the head. He walked forward towards the turn in the hallway and reached it right as two others did. The Others turned and came face to face with a seriously pissed off figure. There was a heavyset figure behind the two who looked at Zoro in shock. "Who are-"

Zoro slashed in front of him and the two figures between him and the guy talking dropped to the ground. His Wado Ichimonji glistened with blood. The third man froze and his body covered in sweat. "Everyone stand down," he shouted as Zoro took one more step forward. Zoro walked into a long hallway where five people had run up behind the heavyset man. Farther back behind them all he saw a white room with an open cabinet inside stocked full of medicine bottles. There was an operating table next to the cabinet, with a smaller tool tray next to it covered in needles and surgical tools.

The swordsman with a sword dripping blood looked back at the leader straight in his eyes. "Where is Claire?" Zoro demanded to know.

"You don't understand friend," Tom Friendly said. The large man was clean-shaven with a head covered in long gray hair. He was wearing a blue jacket over a white undershirt, and a pair of jeans with a belt holding them up. "We're helping Claire. This is a medical station. Claire needs help with her baby." Tom was trying to stay calm while he spoke, and his right hand at his side was slowly moving to behind his back. The Others behind Tom could see him reaching for his gun, and their hands tightened around the weapons they grabbed.

Zoro's eyes darted around the figures before him. He could tell Tom was reaching for a gun, three others had firearms, though the other two still had knives that they must have picked up when they heard someone was here. He smirked, sensing this was about to turn into a fight.

"Hey, what's going on?" a dozy, confused woman's voice sounded from the left side of the hall. Everyone looked over to see a door that had been closed when Zoro walked in was now open a crack and a very pregnant woman was leaning her head out the doorway. She did not seem to be able to comprehend the mood at the moment and was partially smiling while looking around. She saw a scary man with a bloody sword and her smile faded, "Where's Ethan? Is Ethan alright?"

Zoro's expression turned to shock. What the Hell happened to her? His eyes darted back to the room in the back with all those medicine bottles. They must be drugging her. This is bad, I thought she would want to come. BANG Zoro stepped to the left and a loud clank sounded as the bullet Tom shot at him slammed into the wall behind him. Zoro looked back at the Others and things started moving fast.

"Get back in your room Claire."

"Open fire!"

"Claire, come with me!"

"Don't shoot! We need her alive!"

"Stop it! Ethan! Ethan where are you?! Ethan! Ahh!" Zoro lifted Claire up and started running. She pounded her hands on his back as he held her in a fireman carry, but he ignored her and just ran back the way he came.

Jack will know what to do, Zoro thought. He was aggravated that Claire was being so unresponsive, and if it wasn't so clear that she was drugged, he would just leave the woman shouting that she wanted to stay. He ran back up the stairs and heard the Others right behind him. He spun around and slashed with the sword he held in his left hand while his right arm was wrapped around Claire's lower body.

The two Others closest to him froze and fell backwards, knocking the others back down the stairs. Zoro ran to the top while they fell and he ran out into the jungle. He sprinted as fast as he could away and heard the Others voices getting farther and farther away from him. He stopped after a minute and put Claire down for a second. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Who are you?" she mumbled at him, somewhat afraid, mostly disoriented. She backed up a few steps, then lifted her head and cupped her mouth, "ETHAN! ETHAN I'M OVER HERE!"

Zoro's mouth dropped and he snarled, grinding his teeth together that Claire was making it so difficult to save her. His Captain was really broken up about letting Claire get taken, and he could tell Nami was sad her friend was abducted too. "Let's go," Zoro told her, stepping forward and reaching his arms towards her. She struggled out of his arms and kept yelling.

"We're over here!" a voice shouted back after Claire shouted again.

"Damn," Zoro muttered. He turned around, and when he looked back at Claire she was starting to run away. "Hey!" He ran after her and grabbed her by an arm.

"Ah!" She spun and scratched Zoro with her other hand, cutting deeply into his face with her nails.

She drew blood and Zoro frowned deeply. She was not going to give up and come quietly, so there was only one option. Zoro lifted up his sword and held it above Claire's head. She screamed, and then her voice was cut off as Zoro slammed the hilt down on top of her head. The pregnant woman's eyes rolled back as she fell unconscious. Zoro caught her before she hit the ground and he carefully put her back over his shoulder.

