I was always pretty much married to my father's company. That was what, Rosalie, my best friend always told me anyway. I had grow up being my father's only heir. So I was trained since I was in diapers to take over the company, I never really had the option to do anything else. I was okay with that though, I was proud of what I had accomplished, I had worked hard to get where I was. Maybe that was where I went wrong. I was so involved in taking care of the company, I forgot to take care of my own marriage.

I was fourteen when I met Edward Mansen. He and his family had just moved to Seattle from Chicago. He was all Bronze hair and bright green eyes. I was hooked from the minute he sat down next to me in biology and I accidentally stabbed him with a pencil. Thankfully he felt the same way. It was a fairy tale romance. Not to say we didn't argue, but we were always it for each other.

We got married at 18 straight out of high school, though my father wasn't too impressed with that. We left for collage together shortly after and moved in together. There were a lot more arguments, of course and we now had to deal with all the grown up responsibilities and frustrations that came with college. But we made it through.

At 22 we moved back to Seattle. I was fresh out of college and was just starting the very long and hard company take over that I had been training for my entire life and Edward had already finished law school a year earlier and was well on his way to becoming one of the best lawyers in Seattle. I thought our marriage was perfect. But it wasn't.

It was late nights at the office for me, missed dates and coming home late at night. Forgetting to call, or missing an anniversary. For Edward, it was eating dinner alone and celebrating winning a court case by his self. But no, maybe I pushed him into to doing what he did, but I wasn't the one to ruin our marriage. He was.