There was a time when Shinobi were well known, they had hidden villages and anyone could come up to them asking for help. Sometimes that person would receive help sometimes they wouldn't but everyone knew who the ninja were, where the were and how to ask for help.

That time is long gone.

Time has passed, the world has changed, adapted and evolved.

Where once you had to pick a few locks to break into a building now you need to input a security code into a keypad, a retinal scanner might need to be hacked, camera's shut down and alarms deactivated.

Where once a crossbow was state of the art weaponry there are now guns, Rocket Propelled Grenades and Nukes.

Where once you had to walk across the country, or if you were lucky ride a horse, you can now ride along in a car, VTOL or a plane in a fraction of that time.

Where once there were lords, emperors and kings who ruled the land now there are corporations and conglomerations.

Where once people had honour, cared for their neighbour and tried to actually make the world a better place, if only a little bit and in a misguided way, there are now people who's only thoughts are about filling their wallets and satisfying their base desires.

Where once the seas were clean and the forests were bountiful there is now only death, decay and empty wastelands broken up only by large mega-cities that dotted the land, and sea, scape

Where once there was a village hidden amongst the leaves there is now Konoha, the shinobi of the concrete jungle.

So yeah i know i know another story! I'm horrible I know but I got this idea from someone's prompt. Can't remember who but it'll come to me later and i'll add it then. Anyway this is a futuristic, cyberpunk Naruto. there will be influences from Shadowrun and Interface Zero and whatever else I think of. And there will be differences with the world other than just the setting.

P.S. I find that if you read this story with a black page and white words it actually seems more interesting. Give it a try :)