"Alright," he said calmly. "Let's go." He put his sword away and wiped the blood out of his right eye with his free hand. He started running again and thinking about how he was going to explain why he knocked out Claire. As he was thinking about it, he ran out into a clearing where ten people were gathered talking to each other and holding up torches.

Zoro froze. All ten of the people in front of him turned and stared at him. "He's back."

"Why are you back?"

"Are you giving us Claire?"

"No," Zoro said seriously. The people before him all stepped back. He glared at them, and a bead of sweat rolled down the left side of his face. Uh-oh.

Three Days Later

"Why can't you find your way back?" Claire asked as the green haired man carrying her through the jungle. "Do you have bad eyesight?"

"No," Zoro responded, somewhat annoyed at her questions at this point.

"And you're sure there's a doctor where you're taking me?" She asked, sounding nervous.

"Yes," he answered. "He was on your plane."

"'Your plane?' So, you weren't on it?" Claire asked.

"No, I'm-"

"Hey," she interrupted him. Zoro stopped and looked up at the woman whose head was leaning over his left shoulder. She stared at him closely to see if he was serious, then spoke in a slow voice, "You just, turned around. Are, are you messing with me?"

"What are you talking about?" He asked her in annoyance.

His scary face did not match what she just saw him do. She pointed behind them, "We were heading that way, but, you turned around out of nowhere and started walking back the way we came." Zoro's bottom lip dropped and Claire dropped hers even farther. "You seriously didn't notice?"

Zoro turned around and continued the way he was supposed to be going. "I just got turned around that's all," he said, trying not to sound as embarrassed as he felt.

Claire was terrified of this man, but the fact that he could get lost made him seem just a little more human. She glanced back over her shoulder as he continued carrying her. He's moving slower now, but I haven't seen any of Them for a while. She looked back down at the bloody man with gunshot wounds in his left leg, right side, and right hand. He might be scary, but he is trying to save me right now, I think. "Thank you," she whispered.


Usopp walked out of the jungle in the early morning, covered in dirt. Most people were still asleep as the sun had just lifted over the horizon. He stood on the edge of the treeline for a few minutes just staring at the sun as it rose. The water looked orange and yellow and he watched the waves crash on shore with bags under his eyes.

"Hey!" a voice shouted from right next to him. He spun fast, not noticing that anyone was there. Nami stood next to him with a furious expression and her hands against her hips. "Where were you all night? And what about yesterday? Weren't you going to bring back food this time? I'm getting tired of fish!" She leaned in closer to him and waited for an answer.

Usopp stared at Nami and his body covered in sweat. He thought back on the dream he had the night before where once again Ethan stood over Claire and Kate's dead bodies, holding a baby in his hands. The difference this time though, was that Nami's body was mixed in with the others. His dreams kept getting creepier and creepier, and it didn't help that he, Locke, and Boone wound up spending the night at the hatch. They still had not been able to get it open, and all of Usopp's cryptic dreams had not helped getting the hatch door open.

Nami's angry expression faltered as Usopp failed to answer her. She spoke in a quieter voice, "Have you seen Luffy or Zoro?" Her question went unanswered, but Usopp shook his head 'no' after a few seconds. They're gone, Nami thought in a sudden panic. How am I going to get off this island? It's been too long. Arlong will be expecting me back soon. If I don't, he'll kill everyone!

"Usopp," she growled, confusing the sharpshooter enough to make him focus on the woman in front of him. Nami reached out and grabbed him by the collar of the dirty black t-shirt he was wearing. "You haven't brought back any boar in over a week. Get back to your original plan already."

"Wh-What?" he asked, tilting his head in confusion. "I don't know what you're talking about-"

"The boat!" Nami exclaimed at him. "You said you were going to build one. Don't you remember?"

Oh yeah, Usopp thought. He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "But," he began, "Luffy and Zoro aren't back yet, so we can't leave-"

"We'll wait for them then," Nami said quickly. "But we should have the boat ready."

