A/N: The final chapter of this fic guys! Woo! Hope you like - lil bit of angst, but fluff by the end. Hope you've enjoyed and big, massive, huge love to all followers, favouriters, reviewers, and just plain readers. You guys are awesome.

"...Loki? You want to wait for Tony here buddy?"

Loki looked over at Steve, confused.

"Loki...? You can wait here – for Tony – if you want to."

Loki nodded, "How did I...?" he looked around; he was in the bar, "How did I get down here?"

"You walked, Loki. Sleepwalking, maybe."

Loki nodded, "I guess I was... My apologies for disturbing you Captain Rogers."

"No problem pal. And please, call me Steve – I think we've got passed the 'Captain Rogers' stuff."

Loki gave a small smile, "Alright," he said, "Steve."

"So, you want to wait here for Tony...?"

Loki frowned, "We... I guess we had an argument – just a small one – before he went on patrol," he sighed, "and then I dreamt... I dreamt he was hurt and..." Loki trailed off into a humourless chuckle, "It's stupid, when you think of it. Pathetic of me."

"Hey, you're doing that being-unduly-hard-on-yourself thing again. Tony's told us not to let you do that," Steve gave him a half-smile and thumped the sofa next to him, "come and tell me about it, I'm all ears."

Tony was in a bad mood. He'd acted like a jerk, and over something that Loki had every right to ask. It was true, wasn't it? If he wanted Loki to be anything other than his property, he had to accept that Loki would want his own life – his own job. Loki'd told him back when they first got together – not that long ago really – that he'd never be a perfect little 'wifey.' And Tony had meant what he had told him then: he had no interest in someone who would pander to his every whim, who would do nothing but keep house, and plop out babies, and never have an original thought of their own.

But... ok, he was afraid. There was a lot of shit out there and he wanted to be able to protect Loki from all of it. He also wanted Loki to want to be protected. Stupid Alpha pride.

"...Tony, don't be like that - I have to do something with my time," Loki had told him, "I can't stay cooped up in the tower all day."

"Isn't the tower – my tower – good enough for you?"

"You know that's not what I meant. I... I need some purpose in my life. I can't just sit here and wait for you to come home every day..."

"Well, if you hate waiting so much then maybe I should stop coming home? Maybe stop off at an Omega brothel and spend the night there instead – somewhere I'll be appreciated. You'll be free to do whatever you fucking want with your time if you're not stuck here waiting for me."

The words were out before he'd thought them through, too caught up in the little argument that had somehow become a bigger argument. It was a stupid jerk-ass thing to say. Really, really, fucking stupid. And so like the old Tony – the guy who made weapons and laughed about it – that it made him feel fucking sick.

Loki had just... sat there, on the bed, eyes on the hands folded in his lap... as if he'd deserved the sharp tone, the sharp words, the pissy attitude that Tony had thrown at him. He was sitting with his shoulders tense, his face blank except for that hurt look in his eyes. Loki didn't say another word; just kept right on sitting there, and waiting for what Tony would say or do next.

And Tony? Tony had got the fuck out of there. Like a coward. Left Loki sitting on the bed. If Loki had cried, he would have apologised. If Loki had shouted at him, he would have laughed and made it up. But this? This complete lack of reaction, this submission? It spoke too much of heartache and biology, and Tony didn't know what to do.

Tony looked down at the city lights beneath him as he headed back to the tower. This was the kind of shit that Coulson had warned him against – that he had warned himself against. Sure, he'd overreacted – stupidly – but everyone says something fucking stupid sometimes. But Loki hadn't realised that it was an overreaction.

"No, you don't understand Captai- Steve. He was angry."

"Yeh, so? He was acting like a spoilt jerk," Steve looked at him carefully as Loki struggled to find the words; there was something the super-soldier was missing here, and he just couldn't get his head around it.

Loki sighed sadly, "Maybe he was," he whispered, "but I was wrong. If my Alpha doesn't want me to work, then I shouldn't work. The Alpha was angry."

"Ah..." something fell into place in Steve's head, "...how close were you to Tony when he was angry? Were you sitting next to him?"

Loki nodded, "I was on the bed, and the Alpha was standing next to me," he said wearily.

The Alpha. Even Betas responded to Alpha Anger. An unstable Omega sitting right next to the source? No wonder Loki was acting a bit... strange.

"I sort of... yeah, ok, I was angry," Tony sighed, his face visible now that he'd drawn back the mask of his armour. Steve had been waiting for him – on the roof – when he got back to the tower, "I didn't mean to be angry."

"I know... but you fucked with his head. I'm new to all of the Alpha/Omega relationship details," Steve said, "but I'm pretty sure that you affected him. He hasn't used your name all night – only 'my Alpha,' or 'the Alpha.'"

Tony winced, "Ok, I was definitely letting out Alpha Anger," he groaned, "Shit! I didn't even realise I was that upset! I certainly wasn't that upset with him – I'd been pissy all day. My stupid astro-engineer fucked up one of my designs in the most horrible way. And then Loki started that conversation about getting a job... and I guess I freaked. It scares me to think he'd be out working where any asshole Alpha could find him and..." he trailed off.

"And you turned fear to anger," Cap finished. "Just, be more careful, Tony. He needs you to be in control – of yourself more than of him."

Tony nodded, guilt written in his eyes.

"Now," Cap told him, "go make up with Loki before Nat and Thor find out about this. I don't wanna be the one to identify your body."


"Alpha?" wide eyes in the dark of their suite, green jewels looking up at him.

"Tony, babe. It's Tony. Baby, I'm soooo sorry. I acted like a douche, and I hurt you. And that's the very last thing I ever wanted... man, I suck at apologies."

Warm lips met his, tasting him in the dark.

"I forgive you," Loki told him when he'd pulled away, "it was a little argument, that's all."

"An argument that shouldn't've happened."

"If we're together, we're going to disagree about things Tony."

"But I need to... I shouldn't... I was letting off Alpha Anger. And I shouldn't've let myself get so riled up. It's not fair to you."

"I know that's true but... something in me refuses to believe that anything's wrong with you using Alpha Anger to make me think... well, anything."

"And that is exactly why it's not fair to you," he leaned down to kiss Loki's forehead, "and I'll try to be better – to keep calm. I can't go getting angry and then affecting you like this – you're very susceptible to it, and I need to remember that."

Loki pulled him down for another kiss, soft and sweet. He climbed into bed, feeling the warmth of Loki's skin entwining with his as he reached down to stroke Loki's cock gently. They fell into a delicious mess of warm limbs and sweet pleasure.

"Do you think I could be a writer?"

"Sure Lokes, if you want to."

"It'll give me something to do... and it means that I can still spend most of my time here – getting better."

Tony looked at the ceiling, lying on his back in the bed, "Are you saying this just to make me happy?"

"No. I want to do something. But... I've got a long way to go Tony. Much as I hate to admit it."

"You've come so far already baby," Tony turned to face the beautiful man lying next to him, "you're doing great."

"Thanks to you."

"Maybe in part – but you... you're steel, baby, you really are."

Loki smiled gently, "Thanks," he leaned into a kiss, letting out a satisfied sigh. "I'm so glad you found me," he whispered.

"So am I baby, so am I."