"I don't know Nami," Usopp muttered. "With Zoro and Luffy's help, we could do so much more in such a short time. They could carry the wreckage we need from the plane, and Zoro's sword could-"

"Usopp," Nami growled at the other teenager. She shook him around by the front of his shirt. The younger man looked scared as Nami towered over him and her teeth looked sharper than ever in the moment. "Start building a boat," she growled with eyes that tinted red. She held up a fist while shaking him with her other hand.

Usopp's face covered in sweat. "Y-Yeah sure… Alright! Alright!" he exclaimed as she lifted her fist higher after his initial hesitant response.

She let go of him and humphed. "Get to it," she said while walking away. Her head turned a little towards the forest next to her. Luffy, Zoro, where are you guys? You said you were searching that smaller island Luffy, but, I thought you would come back after checking it. It seemed like you were really going to go look for Claire, and come back if you couldn't find her, or bring her back if you could. What could have made you stay?

Nami's hands curled into fists and she kept walking along the beach angrily. She stopped when she spotted her friend Sun standing down in the shallow water. The woman had a bikini on though she had a wool jacket she let flap in the wind behind her. Her fingers unclenched around the fabric and the coat flew off in the wind. Nami looked up the beach to the tree line and saw Jin cutting up a fish, but when the man looked down towards the water…

"Sun," Nami called out. She started running towards the woman, "Sun," she shouted again.

The Korean woman turned around looking for Nami, but she came face to face with someone much closer. Jin had charged her and picked up her jacket while he did. He grabbed her by the arms and tugged her backwards while trying to get her to cover herself up at the same time. Nami slowed down as Jin did not seem to be hurting her, just making her cover herself up to preserve her decency. Still, she didn't like it. Her hands clenched harder into fists, "Who does this guy think he is?"

Someone suddenly ran right past Nami and she spun in surprise. It was the black man Michael, who ran right up to Sun and Jin and pulled them apart. He turned to Jin and pointed a finger in his face, "Don't touch her man!"

Nami smiled a little, seeing at least someone was kind-hearted enough to step in there. Mike turned to Sun, "Are you okay?"


Nami gawked as Sun slapped Michael across so hard she could see the handprint on his cheek. Mike looked just as shocked, standing there with a blank, confused expression on his face. Sun stared into Michael's eyes angrily for a few seconds, then she turned to her husband who was standing behind the black man with balled fists. Sun marched past Michael and up to Jin who put an arm around her and started walking them back up towards their tent. Jin glared back at Mike who watched them leave in disbelief.

The pirate woman who watched all this stared confusedly over at Sun who cast a quick glance in her direction as well. She said Michael is the only other person who knows she speaks English, so why? Nami shook her head, avoiding the thought for now. I need to get off this island. Now!

"Hey Nami," a voice called out behind her. She spun fast and saw Kate jogging down the beach towards her. The younger woman flashed a smile, but Kate was not buying it as she approached. Kate started walking slower and she spoke up, "Haven't seen Luffy or Zoro around recently." She said it as if she was asking a question but Nami just nodded her head acknowledging the statement. "Well," Kate continued, "Jack wanted to move some of the plane wreckage up to the tree line, he figured if they helped out we could-"

"Kate," Nami started, looking into the other woman's eyes. "Where are you from?"

The question was so out of nowhere that Kate was not expecting it and thus did not have a lie off the top of her head. Instead, she replied with the truth, "I'm from Iowa, why?"

"Iowa huh?" Nami mumbled. "And what Sea is that in?"

Kate felt a bead of sweat form on the side of her head and she asked in a confused voice, "What are you talking about?"

"Didn't think so," Nami mumbled even quieter than before. She started breathing harder and harder while Kate took another step towards her and extended an arm.

"Hey, are you alright?" Kate asked. She put a hand on Nami's shoulder and the teenage girl snapped her head up with a terrified look on it.

Devil Fruits, sure. Flying ships, why not? But- but I can't handle this! It's like, we're not even in East Blue anymore. If we leave the island, she turned and looked out over the ocean. Will we even be, on the same world anymore? It feels like everything is so different. "No, I'm not alright," Nami replied in a hoarse voice. "Everything is wrong, so very wrong."

"Help me understand Nami," Kate urged. "What are you talking about?"

Nami gulped and she forced a smile on her face. "It's, it's nothing. I'm just worried about Luffy and Zoro is all." After she said it she gained a look of shock on her own face. She said that to avoid telling Kate the truth of what she was thinking about, thinking it was just a lie she could use to get away with it. Once the words came out of her mouth though, she realized they were way too easy to arrive there. It was like she was already thinking about it, and a part of her knew that in the back of her mind it was all she was thinking about.

"I'm, worried about them," Nami whispered again. She spun her head and looked towards the forest, thinking on what Luffy told her before he disappeared. "But, I know where they went. If Zoro went with Luffy that is," she added. Nami's shaking hands clenched at her sides while Kate stared at the girl in utter confusion. "Luffy should have been back by now," Nami said, turning to look Kate in the eyes. "I didn't want to think it, because he's so strong, but what if something happened to him?"

"Nami, I'm sure," Kate began.

"Something's wrong," Nami cut her off. "I know it. I can feel, it," she added in a quiet whisper. "I don't know how, but I just know that they're in trouble. I'm, I'm going," Nami bit down hard and she took a step towards the jungle of mystery. "I'm going after them."

"Hold on," Kate walked around in front of Nami and put her arms up to make sure Nami did not do something stupid. "I've seen how strong Luffy is, so if you really think something's happened to him, you can't go out there alone." Nami's look of determination faltered a little and she nodded at Kate. A more desperate look formed on the younger girl's face though, as she did not think that getting a few people to help her would really even out her odds any. Kate saw this look on Nami's face and bit her lip, then said, "So you know how you said Jack and I were hiding something?"

Nami nodded her head at the older woman in front of her, wondering how that was important at the moment. "We found more guns," Kate said, and Nami's eyes opened wide. "Four of them in the marshall's case we opened, and more ammo for the one that the marshall had on him."

"Five guns," Nami whispered. "Who else knows about this?"

"Jack, Seth, Ana Lucia, and Sayid. We're trying not to tell everyone yet," Kate added.

"But you told me?" Nami asked confusedly.

Kate chuckled and replied, "If it could keep you from charging out into the jungle unarmed and on your own, I figured I had to." Nami smiled back at the woman in front of her, and she nodded her head to show she was appreciative of what Kate was doing. "Now," Kate said, and she turned her head to look down the beach towards their main group. "Let's go see who else wants to come with us."

"'Us?'" Nami asked in surprise. She started walking as Kate began heading in the direction of their camp.

Kate smiled as she walked and said, "You can count me in."

Seems like every time there's a journey into the jungle, you join in. Kate, you don't like staying in one place too long either, do you? Nami just smiled outwardly while she thought this, then she looked towards the camp they were approaching. There were a lot of people gathered around Michael who was calling out directions about gathering up supplies. The two woman heading towards Jack on the other side of the group stopped and listened as Michael started shouting about cloth they could use for a sail.

"A raft?" Kate asked in surprise, wondering what suddenly brought this idea on.

Nami frowned as she saw Michael shouting about building a raft to get off the island. Did Usopp ask for his help? I told him to make a boat, but, where is he? He's gotta be around here somewhere. Nami looked all around but did not see the sharpshooter anywhere. "Usopp," she whispered, and Kate turned to see the teenage girl looking angrily towards the forest. It only took a few seconds for Nami to realize where the long-nosed man most likely ran off to. You're not hunting out there. You're not as good a liar as you think you are. Nami's fists clenched tightly again, an angry look on her face full of frustration, as Usopp was the first person she wanted to ask to help her with this. "Where did you go?"

A/N Hey guys. I know it's been more than a year and a half, but I reread this story and found that I had another chapter almost finished, so I finished it up this afternoon! Going to keep writing it right now, so hopefully I'll have another chapter out soon. Anyway, Zoro finds Claire and gets her out of the Tempest, but his lack of any sense of direction might finally get him killed out in the forest where he's surrounded by others. Nami decides she needs to go look for Luffy who last told her he was going to search the smaller island for Claire, and Kate lets her know that they found a bunch of guns, and offers to come along. Usopp continues to have strange visions and work on opening the hatch, Michael starts up work on a raft, and Luffy... well we haven't seen him since the Others captured him. What could happen next?! Find out next time!